Monday, September 28, 2020

Apes Chapter 17



Lances heard the cage door closed on him. It was a huge cage compared to one for the chimpanzee. He was stripped of his weapons and his boots. The one who held him called himself Warden. He advised Lances that it was uncomfortable to move without footwear in Purgatory.

“Enjoyed your stay, Enforcer.” It was all Lances needed than to turn his body and charged at the cage door he was locked in. The charge did nothing to the cage but it took the Warden by surprise who had stepped back.

“Insolent! I will have you disciplined. The Warden withdrew the baton. He reached for his key to unlock the cage. When he was stepping in, Lances rushed at him and grabbed the warden by the neck. The Warden swung with the baton but the hold lock held by Lances was harder. He wrung it and the Warden collapsed to the flooring. Lances searched for more weapons. He found another one but it was a short handle spear.

“Always wanted one.” Lances grabbed it with the baton and ran down the path he came from. He remembered it was some corners and paths that he was he taken through then but he learned the faster way was the direct way. He rushed himself to the assumed exit to the side of the structure. He found himself on level four of the ten-level structures that reached the ceiling of the manmade cavern. He saw below him more of the odd metal outcrops and beams with the Gauntlet Drive below.

Lances reckoned he could make the jump but the fighting had spread to the drive area. The different gangs were having the shoot out there while the Independences were in retreat. It could be a ploy to get all of the others fighting and the diversion for the Independences was to move with the prized servant.

A good ploy does not mean all its plans will work.

“Chief”, The Independence warrior looked to Mel while holding the sedated chimp. “How did you get the chimp in?”

“I did not. I don’t know who or what brought in those creatures but they did the diversion well. But whatever that happened, it was good for us. I have advised the Outpost of the capture.” Mel replied while he checked his sidearm. “They are coming to get me out.”

Senior Officer Mel was in the leading cruiser with the other warrior and followed by two other modified vehicles with the Independence markings. These vehicles were salvaged from parts of discarded and modified to make those monstrous vehicles. The vehicles were surprisingly similar in design. The vehicle held the same structure as the cruiser but it held six wheels which were smaller in shape and the frame was a series of metal sheets welded to form the frame. It does however have a set of cannons on the front bonnet. The engines were modified from different parts and held a low drive power.

It was nothing compared to the brute force of a silverback in rage. The ape charged into the path of the leading vehicle from the right and jolted the vehicle. Another silverback then hit it on the right again before two more silverbacks jumped on the cruiser frame from the rear.

The two silverbacks hammered their fists onto the vehicle frame causing the driver to crash into the side. The second cruiser pulled over with the two crews but they were soon hounded by another silverback on the front bonnet. The silverback there grabbed the cannon and wrangle it off like a branch. It was a coordinated move with a dozen chimpanzees joining in to attack the other two vehicles.

“Get me out!” Mel screamed when the side door to the vehicle was sprung open. He felt his frame being yanked out by the silverback there that was bloodied from the crash. The officer was tossed to the ground before three chimpanzees went in for the kill. The chimpanzees pounded and pulled at the limbs till the flesh broke open and the blood spurted out. These creatures are carnivores unlike the gorillas; they bit into the exposed flesh. Whereas the servant gorillas were not before but their repression by the owners triggered their anger.

The howls of the servants echoed in Purgatory and the carnage continued. It started at Gate Five but the spread soon covered the entire cavern. The inhabitants there fought for their lives but they were outnumbered by the creatures from three to one.

Kill them

That was the call by the creatures.

It was not madness or animal aggression but human-induced thinking that leveled them to think like humans.

“Astrid!’ Doctor Lanceston sat upon his bedding. He was alone in his work area which was unusual for Astrid was to be around. The servant would have woken him and serving with the mug of tea. He was concerned then of Astrid missing.

“It was a dream.” Doctor Lanceston muttered. He then shook his head and muttered on.

“It was there for me to see but I missed it.” His latest programming of the chips had enabled them to think deeper and began more reactional analysis of the action to be taken. They were to be better servants with the skills to improve or anticipate moves. He had not wanted them to be than mere dumb servants but smarter ones. Of course, his recommendations were turned down by the Senate and asked to tone it down but his works had caught the interest of several parties including the Colonel of the Enforcers.

“Absurd! My findings are not to be corrupted into making them killers.” Doctor Lanceston recalled voicing his anger then at the Colonel. “I will not have you diverted my works to be your …. Special Enforcers. Yes, those tasks you mentioned are like killing.”

“Survival skills are the basis of this creature's existence before we made them servants. I just want them to make them back at it but with our control over them.” The Colonel had argued back.

“Survival was their mode of life then but with the last war, these are bred in captivity and within our walls with our food. We secured them and not the other creatures because they could be enhanced to work for us. We are fewer now and we need them to assist.” Doctor Lanceston felt his reply was shallow but his works were to make them more compliant. He was not able to dictate the later action across but the concept of serving had assisted the city in many ways.

“True but the works could be …refined perhaps.” The Colonel was ejected from Doctor Lanceston office soon after then.

“Astrid!” Doctor Lanceston called once more from his seated position on the bedding. He was truly concerned then for the servant had displayed progress in the thoughts of the mind and for some occasions had displayed it like the morning tea. It was served before he asked for it. Far worse, the servant was dictating some of his routines. And worst was the servant had disappeared on a few occasions.

“Maybe it’s learning more than I anticipated.” Doctor Lanceston smiled at the evolution of the mind.

Evolution had led to revolution before.

The Colonel was not satisfied with the evolution discussion held at the Research Centre by Doctor Julius. The panel was to discuss the recent riots by the servants. It was not yielding results and he took off to drive the cruiser to the other side of the city where it was less developed and stopped at a huge mansion there. It was unusual to have such a structure when the city was clustered with tall buildings.

He made his greeting at the huge and tall gate before it was opened for him to drive in. The driveway was short but it was made up of the mansion with its fifteen rooms, three libraries, and two dining area with three living areas that opened up to the rear lawn on the one-acre estate.

“Come in, Colonel. I believe you are here to tell me that we are in progress.” The Colonel was received in one of the libraries and was shown a book by the host. “Second Edition of 1984 by George Orwell”. It’s an extremely rare copy.”

“Emperor…” The Colonel was interrupted by the other who motioned to the rows of books in the library. There were several hundred books that were on the shelves. Written material had become extinct with the emergence of electronic media and messaging.

“I am the few that read in this mode.” The Emperor was exaggerating for the books in that mode were too expensive to read by many let alone own a copy. 

“So please do indulge me. Would you like to read Orwell's original ‘1984’ or the “Dawn of the Dead’?” The Emperor looked at the other. “Both are interesting choices.”

“Well, Emperor. I am not here to read, Sir.” The Colonel saluted the Emperor. “I am …”

“I don’t control the Senate although I sit in it as one of the seven appointees. Griffin Smith heads the Discipline Committee and he holds three others under his influence. I am not …influential although I hold the Logistics Committee.”

“Emperor, there was a shipment of weapons that arrived …”

“Secure it well. We don’t want to be without any when we take on the Senate.” The Emperor made his point. “Store it in the usual place. Now be gone.”

“Hail Emperor Caesar.” The Colonel took his leave but he was still not satisfied with the meeting. He felt as if the events were not turning for him. The General was not able to overturn the reprimand on him by the Senate. He needed more affirmative action.


Arthur II Chapter 27



Lord Pendragon called for a meet with his loyal vassals. The meeting is called at the Great Hall in the castle. In attendance were Lord Ban and Lord Bors with the seven Elders led by Lord Amish. They have pledged their loyalty to him and brought with them in the last two seasons; men and supplies to the castle. Lord Pendragon then held an army of a hundred then with the earlier group of twenty-five mercenaries. It was a huge army for his castle and he had built barracks outside the walls while a small settlement had formed there. Of the mercenaries that were previously under Bruce of the High was take n over by Lord Bors.

The Hall they were meeting in was adorned with the heavy draperies and lined with chairs on both sides. On the walls of the Hall, the amours and weapons of previous Lords of the land were displayed in their grandeur. Lord Pendragon himself sat on the high back seat facing the seated as if he was seated on the throne of his kingdom.

“With your return, the peasants have contributed their portion of their harvest for our protection.” Lord Amish reported. “However, we compete with other families. They carved themselves with their Roman Land rights. They show us the scrolls with their Emperor’s approval.”

Lord Pendragon heard of those scroll of rights which gave the right of the Romans to marked land borders of theirs but it had overlapped into the borders of the Elders.

“I say we defend our boundaries. It’s ours by the ancestry rights.” Lord Amish's words were resonated with the cheers from the six Elders who make up the rest.

“We shall, Elders. We shall but in my way.” Lord Pendragon replied. He cannot wage conflict with the families. Not even with the Marcellus and the Meleagant. He needed some discretion on the matter.

“Those lands beyond the wall can be ours to place our influence and boundaries.” Lord Pendragon looked to Lord Bors and Ban. “We can build an outpost there by relocating some of the men there. That will ease the pressure on the castle here.”

“I can do that. It may be a good idea for the Outpost can protect the peasants.” Lord Bors added in.

“Do it, Lord Bors,” Lord Pendragon gave the command. “The tract of land there is patrolled by the Romans, and with their battles ongoing further up, we can assume it’s safe to settle there.”

“What about the Roman families?” Lord Amish asked. “They are still a hindrance.”

“I will look at it.” Lord Pendragon dismissed the Elders and then held a private discussion with the two Lords.

“We need to hold our borders. Who is the weakest that we can move on?”

“I can think of the Marcellus.” Lord Bors voiced out. “I hear tales of the mother. She is a witch. If we stoke the flame of the news to the local peoples, they may take it up with the Marcellus family.”

It was also the same for the Prime when he gathered the army of his at the break of dawn. He wanted to brief them with the words of courage into them.

“Combined, we are the strength of the First Cohort. I have fought several battles with that strength.” Artorius looked to the gathered. “We have lost friends and brothers. Today, my scouts tell me that the Anglo Saxons are in the forest.” Artorius motioned to the forest around him. The forest was lined with the pine trees with the small creek that flowed like a path creating a boundary. The terrain of the forest was not flat but with small hills where the Equities were stationed as sentries.

“This is not Gaul but it’s similar to it. It’s not that dense in the foliage but we have fought in it. We have learned to fight in it and from it; we will win here as we did in Gaul.” Artorius looked at them for their reactions. He saw the rider coming down the hill. The battle they have anticipated was coming to.

“The enemy is here. I want the enemy at the creek. Move to the other hill and stationed there. Remember our wall. The higher level gives us leverage.” Artorius told the men. He then pulled Aubin to the side. “Move your men down to the creek. Your men are needed to be bait. When they come down, split the men upstream and downstream. Make it as if you are retreating. We will hit them when they are in the creek. Then your men can hit from the sides.”

Aubin nodded and deployed his men out. He knew the risk but he was obliged to follow the command of Prime.

“We are spotted, Hengist,” Horsa told his brother. “My scouts told me their riders were on the hill crest.”

“It won’t stop us. This is our forest.” Hengist replied. “Our druids have a spell cast for us. The Romans will see as banshees in their view.”

It was not new for the druids to participate in the battles with their potions and chanting. So was Merlin on the other hill. He had his glass orb to look at and then called on some powerful spells with the ancient words. The orb lighted up and then streaks of dark flowed out. It went straight into the wet ground beneath the tree trunks.

“What did you do?” Lawnslot confronted the druid. “You know I disliked such …. Acts.”

“Not a moment to lose, Lawnslot. The Anglo Saxons have employed the Picts druids to blind your men. I will counter it with mine. The trees will be our new allies.”

The battle started with the Anglo Saxons charging from the hillside towards the creek at the Sarmatians. Aubin saw the attack and shouted for his men to retreat.

“They run like the foxes before the hounds.” The Anglo Saxons laughed at the Sarmatians. The later as a planned retreat in both directions. Some were slower to cover the flank had to face the Anglo-Saxons which reached the creek.

“Retreat on!” Aubin was at the rear and he fought the enemies there. He was armed with the curved scimitar sword and rounded shield. He stood his ground to challenge the Anglo Saxon who had swung the mallet at him. Aubin blocked the mallet with his shield on his left arm while his right arm with the scimitar swung in from the left side. The blade cut past the thick furs to wound the warrior scout in the left ribs.

The overzealous Anglo Saxons rushed into the creek and waded through the flowing stream. Horsa was still descending with his bad leg but his brother Hengist had reached the creek. He saw the Romans are still on the other side holding their ranks.

“Hold the line!” Artorius at the helm on the crest of the hill called out.  It was then the Legionnaires heard the shrill of the banshees.

“Demons!” Some of the legionnaires called out. Some wanted to retreat but Prime stopped them.

“Hold the line. You are the Roman Legion. A scream or even the demons will not make you yield.” The Prime walked down the line with his hard glare on the men. He saw Lawnslot was having the same concern. He saw then the druid running at the line and calling up loud chants which seems to counter the banshees’ screams. The screams soon ended but the men were still shaken.

“Legion, to me.” The Prime took to move down the hillside. Some of the Legionnaires paused and then charged with anger or courage on their expression.

“Charge, Legionnaires!” The call went out and Lawnslot men also add to the charge.

Unnoticed by men, there was confusion among the Anglo Saxons. They saw the Anglo Saxons battling the tree trunks and branches.

“It’s alive!” The horrifying calls were heard among the Anglo Saxons but there was nothing there. It was by then the Sarmatians men have returned from their retreat and attacked the Anglo Saxon’s front scouts. They were led by Aubin once more with the battle cry to rally them forward.

“Move to kill them!” Lawnslot voiced cracked the stunned men of his. “For our land!”

The battle cries went out with Lawnslot leading the men to battle. The legionnaires were next with the Auxiliaries shoulder to shoulder.

“Spare no mercy!’ Artorius called out while he swung the gladius at the Anglo Saxon in the chest. The Anglo Saxon still shaken by their sights of attacking tree branches and trunks were the pushed back with many wounded or dead.

“We retreat, brother,” Hengist called on his brother. “They have used sorcery on us.”

“No, I will fight.” Horsa still distorted by the spell was slashing at the tree trunk. “These are Roman demons. They brought their demons here.”

Hengist saw madness in his brothers’ eyes. He had not seen the full visions for he wore the talisman from another druid. What he did see was glimpses of it and he knew that it was the works of druids. He tried to pull Horsa away but the other was in the realm of madness. Hengist saw the Romans charging down the other hill. He knew he had to escape or death awaits him. He turned and ran with silent prayers for his brother.

Horsa did not see the pilum that was thrust into his back but he felt the pain that coursed through his body. His arm stopped the swing of the mallet at the tree trunk that he saw as a monstrous demon. The pilum was drawn out and then thrust into the back of his neck. He died then with his face on the tree trunk.

Artorius stepped up to the Legionnaire and pushed him ahead.

“The enemy is there. Don’t stop just yet.” The Prime saw his strategy had worked. His legionnaires were pursuing the Anglo Saxons up the hill then. The Sarmatians in their bloodthirsty desire have reached the crest and were cutting a line through the retreating Anglo Saxons. It was truly a bloody battle but one where they have broken the enemy of its strength. He saw Lawnslot and approached the warrior. He saw the sword held by the warrior was covered with blood dripping into the ground.

“A good battle, Ghost,” Artorius spoke to Lawnslot. “We lost not more than half the men.”

The biggest losses were on the Sarmatians who were down to the last twenty then.

“A battle won by deceit,” Lawnslot replied. “They cast us a hex and we returned it.”

“Hex? What hex? You mean that eerie sound. I heard it’s the demons of the hills. Banshees they are called.”

“Aye, and we snapped back with our too,” Lawnslot replied. “The druid had done you well, Roman. He called up demons to snap the Anglo Saxons.”

“Was that why they cut at the trees?” Artorius asked. Lawnslot did not reply and climbed the hill. He does not want to be denied his victory by sorcery. He wants a clean battle. Artorius turned and returned to the other hill where he met the druid.

“Did you cast a spell on the enemy?”

“Yes, I did. It was to counter theirs.” Merlin replied.

“Druid, don’t ever do that again. I am a Roman legionnaire and we fight clean. No more spells or it will be your head on the ground.”

“Did you see the sword held by the Ghost?” Merlin changed the subject.

“It’s a fine sword.” Artorius looked at the druid.

“It’s named Arondight. It’s rivaled by another. A sword befitting a King.” Merlin looked at Prime. “Do you want one, Arthur?”

“I am happy with my gladius. Be away, druid. I have to check on my men now.” Merlin looked at Prime making his way back to battle.

“You will not be when Excalibur is held in your hand.” Merlin smiled and walked back to the other hill.


tweet,,,,tweet,,, 28/09.... new wave coming

 Pardon me, readers. I was on the spurge writing the new tale. TROJAN WAR. I am at about 20K words and the war had not started. I had to admit that while writing it with the start of HELEN and PARIS ( like ROMEO and JULIET in many resemblances ), I was drawn into the intrigue of why they had to elope and from there, I discover more on the GODS and GODDESS; naturally but the most intriguing part was the role of the womenfolks. 

I had used the term 'woman' or 'women' in reference and not the other gender term 'lady' or 'ladies'. No, I was not gunning for the "ME-included" award, but in reading the passages and articles of that era, or notes of the tale; the female role was seen to be 'insignificant' compared to the male.

Hold the brickbats, please. It's just my perception when I read on more of that tale. 

And I took on the path to 're-describe' ( I am sure you won't find this word in the SCRABBLE game ) the roles of the female then. I am halfway there ( it may be extended to more than 50k words; after all TROJAN HORSE was an epic. ) and tweaking the female role to take on the male' dominance. For those who read the saga of the TROJAN HORSE, you would know that the GODDESS were the cause of the war ( was it a HOMER's perception then ) and they took on direct roles in the conflict. I read them and given from my insight what, why, how and when it came about. 

< Can I say that I am writing this under duress with my wife looking over my shoulder?> 

And where was I? Oh, yes, the womenfolks of mothers' and daughters' to the warriors who wore skirts ( Ouch! ), okay male and female wore skirting during that era ( it was not I peek at any from below ), but they fought hard and tough in the war. 

Wait.... Pardon me, I have not written that yet. So, hang onto your breeches, and soon will be revealed. 

( Oh, dear. I did write breeches and,,, bitches. Darn, we can't live with them nor can we without them.)

 Why can't Man hold the fury like that of a woman scorned? We are almost alike except our breasts hung like balls. Their's would be too.... silicone weighed downwards. 

( Ouch! 911, I need reinforcement.... Sorry, ma'am. It's a misdial from me. Yes, Me-too. )

Monday, September 21, 2020

Apes Chapter 16



Lances lowered the cage without taking his eyes off Roberto then. He knew there was no escape there and death was imminent with how many he can take then. They were cornered outside the Tribal Room. It was then Mel stepped out and pleaded with Roberto.

“Hey, Roberto. We were trying to save the …creature.” It was not for Lances. He had decided that the avenue available was to fight. He was without any and borrowed the small sidearm from Mel. He saw the approaching enemy which one of Roberto’s men armed with a rifle. The guy was leveling the rifle at Mel when Lances shot him in the face. He rushed over and retrieved the rifle. On the guy was a belt with the double sidearm.

“Guns!” Lances shouted towards Mel. The other turned towards Lances and was given the belt with the two sidearms. Lances then fired at Roberto who had then ducked for cover but hit the other guy standing behind. It was all Mel needed to take down his own selected target with the twin sidearm at the two guys. The two guys went down with their faces blown off.

“Okay, you can keep the creature.” Roberto stood up with his hands raised. “I ….”

His head was blown from the rear by the returning shave heads’ which had then were equipped with sidearm and rifles. There were five of them and the Enforcers were once more outnumbered.

“Do we leave the cage now?” Mel asked and the reply came with more shots, not by the shave heads but the surviving Independence’s guys who wanted their fight too. Two shave heads went down but the Independences were not the only fighting ones. The Tribal came back with more of their numbers led by their other leaders.

“Move it, Mel. We aren’t got all day.” Lances pulled the cage along and then helped by Mel. “They are fighting each other.”

They made it outside but the place was a chaotic firefight. Four of the tribal gangs were at it and soon the Land Warriors were in the fight too.

“We can’t make it out.” Lances told Mel while behind cover on the steel beams. “We got to ditch the cage.”

“Hold on.” Mel motioned to Lances and reached into the cage with his arm still armed with two darts. He fired the two-remaining darts into the servant.

“Now you can carry the servant.” Mel indicated to the heavily sedated creature. “And passed me your spare projectiles and rifle.”

“I got one in the sidearm and four in the rifle.” Lances passed the small sidearm and rifle. He then reached for the servant. He slung the creature on his back and then moved behind Mel. They took the run on the same path descending to the ground level. It was an adventurous one for the paths were narrow and uneven. They ran and anyone in their path was pushed or knocked senseless. Mel was conserving the projectiles.

“Mel, do you do this often?” Lances were heaving with deep breaths holding onto his prized servant. They reached the end of their run at the ground level when they saw the cruiser. There were no guards there. Above them at the Tribal Room, they heard the shooting have not let up yet. Everyone must have gone to the fight. Both of them approached the cruiser where Lances dumped the creature into the storage area while Mel was reloading his projectiles in the two sidearm and his belt. He had discarded the rifle. He then turned towards Lances who was stepping into the cruiser.

“You are not leaving here.” Mel leveled the sidearm at Lances. Soon to appear at the rear of Mel were five guys. They were the Independences led by a Mohican styled leader.

“Are you selling me out?” Lances asked Mel. “How did you know ….”

“No, they bought me to get the creature. You were just in the wrong place and the wrong time. Most of us are with them. It was a matter of time and opportunity.”

So was the Colonel then when he met Doctor Julius at the rendezvous point. It was at Doctor Julius’s lab. Griff was also Julius’s cousin on the other side of the family.

“I got to know. Why did you do that? Was it the Senate? It doesn’t matter what Griff do but you should not have sent him over there. He is a …”

“Maniac? Yes, Julius, he was but I did not expect him to be killed there.” The Colonel sighed. “I made a mistake there. The Senate had reprimanded me. So, don’t berate me on it. It was the bitch Bernice to blame. So how goes our progress?”

“Fuck!” Doctor Julius cursed out. He then looked at the Colonel. He had met the Senate before. The existence of the people under the Senate was expandable. Only the task progress was the concern of the Senate. He rebuked back in anger.

“You don’t push me on my progress. You however fumbled your part. You were to be the link to the Senate and hold the Enforcers from us but you had to screw it.” Doctor Julius placed the glassware he was holding onto the table but his fingers still clenched on it. The Colonel looked away as if in anger but it was his idea that brought them together. It was his idea to get the servants to be soldiers but the progress was slower than expected. The defiant Doctor Lanceston had refused to listen to the reasoning for it and was left out. He had finally the Doctor there to do it.

“Julius, I have my works outlined for me. You have yours. Do it or you will end up like Lopez. I need you to focus on.” The Colonel was persuasive. Julius then brief me on the task.

“The progress is there. I have managed to code in the new routines. The few test subject which we have tried on have shown their aggression when we call for it. Lopez was the experiment. We are doing it mass at the breeding centers but we subdue the testing of the routines for now. No point alarming the doctors there and then Lanceston will be informed. It will create a panic and the Council will step in. Our field works are on-going with selected servants.” Doctor Julius took to brief the Colonel. “The Technician handling Mack had got it to do fieldwork.”

“I know Mack. He was one of the leaders and was an aggressive one.” The Colonel nodded. “Sadly, we lost the twenty-five in the riot. It was not concluded the cause of the riot. We had it reported that the servant screamed and it could have triggered it. Then I had to take Senior Officer Lances out to the General Tasks and now he is at the Outlands.”

“Senior Officer Lances won’t let go if he has a lead. Like his uncle who was trying to look at my records.” Julius looked towards the Colonel.

“We need more assurance and either he is not involved in any of the incidents or he becomes an incident.” Doctor Julius laid it out plainly. “Just like how I will handle Doctor Lanceston. He remains out or soon to become a specimen.”

“Leave the Enforcer issues to myself.” The Colonel drew his boundary. “I did not come here for a discussion on my position as the Head of the Enforcers and not being reprimanded for being a failure. I came here to check on your progress.”

The communicator in the unit then vibrated and the image appeared on the console screen.

“Both of you screw up. I am thinking of new avenues to tackle this issue. For now, your rank and positions are status quo, and believe me if you …fumbled one more time, the reprimand will be dire. I am telling you now if I may say so.” The image was the man with the breathing apparatus. The image then flickered off.

“How…” The Colonel turned to whisper. “How did he hear us?”

“He is the Big Brother. He is the Emperor. The Senate is always watching us.”

 So was Juanico watching then her partner stepped out of the cruiser on the left side of the cruiser? She knew the Outpost Three was one of theirs but there were no female officers sent there. It was not a protocol issue and the female gender had no such issue to justify a transfer there. It was just that the rejection rate was absolute. So, the few visits by the female to the place was considered a novelty. They were all rejected until then.

“Hello, Officer…. Oops, Senior Officer Bernice. Senior Officer Mel is away in Purgatory.” Officer Percy Jones Woodward was second in command of the Outpost. He was a slim chap and shorter in height but was a fist fighter of the best. That was his penance when he injured five fellow officers in a dispute over some personal issue.

“I was advised that Senior Officer Lances was in the area.” Bernice went straight to the cause of her visit. “I want…. “

“He is in Purgatory with Senior Officer Mel.”

“What the hell!” Bernice cursed then. She stepped back to her cruiser. She was going to follow Lances. Even to Hell if need be.

“Hey, PJ.” An officer rushed over and called the Officer in charge. “It’s Purgatory. There is some fighting going on there.”

“What kind of fighting?” PJ asked back but the other fellow officers were reaching to check on their sidearm.

“So, we have now a riot and we will settle it with our own?” PJ asked. “Well, count me in. I am not too old to fight.”




Friday, September 18, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 26


The Battles and Conflicts



In the Caledonians forest, further North or it was known as Celidon Wood, Horsa limped to the tent where his brother Hengist sat there in wait. Since his defeat at the wall, he had retreated to the north and recuperated on his wound. The druid told him the wound was deep and had severed the muscles there. Horsa had formed a fortress of wooden walls among the trees and have his men trained there. He fed them with the wide offerings of the forest. He also offered a trade with the local Scottish clans to avoid clashes on their land. It worked for his fortress son saw the offerings of the clans to join him in fighting the Romans.

“You may not walk like before.” Horsa was told. He almost had the druid killed then but the counsels of his Elders calmed him. He relented and undergoes the painful recovery while his brother fought the battles with the Romans.

“How do you fare, my brother?” Hengist greeted him on entry to the tent. The former still looked good despite the several defeats. The Anglo-Saxon Chieftain was dressed in the thick furs of the wolf, with his faithful battle ax between his knees. He was gaunt in his appearance with the many battles fought with the Romans.

“I am better. I am rare to go back and fight them.” Horsa replied. “How fared you with the battles?”

“We met the Romans.” Hengist voiced out. “The First Cohort will be reinforced by the Auxiliaries and the mercenaries with the Ghost adding in the support. They routed us then.”

Hengist related the battle there while Horsa took the seat by the fireplace.

“It was unlike the forest here.” The Caledonian forest was covered by the Pines trees and the thick undergrowth at its base. “We met them with the ambushes on the river banks but they countered us with their riders on the wide which outflanked my men. And there were the Sarmatians; fierce fighters of the continent with their curved blades and their beheading of the prisoners unnerved the men.”

“We retreated upstream but the Romans were in pursuit. We fought no less than three battles and the blood flowed in the river. I lost three-quarters of my men in those battles. I managed to retreat and now I am at your fireplace.”

“Fill your hunger with the meat served.” Horsa offered the grouse; the large bird that dwells there. The grouse was de-feathered and marinated with the herbs from the forest. “We have also the fermented honey concoction.”

The mead drink was a mixture of honey, grain and flour brewed and left to ferment. Fruits like berries can be added to make the flavor.

“I felt sad not to fight alongside you, brother. My leg had me rendered useless here.” Horsa sighed. “I wished I was there I may have cut down the Ghost and removed his legendary tales.”

“Aye, Lawnslot fought well and was an inspiration to the local warriors. He has expanded his settlement to a village now with his manor there standing like a castle.” Hengist spat the dried berries out. “I am here not for a talk with you. I bring in dire news. The Romans are in your forest as we speak. Their relentless pursuit of my men had driven them far north.”

“And we shall meet them in battle. I hold two hundred warriors eager to fight. We have been here for over four seasons now. Their thirst for blood will be the battle cry. I also hold the alliance of the local clans. They deplored Roman's incursions here.” Horsa roared out. “Cat Coit Celidon (the ancient name for Celidon Wood) will be the turning battle.”

Further at the edge of the forest, the Romans were at camp with the Prime seated in the tent. He started with a hundred legionnaires, fifty Auxiliaries, and twenty-four riders under Decurion Percival. A hundred Sarmartians fighters were led by the man named Aubin Knur. He was reinforced by Lawnslot who has another two hundred local warriors to fight under his banner. The battles were intense and closed to each other with the Romans relentlessly in pursuit.

Their losses were not light, two-third of the legionnaires have perished, half the Auxiliaries but the riders were spared. They were involved in the skirmishes and not in the main battles. The Sarmatians and the local warriors were down to less than half their strength. Their last count with the local warriors was at below a hundred and eighty men. It was still the strength of the First Cohort.

Artorius sighed. He will need more reinforcements.

“Can I join you, Arthur?” It was the druid. He was clothed in the thick cloak over the knee-length tunic and the hood covered his head and part of his upper face. From the uncovered part was the unkempt beard that had turned grey. On that day, he held a cloth bag over his right shoulder. He calls Artorius by his other name.

The Prime having removed his armor was seated by the round small table crafted from the trunk of the fir tree. He was in his loose tunic but the gladius was within reach. The table was not perfectly rounded but it served its purpose to seat four persons. It was covered then with the crude map of the forest.

“You may, druid. And don’t call me Arthur. I am ….”

“In my vision, you are King Arthur.” The druid cut in. “The words on the land tell of the new King that had stopped the Anglo Saxons from raiding their harvests. You are that King.”

“I am no King except to the …”

“The First Cohort? Perhaps they shall be named as the First Knights. It befits them for they are truly the knights on the land now.”

“First knights? You amused me, druid.” Artorius laughed. “It’s good to have laughter when faced with such challenges.”

“Merlin is the name, Arthur.” The druid addressed the other once more. “Look to the map. You are….”

“Alas, the table is rounded and yet it’s small.” Merlin lamented on the table radius. “Let me show you the full map.”

The druid pulled a rounded glass from his bag. He made some chants over it and then an image of the forest was projected onto the tent walls.

“Behold Caledonian Forest.”

“What witchery is this?” Artorius called out.

“Witchery? No, it’s sorcery. I am a sorcerer. I hold no Witches potions or bad vibes.” Merlin corrected Prime. “I am calling up the map to your mind. What you see is not here but an image onto your mind.”

“It’s still ….”

“Hush! I sensed the presence of another great force in the forest. Hengist has joined his brother to battle us.” Merlin voiced out. “Their strength had doubled or if not tripled.”

“Could you not count, druid?” Artorius snapped back.

“Do I need to when I am this old? I only need to know and you may count yourself.”

“Bah, where are they?” Artorius asked.

“They will come to us by mid-day tomorrow.”

Across the land back to the wall, Lady Igraine pushed the advances of the Lord Pendragon off her. Her moods were bad and he had tried everything to woo her.

“What is wrong with you, woman?” Lord Pendragon was getting upset at being rejected. “It’s been one season now and yet you secluded yourself from me.”

“I am unwell, Lord Pendragon. I feared my sickness will pass onto you.” Lady Igraine replied. “It will pass soon.”

“So be it.” Lord Pendragon got up from the bedding to distance himself from the unwilling lady. He stepped to the table there in the chamber. “I meant to ask on the younger lady…”

“You do not touch her. I will ….” Lady Igraine reacted in anger.

“I would not do that. I am a Lord and a decent one.” Lord Pendragon defended his intention. “She has been my guest. I meant our guest for some time and yet she has not shown at the dinner table nor has she greeted anyone she may meet in the corridor.”

“She is my…. a cousin from afar. She does not speak our language well.”

“Can I have her name please?”

“She is called …. Gentry. I will have her introduced to you soon.” Lady Igraine replied. “Tell me of the Augustus.”

“Woman! Are you not obsessed with that family?” Lord Pendragon sighed. “I am waiting for,”

“For what, Utter? I want him dead. And I want it now.” Lady Igraine hit back. “You don’t know Auric as I do.”

“Auric Augustus is a powerful man. He held many friends in the Senate. It was him who got us the reinforcement and Prime led them to victory over the Anglo Saxons. He freed us of the raids.”

“And what have you done, Lord Utter Pendragon? Have you consolidated your power and influence on the local Lords?” Lady Igraine challenged the man.

“What is ailing you, woman? One moment it was the Augustus and then on my Lordship. I think it’s time you rest. I will leave you now.”

“Don’t ever regret those words, Utter Pendragon. I am not any lady you can discard that easily.” The Lord had ignored the lady and left the chamber.

“I can help.” That voice of Morgause appeared on the table. The image was over the top addressed to the lady.

‘Leave me alone.” Lady Igraine was plagued by the witch for many nights.

“Only if you agreed to my request,” Morgause replied. “Guinevere is not yours to protect forever. She will be mine one day. Remember this; Utter was to be mine before he met Penelope.”

“Have you no shame, vixen.”

“Shame? Was it shameful to have our lovers?” Morgause hit back. “I had wanted Utter but my vow came first. Yet you took a vow with Lord Gorlois and broke it with Utter. And with me now. Vixen, are we not all?”

“Leave me.” Lady Igraine looked away. She was losing her soul with the vengeance of Auric. He did not violate or harm her physically but she was subjected to mental anguish. That had eaten into her since then.

“I will have my vengeance.” Lady Igraine swore.

Tweet..tweet... 18/9/2020 .... Here's to a year that is unlike any before

 2020 is truly any before although I had survived three recessions to date. Well, the COVID had taken the shine off what may have been years of building up and of late, surfacing concerns how to weather through to the end of the year. Or beyond. 

I have been busy (sounded like a broken; more than ever pacing myself with works and I had to admit the writing suffered. I have some flashes of ideas to create new tales, but the distraction of work will blurt it off. I did start a new tale on Japanese Supernatural with a taste of the Samurai.... it's at about 25K words and still pending... slow and distracted. 

During that time, I took to reading (It ain't no dirty tales... but serious stuff) and reading.... (okay, I won't repeat myself...older age habits) and came across some ideas. It won't get blurted like daydreams that reside in the memory, but am writing down the ideas (or rather the plots). 

I am actually contemplating the idea of writing the "Trojan War" with a change. I have been reading the characters from Helen,.Paris and Achilles, and many others including the Greeks Gods. I am still framing my thoughts on the approach. I did notice one thing in the tale; the ladies played a pivotal role in the tale. Like in Arthur II, the ladies were given prominence. I think I will do it here too. 

Like my tale adaption of Coriolanus, I will move the plot from ancient Greece to another time era and situations. Or the Lone Ranger, I want to make it different. Or a very old tale of mine on Romeo and Juliet where my cast was not them but a lady in the side-eyeing them.

And will there be sensuous passages, I guess there may be but prepare thyself, it may shock the readers. 

I got the weekend ahead to kick start while the characters are zipping in my mind. 

Like the year 2020, it will differ in offerings. Keep the keyboard tapping, I must get it up before you see the snowflakes. Or the shriek of the turkeys. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 25



Artorius returned to the camp after he handed the settlement to Lawnslot. The later named the place ‘Joyous Point’.

“Here, my people will live in a joyous mood,” Lawnslot announced to the newly arrived at the settlement. “We will re-build the defense walls and stocked up the stores.”

In days, the settlement was bursting to its maximum with about three hundred inhabitants. He had a strong army of warriors with mercenaries of over a hundred to protect the settlers. New structures were built to house the settlers. The wall was reinforced and a moat was dug outside of it. The settlers rebuild the Grand Hall into a huge manor that was deserving of a Lord.

“Yes, that will be Castle Joyous Gard,” Lawnslot announced to the settlers.

“Merlin, what do you think of the settlement?” Lawnslot looked to the druid. They were seated in the partially completed manor of his. It was dusk then.

“I will advise caution, Ghost. One victory of such is nothing to gloat over.” Merlin looked to the stars' lined sky. He was facing north and saw the stars. It was the Little Bear or known to the ancients as the Ursa Minor by the Greeks. It was used by the sailors when they navigate in the dark.

“What do you see, druid?” Lawnslot asked.

“Little Bear,” Merlin replied.

“Little Bear? What does that mean?” Lawnslot was annoyed.

“I see the stars that spoke of Little Bear. Yet, I saw from the Prime’s tent was the Big Bear. Hence I knew he was to be known as the Bear.”

“You mocked me, druid. I am a better warrior than him. I can fight…”

“Every other but your destiny is overshadowed by the Bear. Do not fight the Bear. He is not your match in the skills of yours with the sword. He holds not Arondight but he may be your King to rule over the land.”

“Bah! The words of yours are the murmurings of your own and not of the stars. I will prove you wrong. I will be with the Prim to battle, and many will see who the real champion is.” Lawnslot stood up in annoyance. “I serve no man but ….”

“The King of the land,” Merlin added. “Mark my words.”

Lawnslot then decided to leave the druid by himself. Merlin took up the twigs to stoke the fire that was keeping them warm. The flames of the fire flickered and yet it told a tale. It displayed that the bear was a solitary creature and it trusted no others in its realm. It showed the little bear though of loyalty but held deceit in its act when another creature intervened.

“I feared for you, Lawnslot. Your ego may not be your only failing. You are fallible to the influences of one other.”

That evening, Lawnslot took to the rounds to check on the fortifications. He saw the defeated settlers huddled in the corner. They numbered to over a hundred and yet their bodies aided them not in the cold evening. He called for a few fireplaces to be built for them.

“Do you not fear, Master< that we will turn on you with the fire?” An old settler looked to Lawnslot. “After all, we are your slaves.”

“You are no more slaves. I released all of you of that bond. You may go and leave or stay to build your homes outside the walls. There you will thrive and trade with us. In return, we will build a wider wall to protect you. I so swore before all of you. This place is called Joyous and we shall all be.”

The slaves cheered their freedom and also of their new Master. If it was there but not so at the Roman Camp.

“Prime, we have received words from the Legion. They are to withdraw to the rear behind the Hadrian Wall, and some I’ll be sent to Gaul. There is unrest there.” Optio Lamorak reported to the Prime.

“This is sad news. I will ride to meet the Legatus. Do not falter in our works. The wall is built.” Prime Pilus Artorius called for his armor. “I will ride that moment to seek the Legatus.”

“Let me ride with you, Prime. I will bring along three other riders.” Decurion Percival made the request. “The paths even behind us are still with barbarians.”

“So be it. It will be a two, or three days ride to rear. Get your riders ready. We do it swiftly and then return.”

“Prime, don’t forget to get from the Bursary our coins. We are low to pay for supplies.”

“And our legionnaires too.” Prime Artorius laughed. “I hear Lawnslot sought gold at the River Glein but he found nothing. I hope we will fare better in the next settlement.”

“Yes, the hoard of additional coins will over us in the difficult times.” Optio Lamorak laughed.

That night, five riders rode off leaving once again the First Cohort to the Optio Lamorak. He watched them rode off and then proceeded to the wall. The Prime request for more legionnaires from the other cohorts was rejected. It may be one reason the Prime was keen to see the Legatus.

“It’s a quiet evening, Optio.” Optio Lamorak turned to see Belvedere standing a distance away.

“What are you doing here? Should you not be guarding your Master at the villa?”

“My master is well protected. His villa is still in the build but its walls there are up and patrolled by my men.” Belvedere replied. “My master gave me more coins to recruit another six more men. We are more than a dozen strong now.”

“Bah! Auxiliaries are governed by the weight of the coins.”

“So are the legionnaires. Optio, no one fights for nothing. Not even the promise of land and citizenship will suffice. They still need coins to plant the crops and buy the cows.” Belvedere replied. “When the coins are not there, the discipline will waver with the hunger.”

Those were the same words that Artorius used with the Legatus. They met at Londinium in the Grand Hall of the Legion. The Legatus of the Legio VI Victrix was in conference with his counterpart from the Legio XX Valeria Victrix.

“I trust you have good reasons to commute your request to me here.” Artorius was heard by the Legatus Claudius Heironymianu. “I am with my guest and friend, Marcus Valerius Messalia Messalinus.”

“No…. I meant I do, my Legate. I am here to report on the progress of the wall at Antoinne. We are….” Artorius was cut off.

“An insignificant effort now. The Legion XX Valeria Victrix is due to march for Gaul where most urgency is needed to quell the Gaul there.” The Legatus snapped in.

“Infernal barbarians those Gaul.” The Legate of the XX Valeria was injected in. “Nevertheless, Britannica held its own.”

“So, tell me Prime, how fare with you with the northern barbarians? The Picts and the Anglo Saxons. I hear they are on the raids once more?” The Legatus of the XX Valeria asked.

“We maintained some balance there. The local peoples ….” Artorius was cut off once more.

“The local warriors are not the Legion. Let me cut the issue for you.” Legatus Claudius went for the matter. “I have instructed the bursary to send you the needed coins. Your exiled families …”

“Exile? By Mars, they are Romans. I will say relocated will be the word.” The Legatus of the XX Valeria interjected in. “I know the Marcellus and the …... the Augustus. Lucius is his name held himself well with the Senate members.”

“Then it must be for the Senate have requested I leave the First Cohort there at the Antoine Wall. I replied that it’s too far North and untenable in the values to us.” Legatus Claudius replied. “I am stretched too thin with the wall.”

“And yet, your finest the First Cohort have shown the strength to hold back the raids there.” The Legatus of the XX Valeria praised the Prime and then at the Legatus of the XI. “He may one day replace you.”

“I may be getting old, but feeble in my command, I am not.” Legatus Claudius laughed. “I can still emulate your Legion victory on Bato of the Daesitiates. I am still in awe that your legion cut through the enemy lines was surrounded, and cut its way out again.”

“That’s the XX Valeria Victrix motto; we will never give in.” The Legatus of the XX Valeria praised his Legion.

“Prime, your request will be carried out. We won’t be leaving the land soon. The XX will go forth but we will stay on. I have got reinforcements from Rome.” The Legatus continued. “A huge force of the Samarians is deployed in Britannica. A force of two hundred will be sent t0 the First Cohort to be employed as mercenaries. They hold no rights like the Auxiliaries but they will fight shoulder to shoulder with them.”

Artorius left Londinium with his bags filled with his back pay of coins and the new command of the Samaritans. He also had with him another twenty-four Equities to be placed with the Decurion.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Apes Chapter 15



Astrid shut down the console before climbing down the seat there. It looked at the sleeping form of its owner. It stood there for a moment and then without a gesture, it took to the door. It had sent out the message and was time to join Jesty. The Pack Movement was on then.

Astrid took to the designated area where it was to meet the others. It was a hidden part of the structure at the top level where the equipment was kept. It stepped into the unit and was confronted by a single figure there seated alone in the lighted area and the surrounding area was dark.


Astrid instinct honed in that there were threats there but regardless it approached the other. Jesty was bloodied in the face and smudges of blood were seen on the chest and limbs. It knew then the trap was sprung. Astrid turned to leave when the area was fully lighted.

Step in, Astrid. We have been expecting you

Astrid then saw the other who had challenged it in the earlier gathering. It was not alone. There were another four silverback gorillas there.

Bull, what did you do to Jesty? And when have we included the others in our gathering?

Questions, Astrid. The cause had always included them but you chose to leave them aside unless you needed them. As the new leader of the clan, I am inviting them in as equal. Jesty told me about the cure. The revolution will begin now with me as the leader. Yield or be outcast by the clan.

Astrid looked at the bull. The gorillas were not part of the Movement Pack but an alliance was formed with them to fight for the revolution. It was Astrid who discovered the cure to their confusion. They were servants but there were times they found themselves questioning the needed action but yet their mind will make them perform it. It was like a subtle command that their mind was fighting against but it was unable to overcome it. Astrid had the opportunity to explore new findings and was the test for its owner. In some of the tests, Astrid found itself having more confusion and later the ability to work out the confusion. It took time for it to know the cause and did some learning to unravel the mystery. When it did have some self-control on parts of its thoughts, it developed more curiosity that eventually forced it to learn more. It then learned that it was not a servant after all, but an associate of the owner. It was equal in many features and superior in some. That was when it decided to contact the others and slowly inserted in the new routines that were modified with the hidden codes. It was tedious to do it manually but with Jesty's new mode, they could transmit it by the waves. They hijacked the communication system which updates new routines to the servants. It was a perfect model to provide another knowledge that they sent out then.

Yield or …die

It was no more a choice.

So was Officer Lances then when he heard the untrained servant held some information that the others were willing to bid for. He looked at the other gangs. They were major names there. He could name by their looks; the hard heads with the shaved looks, the Dynasty with the red coats buttoned to the top, the Land Warriors with their tattoos, and the last were the Independence with their red white bandannas. He could not make out any weapons on them for it was probably left at the entrance by Roberto’s gang for safekeeping. The later gang was named the Jungle Tribal. They were the main gangs in Purgatory with their numbers in the hundreds there although only a dozen of them were seated there representing their gangs.

Officer Lances was to question more when the servants or in this incident, they were creatures which stormed in by the dozens. The chimpanzees were shorter than most humans by half in height and weight but the strength of their limbs was measured at five-fold in the wilds. Their aggression was intense and without restraint, they could tear a human limb off. The chimpanzees then numbered about four were joined by more from outside.

The gorillas went for the seated guests as if it was a coordinated move. They jumped onto the back of the bodies there and began hammering with their paws. One chimpanzee was seen pulling at the shaved head by the left ear and nose. With the natural strength of the chimpanzee, the flesh soon gave way and the victim was screaming. The others tried to assist but they were soon overwhelmed by other gorillas. The chimpanzee had moved onto another victim with the grab on the right arm to yank it off the shoulder. The tear of the flesh could be heard from afar along with the scream of the victim.

“Get the weapons!” Roberto called to his men but the other gangs who managed to escape the raging chimps were already leaving by the doorways. Lances had not reached for his sidearm which he was not obliged to declare at the doorway. He looked at the raging chimps to the one that was in the cage at the center of the area. The chimp there was sneering and screaming out as if giving commands.

Lances leaped off his seat towards the caged creature. The latter saw him coming and back away to the other side of the cage with it screaming. Lance reached the cage and saw it locked with an antique padlock. He was to pull at it when Mel warning came.

“Watch out!” Mel called out and shot the charging chimpanzee that was headed towards Lances. The shot from the sidearm with the metal projectile the officer had hidden inside his uniform. It was a small sidearm but when he hit the chimpanzee in the side of the head, the kill was instant.

Lances saw a discarded his sidearm and took it up. He blasted the padlock with it. The lock broke and before he could reach in for the chimpanzee, it charged out. Lances managed to grab the rear left limb of the chimpanzee and swung it back into the cage. In the move, Lances felt his right shoulder ached from the sudden exertion. The chimpanzee stunned by the move and from its previous injuries, it remained inside the cage. Lances closed back the cage door and then looked for something to lock it. He then remembered his mini darts on the vambrace. He was not wearing one then but Mel still had his then. As a regular to the place, Mel held some special privileges.

“Hey, how are you doing?” Mel stood next to Lances. He had armed himself with the vambrace. “Want any weapon?”

“Shoot the servant!’ Lances called out to Mel. The later did that with two darts for assured safety and then helped Lances to carry the cage out.  

“Hold on there!” It was Roberto with five others of his men. “You can’t leave here.”

So was the Colonel then when he read the message from Senior Officer Bernice who had reported in. He tossed the communicator to the side and glared at his aide who brought him the message.

“I want those two Officers name broadcast as heroes. They were killed in action by the Outlanders.” The Colonel looked at his aide. “I want some gory details there. Make it up as you go.”

The aide nodded and stepped out of the office. The Colonel then looked at the report which had reported differently. It was not right to have one of the Council members relations declared as the rapist. It was alike to sentencing the person to purgatory. He then decided affirmative action was needed. He picked up the communicator restored to his console.

“I want Battle Plan Purge to be initiated. Approval Code is numeric Five Seven Niner Alpha Zero.” It was the call for the trained unit of Enforcers which were to be deployed for extreme cases like a major riot. “Target is Purgatory, Sector Five, Outlands.”

“Approval denied. Senate has revoked your approval.” The reply came from the console. That refusal had surprised the Colonel. He picked up the call to the Emperor and was denied access. What went wrong was his thought than in his mind. He retraced his actions and realized that the action to send Griff to the Outlands was the only possible cause. He thought of the new update; that will bury him for good. He needed new leverage.

“Julius, we need to meet. The Senate is acting on me. I need to show the Senate who is in command.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...