Thursday, November 24, 2016

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 16


Norse had led on the warriors with him to the pass. They were numbered about fifty of them. He was leading the first group into the pass while Carlstom stayed back in reserve. The pass was narrow with the sides at a steep slope on the right but to the left it was gradient friendly slope, Nose had led his men to the right side. The invader leader knew that if the defenders were there, it would be on there on the gentler slope. He took the point to check for the defenders. It came as expected but not in the order of things.

Percival released the arrow he had notched on the bow string. It went for the strongest he saw then. The arrow lodged into Ainstrom’s neck from the left and out on the other side. The invader could not even utter a word before he collapse holding his neck. Norse did not see Ainstrom fall but he sensed the attack was on when the later fell hitting the back heel of his left leg. He did not turn back and called his men to move forward. He was to move back when he saw the giant charging him with the battle axes.

“Come at me!” Lamorak was screaming at the top of his voice waving the battle axes. The raving giant charged into the invaders. The raving lunatic have laid his axes deep into the first invader on both shoulders. His attack shook the others who then pulled back to form a front against the giant. Lamorak was not alone for long when he was joined by the others who was with Percival. The men ran ahead of their leader with their courage brought up by the giant.

Norse still in the lead and was deflecting the trident thrust by the fisherman. He pushed the trident off to the right with his shield before he thrust his sword deep into the midriff. He twisted his sword and then slashed it across the chest. The fisherman went down screaming with his hands holding onto his wound. He then pulled out the sword and then faced another fisherman. He lashed out with his right leg at the charging fisherman and then dropped his shield with the side on the falling fisherman. His shield struck hard on the back of the neck and then Norse was moving forth.

Percival saw the attack on the fisherman and he charged over. He swung his sword at the murderous invader. Norse saw the sword aimed at his left shoulder and raised his shield to block it. The blow was hard and Norse felt his balance jolted by it. He did a body roll to hold some distance before he crouched up. He saw the other and recognized the features of the man. That was no fisherman and held the looks of the Legionnaire. Norse was to attack when another fisherman stepped into his line. He got the trident into the left forearm but he got his sword out and removed the arm that held the trident. He was to attack on when he saw the two riders approaching fast.

Lancelot was infuriated when he heard the fighting at the pass. He looked over to Arthur.

“They were supposed to come here.” Lancelot with his impulsive behavior then rushed to his horse. Arthur tried to stop him but the other had ridden off. Arthur grabbed his shield and then mounted his horse to ride after Lancelot. The ride was hard and fast before they reached the pass. Lancelot was there first with his sword slashing. He rushed into the invaders before he jumped off his mount.

“Come on!” Lancelot landed on his feet and then charged at the invaders. He thrust his sword at the nearest one and it drew blood. He was to move to the next invader when he saw Percival shouted the warning.

“There are more of them.” Percival called out when he saw the second group led by the invader he did not kill earlier. The second group came screaming with their raised swords and shields. He round up the fishermen to regroup and counted his strength. He was down to half his number and looked for the other group.

“Where is Gawain? And also his brothers?” True to his words, Percival heard the shout from the beach. It was Gawain and his brothers with the men they lead flanking the invaders. They were releasing arrows into the invaders from there. It was not part of the plan. They must ahd marched to the flanks and attacked the invaders from there. *t was working then for the arrows took down three invaders in the back.

“They are at the rear!” Carlstom saw the flanking move. “Seek shelter!”

The call went among his men to seek shelter. They turned to draw their shields to block the arrows but some charged the archers then. Three went charging and were stopped within the next few feet. The others had followed the call and huddled together with the shields to cover their body. Carlstrom saw the incoming group at them and then called for the fight to be launched. In the shorter distance between them and second group of archers, the invaders roared to life and charged out. It was the barbaric call of the invaders which stunned the archers then and on seeing the invaders coming at them, they dropped their bows to draw the crude swords given to them. The invaders were used to the fighting charged straight into the archers.

Gawain and Gaheris were at the front of the group had drawn their swords. They thrust out with their weapons at the invaders. Gawain swung his sword to be blocked by the shield but he kept at it. He was pushed back by the sheer weight of the invader and had to crouch down to avoid the swinging battle axe. It was then he slashed in from the right and cut deep into the invader’s ribs. He pulled his sword out and then stepped back.

Gaheris had then cut down his opponent with a down cut on the left shoulder before he saw Galahad stumbled on his opponent. The later have raised his arms with the long handle battle axe aimed at the fallen Galahad’s chest when Gaheris threw his sword at the invader in the chest.

“Diolch i chi brawd.” Galahad thanked his brother. The later smiled and was pushed to the ground by a brute form on the invader group. Gaheris rolled with his fall and then crouched up with his right hand reaching for the dagger in his boot. He stabbed upwards into the attacking brute in the left thigh and then drew it out to stab into the groin. The brute fell to the knees and was attacked by Gaheris with his fists on the face. It was mismatched of body frames but Gaheris was a tough fighter with the fists. His blows rained on the face and then with an upper blow to the jaws, the brute went down.
“Da ar chwi!” Galahad cheered his brother before he picked up a fallen sword to continue his fight. They were outnumbered but they were winning then. It was then he saw Lancelot charged in with the horse. Among the invaders, Carlstom was calling for a withdrawal. He then saw Norse confronting the raving giant who attacked them earlier.
“Norse!” Carlstom called out but the former was facing his enemy. Lamorak was bloodied across his chest with more blood on his axes and hands. He stared at the invader before him. From his years of fighting, he knew the leader from the followers. He singled out that invader and fought his way there.
“Face me!” Lamorak called out. Norse in his rage charged at the giant. He went in swinging with the sword with the shield in the front. Lamorak brought down the axes hard onto the shield and used his body weight to force the invader back. He pushed hard and sent the invader to the ground. He kept on attacking the invader and then kicked at the fallen man. He then stepped on the fallen man and kicked the man before he chopped down with the axes.
“Ah….” Lamorak called out when he killed Norse. It was the satisfaction of a kill.
Percival saw the invaders were defeated when some of them running for cover. They were still in the numbers but their fight was over. The surviving fishermen were few left standing with their trident bloodied. He rallied the standing ones to him and awaited Arthur who was kicking at the departing invader. He was soon joined by Gawain and brothers with Lancelot next. It was only Lamorak who was still in the fore with his body covered in blood.
“They are leaving.” Percival voiced out. He then looked at the others to their call. Arthur nodded to the claim and lowered his sword.
“Check the dead and tend to the wounded.” Arthur called out.
 It was late morning, when some orders were seen at the beach. The invaders have departed with their boats. Arthur shook his head when the numbers were told to him. They lost half their men with the other half wounded. The women and elders came to tend the wounded but the cries of the families were heard throughout the morning. Arthur tried to console the grieving families but to many he was seen as the demon which had plagued their lives. He soon retreated to the village tavern for the needed drink. It was close to noon then when he heard the calls of riders. He stood outside the tavern and saw the approaching group of riders. They were armored and held weapons on their mounts. He counted twenty of them and was led by the leader in the front.

“I am Utter Pendragon. Who are you and why was this village not evacuated?” The rider who spoke was on a white mount and was dressed in the heavy mail coat and metal greaves on the limbs. He carried a heavy shield which was half his height and a long sword in his right hand. He had on a metal head gear with the rounded can cover that reached his jaws. There were the slits for the eyes and there was a vertical slit from there to the jaws in the middle.

“Answer me, knave.” The rider who identified himself as Pendragon then removed his head gear. It showed an elderly man with the grey beard on the lower part of the face. His hair was braided to the rear of his head and secured by the strip of cloth behind. The rider dismounted and approached Arthur.

“Who are you?” The rider confronted Arthur. 

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