Monday, February 27, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 74

“They have withdrawn to the forest, my King but we could not find their leader, Colgirn.” The scouts reported then to Arthur. “We will search further.”
Arthur stood there on the walls of the city and marvelled at himself. It was a victory of such as it was in Badon that they felt the glory of winning it. There were deaths and wounded but the surviving ones rejoiced for it was another battle done. He turned to the assembled and then told them the battle was not over until all are defeated.
“Pursue them into the forest. Hunt them like the hogs and slaughter them.” Arthur commanded. The scouts soon send in their reports that the fleeing Anglo Saxons were regrouping in the forest near Celidon.
“It’s a thick wooded area with thick trunks but the woodsmen avoided it. They fear the nymphs there that may lead them astray.” A Duke spoke out. “I travelled past it but the tales reached me.”
“I do not wish to hear your travel tales but tell me where we can meet them. A place where we can get them trapped and then killed like the hogs we hunt.” Arthur asked of the assembled. “Check among your men for anyone who may know.”
It took some time for one who came forth to speak.
He was a scout.
“My King, the enemies are building a wall of timbers in the forest. They are helped by the Britons.” The scout reported in. “We cannot go in but besiege them once more.”
Arthur stepped aside to think and he came up with his battle plan.
“We will besiege them in return.” The siege took place with Arthur’s men building their own barrier and watched the enemies fight over their limited food supplies. It was not long when the Anglo Saxon then surrendered.
“We will leave your land if you spare us our lives.”
Arthur gave them that terms asked for but they leave their loots behind. The Anglo Saxons agreed and left. It angered Arthur and he made this speech that inspired the men.
"Since these impious and detestable Saxons have disdained to keep faith with me, I, to keep faith in God, will endeavour to revenge the blood of my countrymen this day upon them. To arms, soldiers, and courageously fall upon the perfidious wretches, over whom we shall, with Christ assisting us, undoubtedly obtain the victory."
In Camelot however another victory was achieved although it was not of killings but of privileges.
Guinevere sat at the seat next to the bedding. It was the same one that Arthur used to seat before he have her removed his boots. It was an intimate moment for them for the King was a man with lusty ideas. He will always laugh at her bosom displayed for his view. She knew from an earlier age that men were fascinated by the bosom as though their lips have never forgotten the suckling at it when they were babes. She used that to her advantage be it the ones that she needed a favour and even the puppy loving Mealeagant.
Guinevere cupped her breasts to push them higher but the last weeks, they have grown bigger like the child in her belly. She smiled then and wondered how much she longed for Arthur then. His kisses and bites that send the ripples down her spine and into her belly.
“My Queen, I am here on your request.” Lancelot had arrived then. He felt uneasy to be there at the personal chamber of the King and Queen. It was unbecoming to be unless the King was near death and everyone awaits the announcement of the new King. He smiled inside him that he had his needs were satiated by willing ladies but never did he intrude into a wedded couple chamber.
“Please be seated, Lancelot.” Guinevere offered the knight the next available seat near the table where she kept her personal belongings. “I asked you here for you were the one who took me from my last imprisonment.”
“If you want to know of the war, I have no news more of the …King.” Lancelot took his seat and looked away. He found himself attracted to the lady whom he had rescued then. He had thought the feeling was his lust but when he met Elaine, he released it in her. It was fine till the wedding but the novelty soon worn off. He found himself looking at Guinevere once more but the lady was the Queen. He wanted to with her, holding her in his arms. He lashed his lust into Elaine as he had done others and with his release, he felt as if he was doing it with Guinevere.
And then Guinevere was with his child.
It was God’s gift to him. His child was inside her. Not placed there by him physically but God will bestowed him with that child.
“Lancelot…Sir Lancelot, are you well?” Guinevere asked the knight.
It was to be the first of many meetings between the two with each of them having built their own barriers on them. They will starve themselves of love until they came to the point when they themselves will break the barrier and share the love that only belonged to them.
Well not all.
“Morgan Le Fay, you do not intrude upon my discussion with the Queen or anyone else.” Merlin reprimanded the young lady. “Now be away from me while you think of our own action.”
“I merely corrected her for she was…” Morgan defended her action. “She was rude to you”
“Rude? I have been from others but I will not need you to defend me. I can do so myself.”
“Isn’t it fair that an apprentice looked to her master’s welfare?” Morgan replied in anger.
“Who? You who is my apprentice? I would have assumed you were taking my honour with yours. Morgan, I am very own my man for now. So dismissed your own thoughts, it may not be.”
“It was not what I meant, Master…. For now.” The apprentice was then dismissed with the wave of the hand. Morgan Le Fay was stunned when she was dismissed by her master. She stormed off out of Camelot and rode her mount off to the forest. She reached the clearing by a pond and dismounted there. She approached the pond and kicked at the water there. She kicked it with vigour and then the one that she was waiting appeared.
“I heed on your call so you may stop your kicking.” Ninniane appeared. The lady was in her white dress stepped from the froth of bubbles that formed like a platform at the deeper end and from it the bubbles floated her to the dry banks.
“I could understand why Merlin acted in that manner. He was most times complacent to the needs of a lady but of late I hear his King was at war.” Ninniane spoke as if she was giving a speech. Morgan interrupted her and asked of her Master.
“Yes, I knew Merlin. He was a great master and friend.” Ninniane replied. “There are instances where he tends to be careful with the volumes. There are many which he will not share with….all of the apprentices. What do you seek from him, Morgan Le Fay?”
Niinnane asked the younger lady.
“You did not seek him for his spells. There are others you go to but you chose him. I wondered why.” Ninniane spoke out. “Merlin is a druid and above all a scoundrel at best. So why do you be his apprentice?”
Morgan was to reply when the nymph from the lake continued on.
“You either may want to learn more of his darker spells or your …feelings for you. I fear not the two but maybe you are just adventure seeking.” Ninniane then looked at Morgan. “Why did you summon me?”
“I don’t know then but now I think I know.” Morgan reply. “I am indebted to you. I was acting on my feelings and indeed it was.”
With those words, Morgan Le Fay took to her mount and rode off. She was smiling then but Ninniane carried on her face the expression of concern.
“Merlin, you are a rogue. I hope you will not encourage the lady as you did of mine. I hope you will not for she is not me.” Ninniane did not see the barrier that came down with her words but the lady riding back was cheerful. Her bosom tingled on that thought that they needed love too. She had ridden there to clear her feelings of anger or despair she knew not but she returned with the feeling that was well received.
“By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes.”


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 73

“I want Colgrin captured dead or alive.” Arthur called out to his knights. The army had marched to York where they have besieged the city. Their leader was one named Colgrin, an Anglo Saxon who had once pillaged the land down south. “He is to be brought to me his head for I will display it for all to see who we have defeated.”
The assembled knights, Lords and Dukes all cheered the King. Arthur smiled and then he said.
“I have a need to have someone do a taks for me.” Arthur turned to one he felt the next task was to be taken. “I heard from my scouts that Colgrin had sent words to his brother, Badulph who is days away with an army of six thousand. More are to come from another name Cheldric from Germany with more reinforcements.”
Arthur looked past his trusted knights from Lamorak to the Black Knight. “I cannot have you away from here for I am in need of you in my siege. However I can spare one whom I trust. Duke Cador, can you lead a column of six hundred and three thousand foot soldiers to intercept the reinforcement?”
“My King, I may do as you ask but the withdrawal of such numbers may weaken yours. I begged of you to reconsider.” Duke Cador intervened. “We …”
“I am in siege now. The enemies have barricaded themselves inside. What matters to them if I am short by those columns as long as they are not seen leaving here. I will appear with my knights to parade before them lest they noticed we have wane in our numbers. You may do your task and return in triumph before they realized your departure. And do bring me a trophy that I will present to them on their so named reinforcement.”
With that Duke Cador sneaked off with the column of army that was to fight the reinforcement. It was reported later that Duke Cador had made his battle into a victory when he waylaid the superior Anglo Saxon army at the forest trail where they were ambushed on both sides. The surprised attack on the marching knights and foot soldiers soon scattered the survivals and put them to flight. The defeat was not told by Arthur to the besieged city but the Lord that led them had re-joined the brother when he found his way in a disguise as a harper.
“Brother, I have failed. My army routed but I am told Cheldric of Germany will be here. He brings with him six hundred sails with brave warriors.”
The Anglo Saxons were defeated but the Gauls were coming then to the fray.
“The Gauls with their ships are sailing down the river to reinforce the city.” The knights advised King Arthur. “We may need to lift the siege.”
“Then we will get more of our own men to fight them but not here anymore. I was told that Colgrin had slipped out during the night and sailed north. He flee his men to a fate of death. I wondered of the King as that if I was a knight with him.” Those words drew laughter then with King Arthur. “For our side, as your King,  I have news of the King Hoel is coming to join us with fifteen thousand men. He was convinced to join us for he was indebted to Lord Pendragon and with the old Kingdead, I will invoke that by me now.”
That drew on cheers from the assembled and soon the army began retreating to relieve the city Kaerliudcoit. Words have arrived that they were siege by the Anglo Saxons.
“None may besieged the allies of king Arthur!” That was the roar of the assembled when they arrived at the city and a battle to relieved the city took place. The Anglo Saxons numbered about six thousands were attacked by three times their numbers, retreated with many drowned in the two rivers that flowed near the city.
“I say, Kingsley. You are getting used to battle now.” Sam smiled at his friend when they took a rest from the pursuit of the enemy. “How is your wound?”
Kingsley had taken on another new wound at the left forearm. That time he had not the assistance of Sam but himself. He pulled the arrow out in spite of the pain, and tossed it away. He had then rushed at the bowman who was steps away from him trying nervously to notch another arrow. He thrust out the pike at the bowman in the chest and then he twisted his hands to cause more pain in the bowman. He then pulled the pike out with the innards of the dying man trailing the ground. He then stood there with the pike held upwards and screamed out the pain from his wound. It was much later when Sam found him.
“It will heal.” Kingsley looked to the flowing river which was then covered with bodies in its red shade. They died for the rewards of coins preferably gold ones but their earlier demise meant the coins were not to be paid, or shared by his living friends and not for his family.
“Where are my coins?” Kingsley asked of Sam. He had asked Sam to keep them for him. “I want to see them.”
“Now? You are mad. How …” Sam protested but Kingsley insisted. Sam relented and took the bags of coins to show Kingsley.
“Sam, return home with it. I will continue the fight.” Kingsley told Sam. “I can fight better than you. My wounds proved the point while you hid behind me looking for the openings to kill anyone I may have wounded.”
”Kingsley, I …” Sam defended his action.
“I am not a coward. I …”
“You will return with the coins. I will come back when I am ready.” Kinsgley stood up and then went on his way to find more fights. Sam picked up his pike and went the opposite way. It was then the shouts of victory were heard.
“The siege is over. We won.” It was the not the same in Camelot.
“My Queen, you must remain in bed.” The maid herself knew her words were meaningless and might as well be spoken to the walls. Queen Guinevere then heavier in her belly pulled herself up from the bedding to walk to the window. She looked outside and watched the treelines across the farmlands. She felt her loneliness and with the treelines and the sea on the other side, she felt besieged.
“He may not yet return, my Queen.” Merlin who had appeared then with his apprentice, Morgan Le Fay. “I received words that he is at the northern side battling the Anglo Saxons.”
“And why was I not advised on this?” Guinevere snapped out. “I am after all his Queen.”
“It was the …wishes of …” Merlin was cut off by Morgan.
“My master wishes to say that it was the decision of the knights of the round table. My master will confer with Lancelot on this.”
“It’s most obvious and thoughtful of him.” Guinevere replied coldly. “However I will be entertaining Sir Lancelot later today and will hear from him.”
“My Queen, you may not travel. Your body is …” Merlin protested then.
“Sir Lancelot will see me in this chamber and it will be private.” Guinevere told him. “And I mean its only..”
“Unallowable. You are the now the Queen and he cannot meet you alone.” Merlin told her. “It’s unallowed…”
“Then we shall meet with the servants conveying our replies from my bedding to the hall and back.” Guinevere was getting upset. “What do you think may happen here? I am heavy with a child and no man in his right mind will want me now lest of all my own King. Or perhaps you want me swatted with layers of cloth …”
“Stop it, Guinevere. Your behaviour are unbecoming of the Queen.” Morgan spoke out of line and was given a lashing from Guinevere.
“And you are addressing your Queen. Behave or….Never mind, if it was your sister Morgause, I will be tempted to have her banished like myself for being a slut towards my King.”
Morgan Le Fay upset than stormed off before Merlin could stop her. The later looked at the lady who was the Queen but no words came from his lips. It was she who continued on.

“Merlin, you may tell the King what happened here but bear in mind, I am still the Queen. And this unborn child is Arthur’s. Do not make me create a cycle in history for Arthur.” 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 72

It was during the setting sun then when Lancelot stayed close to the grass but his sight was higher at the trees branches. He was looking for any sentries there or at worse a trap ready to be sprung. Those below the branches were outlaws or mercenaries if one would to consider their warring profession. There were twelve of them seated by the fire camp with one on his feet acting as the sentry. They were dressed in the ragged tunic and leggings with the ankle leather boots. Every man who had marched for days as a foot soldiers knew the gift of a good pair of boots. The ex-mercenaries had not worn their chest plates or the gauntlets or the heavier weapons. They settled for the sword and dagger with three others carrying the rounded wooden shields. All of them were armed lightly for the fleet of their feet was needed in a retreat or to escape the pursuing knights after their looting. And so were the farmers.
“Enric we need to sail back to our land. We have held enough loot to buy us the farms.” The tall one among the twelve outlaws voiced out. “We done well without our master of the knights.”
“Aye, we had done well.” The one named Enric replied. He eyed the small case at his feet laden with the loot that they worked hard the last week. It was his decision to abandon the war and to hide in the forest. Without their master, their obligation was over. Lancelot did them a good turn when he killed that idiotic knight.
“Enric, let us move.” The tall one spoke while his hands held the sword that helped him survived so long. He had it since the first battle soon after his called up by the Lord to serve the knight. They were told that they will be paid with gold.
“You are not my foot soldiers but mercenaries. You die at battle and we bury you there. Your gold will go to your family to buy the land they lived.” The Lord had announced. “Fight not for me but for your land.”
“Aye our farms. We will redeem them back or maybe we can snatch them back.” Enric spoke out. He then stood up. “We will…” It was then he saw a knight in amour rode into their camp fire. He was not huge or tall but of average but with his armour he looked formidable. He carried a long a metal ball with the chain that was attached to the short handle and the narrow shield favoured by the riding knights. The knight dismounted and faced the men at the fireplace.
“The name is Sir Pellinor and I am here to stop your lootings and killing of the innocents. You will be punished by the law or die by my iron ball.”
Ernie charged at the knight without a warning with his sword drawn. The knight blocked the sword thrust and swung his iron ball at Ernie’ face. The iron ball smashed into the other’s face and shattered the lower jaws. The knight pulled back on his iron ball and then swung it at the tall one who was seen then rushing to help Ernie. The iron ball swung hard from the right hit the man in the chest and ruptured the heart. The others backed out and then announced their surrenders.
“Do you then yield?” The knight asked. The remaining outlaws then nodded. It was also then Lancelot emerged from his hiding with the other knights that he had taken with him on the pursuit. The knight named Pellinor then approached Lancelot.
“I am Sir Pellinor and stopped your lootings and killing of the innocents. You will be punished by the law or die by my iron. I seek the knights of King Arthur.” The knight spoke up. “I seek also my long lost nephew, Lamorak who had joined the knights at the round table.”
Meanwhile at the Antoinne Wall, Arthur had called for a halt to the columns of knights. He was not marching blindly to the northern wild lands without his scouts giving him news of where and who is there. He had sent over fifty scouts either alone or in pair and then asked the army to camp there. He also called for a meet among his knights.
Arthur looked at them there seated at his fire place. There was Lamorak seated by himself and Sir Kay on the near side with Tristam the lonely standing at the far side. King Ban and Bors both always together had just rode in a while ago was still stretching their legs. There was the elusive Black Knight who stood next to Arthur, seen when he wanted to be seen but most times he was missing in the columns. Arthur did confront the Black Knight soon after they left on the trail.
“You were missing for some days You was not to join in this war.” Arthur did not ask but stated the conclusion. “I can only conclude that you either went home or met a Queen. More of a previous Queen.”
The Black Knight did not reply then for it was rumoured that he had stepped in to replace Pendragon by Lady Igraine side. He had not quashed the rumour for it was true that he spend time with the lady he once loved. She had used him for his position as the knight of the round table. She knew what was going on there and just before his departure Lady Igraine had asked him on Guinevere.
“I was away in my own land then. And before that I was with Lady Igraine which I am not privileged to advise you.” The Black Knight had replied. “And Lady Igraine had not mentioned you at all. I join in for I am old and much preference to die with a sword in my hand than at my side.”
That matter had become more irrelevant then. Arthur had other matters to pursue then. He looked at the ones he had entrusted then.
“We will be entering the northern lands where the wild Picts and the screaming hordes of the Irish before we faced the fierce Scottish. We will not stop there but move on over the waters to the continent. There we have the … “
“Arthur, are you declaring war on the Normans too? The Danes and perhaps the Gauls?” King Ban asked. “I thought you wanted to kick the invaders here and not war on them in their lands.”
“I did but to hold the borders far from our lands means I have to conquer a part of them.” Arthur replied. “It was what the Romans did when they conquered the lands that were beyond Rome.”
“And they pay for it with its empire I heard splitting into sides.” King Bors cut in. “I am for the invaders off our lands but to take on further than that, it meant more men and knights with more years added to the war. I am not sure all of us are prepared for it.”
“Which is why I have prepared for more knights to join us as fellow of the round table here.” Arthur explained. “The round table is a sign of our unity and trust. Others have named it brotherhood. I am prepared to expand our members here from seven to the full complement of twelve.”
“And this will be our round table.” Arthur indicated to the fire place. “Its’ fire will be our table which we will congregate and sit around it. It will be no different from the wooden table that we were once seated at.”
Lamorak let off a laugh at those words and all stared at him.
“Excuse my laughter but I am all for it. It’s not my fire place where I shared my brotherhood.” Lamorak replied with snide. “I wished Lancelot is here. Or Percival. In the Legion, we used to have the roast over the fire while we speak. I find that missing now.”
“If it’s a roast you want, I will have it arranged.” Arthur called out. “So do tell among those which ride with us, who can we add to the numbers here?”
If numbers to increase was the issue then, Guinevere was still in her surly mood then. She sat with Elaine who had come to visit her on the request of Lady Igraine.
“I am grateful that you came to visit.” Guinevere struggled to find the words to tell Elaine. Their childhood was not close and her banishment was that of the other’s mother. “I hardly have the chance to speak to you.”
“How is the child?” Elained blurted out and then she apologised.
“Don’t be, I am fine with those questions. It’s all most of them asked when they see me.” Guinevere then stood up and displayed her expanded waist line. “Even the maids told me that I was to wear loose tunic as not to strained on my ….growth.”
“Which one?” Elaine spoke out of line but Guinevere laughed.
“Yes, these are larger.” Guinevere reached for her bosom. “If only Arthur …How is Lancelot?”
The changed of question took the surprise on Elaine who then mumbled a reply.
“He is well. He is …”
“Are you with a child too?” Guinevere asked. Elaine shook her head and the Queen smiled.
“Then Lancelot is not well. He is not doing his …” The Queen stopped then when she saw the pain expression on Elaine’s face. “I meant it as a joke. I did not mean to insult him. Or you.”
“None, my Queen. He is just too busy.” Elaine looked away. Lancelot was busy then and his busy tasks had kept him away from her. “He obeys the King to do his tasks.”

And not mine. That was on Elaine’s mind then.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 71

The army of King Arthur took to the south on their way to battle. It was his idea to come from the south and then make their way up north in Scotland.
“I will not have my enemies routing me at Camelot when I way up north battling their allies.” Arthur spoke up at the campfire seated with the knights that once had the comfort of the round table. He looked at them and smiled.
“The last battle….where was it? Arthur turned to Sir Kay.
“Jute Settlement at Kent, Arthur.”Sir Kay replied before he sank his teeth into the chunk of meat. The food was aplenty from the enemy supplies or the farms that laid in their way. Arthur had insisted that they pay for it, and said none was to taken by force. ‘We are their saviour’ the King had said but to save one the other must also be safe from death. Be it by the sword or the waning strength from starvation. Many battles were won when the enemies were weak from starvation and hardly more of them when it was fought by fully fed men. Sir Kay looked at the meat he had gnawed to the bone.
“Your sacrifice is truly worth the trouble.” Sir Kay recalled one that he had visited after a scouting trip. He was with three others on mounts when they stopped at the stone house by the small pond. There was a flock of cows there and it was needed. An old lady challenged them with the pitch fork and told them to be on their way.
“I am the land owner and no one can take it from me.” The lady threatened the four of them.
“Lady, we are just passing by but the scent of the food cooking over your fire place could not be ignored.” Sir Kay remarked. “We would like to share some of it and then we will be on our way. We can pay too.”
“The foods on my table are of my own family. You ain’t getting any and more to that you are not of the land.” The old lady cried out. “I favoured no coins from the invaders of our land.”
Sir Kay had then dismounted along with his scouts but was held back by the old lady. She held the pitch fork and violence was in her eyes. She thrust it one more time but then Sir Kay had it snatched from her. The old lady fell on the snatch.
“Take the cows and then we leave.” Sir Kay looked at the lady. “We will leave you some coins.”
“I don’t want your coins.” The old lady pulled out a dagger from her tunic and thrust it into Sir Kay’s left thigh. He felt the thrust and reacted with the kick from his right leg. The kick made the lady fell to the rear and lay dead. The scout rushed over and saw the lady was not breathing.  He looked at Sir Kay and then he told the knight that the lady was dead.
“Burn the house and cleared the breeds that could be killed for food. Scattered the rest.” Sir Kay told the scouts. “Arthur must not be told.”
Arthur was not told while he munched at the meat that was earlier a cow in the corral. Fighters must be fed regardless of where it came from as long as it was delicious. The army of Arthur had started their war to the north. They rode past the Hadrian Wall to find another. It was further north and untold by many except those who had relished it as they did on the Hadrian Wall.
“I never heard of the Antonine Wall.” The grumpy Kingsley then used his pike to hold his balance. He was hurt on the right thigh on the side by a sword but the person who wielded it had died speared by Sam.
“I have never been to it but there were drifters who told me of it. It was a wall like Hadrian and it stretched far from Clyde to Forth as if I know where they are. I heard it was higher than most man, and there was a ditch before deeper than most man and there was an outer mound of earth.” Sam was trailing his pike across the ground as if he was earmarking the wall for construction. “There was like ….sixteen or more forts there with smaller encampment of men. They told me the Romans build it with that many men.”
Sam’s arms stretched out wider than the trout he caught last season.
“I heard they split the people there. Anglo Saxons, Picts may be too, and also some wayfarer Scots. The Romans took the people to help. The wall helped the people behind it in the south but the wall did not stay fortified for long. Eight years later it was abandoned when the Romans retreated to the other wall….what’s its name…. Hadrian.”
“So they built it and then they left it? Such a pity.” Kingsley replied. “Where we come from, we do not do such thing. What we build on we will stay on it.”
Sam did not reply for he left his family of one missus and three of his off springs. His concern was not alone.
“My Queen, how may I serve you if you do not care to be served?” The servant maid bent down to pick the tossed goblet. The contents were spilled on the flooring.
“Get out of my chamber!” Guinevere in her foul mood told the servant. “I will not have that foul drink.”
“You must, my Queen. I have added honey to sweeten it.” Merlin having steppe in then approached the Queen seated on the bedding. “You must take the potion I prepared.”
“And what good it will do for me? Add more to my waist as it’s already …larger.” Guinevere fell to her weeping then while the druid stood next to her.
“I am here to ensure your health during my King’s absence.”
“Of which he is not here. His desire to battle outreached mine.” Guinevere bitched on her loneliness. It was close to three months then with Arthur away, and her belly more pronounced. She was assured of that by the looks given to her by the others and the extra courtesy with the passage for her to take the way before them.
“Bitching won’t make your child any more or less obtrusive.” Merlin spoke out to the Queen.
“Bitching? I will not have that …” Guinevere protested strongly.
 “I been around and you are not the first lady in such manner.” Merlin retorted to her. “I have to remind you that you are the Queen. King Arthur expects no less from …”
“He had taken what’s there and left me here.” Guinevere then looked away. “Leave me alone. I begged of you.”
Merlin then took his leave and met Elaine at the corridors. The lady enquired of the Queen and then begged to see her but Merlin refused her.
“She is unwell.” Merlin told her the reason. “Your mother may know more.”
Elaine then returned to her castle where her lover had then seldom returned. She however met her mother there.
“It’s most un…” Elaine was snapped off by the elderly lady.
“I arrived soon after I heard. Is Guinevere with a child?” Lady Igraine asked. “What of yours?”
“Mine? Mother, how ..Only God can determined when our child …”
“Cut your yapping, I know when or how babies are made. I had ….” Lady Igraine paused and then she spoke. “Three of you. There are no other reason unless he does not come to you. Where is Lancelot anyway?”
“He is busy, mother. He is needed to see to the land here. He has to keep the borders intact and there are…”
“The duties of his to you are of equal importance.” Lady Igraine replied. “You are his Queen and he …. Never mind, I also here to tell you that Meleagant had come calling some days ago. He is ever insistent of visiting Guinevere.”
Elaine knew Meleagant and the tales that mother had told her of the young Lord and his affliction to one named Guinevere.
“He can’t be calling here. She is the Queen.” Elaine protested. “He must know a wall exist between them now.”

“Tell that to the fool. He thinks too much of himself.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 70

The sounds of the trumpets and the hollering roused the assembled of over ten thousand knights and foot soldier to their feet. The call to march for battle was heeded when the trumpeter rode past them holding the banner of King Arthur.
“About nigh time we are on the move. My hinds are stiff from laying down here.” An elderly foot soldier heaved himself up with the long handle of the pike he held. “Another day and I will have return to my farm and my Daisy for the bidding.”
“Sam, you old bull! You won’t leave here until you see your golden coin. How was it in the old war? You told me you were outnumbered but victory did not elude you.” The younger man who had joined the man in the quest for gold beamed out with glee. It was the first battle for the younger man.
“Kingsley, it was madness then for we were outnumbered and yet in Badon, the King rode towards them as if he was followed by thousands. He fought them singlehanded and it inspired us then. I was the second to charge then.”
“I thought you were the fourth in the lines was what Daisy told me.” Kingsley corrected the elderly neighbour. “You were with Paddy but sadly he did not make it.”
“Fourth? Yes, it was. Your paddy was in front of me and he died saving my life. I am telling you for the last time stay behind me or at worse beside me. They don’t pay god coins to the ones that died. No one will remember your name then.” Sam the Elderly recalled his good neighbour then, Fred the Short who was with him up till Badon. They had marched out of the farmlands with their lovers weeping but of the seven of them, only four of them made it back. Old Fred was on some funeral pyre at Badon but his pike was saved by Sam who was using it then.
“Let us move on. We don’t want the Sire looking for us.” Sam spoke up and dragged his pike along. He saw then from the corner of his left eye the Red Knights. The group had grown silent since the death of the Sir Perimone. The Red Knights remained seated despite the others packing their wares.
“Come along, Kingsley.” Sam took the wider detour to avoid the knights. He then saw Lancelot riding towards him and stepped aside for the knight to pass. Lancelot rode up to the Red Knights. He tossed the bag of coins at the Red Knights feet.
“There are enough gold coins for your death friend. Give it to his family as courtesy of the King. Then after choose your destiny. Return empty handed or ride for gold.” With that Lancelot rode off to rouse the other knights. Lancelot was not only seen by the foot soldier but by Arthur on the walls of Camelot.
“Arthur, does he know?” Lamorak asked. “I think it’s a wise move to leave some of the knights here at Camelot. One cannot have the home unattended when the riding distance may take days to return.”
“Why are you so keen to ask on Lancelot?” Arthur asked. “You were no real friend of his.”
“Friends we are not really there but I shan’t think what Sir Kay thought of Lancelot. If it will assured you he is a knight of the round table and for that he earned my concern.” Lamorak replied. He chose not to mention Sir Kay for he was not keen on that person. “Why did you take Percival? He is like your Optimus.”
“I need Percival here for the others listen to him while Lancelot commands their courage. The man is a hero among them.” Arthur replied.
“Yes, his shame action by the Black Knight had been forgotten.” Lamorak hissed out in contempt. “I know he has improved but…”
“Where is the Black Knight? I have not seen him for weeks now.” Arthur then asked . “And of Sir Kay.  I have not seen them for some days.”
“The Black Knight I have not seen but Sir Kay, he is around. He is at the far end of the camp with his old friends. They were gladiators of the arena but now mercenaries seeking gold. They ply their skills for the same reason. They even raised their own banner.” Lamorak smiled. “The bastards are crafty and resourceful.”
“Aye, the gladiators are brave fighters but they lack the finesse of the true knights. However I need them too.” Arthur looked at the long line of men that was part of his army. He saw the Lords and Kings with their column of knights and foots soldier followed by the servants who also carted the supplies. He counted the columns and noted the number. It was a huge army of ten thousands but he knew he needed more of these columns. He glanced to the groups that formed parallel columns with their ragged formation. Those were the mercenaries and drifters who will join in the adventure for the plunder or the chance to be with the war. The drifters will eventually trailed off when they found new trails to journey on but the mercenaries they were driven by the plunder of gold.
Arthur sought out the one he had brought to his round table but unknown to him, Sir Kay was not in the columns there. He was still in the arms of the lady who have embraced his needs willingly. His head was cradled on her thighs with her hands rummaging his hair. He was nude from the waist up but his lower body was covered by the bedding cover. He laid there with his eyes closed but his expression was calm.
“Why do you now leave with them?” The lady asked.
“Leave for what? I am happy here.” Sir Kay replied. “I am a gladiator and we are never the ones to rush to fight. When we do we fight to win or die with dignity.”
“So when do we fight, Sir Kay?” The lady asked.
“When I am ready.” Sir Kay replied. His words were further from his mind which had befall to the days when he was then in his loin cloth while wielding the pointed sword and the rounded shield. It was not his favourite but he held none among the weapons. He was adept at all and none he wielded had left his hand without blood on the blade. When one was a gladiator there was nothing to look for except for the sun rising and setting to know that another day had passed with their body wounded or slain by another. They lived for that and the cheers when they win at the arena. It was tough but fighting as a knight with Arthur was harder for they were periods of non-fighting which made him frustrated. Sir Kay disliked that but he had found the last long wait wanting but with the call to battle then, he felt the resting period too short.
Sir Kay pushed himself up from the lady and then walked naked to the bucket at the far side. It was a developed habit then and he turned to look at the lady.
“I will be gone for a long time. Could we do it one more time?” Sir Kay approached the lady.
“I will do so if only you leave yours inside me.” The lady turned to lay on the bedding. “And I want it finished there.”
Inside then was also Percival who was not seen at the walls but in his chamber. He was furious that he was left out of the war. He had got the words not from Arthur but by Lancelot.
“How could Arthur do this?” Percival asked Lancelot after he was told. “How could I be left behind?”
Lancelot did not reply for he was looking out the windows of the other’s chamber. He was looking at the other side of the structure walls which housed the chamber of Arthur. He saw from there the drawn curtains and one he knew as the Queen seated there before the candle lights. It was a bewitching look for one who was in war within himself when he discovered he fancied his Queen. It was soon after he wedded Elaine. It was not of his doing but when he saw Guinevere then at his wedding, he felt differently then. He began to compare her to Elaine and found the later on the short side.
“Lancelot, did you hear me? We are to at war but one we are without.” Percival looked to the one he had considered his closest friend.
Lancelot did not reply for he was still watching his fascination. He felt that it was his responsibility to protect their love during the war. He will do just that.
“Goodbye, Arthur. Ride with God’s faith and with that, return once more. Your Queen will be safe with me. I love her.”
King Arthur rode to war with his knights They were Lamorak, Sir Kay, Tristam, King Ban and Bors with  the returning Black Knight. He had fought his war with seven knights and he will do so while the others will be his guardians of Camelot.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 69

Gawain blocked the thrust by the spear when the knight rode past him. He had dropped the shield and used the sword given to him as one including the scabbard. He stepped back and saw the knight reined in the horse before turning to face him. They have fought for some time then and Gawain lost his mount to the limp. He discarded the shield then and decided to fight on his feet. The knight had made several passes by then and each time, Gawain blocked the attack.
“I will fight you on your term.”  The knight dismounted before he tossed the spear and shield. He pulled at his sword and then approached Gawain. The armour on the knight was designed to protect the rider more on the mount than on ground. It was however fine for rider was protected by the extra lining of metal but it difficult to move against without it. The compensating part for the armour knight was his heavy long sword which he wield with both hands.
“Yah!” The heavier sword of the knight struck at scabbard of the sword held by Gawain. The later felt the blow riveting on the scabbard but the tough material held. He rolled the side and swung the scabbard at the knight’s right knees where it was exposed. The scabbard hurt the knight who had then fell on his right knee. It was then Gawain thrust the scabbard at the knight in the side of the neck where it was exposed. The knight cried out and dripped his sword to remove the helmet. It was the moment that Gawain was waiting for then. The sword in Gawain hand appeared swiftly and with one stroke, the knight was lying down then with a nasty cut on the right shoulder.
“You are not the first knight I fought.” Gawain then stood up and saw Helene looking at him. “He won’t die. Not just yet. Take him to the healer.”
“Gawain, I barely know him. Please …” Gawain ignored the one he thought had loved him back as he did. He did not look at her and approached the limping horse. He took the reins and took the horse to walk.
“Gawain, you can’t….”
It was not a decision then. It was the will of the heart.
A very painful one.
Just as then in Camelot, Arthur stormed his way to Merlin’s chamber. The later was checking some passages on the volume with Morgan Le Fay. Arthur hollered out to Morgan to leave.
“Leave us now.” Arthur held the door opened and the lady took to her heels. He closed the door and then faced Merlin,
“Am I your King?” Arthur asked. “Don’t answer me…..No, you ought to know. You were there to put me on this track. I was to be King.”
“Arthur, you are unwell. You need to rest.” Merlin approached the man he had placed to be King. “You need…”
“I need respect, Merlin. Let me relate to you what is happening.” Arthur stepped away from the doorway and took to the other side of the chamber. “I was made King and I called for a war that had yet to ….start. The knights came a calling to my banner. Camelot could not accommodate them and they took their tents outside. They stayed and waited for the war which I was … to start where they can do their best at it.”
“Merlin I waited on because I was not sure how many in the army I need. I was concerned every other day and I questioned my own knights for they were not preparing like me. I sent them to the other knights and they come to me on petty issues. I was sent to rest and more trouble brewed. I granted them a feast and one even tried to usurp me. I could not …”
“I heard Percival stopped the other. The words out that Lancelot covered for you.” Merlin replied.
“Guinevere is with my child.” Arthur lashed out then. “I ….”
“You are afraid to be King and ….father.” Merlin replied. “You are pathetic.”
Arthur turned and leaned on the wall. His head sank to his arms. Merlin did not want to move but he held back. He had been around many leaders and even at their darkest moment when they are no more the leader, they were then mere boys with pain.
“Merlin, I am most comfortable when I am in battles but waiting for one most times. I need this war to start now or not never.” Arthur spoke out from the quiet corner. “And Guinevere…”
“I will take care of her. Just get your war started. Collect your army when you marched and reinforced when you fight.” Merlin voiced out in a fatherly manner with the low tone but resounding across the distance between them.
“Merlin, I am unsure…” Arthur sank to his depression but Merlin needed the man back.
“Arthur, you are the right one. Don’t let yourself be defeated.” Merlin then took the few steps towards his care. “You must not give up. You have been through worse.”
“Stop it, druid. I am not one of your…” Arthur glared at Merlin.
“No, you are my King and I will listen to your ….proclaimation.”
“Take care of Guinevere. I am also leaving Lancelot and …Percival here.”
Arthur was not the only one to encountered doubts.
Gawain was riding alone in the forest when he met Galahad approaching in the opposite direction. He reined in his new mount and waited for Galahad.
“Galahad, where are you headed?” Gawain asked but the other ignored him and rode past him. Gawain wanted to give chase but he did not. It was the hounds that followed Gawain that intercepted the mount rode by Galahad. The hounds stopped the mount and it almost threw Galahad off. Gawain rode over and grabbed the horse reins to calm it down.
“Galahad, it’s me Gawain.” The later dismounted and then walked towards a tree where he slumped at the roots. The youngest of the three had the look unseen since they lost their mother.
“Why are you here?” Gawain asked of the brother who had remained silent. “Are you in any trouble? Or Gaheris?”
Gawain saw the pain expression and then asked.
“Are you in any fight with Gaheris? The two were almost at each other when Gawain was not around. “Was it Lynette?”
Galahad looked to his brother, and the other sigh at the possibility.
“Lynette is only one of many and why must you fight with him over her? Is she worth the issue?” Gawain then swallowed his own words on his earlier battle with another over the lady. He had thought she was the one and yet he was betrayed.
“Galahad, women like them cannot be trusted. You must move on. Find yourself one that is worthy of your love.” Gawain felt a tinge of sourness in his tone when he spoke those words. “Go and find yourself.”

With that, Gawain took to his mount to return to Ceredig. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myths Chapter 68

Gawain stood before the same drawbridge that he had crossed over recently and there he was looking at it. It was still lowered and the lonely man servant stood there holding the two grey hounds.
“You came back for them?” The servant asked. “I know my lady will not be without them. They were bred from the first pair given to her by the mother. It was rumoured that the hounds attacked the others for they were sincere with my lady. Hounds are able to tell if you are sincere.”
With that the servant released the hounds to Gawain. The hounds ran off in pursuit of their mistress before Gawain could take pursuit. He was to kick at his horse when the servant stopped him.
“Take the leash. They will come to you.” The servant tossed the leash over.
Gawain rode off in pursuit. He caught up with her with the hounds. That was not all.
There was another person next to her. He was wearing armour with the long spear and shield. On his shield was the emblem of the red soaring dragon.
“Halt! Whoever you are, that lady is mine.” Gawain approached the knight with Helene. He was annoyed when he saw the other knight stood before Helene to confront him.
“Step forth and I will force to fight you.” Gawain retreated for he was nor attired to fight the knight. He had on his own sword and the one given to him by Sir Haught with a round shield he picked from within the castle. It was a small rounded shield with cracks on the sides. It was hung on the horse saddle.
“I can’t fight you….not yet for I am without my armour and this shield is not adequate. Please allow me to retrieve mine and we will fight.” Gawain displayed his lack of amour to the knight. It was in the code of chivalry that the battle between the two should be fair.
“I will not fight you but the delay is uncalled. I will ask the lady to decide to whom she will follow.” The knight replied before he looked at Helene. “It’s your call, my lady. Do you yield to me or him? For love or for a life of adventure of untold pleasures?”
“Damn you, Sir. She is my love and you have no right to tempt her with your …lustful thoughts.” Gawain shouted out but he was then taken aback by Helene’s reply.
“I will follow you, Sir Knight. I cared not for the man who does not defend his lover.” Helene looked at the knight.
“Helene, my bride. How could you …forget our union of love?” Gawain spoke out in dismay at the choice made by Helene. “You mentioned to me that I am your true love and ….”
“A coward who won over my father’s heart to marry me. The marriage was not my idea but his …vile plans to seek the husband for me. I cared not for his choice but to be released by the curse he set upon me.” Gawain could had felt the sword in his hand moved but his firm hands held it in the scabbard. “Once was not of love but of convenience. I am out of the castle and from him with the curse.”
“Take me away, Sir Knight. I desired to …be.” Helene told the knight. She then turned to the hounds that she had grown up with. “Come to me, my darlings. We can be away from this place. Meet your new master.”
The hounds stood on their limbs and their nose perked up to the new master. The one on the left then turned to look at Gawain and then back at their mistress.
“Come to me, hounds.” Helene commanded but the hounds were un-decisive. They began to pace in circles and then the whimpering began. “Come with me…please.”
The knight grew impatient then turned his horse to leave but Helene refused to ride.
“The hounds go with me or I will stay.” Helene glared at Gawain. “They are mine and you do not deserve them. You ….bastard.”
Helene’s curse resounded into Gawain’s ears and he sat there disbelieving that the lady he had spent a week together was not the same one then.
“You changed…” Gawain could not find the words to describe her. “You..”
“Fight him. Kill him if you want me.” Helene told the knight. “Do it or I …”
The knight saw the anger in Helene and then in him at Gawain.
“Fight me, Sir for the lady’s honour.” The knight reared his horse to stand on two rear limbs. “Fight or die now.”
Across the land nearer to Camelot, King Arthur rode with Lancelot to confront the disgruntled knights. There were five of them with a following of sixty foot soldiers and servants. Arthur saw Percival there with two other knights. He rode up and then spoke to the leader of the disgruntled knights.
“I am King Arthur, and to whom am I addressing?”
“I am Sir Perimones, leader of the Red Knights of Kukumerland. We rode far to be here and served with you but we were treated as vagrants by your servants.” The knight approached Arthur. “Do you as the host have nothing to offer us except the grass and water for our horses?”
Arthur looked to the other with detailed study of the armour worn. He had not heard of the Red Knights or of Kukumerland but if he were to be rude to them, he may lose them and others that were friendly to them. He wanted to ride them out for battle but he have to consider the army strength and also of his own. He had rested but the pondering thought in his mind then was also of Guinevere.
She is with his child.
Arthur must plan his moves soon.
“My apologies, Sir Perimones. Let there be a feast for all.” King Arthur announced for all to hear.
“A feast?’ Lancelot was taken aback. He had brought Arthur there to quell unrest and the later offered a feast. It was unexpected. The servants were rumbled to prepare the feast and it was to be held in several spots to cater for all. Fresh meats were brought in by the hunters and wines were drawn from the cellars. Within hours, the plains before Camelot were field of festivities with the merriment then.
“Tell me, Arthur.” Sir Perimones then having one too many goblets asked the other. “How did you become King?”
Arthur having just recovered held his drinks to the minimum were sobered then. He was to reply when Lancelot cut in. The later was not sober and he staggered over with the goblet of wine.
“I …” Lancelot was cut off by Arthur who in turn replied.
“I was anointed by Lord Pendragon himself.” Arthur replied. Then he added to that were these words. “I am only called Arthur by those seated by me at the round table. For the others I am to be called King Arthur.”
“King? Oh yes, King Arthur.” Sir Perimones raised his goblet to the King. “I bid thee with my goblet, King…Arthur.”
Sir Perimones gulped the drink and then he turned the goblet upside down.
“Were you Pendragon’s son? I heard he had none.” Sir Perimones laughed out but the others seated there were silent and watching Arthur for his reaction. Arthur reached for his own goblet and then raised it.
“To Pendragon whom was my King.” Arthur lowered the goblet towards his lips but his hand was grabbed by Sir Perimones.
“He is not mine.” Sir Perimones voiced out in the drunken slur. “I am my own King.”
Sir Perimones then grabbed the goblet from Arthur’s hand and poured the wine onto the ground.
“I am King.” It was then Percival thrust the dagger into Sir Perimones’ left ribs and pierced the heart. He then pushed the dying knight to the floor. Swords and daggers were drawn on all sides including Sir Perimones’ friends but it was Lancelot who then spoke up. He was holding his goblet while his left hand rested on the hilt of his sword.
“Take heed of this everyone. We are in the court of King Arthur. His kingdom and his land. You do not come into your host’s home and insult his wellbeing. You do so only if you meant to court him to battle you.” Lancelot had then sober then. “You can do that in your house but in Camelot, the King had more than twelve knights to battle for him. I am for one and Percival another.”
“We will all die for the King.” Lancelot sounded then melodramatic. Surprisingly, none of the knights associated with the dying knight stepped forth.
“Anyone ready for another round of drinks?” Lancelot offer was taken up. Arthur pulled Percival aside.
“Why did you do that?”
“Discipline. That’s how we do it in the Legion. Now we are back there. And you are the Legate. So owned up or step down as King.” Percival then walked away. “Don’t be pathetic….my King.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...