Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 10


Arthur walked on the narrow palisades they have erected on the wall. The fence was well lighted with the burning torches a space of fifty feet apart. Arthur looked away from the torches towards the dark forest. It was near to dawn and there was no sign of the so called wolves. He stood there shivering despite the thick coat draped over his shoulders. He leaned the lance on the wall while he looked over the fence. It was dark out there. The villagers have cleared an open space of over fifty feet to the forest edge after the river but that was not enough to keep away the wolves. There were the bows and arrows placed there on the palisades spread out in strategic spacing.

“Maybe they feared you.” It was Gawain who approached Arthur. “Some moons they do not appeared.”

Arthur turned to look at the other. Gawain was looking at the forest then.

“It was fine until that day when we chased away the group that sought shelter here.” Gawain sighed. “It was not Christian charity of the town leaders but they feared the group then. They were menacing in the looks and have on the wolf furs on their back.”

Arthur looked at the tall figure who then sighed louder.

“We were away. Gaheris, Galahad and myself were away hunting. When we returned, the village was terrified by the howling from the forest. We were told of the group and soon then the howling began. They came that night at the full moon and we lost five of the men then in the fight. Since then we were attacked five times in the last two moon cycle.” Gawain looked at Arthur. “They are not of Man nor of Wolf but of both. They fought with the extended claws on their hands.”

“Claws?” Arthur asked the other.

“Yes, they extend out by a foot and were strapped to the back of the hands,” Gawain described the attackers. “They could leap the fence and we kept that high now.”

It was then Arthur saw the movements in the forest. Despite the darkness, he believed he saw something there moved. He stared hard at the spot where the movement was last seen.  He could make out was some incense smell that caught up to him. Once he had inhaled that, he then saw the movements there which resembled the huge wolf. It was huge and looked to be the twice the length of Man. He shook his head to clear it but the vision of the wolf still remained. He stepped back on the palisades and nearly fell off when he heard the cry for help. It came from the other section of the fence manned by three of the villagers. They were fighting off a huge wolf which had leaped at the fence. The wolf had leaped onto the narrow palisade and was growling at the villagers. The three villagers were seen thrusting their sharpened lance. He was to rush over when he heard Merlin’s voice.

“Take this.” Merlin tossed the sachet of herbs. “It will clear your head.”

Arthur grabbed it and took a whiff on the sachet. After inhaling, he then saw the wolf he had seen earlier at the other section of the fence was no more than an imagination but the men climbing on the ladders were real. He counted six of them climbing while another ten were waiting. The attackers were dressed in some furs and their weapons were on the back. It was the dreaded claws attached to the short handle. One of the attackers had climbed on and went for the nearest villager. The unaware villager was slashed across the back and then his throat slashed from behind. Another attacker have climbed over and rushed towards Arthur.

Arthur reached for the lance and thrust it at the attacker. The sharpened end of the lance cut through the flesh at right shoulder but the attacker kept on coming. It was then Arthur saw his attacker’s face. It was coated with the white ash leaving the area around the eyes uncovered. He could make out the shades of the eyes were green with tinge of yellow. The attacker was frothing at the mouth and seemed to be in a daze or raging madness. The attacker ignored the pain and rushed fort. Arthur had his gladius drawn and rushed at the attacker. He did an overhead swing to slash the attacker on the face.

“They are not wolves! They are Man.” Arthur called out. Gawain had taken a whiff on the sachet and was fighting his own battle. There were three attackers on the fence section manned by Arthur and Gawain. Arthur then saw the attackers have breached the defense at three sections including his. He saw Lancelot have joined in the fight with Percival at the other section. Lamorak was on the ground near the main gate protecting it from being breached. Merlin had assisted all of them with the remedial herbs and was administering healing on the wounded. Arthur saw the battle was going to be over with their side losing unless he could find the attackers’ weakness. He saw then before the fence was the attacker leader. The leader was guarded by three warriors then. Arthur took to jump over the fence to land on the attacker below. He swung his gladius onto the attacker’s prone figure before he took to the run towards leader standing a distance away. One of the guards rushed at him with the clawed weapon but Arthur had ducked to avoid the blow. His gladius swung out in a tight low swing to slash the guard across the waist and then stepped past to swing backwards at the wounded guard on the back of the neck. He went forth and was blocked by another guard. The guard swung the clawed weapon and cut at the left forearm meanwhile Arthur had his gladius in his right hand thrust into the guard at below the ribs. He thrust the gladius upwards and then twisted it before pulling out. He saw the last guard had retreated with the leader towards the forest tree line. He rushed at them and then saw the lone gray wolf that blocked his way. He held up his gladius but then an arrow was seen streaming at the wolf. The arrow embedded into the left eye and into the soft brain tissue. The wolf howled before it fell to its knees. Arthur turned to look back and saw Gawain was behind holding the bow. He saw the later had drawn another arrow during the run and released it at the last guard. The guard went down with the arrow embedded in the back. The leader had then stumbled in his escape and Arthur caught up then.

The leader was an elderly man with the fur draped over his shoulders and a hollowed out wolf head was his head piece. He was armed with the clawed weapon but his health condition was seen from his panting then. He pulled out the clawed weapon and leveled at Arthur. Arthur was to attack with his gladius when he saw the arrow released from behind and hit the leader. The elderly man dropped his weapon to clutch at the arrow in his chest. Arthur lowered his gladius and approached the elderly leader.

“You will be King. Die by the one you trusted most.” The dying elderly leader muttered to Arthur before he succumbed to his wounds. By then Gawain had joined Arthur. He leaned down to cut the head off with his sword. He then held up the severed bloody head to hail his victory. His claim of victory caused the other attackers to retreat.

“They are like wolves. Once their pack leader dies, they will retreat.” Gawain told him. “I am grateful to your assistance and will be of service to you.”

“Join us, Gawain.” Lamorak voiced out. “We need you now.”

“Lamorak, I have a village to protect. I can’t leave them. Not like the Romans.” Gawain sighed. He was to speak more when an elderly man arrived then. He was holding the fur that was once belonged to the Wolves leader. He tossed the fur at Gawain’s feet.

“Their leader died tonight. It will be another year before they elect another. Till then we are safe. Go with them and return with more of them. By then the wolves will be stronger and they will seek vengeance.”

Gawain looked at the elderly figure and nodded. He then turned to Arthur.

“Do you accept the pledge from us the gallant brothers of Ceredig?” Gawain bowed to Arthur.

“I do and will return with strength to assist your people.” Arthur replied.

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