Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Pssst... How do you tell a tale that was already told many times....

I have to admit the tale of Arthur of Camelot have been told before here, and alongside with Lancelot. When it was done then, there were some research done; casually I will admit or was it intrigue by the pieces I managed to pick up.

With this one, I actually took the courage (pun intended I guess) to explore more. I did some more in depth readings into the legend and myths on Arthur. I explored another of sites and tried to know him more. My first introduction to Arthur was way back when I had those 'Read English Easy' books. I read all of them (if my memory did not failed me.) from Tom Sawyer to David Copperfield and of course Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The later was all about the knights exploits in rescuing damsels and fighting the evil knights. Well, as a kid then those were the best tales to re-read for ages besides the Life on Earth with particular focus on the prehistoric race when food took precedent over clothes. ( I knew most of you read it too but since then we evolved from it to magazines and then the World of Web. Hail the emergence of the color printer; who needs to buy the magazine at the shop with the owner frowning then.)

Back to Arthur.

During my so called research this time I discovered there was more to Arthur. His tales was told by several 'historians' (or were they script writers then) and there were disparity in the flow and events. When I was at Chapter 40, I found out that Arthur was supposedly to have three wives with almost similar names that sounded like Guinevere. Bigamy? I supposed so after all marriages then was not so much on love but at times for alliance or peace. Even Guinevere was given different perspective by different story tellers.

I did peruse them for the the tale and I admit it was a task to go back and re-write certain previous chapters and then move on. I also had to be the next 'script writer' to mold in my understanding of Arthur and his friends. It may be a Arthur's tale but I decided that the other knights needed some telling of them.

Which came to my line up of Avengers.....Pardon me, it was 'Strange' my fingers tapped Avengers when it should be Knights of the Round Table. How many of us remember all the twelve knights besides Lancelot and Arthur? Gaheris, Gawain, Ban, Bors or Percival? Or was it the Green and Black knight? Or was it none of the above? Was Arthur one of the twelve knights or was he the King at the Round Table? I read in one 'ancient script' (influenced by the mythical arts of Strange invoked spells perhaps), I found that there were at one stage a hundred and fifty knights there. Maybe it was a huge round table or there were none. It was a notion of democracy then that all was equal? Or Arthur rotated them on the table?

Truly, I don't know. I am still researching but the tale continue on. I am at Chapter 51 with over 90K words now, And I have not really write on Guinevere and Lancelot.

Oh that last bit.....well, it will sizzle like the freshly thrown on steak over the fire.

Make mine raw please.....

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