Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Arthur; the Legend and Myth Chapter 19


The scene in the tavern was tense with six knights seated at the long table. Merlin was standing by the doorway as if he was guarding it. Arthur was at the far end and looked at the five others. He then threw the empty coin purse on the table.

“We are broke.” Arthur laid it out plain. “We need the coins to pay for the food that are laid here.”

“Measly and miserable.” Gawain tossed the bread onto the table. He was gnawing it after placing it in his mouth.

“It’s still better than your Molly baking.” Gaheris blew out the family secret. The statement was taken with smiles and then they sobered up to the matter in concern. It was Merlin who laid out the facts. The lack of coins was hampering their efforts to build the castle and even the food on their table.

“I will put it to discussion now.” Arthur spoke with his clear voice. “We have no charitable persons to pay us. Pendragon who is supposed to be our Lord have not been seen since. Sir Kay had left us and I am happy for it. I find him loathsome at times.”

Gawain who vouched for Sir Kay groaned on the last words. He like Sir Kay and seen his fights. He has some bad attitude but Gawain could accept that. Sir Kay once helped him in a tavern brawl and they became friends.

“I am proposing that we find our own coins.” Arthur looked to the knights. “We will not plunder the others that do not deserve it but the land owners that are defiant to the Lord.”

“Which one’? You or the other one named Pendragon?” Lancelot mocked his leader. “I am all for it. I am referring to the landowners.”

It was then Merlin stepped forth with the charts. It showed the surrounding the lands. He had marked out five locations. Arthur started off with the locations.

“We hit them hard and get the coins.” Arthur told the knights. “We ride today.”

Cedric Troy owned a large tract of farmlands while he hide out on the larger mansion he called his castle. The mansion was a large sixteen rooms on a two level structure. He also maintained a barrack with fifty guards and a house hold of servants with triple farmhands and shepherds. He also bred the colliers to guard his sheep.

“I want that flock sold tomorrow.” Arthur motioned to Gawain. “I will ride on with the others to the mansion.”

Three knights rode on to the mansion, leaving the three brothers behind. Galahad had insisted that he stayed behind. Arthur rode on with Percival and Lancelot. Galahad looked at the three departing.

“What can three do when a dozen may fail?” Galahad asked.

Lancelot swung his gladius at the guard. The blade cut in deep at the left waist and the guard dropped the sword. Lancelot twisted his right arm and then withdrew the blade. He stepped back and then thrust the gladius into the guard’s neck. Once he had killed the guard, Lancelot moved forth. He was on the pathway towards the mansion when he saw Arthur was close behind. The other had removed his threat with the shield pushing the wounded guard. Lancelot released out a smile on seeing their advancement. They had come in riding like the four horsemen of Hades but they were actually three. They rode past the sentries and arrived at the mansion. The guards who were in the barracks were alerted and rushed out. They were unprepared for any attack and were reaching for weapons. Percival had dealt with such scene before and went for the guards. He used his horse to disperse the guards and then jumped off before he engaged them. Percival was armed with gladius on both his hands and he swung out with both. He was like a dancer except that his movements were deadly. He killed three guards before Arthur reached the mansion path. The pathway was guarded by four guards there and then he mounted to steps to the mansion door.

“Hold on!” Lancelot who was still mounted rode over. He had circled the mansion and killed two guards before arriving there. “They are retreating.”

Arthur nodded. These guards are paid to be sentries but they never could stomach the killing. More so when they are losing the battle then. Lancelot dismounted and overtook Arthur at the door. He was to open it when with his instinct, he jumped back. The figure rushed out from the doorway with a long sword. It was a three feet in length on the blade with a short hilt. Lancelot eyed the hilt was bejeweled and that amused him. He braced himself on his legs to counter the moves by the other.

“I am Lord Cedric Troy, and master to the land here.” The Lord was an elderly man who stood over Lancelot and held the frame of a fighter with the slim look. He was dressed in armor from his neck down to the toes. Each part of the body was covered with armor with breaks in the joints to allow for movements.

“Who are you?” Lord Cedric asked. “Did Pendragon send you? I can reward you more. Tell me.”

“I care not.” Lancelot rushed forth with his gladius. He was going for that sword. He had a fascination with the swords. He has a collection of them in his care and that one held by Cedric. Lancelot thrust the shorter sword at Cedric but the Lord deflected it. The Lord fought with the longer blade and avoided the shorter sword. He swung hard at the Lord once more but the armored greaves on the left forearm deflect it. Lancelot fought one while Arthur stood at the side with Percival.

“Coins? Gold? I have it all.” Lord Cedric kept at his attack. His moves were slower due to the armor but it protected him. Lancelot blocked the attacks and then saw his move to attack. He blocked the long blade and then move in fast with the gladius thrust into the face. Lord Cedric could not scream for the blade was in his mouth. The blade cut in deep into the back of the head. Lancelot then turned his hand to twist the blade. He then left the gladius there and retrieved the long handed sword. He pulled it off the Lord’s hand and then looked at it.

“I have it.” Lancelot called out. He then looked at Arthur. “I have it.”

Arthur soon cleared the mansion and then he collected his dues. There were the bounties there and it eased his concern then. He then called on the servants.

“You are free from now.” Arthur told the servants. Just before they took their leave, Arthur offered them to be his subjects. “You will live free on my land. Serve me.”

Arthur soon invaded the other landowners but by then his name had been spoken. The servants there fought for him and removed their masters. His acquisition of the lands filled his coffer and the works started on Camelot. The news of his exploits spread wider and more came to Camelot.

“We will have Camelot inhabited when the snow arrives.” Merlin looked at the setting of the stones to mark the main structure inside the castle. It was to be the main Hall there.

“Nice table.” Arthur commented on the round table used by Merlin. The table was circular and it was made of hard wood. It held the circumference that could seat twelve person but on that occasion it was covered with drawings and parchments.

“I found it in the forest. It was a sawn off dead tree trunk. I think it’s oak and this is a rare one. Its ancient and sacred in its form. It must have been a tall tree then, but they sawed it and left this stump. It took me a few days to uproot it and when I saw the remaining height I reckoned it will do well for a table.” Merlin smiled. “My own working table without the edges to stumbled over when I walked around it.”

“I like the table.” Arthur pushed the drawings aside to look at the table surface. It showed some intricate designs and Arthur was intrigued by it.

“The carpenter helped me to craft it. Those are runes designs.” Merlin continued on. “It tells of the qualities of a warrior. It also spoke of the divine Gods and their guidance to the warriors.”

“I commissioned the designs.” Merlin was proud of his tasks then.

“It needed seats.” Arthur mumbled out. Merlin smiled.

“It does. I have the carpenter doing it now.” Merlin smiled. “The table will be in the main Hall and it will seat your knights. The ones that you trust the most.”

Arthur then saw Lancelot at the bay practicing his new sword. Arthur was told that the sword was an infamous one. It was named Arondight. He fancied one himself.

It was then Arthur asked of the sword Excalibur.

“Yes, I mentioned it to you. I will assist you in finding it. It’s time the sword finds its new master.”

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