Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mordred 18.1


The Previous Realm

Merlin looked to Keb who stood there by himself. He looked to the archangel who stood by his side. Azrael smiled at the old master. He then looked at Keb who had not moved to join Merlin.

“Archangel Azrael, I cannot walk with you. I have to serve my own.” Keb replied. “You should know of it. The wicked and evil resides in me too and my followers but we are the children of the Serpents.”

“Azrael, it’s obvious my cell will not hold you unlike what my Mistress told me.” Keb then looked to his own followers. “Those of you who are the followers of this archangel may leave with him. Be warned that if we are to meet again it won’t be as friends.” 

“Merlin, you truly disappointed me.” Keb glared at the old magician. “I thought …”

“You were wrong, Keb. I knew of the Fallen. I knew of them as I was one with them before. I did not live this long to be ignorant of the other realms.” Merlin replied. “The Ancient Books led me to them, and then they showed me the real crafts.”

“Merlin, you have led the realm with your so called wisdom. You fought my people on the call of justice against evil. Now you dare to tell me that there was more evil in you than me?”

Azrael laughed out loud.

“Keb, you were the fool to think there are evils. Or there are good and bad. It depends on which side you took. What is on yours will always be deemed good and the other side rotten bad if I may word it.” Azrael then unmasked himself for all to see. “I am Azrael whom you seen as evil but there are another me which I am showing you now.”

“Behold the image of Berlin whom you have all heard for his leadership of the young gifted ones in the Academy.” It was truly the image of Berlin who stood there. He then proceeded to the centre of the Hall. He faced his own followers.

“Let there be carnage.” Azrael/Berlin called out. With that command the battle among the gathered began. Wolves and blood drinkers all fought for their own leaders.

The Blood Prince stood his ground with his arms spread out and the cloak flowing. A wolf sprang at him but the Prince had the attack cut short when his sharp claws on his fingers lashed out at the throat. He turned his body to add momentum to the attack and with a swipe of his right hand the extended claws cut into the wolf throat. With the same momentum, the Blood Prince threw the dead creature to the side among some battling wolves. He then stepped forth and faced two of his own people which had forsaken his leadership.

“Betrayal!” The Blood Prince cried out and from his cloak the dark winged creatures flew out. The winged creatures charged into the two blood drinkers and attacked it with their fangs and claws. The winged creatures were ferocious and tore their adversary to a bloodied pulp in seconds. It then felt a presence behind him but it was one of his own.
“My Prince.” The blood drinker greeted the leader. The Blood Prince acknowledged the other and turned to face the others. It was its instinct which saved the Prince when he stepped aside. The blood drinker had a dagger stabbed into the Prince’s lower back but when he moved, the dagger creased him. The Prince in turn reached back with the elbow punch at the face and then moved his body to thrust his extended claws into the chest of the blood drinker. He grabbed the innards there and pulled it out. He threw the innards off to the side and then reached for his own wound. He rubbed the wound and then licked his own blood.

Around the Hall, the wolves fought with claws and fangs, tearing their counterparts or the blood drinkers. One elderly wolf larger in size rushed into a young pack. The elderly wolf used it front paws to break the young wolf at its snort. Then it used its body mass to push the injured wolf back before it snapped its fangs onto another young wolf hind. The fangs tore in deep and removed a chunk of the flesh before it felt its own hind being beaten by another. It reached for the rear but it was then attacked by another in the right side. The wolf had its fangs bitten deep into the older wolf left shoulder. It will not let go of its bite and clawed with its front paws. The older wolf reached out and bit into the attacking rear hinds but it was out of reach in its turn of the body, the older wolf was exposed to a blood drinker which used its legs to kick at the exposed abdomen. The older wolf jumped aside on the kick and was attacked by the earlier two young wolves with their fangs tore into its neck. It was the dying howl of the elder wolf which echoed in the hall.
Merlin had moved into the battle with his crafts of fierce fire from his hands at the wolves. In the frenzy of attack the friends and foes were unseen or cared in the chaos. He was aiming his fire at the mass then regardless of whom it may hit. He saw a wolf about to leap at him but Merlin had the wolf send slamming towards the back with his mental blast. It was then Merlin saw the new arrival which swooped in from the far end. It was another archangel from the looks but that one was spewing dark energies at the battled.

“We must leave now.” Azrael/Berlin called out while pulling at the elderly master. “There is a need to retreat. Lilith is here.”

“Lilith?” Merlin was to ask but was pulled away by Azrael/Berlin.  

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