Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mordred 22.2

The New Realm

Leggins approached the King of the Serpents. He reached out for his sword that was snatched by the furry wolf for the King. Keb looked at the sword and then continued on while he held onto the sword.

“Tauriel’s death sadden me. This sword that once belonged to him was forged with me in the fires of the Mountain.” Keb looked at Leggins. “Your father once said that only his rightful heir can hold it. Merlin disputed on your legacy but I am here to say that you are his rightful heir.”

The gathered among the Elves muttered and grumbled on the words spoken by the King who was their sworn enemy. Leggins glared at the other but Keb held up the sword high. Keb had then handed the sword over to Leggins.

“Take back what is yours.” Keb told Leggins. He then looked at Merlin who was hovering nearby. “The Elf called you a challenge. Do you accept?”

Merlin was to reply but on the other side of the divide, the battle had started. During the standoff there with Leggins and Merlin, the Dark Queen and her knights have attacked the guards there. They have sneaked up on the Dreadnoughts which were perceived as the major threat.

“Hostiles incoming!” Major Paul Drake, commander of the Dreadnought Company with the codename Barco called out on his intercom. He had detected the attack when he saw the alert n his automated sentry system. The system triggered the alarm into the communication system. The commander had his cannons firing at the oncoming knights in an instant on alert. On his right was Sergeant Beale who was codename Tango caught the message one second later before his cannons went live. He saw his shots were deflected by the knights’ shield.

“Concentrate fire on the shield. It’s bound to crack.” The Sergeant hollered out before he backed up closer to Barco machine. His cannons continue to tear into the knights who had used their shields to protect themselves. He saw some of the knights fell on constant bombardment but they soon recover to move forth. Arthur who was in the lead on the attack held had onto his shield while it was pounded by the cannon shots. It was blistering to hold hard onto the shield against the onslaught. The shields held well with the reinforced spell that loan strength to the metal properties of the shield. He saw Gawain had fallen off his mount when the later’ mount tripped. The fall exposed the knight to the cannon shots which flung the knight to the rear. It was his body armour that saved his life but the knight will be feeling the bruises for some days. The accompanied followers of the Dark Queen were without the enhanced armour took the major toll on their numbers. Their bodies were shredded into pieces by the concentrated fire.

“Kill!”Henry the Butcher threw the knives from his hand at the dreadnought. The butcher had on a belt of assorted knives from choppers to daggers. The enhanced knives on flight will ignite by the spell that Henry had mastered during the crossover. The ignited knife cut into the dreadnoughts armour as if it was thin material. His aim cut the cables on the left limb of the dreadnought and caused the machine to stagger on its remaining limb.

“Bravo, I am down.” Sergeant Murray codename Trinity called out before his heavy armoured body collapsed on the knees. He was trying to recalibrate the power flow looping off the severed cables but it exposed him to an open attack. Henry the Butcher had then reached the dreadnought before he climbed on the chest. He stepped out with his legs to prevent the dreadnought to swing the cannons at him. He pulled out a dagger from his belt and ignited it before he thrust it into the right arm socket. The dagger sliced in deep and severed the cables there. Henry then reached for the chopper and swung it with his right hand at the dreadnought left shoulder. He cut a gap there and killed the operator.

“Ya!” Henry cried out in glee but he was soon dead when another dreadnought shot him in the face.  

“Barco, Trinity down.” Specialist Ginza codenamed Samurai called out while he shot the enemy in the face. His call was ignored when he heard the whooshing missile echo. It was the hovering drone which took the killing to a higher count. The missiles launched by the Helo-plane exploded on impact and caused a number of them to be killed.

“All units withdraw.” Barco called out to the surviving dreadnoughts while the helo-planes took over. The dreadnought leader retreated with his cannons firing but he was soon brought down by a ramming force by one of the knights. Gawain had rushed onto the dreadnought with his mount and then used his shield to push against the gigantic armoured enemy. His push was timed when the dreadnought stumbled over the earlier fallen unit on the ground. When the standing dreadnought was staggering, Gawain used his staff to hit at the chest plate of the unit. Major Drake felt the impact as it vibrated through the metallic body. The electronics parts were buzzing and then fire broke out. The Major found himself stuck inside the metal body with the flames spreading. He was to call for help when the ammo pack on his back exploded. Trinity was later to be killed when Arthur hit the dreadnought with the staff that caused a major vibration inside the machine. The vibration short circuited the delicate electronic boards and caused a major explosion inside the dreadnought.

“I am coming in hot!” Lieutenant Jones screamed out from the cockpit of the Helo-plane while he tilted the wings to come in fast from the other side on his second run. The plane cannons were blasting away and the missiles released. “Hot bombs on the drop.”

The Lieutenant did not get to see his handiwork for the energy beam that hit from below. It was released by the Dark Queen who used her staff to project the dark energy at it. The energy beam tore through the left wing at the body attachment and caused the helo-plane to dive into a spiral descent. Meanwhile the knights have reached the other dreadnoughts and at the close proximity, the knights were at their best. The knights used their staff to reactivate or destroy the machines.

One of the other helo-planes was attacked by the enhanced creature who gained strength and weight from the cross over. The bulkier person leapt high and caught the helo-plane on its stern wing. The enhanced figure punched into the wing interior and then pulled at the wirings before it jumped with the wirings still intact. The plane creaked out on the pulling by the strong figure and then it lost its power to crash into the divide. The besieged guards tried to escape into the forest were killed and some ran for across the bridge. That was when the battle spread to the other side.

“Where?” The confused guard called out while he stood on the middle of the bridge.  To the guard, the fore was the Dark Queen and on the other side were the Elves.

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