Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tweet tweet... Its the lockdown... 21st Oct

 We hit the numbers and now given the lockdown order for one week. Its' strictly no-no to travel and most operations are closed or humming like the water trickling on the tap. And I will be homebound or rather deskbound for one week at home. The consolation is I have my armchair and TV box to watch movies and series.

And I will be writing too.

I had been doing that (keeping sane) and my current work on the Trojan War is at 59,874 words... and raining more on the tale. When I started, I was expecting like 30K words written with tons of reading and compiling the who's who in the war. I would have read Illiad but I can't read Latin. The translated excerpts were, well. too hard to decipher. I went for easier 'this was it meant' passages. 

And then I fumbled at 40k words with 'what the f...' memory blank of ideas... you could say I was caught in between the sheets and was alone dressed in the knight's armor and no screwdriver to turn the screws. So, I sat down to watch Star Trek Discovery (re-run from Season 1 < did not complete the last round from distorted screens and bad sounds re-productions; it was downloaded by Torrent sites ... zapped in between Hemlock Grove < read the review and gave it a go.... ala second rerun like the above, I stopped midway >,......and others <psst.... these are the confidential stuff. Its classified XXX>>>) and here I am at the 60K words marker after a series of bursts of ideas. 

I may end at 80K words but the best part of it was my mind was bursting with the sequel to Trojan War. Yes, there was no Trojan War II but other scenes flashed across my mind. And it will be ala my own research style and it will be fun. 

Guess what. In the write of the Trojan War, I have not included in any 'sex' scenes.... darned. ( No, its got nothing to do with the XXX or YYY ) I did not sanitize it but the mood to hold it in there, did not get the needed hardness I guess. It was supposed to be the era of nudity and adultery ( I did preview the paintings of that era....and not a figment of my imaginations.. ) but I did not felt the need to delve ( pardon the pun here ) into a description of sex. 

Don;t hold me responsible for that omission. It may be the pandemic that is keeping me ...soft.

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