Friday, November 25, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myt Chapter 17

The seven knights as they were termed by Pendragon stood to one side with Pendragon and his men on the other side. They were flanked by the villagers on both sides. Pendragon riders numbered about twenty and they were introduced as the knights. They were dressed like their leader.

“Arthur, you have obviously placed this village into dire conditions.” Pendragon paced in front of his knights. “We are its protectors and you have done the opposite. Their numbers …”

“We were here on the invitation of the one named Peter.” Arthur argued back. He looked around for support and found no one stepping forth. Peter who brought them there had perished in the attack. The others were either too upset or were against Arthur.

“We came here …” Arthur was interrupted by Merlin who appeared then.

“Lord Pendragon, I begged your forgiveness.” Merlin approached the one he had called Lord. “My name is Merlin.”

Pendragon looked at the robed figure and then studied the figure. He was then approached by one of his knights who whispered to his ears. Pendragon nodded and then looked at Merlin.

“Your name had been whispered by others.” Pendragon spoke out. “It does not do justice to your physical figure, druid.”
“Druid? I am offended.” Merlin replied. “I am no druid. I am …”

“Soothsayer? Or perhaps conjurer of tricks?” Pendragon added on. “I am not keen to know more. I have my own jester in my court.”

“Pendragon, who is Merlin?” It was Percival who asked. The later looked at the previous Legionnaire commander.

“For your words, I am Lord Utter Pendragon.” Pendragon replied. “To you, I am to be addressed as Lord Pendragon. To your question, Merlin is who he said he was. I cared not what he told to you but the issue I am keen is what are you doing on my land.”

“Your land?” Arthur was surprised at the words. “I thought that the land here…”

“Belonged to the Romans? I know you well, Legionnaire.” Pendragon smiled, and then his expression was grim. “The Romans are no more here. The Romans fought the natives here. We the Welsh were also their enemies alongside with the Picts. They lost the battles and then build a wall.”

“What was it called? The Hadrian Wall?” Pendragon laughed. “Did it stop the Picts? No, they are still out there. When the Romans left, I picked up the pieces. I am here to protect my people.”

“Who am I? You may asked.” Pendragon snapped at Arthur. “But you may not question my rule here.”

With those words, the knights of Pendragon clanged their swords against the heavy shield. Pendragon then relate his tale.

“I am Utter Pendragon, the lord of the land here with my brother Ambrosius. He who is my blood line holds the bastion at our castle with his knights. The land is in dire need of leadership to calm its people and to protect them from the invaders. The invaders are the Picts; once our brethren and now our enemies. The invaders from the sea once heard of in rare battles but now landing by the numbers. And of course the departing Romans who had taken our land for theirs and then left with nothing for us.” Pendragon looked at Merlin. “My land is watched by my brother and myself with allies of good Lords to our call.”

“Tell them, druid. Tell them of Cumbria. Tell them of the Mallerstang. Above all tell them of the serpents.” Pendragon roared out. It was then from the echoes of the cliffs and hills, the eerie shrieks were heard. Pendragon knights’ leveled their swords and looked to the skies.

“The dragon refused to be tamed and dire to its feelings that I called it serpent.” Pendragon smiled. “Tell them Merlin of our taming of the serpents.”

“Perhaps it’s a tale best told on another day, my Lord.” Merlin bowed to the other. “I think the call for battle against the invaders prevailed over that.”

Pendragon looked at the druid and smiled.

“Merlin, you are ever as charming to the day we first met. I shall ride on and leave this place to these knights.” Pendragon looked at Arthur. “It should be an honor to you, once Legionnaires and now knights of the land. You have …how may I placed it?”

“A gap in their hearts, and for that you will remain here as their guardian.” Pendragon laughed. “You will remain here to protect them until their young ones are brave to yield the sword. How say you to the matter, Legionnaire?”

Arthur was to protest at the turn of the event but Merlin stepped in to intervene.

“We will be honored, my Lord.” Merlin then looked to Arthur. “These seven knights are brave but their numbers are small. Please allow them to build their own …settlement to better protect the village.”

Pendragon glared at the druid and the nodded.

“It’s fair that they build a …settlement here. I can’t be everywhere and I am needed most at Mallerstang.” Pendragon then looked at Arthur. “You may build your home here. Make a castle if needed. Let it look over the bay. Name it…”
It was then Merlin intervened once more.

“Camelot perhaps. A fine name to the place.” Merlin smiled. “It rang with Cumbria and with its name, the legend of Pendragon will live on.”

“Camelot it’s.” Pendragon replied and then remounted his horse. He rode off without a second glance at the baffled knights. Once Pendragon was far by sight, it was Arthur who was first to question the druid.

“You lay on us the spell.” Arthur grabbed the druid by the lapels of his robe. “You make us fools while you spoke to the other. Who are you to do this?”

“I am sorry, Arthur. If I have not done that, you would had been killed or at best removed from here. Utter Pendragon is not any Lord to trifle with. I did it to serve you.”

Arthur threw the druid to the ground. He then looked to the six others who were there on his call. They came on his call to save the village and retrieve a sword. The one and only sword named Excalibur. Then he felt as if he was under a spell to be there. He wanted to speak to them but they were already stepped away. The knights he had called on were leaving.
“Here me out!” Merlin crouched up onto his knees. “I did not place a spell over all of you,. You came here on your free will. You came here because all of you have a task here.”

“A task which will mark your names into legends.” Merlin voice was cracking then for he saw the others were not stopping. “I begged of you to hear me out.”

Gawain stopped and then turned to look at Merlin. He was followed by Galahad and Gaheris.

“Druid, you spoke your last words to us.” With that Gawain turned to walk once more. It was Lamorak who tgehn stopped and spoke up.

“I am going to the tavern for a meal. I hoped that will settle for my killings here.” With that Lamorak turned to the tavern. Somehow his intention was shared by the others. After all, they missed their dawn meal.

It was there that Merlin took to the tale of Utter Pendragon. The mutton took time to cook so the knights gloomed over their fermented barley drink and listened to the only entertainer there.

“Utter Pendragon was of the lineage of King Constans. He fled to avoid being killed at a young age. When he was old enough to claim his heritage, he returned with his brother Ambrosius. He defeated the then named Lord to King named Vortigern. When the new Lord was to be installed, Ambrosius was elected. Utter remained his staunched ally and braved the land to battle for his brother. He fought the rebellious King Pasgen of Buellt and many others.”

“When did you join him to clean his horse?” Lamorak asked without his sight leaving the doorway to the cooking area. “I am famished but you may continue speaking.”

“Utter Pendragon wanted to build his own castle at where the River Eden flows. He ignored the legend that the river was the dwelling of a dragon there.” Merlin had then stopped to look at the knights. He was surprised that none had voiced any objection to the fable he was to spin. “Pendragon needed a moat for his castle and the water was to come from the river. He urged his workers then to route the river there but each time they do it, the walls of the castle will collapse. He was baffled and then I came to his assistance.”

That last word drew a brow from Arthur. Merlin continued his tale.

“I was adept at …..building castles. It was one of my learning” Merlin stammered on those lines. “I studied the river and its flow. There were no dragons there but the river did flow fast. It was faster when routed to the moat and hence with its fast flow, it was battling the castle wall. I was to report that to the Lord even though it was late into the night when I concluded my study.”

“You meant you worked late? It must be tiring.” Lamorak made a snide remark at Merlin and the others all laughed.

“Yes, it was late that night. I woke the Lord and told him. It was then a shooting star went passed our heads.” Merling raised his right arm to display the movement of an arc. “I took it then to tell the Lord that the dragon had departed.”
“And did it?” Lamorak displayed his brawns to the matter.

“I think it did. Actually, I routed several passages to the moat to ease the flow and reinforced the walls with heavier stones. It worked and the castle was built.” Merlin smiled then. His tale taken on a solid foundation was a reward then.
“Tell me of Gorlois.” Merlin heard the request and it came from Arthur. “My father once told me of the so named King Gorlois. He told me to ask of it when I have the time then. And that may be now since you are well versed with such tales. Pendragon was in it.”

“More than you know.” Merlin muttered to himself.

“Gorlois? A familiar name indeed.” Merlin reached for the goblet of fermented barley. He took a deep gulp and then looked at every one seated in the tavern.
“There was nothing to speak of him. I meant he was the Duke of Cornwall, and then he died by Utter Pendragon hands.” Merlin smiled.
“Don’t be lame, druid. You served Pendragon. And surely you knew more.” Percival voiced out. “Since you mentioned Gorlois, I knew of that name from my postings at the border. Since you mentioned it, I can now relate to the name Pendragon. He was beyond the wall then but his exploits were spoken by the traders.”
Merlin sighed before he continued on.
“Gorlois was the Duke then. He met Pendragon when the later was returning from Lundein. Gorlois was with his bride then, Lady Ygerna. The …Lord was attracted to the …” Merlin was interrupted by Lamorak.
“You mean he got his tunic in a twist.” Lamorak smiled. :”I know that feeling.”
“Thank you, Lamorak but I shall continue on.” Merlin related that the Lord was so intensely attracted to the lady that he asked Merlin for help.
“Did you remove his desire then?” Lamorak displayed his brawns once more. “A cut here and there will do the task.”
“Oh, I know your preference. It must had been painful.” Lamorak laughed. “The worst will be on the spine.”
That brought laughter to the knights except for Percival. He had seen his share of such among his men and for that he had them whipped. Merlin gave out a weak smile and then continued.
“No, I disguised the Lord to look like Gorlois,. He …seduced the Lady without her knowledge…” Merlin was interrupted by Lamorak with some more snide remarks. The former ignored the man and continued on.
“Lady Ygerna was soon to birth a child. A son to be exact but the child was soon given away.” Merlin looked tio Arthur and then away. “That was the result.”
“A splendid move.” Lamorak could not resist the last words. With that the knights had their meals and then prepared to leave. They stopped at the tavern doorway when they saw the gathered crowd outside. A young girl stepped up and offered to Arthur a stalk of flower.

“Please stay.” 

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