Saturday, October 31, 2020

Arthur Book II Chapter 9




Merlin was allowed to sit up after the spell of bindings was taken off by Vivianne. She looked at the older druid seated there like a kid caught stealing.

“I told you to let go of Excalibur.” Vivianne looked at Merlin. “The sword is meant for its purpose.”

“Your previous Lady handed over Arondight to King Bon, and then ….”

“King Bon was the deserving custodian then. He united his people under the kingdom. He had to fight off even demonic creatures. Arondight assisted him. Lady Madeline did well for that. And the sword was later handed to her son, Lancelot.” Vivianne justified the handling of the sword.

“Why pick Lancelot? Yet, you …”

“We took care of Lancelot soon after his guardian had told us. Lancelot was young and …. Virtuous. We brought him here to make him the better man than he was now. We protected him from his father’s enemies and trained him well. He was like …... a brother to us.”

“Why did you continue to give him the sword?” Merlin asked.

“Lancelot has his enemies and more to it, he was destined to fight for the people. You saw it yourself. He is…”

“Little Bear. He is not the Big Bear that was foretold in the volume. There were two of the Bears. That was why I read the volume many times. I finally understood the riddle.” Merlin reminded Vivianne of the volume that baffled him then at the sanctuary.

“No, it … Its lies that you spurn now as you did then.” Vivianne snapped back. “Merlin, you are …”

“Vivianne, I never lied that I liked you.” Merlin blurted out. It was an embarrassing moment for the lady as her four other sisters were there. Merlin turned to look at the other ladies.

“Yes, I did not like your sister. Morgause was a …. Tempting siren and I regretted it.” Merlin sighed. “If only you will ever forgive me.”

“Enough of your ramblings towards me, Merlin. I am telling you that Excalibur shall remain hidden. Since it’s discovered I will remove it elsewhere.” Vivianne glared at Merlin. “If I am to hand it over, it will never be to you.”

“Ladies, depart now.” Vivianne gave the order. The other ladies took to the stream and flowed with the current. Vivianne then faced the druid.

“You will not be welcomed in the forest or the lake anymore,” Vivianne told him.

“I begged your forgiveness, Vivianne. I never meant to …” Merlin looked at the lady. “When I said to me….”

“Words are nothing to me. My …. Feelings are void of you. It’s because of you; I had to banish Morgause …. And her other sister, Morgan Le Fay followed suit. They were close together. Closer than you and …”

“We could…. No, we may still be.” Merlin pleaded with her. “Since my return to his dimension, I have done nothing to betray you. I have spent my efforts to find the King. I had helped Lancelot but he is not the King. I have found the right King. Arthur is his name.”

“Enough of your prophecies of the future to come. I have heard enough of it. The King is not here yet. The sword will remain as it's. It will not …. Pierced or rammed another heart …” Vivianne got stuck at her words. She then turned to look at Merlin.

“I was thinking of casting aside my vows for you. I was willing to sacrifice myself to you and yet you took it onto another when it was mine you should be taking.”

“I did not …. I was vexed by her. I will make amends for you. I …”

“You cannot make amends to the memories in my visions. You are a …. cheat, Merlin.”  A word that Vivianne found disgust to utter. “I must go now.”

“Vivianne …” The lady was gone and leaving Merlin alone in the forest. Merlin was giving up. He took to the stream and moved upstream ever looking for the sword.

It was the same for Artorius when he arrived at Camelot. The castle was almost done on the cliff, with its three towers overlooking the land and the lake below. The walls were up but it was only the bare works of it. The walls have to be reinforced with more stones and the palisades build for the archers and sentries. He looked to the outer area where the foundation of the second wall had been laid. It was still an open land and the masons have set their camps there. Other settlers have moved in at the forest edge to trade their wares and some had erected homes. The forest edge had been moved further with the falling of the trees for logs.

Artorius rode into his new home and saw the place was visited by another.

“Lord Pendragon, I am ever surprised to see you here. Did you wait long?” Artorius dismounted from his horse and then greeted the Lord.

“I only arrived this morning.” That was a lie for Lord Pendragon had camped several nights in the forest “I had come to hear of the new castle.”

“New? No, it’s not. It was the …”

“Lord Gorlois, I know. It was a great castle then.” Lord Pendragon smiled. “And it will be greater with you as its master. Camelot was it not the name given?”

“It’s and how fast words have traveled on this land.” Artorius laughed. Lord Pendragon smiled. He had known through his network of spies. He had heard the news of the return of his enemies and also of the issue of land grabbing. The successes of the Roman beyond the wall have prompted more land grabbing by the more powerful.

“I brought a gift. It’s a small to your coffers for bringing peace to the land.” Lord Pendragon signaled his aide to bring forth the case of coins for the Prime.

“I cannot accept such gifts, Lord Pendragon. It will unethical…”

“Not so if I will say it’s my contribution to your effort for the people.” Lord Pendragon had arranged an audience there with the settlers and peasants. “They have contributed too. It’s not a …. You can use it to build the castle and it will protect the people.”

“Camelot!” They gathered there called out the name of the place. It was received by the Prime and he invited the Lord to stay at the castle.

“It’s unkind of me not to offer you the comfort of …. Camelot. More to it when you held the company of the ladies in your entourage.” Artorius had seen the ladies at the group that was brought by the Lord. They stood apart from the settlers and peasants as they would with their finer dressing.

“I had forgotten my manners. The ladies are my group. May I present them to you in the Hall?” It was that the Prime opened the doors of Camelot to its first guests. Soon, at the hastily prepared banquet at the Hall, the Prime raised a toast to the guests.

“I welcome all of you to Camelot.” The toast was cheered and then Lord Pendragon made the formal introductions.

“Lady Igraine, my Lady. Lord Pendragon led the lady to meet Prime. Lady Igraine did the curtsy bow to the Prime. She was dressed in the wonderful sequined green dress with the ruffles on the skirt. Her hair was covered by the bonnet with the same shade. She then led the younger lady who was the guest of Lord Pendragon.

“My lady in waiting, Lady Guinevere.” The younger lady did the same towards the Prime.  Guinevere was dressed in the pale shade of yellow gown with the huge floral designs on the skirt and her hair swept back was pinned with the matching holders.

“Lady …. Guinevere” Lord Pendragon tried to recall the name. Then he saw the pendant on the lady’s neck. It looked familiar to him then. He looked at Lord Bors and Ban but they remained expressionless. The evening went well with the drinks and food with the pleasantries exchanged. The Prime offered the ladies most of the chambers for the castle were still under construction.

“My chamber will be adequate for both of you. I will take the yard myself.”

“I am used to hardship, Prime. I was …” Lady Igraine bit her tongue and then said, “I had ridden with the men into battle.”

“Truly, a lady of substance. Perhaps your lady in wait may not be.” Artorius smiled. He found the other lady younger was an amusing guest and attractive. He had never got himself engaged to any lady since his lover at Rome had died of illness. He had not moaned on her passing for many years.

“I will be fine…” Guinevere spoke but Prime was insistent.

“We will probably talk till dawn. Me and the Lord. I have been away far too long.” Artorius cut in. “I promised to keep the tone low as not to disturb your rest.”

With that Artorius took his leave of the ladies. Lady Igraine looked at the bare furnishings at the chamber. It did have the high bedpost bedding and the washbasin.

“Truly the place needed a lady’s touch.” Lady Igraine turned to Guinevere.

“I can get used to the place,” Guinevere replied, and then she blushed.

“Don’t be, Guinevere. Prime will be a good host to you.”

“He is …”

“Older. So was Lord Gorlois and yet…. I loved him.”

“You …”

“I was impetuous then. I was young like you. You will not do that I did.” Lady Igraine reminded the other. “More, the union of you and the Prime will protect you and from there, Lord Pendragon will be saved from his past enemies. And …his new ones.”

It was the puzzling thought then at the mind of Lord Pendragon. He had heard the name Guinevere before. He was sure but could not recall where. He turned to Lord Bors.

“She holds the pendant of the pair of geese. It was my gift to my …. The lover then, Lady Penelope. She has been dead for many years.”

“I recalled my Lord. It was a hard birth but you were told the child was cursed and you …”

“Yes, I left the child with the parents at Moor. I know not of its existence since then. Ride back there. Find out more about the lady named Guinevere.” Lord Pendragon told Lord Bors. “She must be …. Or cannot be...”

“We ride home now at dawn.” Lord Pendragon sighed. “We leave the ladies here.”

“My Lord, I have reported on the sightings of Lord of Sir Bernlak of Haus.” Lord Ban told the other. Lord Pendragon held the reins on his horse.

“The Green Knight? What is doing so far from his forest?”



Friday, October 30, 2020

Apes Chapter 27



Anderson stepped away from the wall opening and removed the long coat he wore earlier. He had walked the perimeters and aw the carnage outside the Fortress. He wore on his chest the shoulder holster that held his sidearm. He looked to the line-up of his guards. His version of the city was also in similar turmoil as that of the main City.  

Unlike the City, they were containing the issue but there were pockets of resistance.

“Commander, we are sweeping the Eastern side now. We have terminated some servants there and they are not organized.”

Anderson looked at the officer who was to assist him.

“Thank you, Lieutenant Leary. When this is over, you will move to Aide of mine. Do me proud.” The Lieutenant saluted the Commander. He was a tall and stout frame dressed in the red jacket and dark pants tucked into the tall boots, but he wore his sidearm on the waist belt, and the dagger tucked into the right boot while the right boot held the baton. On his head, he wore the iron helmet that resembled a round pan with a cap.

“Commander, I am joining the clean-up on the Eastern side. We will take the perimeter and around it.” The Lieutenant saluted once more. He then left the Command Centre to re-join the four armored vehicles on the roads. The vehicle was the eight-wheeler unit with the seated capacity of twelve troopers and held a cache of weapons. It was damaged but still working. The vehicle was handled by a single driver and gunner with the vehicle commander. The vehicle was fortified with metal plates on the exposed areas, and the entry was moved to the rear entrance.

Each vehicle was originally armed with double cannons mounted on the vehicle top but it had then been damaged.  On that day, the vehicle held six passengers including the Lieutenant in the lead vehicle. They were all armed for the task; the heavy guns and energized batons. The mode of operations favored by the Lieutenant was direct contact. The vehicles drove past the perimeters and were then engaged by the servants. The servants were not organized and some of them were equipped with guns. They were winning at parts of the city then was due to their overwhelming numbers but the Enforcers were fighting back.

“Resistance…” The lead driver called out while he swerved the vehicle passed the debris placed there by the servants. The way to the Eastern side was through the dense part of the city which was then the battleground of the servants and the survivors. The survivors were there resisting the servants and looking to be rescued.

“Do we…” The driver called out.

“Drive ….” Anderson called out. “If you stopped, I will kill you.”

The vehicles slammed on and ignored the calls for assistance. Some of the servants were bold to jump in the vehicle path but they were discarded like thrown garbage.

“Shoot them,” Anderson called out. The gunners on the armored vehicles climbed to the vehicle's top and used their rifles.

“Commander, we have survivals out there.” The leader of the gunners replied. Anderson turned from his command seat and then withdrew his sidearm. He shot the officer who was in the same vehicle as himself.

“Shoot them!” That repeated command was not disputed. “Discard him.”

The previous drive was removed and tossed out from the vehicle.

The gunners opened up with the rifles and took down the targets. They moved on with the journey and then reached the Eastern side. The task given by Anderson was to secure the perimeter and did that. The section there was under the command of one Enforcer Sergei Udine who held the command of over ten guards.

“Lieutenant Anderson, I need to …” The Lieutenant stepped off the rear exit with his sidearm leveled at the Enforcer. He pulled the trigger but his aim was to the right of the Major.

“Lieutenant, I am at your …”

“Is the convoy ready?” Anderson asked. He looked behind the Major and saw the line-up of ten heavy storage vehicles. “Once we are on en-route, maintained your task to mine the walls. And the warehouse. There will be others to protect the inner perimeter.”

“Are we going to City soon?” The Enforcer asked.

“I don’t like to be questioned.” Anderson shot the Enforcer. “And I don’t normally miss. Do as I say or lose the Fortress sooner.”

“We are going to see the Senate.” Anderson gave the command.

So was Astrid. It had escaped two chimpanzees who had cornered it then. She ran and with the open plains, she was not given many options. She ran and jumped where there were obstacles but the chimpanzees were not like her. They just bull their way through and finally one of them caught Astrid by the lower left limb. Astrid was thrown aside like a discarded carcass. It went down hard and before it could get up, the ape was on it. Astrid struggled in panic It was waiting for the deadly punch.

The punch did not come then.

Instead, the ape howled in pain.

The wooden shaft protruded from the ape’s back below the neck.

Lances lowered the bow when he saw the ape fall. He was out with Leroy exploring. He saw the apes attacking the chimpanzee. It was the latter who has attracted him with its shrieks then. She saw the chase and intercepted it. He released the arrow and it was into close combat with the serrated spear.

“Die!” Lances screamed when he stabbed the spear at the ape’s limbs. It was one way to stop an ape from escaping. Leroy ran up when he saw the second ape. He saw the one that lagged was older and may be weak. It caught up with Lances and attacked from behind. The ape grabbed Lances by the right arm and threw him aside. Leroy strung up the arrow on the bow and shot it while on the run. It was a weak shot but it hit the ape that was attacking Lances in the left armpit. He rushed in and lashed out with the raised leg. Leroy did kick at the ape but it did not topple the later. Lances were on the ground then. The older ape staggered but Lances rushed at it. He had drawn his sidearm and shot the older ape in the nose. It ended the ape’s life.

“Lances! We agree not to use the sidearm.” Leroy called out. He then went for the wounded ape writhing on the ground. He had his machete out and did a few slashed on the ape’s face.

“That is how you do it. Not use the sidearm.” Leroy snapped out soon after he slashed the final cut on the bloodied face. “We need the …”

It was also then when Lances fell off his tough shell. He broke down and cried like a young kid. Leroy stepped forth to console the other.

“I will be fine. Just leave me …. alone.” Lances mumbled. He stood back and then looked at the dead servants. It was a good hunt. A pity they could not snare the chimp too. It was food.

Unlike Doctor Lanceston. The doctor loved them. H then saw the chimpanzee approaching him.

“Astrid?” Lances struggled with his memory.

So, was Doctor Lanceston who struggled with the goggles on his face. He got so irritated with his workings that he punched his right fist on the console. He could not find a solution to the servant’s behavior. He knew that the imbecile Doctor Julius had a hand in it but the routines planted in were not the real changes that affected the servants. Their mind had adapted to the routines and modified it from there. Doctor Lanceston sighed then. He should have seen it coming then.

“Evolution…” Doctor Lanceston sighed louder.


Apes Chapter 26


Episode 5


A week had passed since Lances had set up their base there, and the place was soon filled up with more survivors. Soon, Lances have his attention on the group there having a dispute on the allocation of shelter.

“We need that corner. It’s within our boundary.” The leader of the group which was named the City Boys which was a tough-looking guy although he lacked the height of the one that he was confronting.

“I am telling you to back off. That’s no man’s land and it shall remain as so.” The taller one confronting the City Boys’ leader replied. “Unless you want to fight us, the Survivals.”

The Survivals are less than twenty-five in their group but they are hardened fighters. They used to be from the section of the previous city which was considered the ghetto then. The City Boys were equally tough but they were from the skilled groups and among them was the muscled frame and they hold a bigger count at nearly fifty.

“Okay, all of you back off.” Lances stepped in with the fashioned metal rod of over two feet. “I will decide on the boundary here.”

“City Boys, back off to your turf. You can expand the east side.” Lances looked at the leader. “Be careful there, for the Latino are there.”

The leader looked at Lances and then backed off. His retreat drew some cheering from the other side which Lances have to suppress then.

“Survivals, you will move back one level to below. You can have the floor but no one gets here.” With that Lances strolled off to meet Leroy at the ground level of the unit block they had called home in Sanctuary. He saw Leroy seated there holding guard on the storage area. He was armed with the rifle watching then a group of hunters returning with the daily catch.

“We are low on food. I had to chase off some of the desperate ones.” Leroy told Lances. The storage area was a secured location with a strong room, and they found some quantities of salt to keep the meat palatable.

“How much did we get?” Lances were looking at the new hunt and the figure was meager in the kills. He knew that with the scarcity of the hunt, he had to get the hunters out more often and far. The hunts were not his main concern but hunters were holding casualties from the apes when snared or in the hunt. The hunters are not equipped to handle a raging ape although each pack of hunters was a minimum of three to five at most. Like the others, they were all armed with crude weapons.

“We need more food.” Lances muttered to himself.

It was the same for the Colonel who stood at the Control Section looking at the multi-screens that displayed the main sections of Alpha Base. He had no communication with the other cities. He assumed the worst then.

“Doctor Julius, we would appreciate it if you could speed up the testing requested.” The Colonel was looking at the screen in communication with the doctor.

“Colonel, we are working on it. As you probably know …”

“Doctor, do it.” The Colonel terminated the call. “I have to attend to other matters. The Colonel looked to the gathered Senate members of the defunct City.

“Prove to me your worth. We have a war on our hands.”

War was it then when the Section named as the Fortress at the City was taken back by the survivors there. John ‘McCabe’ Anderson kicked at the dead ape in his path. He swung the four feet halberd to remove the right upper limb of the ape.

“That’s mine for the night meal.” Officer Anderson told his men who had fought with him to retake the Fortress. They lost it three months ago and have fought hard for the last week to retake it. Soon, after the apes have withdrawn from the Fortress, it was the front line against the others. The Fortress had over five hundred attackers including members of the Dark Ones to strike and then formed defensive barricades to hold the wave of attacking chimps and gorillas. More survivors were also going there.

“We got the reinforced armory opened.” The armory was untouched by the apes for they were not able to get in. They had tried and later gave up. They left a small group to guard it but Anderson made short works of them. He had the codes to open the locks and soon armed his defenders.

“Take these weapons and fend yourself.” Officer Anderson told them.

“Commander, we have held them off at Gate.” Anderson taken off his inner thoughts looked to the officer reporting to him. With the Colonel disappearance and assumed dead, he had taken command and named himself Commander. He stepped off the wall where he was earlier and approached the main structure inside the Fortress. He went in through the front guarded gate and was soon passing the makeshift for the survivors who had reached the Fortress before it was sealed. He saw then the ones that had taken their rest thereafter their round of guarding or those were wounded.

He had a strict policy on the fatal ones; they are thrown over the wall. He ignored the glaring then and took to the inner chamber and then to the basement where the storage was maintained. It survived the last takeover by the servants when the servants could not break the sealed steel doors. He was one of the few with the codes. And with it, he has the armory at his disposal. And food which was kept there for such events.

“How much is our food level?” Anderson asked the officer in charge.

“We have enough to last us for another six months if we ration it.” The officer in charge replied. “We could supplement by consuming the servants.”

Anderson looked to the officer and nodded. It was a supplement guideline that the guards were advised on during the training. It was part of the survival course mandatory for all the guards.

“Serve it to the arrivals. Mixed it in their food.”

Astrid crouched low on the lower limbs with the eyes on the surroundings. It was being careful and then reached for the dead chimpanzee. It did not know how the other died but the scent was there. It followed it and then saw the dead one. It picked the left arm of the chimpanzee and saw the wound. The wooden stick was seen protruding from the armpit. The blood was there but it stopped flowing. It reached into the wound and then pulled aside the skin. It pushed the fingers in and reached the softer flesh. It pulled at it and dragged the untampered flesh. It placed the small piece of flesh into its mouth. The taste of the soft flesh was refreshing like the first drink after a long hike in the desert.

It is food.




Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 3



There was another quality to the life at Olympia which Zeus had decreed that the ruler of the realm shall interact with its world and hence the calling on the inhabitants to visit them not at their world but also Olympia. The mothership Olympia was designed to the city of for the Gods and yet it held not a foundation to any world but was to move in between worlds. A massive city was built on the structure of the huge mothership engines so that it could move between the twelve worlds. The interstellar travels were not its only main designated objective, but it was to invade the worlds. The Olympia on its one upright surface was the fourteenth towers alike to the landscape of any landed city, but beneath that side was the weaponized fortress with its hundred and forty launching bay to accommodate four times the number of fighter crafts. The Olympia was accompanied by six motherships, eight destroyers, and ten troops ships with a complement of a hundred thousand warriors.

The Olympia was an invasion fleet by itself.

It was considered as an emissary fleet by Zeus.

And emissaries do things with grandeur.

“I welcome the new guests of mine.” Zeus roared out above the noise that was then at the Hall named after him. It was a huge hall to accommodate a seating of five thousand coupled with the five hundred servants to ensure the feast was without any lack of refreshments. The feast was monitored by the presence of another five hundred sentries; all droids in design, programmed to be discreet and instead of the wrist cannons, they held the stunner to disable any unscrupulous guests.

“We are the Spartans. My name is …” The one who spoke for the Spartans held a physical frame with a huge chest.

“Tyndareus. King Tyndareus. Yes, I have heard of you and was looking to meet you for some time.” Zeus addressed the King of the Spartans. He had desired to meet the Spartans formally. The Spartans were of a smaller world compared to the other eleven worlds but its prowess in the art of war and bravery was well known. King Tyndareus was past his prime but he was still a formidable warrior. It was reputed that the Spartans were trained from birth to their adulthood in the skills of fighting. Due to their smaller numbers, and high casualties the Spartans have not held any difference to genders and all that was born to the world was given the same training. The training was tough and casualties may happen then.

“As a Spartan by birth, death does not matter as long as it was in the service of the world.” That was the wisdom of the Spartans.

“You did not wear your armor, Spartan.” Zeus looked at the King. Tyndareus had worn on the Chiton’ the simple tunic over his body and on his feet were the sandals but he had on over his shoulder was the red crimson cloak; the Chlamys with the inverted ‘V’ sign, the symbol of the Spartan warrior. That tunic was disputed on entry than for beneath it may conceal weapons but the Spartans were adamant for it was their choice of official wear.

“I am not at war and wore my people’s choice. We are of a smaller world, and with simpler needs except to offer our services in battles, for the return of wealth which we can carry back to our world. We used it to reinforce our world.”

“And a welcoming world to the realm and much appreciated in the aid of battles. I believe this is our first meeting since Sparta had been aligned to the realm.” Zeus held out his hand in friendship. It was gripped hard by the other at the wrist with a test of strength.

“I like a firm grip on my mine,” Zeus commented on the handshake.

“As you would have if you met our women.” Tyndareus then moved aside to introduce his Queen. “Leda of Sparta, the Queen of Sparta.”

A lady stepped forth wearing what was known as a Chiton’ a cloth wrap around the body with the double clasp on the shoulders to hold it up. The cloth wraps loosely on the lady’s figure to her feet and she was barefooted. There was not much to imagine what the eyes could feast on for the material of the chiton was not any thick materials but the silky one and thin revealing the inside and yet shroud it in mysterious glimpses.

“It’s my honor to meet you, Queen Leda.” Zeus does not bow to anyone but reached out his hand with the hand facing downward. It was customary for the women to bow and kiss the hand as a token of respect.

“It’s also mine.” Leda stepped forward and took Zeus’s hand. She then stepped back behind her King. It was then the Goddess of Olympia stepped forth.

“I am Hera, the Goddess of Olympia and keeper of the death.” Hera stepped forth in her version of the Chiton. Her’ was the length of fine fabric, secured with ornamental clasps or pins, and a huge girdle to be secured at her waistline. The fabric reached her ankles and on her feet were the delicate sandals. She wore a headpiece which was a turban wrap around her head with the flumes of feathers that sprayed above it and to the rear. The unique part of it was her choice of shade was dark with the crimson red on the sleeve of her arms.

“I am honored to meet you, Goddess Hera, and Queen of Olympia.” Tyndareus bowed to the lady while Hera did not offer her hand to be kissed, as it was unlike the right of a woman to make another man kissed her hand unless he is her lover.

“A Goddess, I am, but a Queen I am not. Olympia held no Queen. Here in Olympia, women are not the equal of Man.” Hera then smiled. “But we do have many goddesses keen to meet you, King Tyndareus.”

“Ha! I am honored but the purpose of knowing them is to bestow my respect to them as ….women.” King Tyndareus smiled.

“And I was told that in Sparta, men and women are equally ranked. Your women fight with the men in battles.” Hera looked at Zeus in turn. “We don’t have it here.”

“It’s as I have said. Sparta is a small world, and we do not have the numbers to substitute our losses in men unless we have the women to back us up.” King Tyndareus replied and it drew some giggles and murmurs from the non-Spartan’s group. The others in the Spartan’s group reacted in anger but their King halted them.

“It’s misunderstood by others as a sign of …. Lack of masculine but everyone in Sparta is trained from birth to defend the honor of Spartan. We do not dictate the gender of birth, but we give equal rights to them all.”

“I salute your act. It’s a noble move, King Tyndareus of Spartan.” Zeus stepped in before any parties to his feast chose to exercise their masculine nature to the subject. “Please do enjoy the feast.”

King Tyndareus bowed towards Zeus and then to Hera. He watched them move on to greet the other guests, while the King himself felt upset at the questioning by the Goddess. It was a known fact through the twelve worlds that the Spartans army consisted of women, and there were numerous tales of their heroic battles. They were non-equal in the realm except to the renegade Amazons; the women warriors of the Frontiers.

“Despair not, my King. The Goddess is taunting you.” King Tyndareus was consoled by the Queen. “She spites at us as if she was doing it to Zeus.”

“I hear you, Leda. The Olympians are indeed powerful but they do bitter like us the commoners in the facts of life.” King Tyndareus forced a smile on his face while in his mind he was stabbing the Goddess to remove her head. He saw Zeus had moved on to the enemy of his world for eons; the Archaeon.

“Archaeon…. I dislike them even from afar and yet we are sharing the same feast.” King Tyndareus cursed out.

“Halt your distaste, my King. We have another ten worlds to smile with, minus the Acheron. They may call on us to fight their battles.” Leda assured the King. It was known that the Archaeon was the long bitter enemy of the Spartan. “Or maybe even to fight the Archaeon once more. Nothing is firm in these worlds, except what we hold inside us.”

“Yes, I believe so.” King Tyndareus turned to his Queen before he pats her stomach. “This one is firm. Our children.”

It was true that before Zeus and his Olympian’s united the twelve worlds in a treaty of peace and unification, the twelve worlds have battled each other for eons, and with no true winners or losers but the loss of life and properties.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tweet...tweet... 27/10.... tweeeeet

 The only reason I am tweeting the tweet to tweet the celebration to tweet the end of the CMCO had to be re-tweet to another day for we were tweeted that we have to undergo another two 'tweet' of it with the climbing tweeting numbers in the infection., Nevertheless, I do tweet that I will be tweet to work harder both here and at my work to end 2020 with a tweeting tweet of tweets. 

I sure sounded like some President in town. 

Yup, we are now on the extended 14 days 'Controlled Movement 'Control' Order' or CMCO, and it sounded like the droid trying to operate with the last surge of the power left in its pack. 

Dinna worry, I ain't that droid. And I ain't no dork ( borrowing from Judge Dredd of 2001 Comics ).

I am still around and will be.... let me count my fingers, and is that months or years? 

How did you find my version of the Trojan War? Surreal.... I think so. I had given it thought of how you re-tell an epic and with the Latin verses that appeared foreign to me, I had to give it a new shift in the tale. And it had to be 'epic'.

And talking of epic, I have decided to open another tale. I had to or my hands will be occupied elsewhere and I was implying that I will be driving, cooking, doing the laundry etc < it's the aftermath of rasing emancipation to the women while at home quarantined within four walls.> And the bedsheets needed to be washed... not for more apparent stains but it's just there... and the BIG BOSS is watching < ala George Orwell 1984 vision > or was it ANIMAL FARM when the sows ruled the tribunal < oink...oink...>.

Whatever, I delved into another epic. It was not me. It was the busy fingers that needed to do the foreplay on the keyboard. 

It's to do with the heroes in green < and it ain't the GREEN LAMPS > but these lived in the woods. Need I say more? I will as I turned the epic on a different scenario... dark and gritty but I will be darn honest; I could not find the passages to slot < pardon the term > in on the sex scenes. I guessed every time I tried to think of those passages. my mind reverts to my memory when I used to read the book with Marcia; or was it Mary then, whatever, I do know she got married and had three or was it, four kids... God bless her, I meant in a nicer way. I had moved on but I was ... should I say,, it was more of I felt no loss of losing her. Sorry, girl. I had to admit I kissed your left cheek and your smack with the right hand still aches on my left cheek. 

Well, onto the new tale, it's only at 10K words and it may, no promises and don't cross the legs, just curled up the toes will do, it may come with some orgasm within its pages. Who else will write a female archer among Merry men except me? To pick another set of words of it, consider it as the doe among the ... deers or was it moose.. Geez, my animal kingdom knowledge is into the shreds of bacon strips. 

Cheers, readers. I am off to do my work now. Life awaits me. 

"Coming, my dear. I will finish up." I wished it was the other reason to come. I will sing "memories' at the shower.

Here's to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were

Dedicated to Marcia, or was it, Mary. Do you know when Man fantasies, they don't recall the face but the name only and other crucial parts that matter? Women tend to think of the person in total. Don't believe, "What they never teach you at Psychology Clinics?" by Jimmy. Its also called I got five minutes to do this, so can we hurry up. 

Tweet me if you don't agree. And I don't shake hands. It's the COVID syndrome. 

Apes Chapter 25



“Members of the new City here, I bid you welcome.” The Colonel stood on the podium to address the survivors that he led out of the City to the new place named the Dome. They numbered about four hundred sixty-three.

“This is our new home now but it comes with a price. That price is total loyalty to me.”

There were some murmurings and then disbelief glares at him among the count of six hundred and eighteen survivors which included a hundred fifty-five Enforcers.

“Accept my words, or be sent off immediately.”

The murmurings died immediately and everyone stared at the Colonel. The Colonel was flanked by four Enforcers but they were encased in some armor suit that covered them from neck below with the head portion covered by a dome-like transparent cover. With the suit on, the officers looked taller at over seven feet. They all held a square pack on their back with the cables to the vambrace on the lower arm where which may appear as projectile barrels.

There were another ten more of those suits behind the Colonel.

“The Enforcers that you see before you are of the Special Units that were sent here to guard this place. I do not call them Enforcers; I called them Terminators Please allow me to tell you why I name them that.” With that, the Colonel motioned to the officer on his rear left. The officer stepped up and leveled his right arm at the piece of scrap metal at the far end of about fifty feet in distance. The projectile barrel fired a beam of energy pulse that shattered the metal scrap into small pieces.

“That’s why they are called Terminators.” The Colonel addressed the assembled there. “As for all of you, you will be our guests here. Selected members of you will be allowed to join the Terminators but only after the selection criteria are fulfilled. Those who failed will be utilized as assistants or …. servant. No one is without a task.”

Not even Astrid then who was safe. The chimpanzees have chased her away, and it ran. It was roaming the City and trying to find some attachment to any clans but no others will receive the previous leader. Astrid had to shy away from the chimpanzees which had taken a hostile move toward its presence. When it thought all was over for the chimpanzee, Astrid found a companion willing to be with.

I am Jonah. You can join me.

Jonah? Were you with Jesty?

Ye, but Jesty dead. I am like you left out. Follow me. I know of a group that had formed to fight the new leader Napoleon.  

 I know Napoleon. It’s a bull with no leadership but bullying tactics. We have to be ready to fight back.

Astrid was ignored. It took to follow the other and was soon led to the City walls. They climbed the high walls and then stood on the top looking at the City from there.

Where are the others? The ones that wanted to fight Napoleon

There are none.

With that, Jonah knocked Astrid over the wall to the outside.

Stay out of the City!

That was on Bernice's mind than when she saw the convoy heading out. She decided to follow them in. With assorted vehicles, the cruiser blended in. The survivors came in all forms single and groups but they found the place was devoid of any supplies to ensure their survival. The numbers grew from a few dozens to a hundred.

“We were told that there will be food. We want food! We want …weapons!” The cries went out among them. Bernice could only sigh then for she has no answer to them. The only answer came from one of the survivors. He had captured a chimpanzee then and it was wounded.

“As we have no food, then we will make our own.” The survivor thrust the sharpened rod into the chimpanzee neck. “We will eat servants.”

Bernice for the sidearm but she was stopped by Juanico. Bernice hand hovered over her sidearm and saw the feeding had begun. It was revolting but the mode of survival overrode all emotions. She turned away and looked at Juanico who spoke. 

“We have to blend in. Discard the rifles but keep the sidearms.”  Juanico told Bernice. She ran to a secluded spot and hid the weapons. She had taken a change of clothing and then asked Bernice to change into it.

“We will blend in.”

 “The …. servants. We need to hunt them to feed these people.” Bernice swallowed her pride to speak out. “It’s the only food we can …. eat for now.”

“You are mad.” Juanico snapped back “We can’t…. We need to survive ourselves.”

So was Doctor Lanceston then seated in the new unit at the Dome with his sight on the other seated across. The unit was equipped with consoles and machines that could churn out the results they want.

“Tell me, Doctor Julius.” Doctor Lanceston voiced had the scant tone of distaste on addressing his peer “How long have you been involved here?”

Lanceston had been seething with anger at the other but he held his emotions for he needed the reason to kill the other. He was after all a man of science and he had to know what did transpired to justify the kill if need be.

“Lanceston, this center had been in existence for over five years now. We discovered it by mistake and when we search here, we found astounding features that were past ours. Or maybe it was our past before the war and what we have was the leftovers. The real stuff is still here. Not all but enough to make us looked like interns.”

“When was this?” Lanceston scientific curiosity took over. “What did you find?”

“Five years ago, the Colonel on one of his journeys to the Outlands found this place off the usual track. He explored it and was to report it to the Senate when he was diverted. His ambition took precedent. However, he did brief the scant details to the Senate and was offered him resources to explore here. It took him some time to recruit people to come out here and be a part of the discovery. He had wanted to utilize the findings here for the City when he took over. He later embarked on the idea of his army among the servants. He then recruited me to add in new hidden routines that will soon hold his army to obey him.”

“You failed.” Lanceston insulted the other. “You were never the genius here.”

“I did not fail!” Julius shouted back. “There were setbacks and we were almost there until this stupid revolution by the servants. How was I to know that? I did not plan it that way. It was supposed to work….”

“It failed because you failed.” Lanceston scoffs again at the other.

“Did you plan it then? The revolution?” Julius turned frantic for the reply.

“If I did, would I be telling you?” Lanceston then got up and went to his work area. He was assigned to find a reversal of servant behavior.

If there was a reversal to the events then Astrid will be the one most welcome to it. The chimpanzee picked itself up from the ground and rubbed at the bruises on its body. It was a tall fall but Astrid had found itself lucky to the land of the softer ground and not on some scraps. It knew that scaling back the wall was futile and more to it, it meant returning to hell there. It decided to take its chances in the wasteland. It had heard of far-flung settlements out there and some held servants too. Maybe Astrid might find a friend among those. It was a hopeful feeling.

So was Lances then when he lowered the rifle. He had shot an ape in the head that was wandering there. It was a clean shot to the head and death was instant.

“That will make a decent meal.” Lances voiced up and it made him felt sick to the body. Killing the servant was what he could do but to eat them, was alike to cannibalism. He then felt the bile from the stomach reached towards his throat and threw out the last meal.

“Hey, Lances. It’s okay. I will figure out some food for you.” Leroy soothed the other. “We could raid the cities or the settlements for food. God knows where they get theirs.”

Lances nodded and then walked back to their hideout in the tall building. He walked past some survivors and they reached for the slabs of meat handed out by Leroy. He felt concerned about what had transpired in the last few days. It was like a nightmare to him.

 A long dark nightmare.



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Arthur Book II Chapter 8




Merlin missed Prime when he returned to the castle at Gurnion. He was told that the Roman Legionnaires had marched before dawn. He cursed at his delay. He recalled the event as clear in the sunlight at daybreak.

“Merlin, I forbid you to seek Excalibur.” It was the sight of Vivianne that surprised him. He felt the weight of his body was heavy and unmoving were his limbs. He turned to look and saw the other ladies. All five of them were there. There was Vivianne, Vivian, Ninianne, Nimue and also the young Nymue. The only missing ones were the banished sisters, Morgause and Morgan le Fay. All seven of the ladies were the current guardians of the lake. Their tasks were to safeguard the lake as their predecessors have done. The set of ladies varied from nine to seven in any one era but their roles had never changed. They are to preserve the magical items of the realm to be called upon when needed but that was their judgment to make. The ladies as they were called had not faltered in their roles since the beginning of the realm until the current one.

Two events affected their responsibility.

One was Merlin.

Merlin was mortally wounded and had found himself at the lake. He heard of it from the ancient scrolls. He was pursued by the warring Lords soon after the death of Lord Gorlois. He was branded a ‘miscreant’ sorcerer. It was rumored then that he had the Lord killed. He fled the castle and was pursued. The pursuers were not alone; they heard of Merlin’s works and they brought their druids. It was led by Gildas then and once the mentor to Merlin.

Merlin escaped into the forest but with his sorcery subdued by the others, he had to rely on the other skills. He had once lived with the hunters and had picked up some skills. He was armed then with the dagger but it was no match to the swords. He was cornered and wounded but managed to escape. Well, he was younger then and his body was still agile. He ran for his life and ended at the lake.

“Run no further, Merlin.” It was Gildas who appeared before him. “Let me end it quickly.”

“Stop!” It was the voice of a lady. “The grounds around the lake are under the protection of the ladies of the Lake. It’s forbidden to have blood there.”

“Respectfully, Lady of the Lake. This druid is a rogue. He …” Gildas replied to the lady that appeared on the surface of the lake water.

“He had sought sanctuary here.” The lady cut in. “It’s his wish and ours to …”

“Sanctuary can only be offered if the …” Gildas spoke.

“He had spoken.” The lady snapped in. “Would you want to question the sisters?”

On the surface than were six more figures covered in white.

“No, I dare…. Will not. If he had requested, then we will not pursue now.” Gildas retreated with the others.

“Move him into the lake. He will be tended.” The first lady voiced out.

“Sister Vivianne, did he seek sanctuary?” It was Sister Morgause that asked. She knew the words but it was not heard for ages.

Ego quaerere tutela stagnum claudit. (Latin translated; I seek the protection of the lake.). Yes, he spoke it. I was at the edge here.” Lady Vivianne glared at Morgause. “I am the eldest and my words count higher than yours, Lady Morgause.”

Merlin was lifted by the magical spell and then transported towards the lake. The pool of swirling water was seen and the druid immersed in it. The druid was then transported to the hidden dimension inside the lake. Where there was to be water turned out to be a beautiful garden with the huge and tall trees and on the trunks and supported by the branches were the adjoining huts that were interconnected by the high walkways. The place was not like a castle but it was huge with the many huts there. The druid was placed in one of the huts where the nymphs tended to the wounds. 

“The druid is not one of us.” Lady Morgause had raised the protest when the sisters gathered in the big hut supported by three huge trunks. They had themselves seated on the extended branches that were shaped like seats for the sisters. They were dressed in the white gowns covering them from neck to their toes. Their headpiece was the bonnet with the white fleece feather on the left side.

On the walls of the hut were the smaller branches with the extended twigs. On those twigs were the ancient artifacts from the swords, shields, and even daggers. It was called the artifact Hall.

“He …” Lady Vivianne defended her action.

“It may be so but we do not want to get involved in the conflicts of Man. We are to preserve the artifacts here.” Morgause pressed on her view. “May I remind the sisters of our responsibility?”

“I am fully aware of them Sister Morgause. I will also remind the Lake is also the sanctuary for the weak. We had taken in them before.”

“Ladies but never men.” Morgause reminded the other lady. “It’s not our role to protect them. We are the guardians of the artifacts.

Vivianne looked to the display of artifacts. “Many of these were the belongings of those who had given to us as keepers. Some of them may be used when called upon. We preserved it for them, for the new owners. We are their caretakers. Artifacts and …... life.”

“You deviated from our vows, Vivianne but the latter waved them off.

“Must we be cautioned on the issue of Lady Madeline?” Vivian reminded the others. “She…”

“Lady Madeline had eloped with another Man. She left the Lake on her own. The druid was brought in to recuperate. It’s not the same. Now leave me. I need to be alone.” Vivianne called out. The sisters left the hut. The lady seated alone placed her hands on her bosom.

“Show me the light, Elders. I have ….” Vivianne sighed. She did not hear the call for sanctuary and yet she offered it. She can’t recall why she did it.

Boredom? Perhaps to seek new companions. Vivianne took her vow to be a Sister of the Lake to forego all that was a part of Man…. And Woman. She had recent doubts about it.

The Nymph appeared before Vivianne. She heard from the Nymph that the druid may live.

“Keep him alive,” Vivianne told the Nymph.

That was her first mistake.

“Then I am indeed on the trail.” Merlin laughed back there at the stream. “Hello, ladies.”

“Merlin, tell me why we should not kill you here? Your insolent behavior had caused us much pain.” Vivianne looked at the older druid she had saved years ago.

“You would have then,” Merlin replied. He recalled upon his recovery, he stayed with the ladies at their hidden realm. He had his time to read the ancient scrolls there. There was no one to supervise him but he had the company of Vivianne at times.

“Merlin, did you not read the scroll before?” Vivianne looked at him. She found her attention was onto the druid more than her sisters.

“I had with it but I have not mastered its spells,” Merlin replied. He heaved the heavy bounded volume off his lap to place it on the table. He was dressed in the simple tunic that covered him to his knees. Merlin then bends over the tabletop to look at the scrolls. It was then; Vivianne had a view of Merlin’s buttock cleft. She blushed and stepped away to retrieve another volume.

“Let me help you.” Merlin had offered out his outreached hands and touched Vivianne on her elbows. “It’s heavy.”

The brief contact had sent shivers down the lady’s spine. She had never felt that feeling before. She was confused, yet elated to feel the new feels.

That was her second mistake.

“Sister Vivianne is too pre-occupied with the druid.” It was Morgan who was normally silent had said to Morgause. They were watching the hut where Merlin was recuperating.

“She had missed our gathering today,” Morgause told Morgan. “We were to train in the new skills.”

“Yes, the one where the three were to learn.” The sisters were split into groups to learn new skills at certain times or retrained in it. Three was the ideal number for if one was not able to do it, the other two will provide the guidance. Such was called the Power of Three.

“I think Sister Vivianne needs to be reminded of her responsibility.” Morgause looked at the hut. She had her attention also on Merlin then. He was attractive. Morgause had taken her vow later in her life and had seen the vices of Man.

“Be careful, Sister. Sister Vivianne is the eldest.” Morgan reminded the other. “She can be vicious.”

“And I am bitchy.”

That was not Vivienne’s mistake but she failed to manage the sisters which were one.

So, it was her third mistake.

“Merlin, you are …. beastly.” Morgause whispered into Merlin’s left ear. She had her against the wall, and his lips were on the nape of her neck, while his hands were groping her at the bosom. He had his legs between hers with the skirt of the gown drawn to her waist. She felt his hardness still covered by the tunic and yearned for it. It was not their first time; there were other occasions since Merlin fell to her charms that one evening when she approached him at the hut. It was late and she feigned the excuse that she needed a volume to practice on.

“The volume is behind you at the rack.” Morgause stepped over and reached for the volume. Her white silken gown caressed Merlin on the left arm. He felt the sensation moved to his entire body and he responded. He was after all, very much younger.

“Ahhh…” Morgause slipped on reaching the volume and fell to her knees with her face on Merlin’s left thigh. He reacted by reaching for his groin to protect himself.

“I am sorry. Did I hurt you?” Morgause reached out with her right hand onto Merlin’s left thigh. The druid stood up and turned to face the rack. She stood up to stand behind him.

“It’s normal. I ….” Morgause then paused in her words. It was the instinctive act by Morgause to reach out with her arms to hold the druid on the waist. The warmth of the body enticed the druid to a higher level of his feelings.

“I …” Merlin tried to fight her off but his mind was not linked to his body. He felt her body clinging harder and then the druid has forgotten his place at the sanctuary. She felt her hands down and then all guards were down. He turned toward her and kissed Morgause on the lips. It was her long-denied pleasure ever since she took the vow. He grabbed her to rest against the rack.

Morgause moans caught the attention of Vivianne who was passing outside then. She looked in and saw the forbidden act by the druid.

“Merlin, how could you?” Vivianne screamed at him.

Merlin pulled himself away from Morgause. He pulled his tunic down to cover himself.

“You are a disgrace. Pack up and leave.” Vivianne commanded the Druid. “You will never be allowed back here.”

Lady Morgause slipped away in silence. Merlin approached Vivienne.

“I never…. I had wished we never met.” Vivianne stepped away. It was then Vivianne realized her final mistake. Feelings were potent to the Sisters. It destroyed Lady Madeline then and will destroy her too.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...