Saturday, August 1, 2015

Mordred 17.2

The New Realm

“The vortex was created by the Fallen to unit them into this vortex.” Gabriel told us. “Merlin was in it from the start. He was one of their followers.”

“No!” I hit back. “I can’t believe that. Merlin will betray us.”

“Then see for yourself the Cave of the Fallen.” Gabriel called out and the place they stood was no more the Garden but it was a cave. The cave was huge with the high ceiling and walls. “We have arrived.”

Rumpel lost his footing the while I reeled back in surprise. It was Leggins who laughed and was followed by Aladdin.

“Don’t be surprised.” Gabriel spoke again. “While your soul was in the Garden, the body of yours travelled far on it journey. And we are here now.”

“The place which you sought is here. The answer is here but it may be dangerous for you to know the truth. Are you sure?”

I shuffled on my feet but my mind was made up. I nodded but my sight was towards the deep dark end of the cave. It was there I sensed movement and soon it appeared. I saw then the wings and then the frame of man. There were two of them but I was wrong to say they were the frame of man for one was not a man but a woman. They were clothed in light and yet it was not translucent or bright but a shade of cover yet it was not of any cover that resembled cloth.

“I am Male and she is Female.” The more masculine spoke to us. “We are the Watchers of the Grigori. And also the Guardians of the Cave.”

The Male looked at the walls and ceilings before he smiled.

“If the walls could speak, then there will tales to speak of that will last nights. We seldom have an audience.” The Female in turn voiced out. “Are you here to hear us? Then let us speak.”

It was then I noticed that the pair who greeted us had theirs eyes bounded with some cover. The Female sensed my observation and voiced out.

“We did not close our sighs but we chose to be sightless. From sight, we may pre-judge but with our other senses we could better assessed the qualities which one sight could not reveal.” The Female told me.

“Who is good and who is wicked? With our sight overriding our senses, we may err.” The Male added in. “But how do we judged what is good and evil when even ourselves we know not what is there.”

“The Fallen came with intentions to help the realm but they were soon blinded by sight. Their sight betrayed their senses and soon corrupted their mind. From there they erode and then total blindness overtook them.” The Female voiced once again.

With a wave of the hands, the walls surrounding us revealed the heavenly world that was once seen by the Angels.
It was a beautiful scene of vast green garden with the flowing streams with the clear water, and boundless orchard. There were pavilions seen in the garden with the adjoining fountains next to it. They were designed with ornately designed roofs detailing the doves and flowers. Each pavilion held a seating for several persons at any one time. The pavilion was covered by the stone pavements that encircled it with the stones inlaid paths on that linked them in the garden. In between the gardens are the tall hills with the taller trees which gave the land terrains. With the terrains, the growth of the lands varied by the soil it grew with a myriad of colours and shapes. There were assorted flower beds of differing shades and designs. Each was well maintained. Lastly I saw then the movement of the living creatures; wild and yet gentle in their approach. The creatures survived on their food but it was the old and feeble which will succumb to the young and able.

“Such was the law of survival.” The Female sighed then.

“We lost sight of one sense that was veiled in our mind. It was treachery which drove us do the unthinkable.” The Male took on the tale. “The sincere approach of the Angels that came here was trapped by the treachery of one. Beware the one that held the serpent on the body.”

“Who would that be?” I asked out.

“It’s one named Azrael.” The Male replied. “You may know him as Berlin. He is with Merlin.” 

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