Monday, August 3, 2015

Mordred 18.2

The New Realm

“Berlin, I was told is dead.” I voiced out in protest. I glared at Leggins “His people told me so.”

“We said he is not here with us but none of us said he was dead.” Leggins defended himself. “It was in your mind that you believed Berlin was dead. You had him brought to us but we could not hold him.”

“There were others before him. In the old realm, your kind was also custodians of the renegades. You held them well.”

“True, my people were the custodian but the rumours that they died there were untrue. We did kill them. They were taken away by Berlin for torture. We had no choice then. Berlin had our elders in their influences.” Leggins defended once again. “We were branded as killers but who would ever believe us. We are the Elves and shied from the others.”

“Berlin is Azrael in disguise.” Gabriel voiced out. “Berlin and Merlin were once of ours but they disappear soon after the war with the Angels. We thought we had Azrael in capture but it turned out to be a double. They vanished from our search but soon we were to find out that they had shield themselves as one of yours. We were to capture them but they have grown strong then. They fought us off and defeated many of us.”

“Berlin formed the Academy to find new recruits and also to enhance their power. Merlin was his executioner to capture the friends of the Angels. Merlin had them killed or sent to the Divide.” Gabriel explained it all. “You and the rest of us were all fools at some time.”

“It can’t be. I don’t believe this.” I kicked in my feet on the matter. “I came here to find the truth on…”

“The truth hurts you because you have been brain washed to deny it.” Gabriel snapped at me. “Clear your mind. You were once their apprentice but you need to open your mind.”

“I came here to find what is happening in the land. Dragons and renegades…” I called out. Then I stopped. It was all wrong. I was wrong. Not them. I was denying myself of the truth. I turned to face Gabriel.

“So assuming you are right. Where is Merlin and ….Berlin?” I did not get my reply for the walls on the cave started vibrating. Gabriel spread out his wings and soared to the ceiling while the other two Angels retreated into the dark. Aladdin was whisked off by his unseen guardian. Rumpel and Leggins had sought cover behind some break in the walls. I had faced the vibrating walls, and saw them move. From it, the figures emerged.

“Grigori!” Gabriel shouted out. There were four of them approaching fast then. In their hands were the stone club that was length of the spread out arms.  Gabriel did a turn but he was not prepared for the hurled stone club. One of the Grigori aimed at the flying archangel and hit him hard on the left wing. Gabriel came down hard among the rocks. I rushed over and cradled the archangel into my arms. His left wing looked damaged by the stone club but the archangel looked good. I did not see the approaching Grigori at my rear but Rumpel was quick to my defence. He knitted up a long strand of strings that went around the Grigori legs and pulled taut at it. The giant wobbled when its legs were tied and then fell onto its front. It was then I moved into action with the wind crafts to bring the rocks on it.

It was a mistake for the Grigori was made of the same substance hardly felt the impact

Then the unseen custodian of Aladdin came into action when it flew around the Grigori like a slithering serpent. During its flight, the custodian must have grabbed one of the Grigori by the hand and then pulled it hard towards the other. In the move, the Grigori was taken by surprise and fell against the other Grigori.

Leggins had then moved into action with his sword swinging. His famed sword cut deep into the Grigori body and severed an arm on one. He moved to swing at the fallen Grigori’s neck but was thwarted by the last Grigori still standing. Leggins had to jump clear from the swinging club aimed at his head. The Elf smaller in frame was nimble in his movements as he moved from the Grigori back to the nearby rocks before he do a jump while turning his body to use the momentum to swing the sword in a backwards move. The sword cut deep into the left shoulder of the Grigori which earlier tried to kill the Elf. He then twisted the sword to cut in deeper into the shoulder and forced it deep. The Grigori shrieked in pain. It hit its hands on the flooring. The cracked flooring showed seepage of water as it wet the area.
It was then I corrected my mistake. I forced the water beneath the flooring to break through it. The jet of water threw the other Grigoris who were trying to stand. The jet of water washed off the sands from the rocks and revealed cracks. I then projected the wind craft into the cracks and forcing the rocks there to move. The soil and sands acted like glue for the rocks soon moved. It was then to move the pressure in using the wind to force break the joints. That time it worked when I got the right arm off and then the shoulder. I swung the disjointed rock limb and then hurled it at the other Grigori.
The hurled arm stabbed into the Grigori in the back. It resembled a third arm jutting out there but it was hurting the Grigori. Leggins took the opportunity to grab the third arm and somersault it upwards to swing the sword on the side of the Grigori head to sever it. The sword halved the Grigori on its skull but there were no soft tissue inside.

Then the call came. It sounded like a horn.

The remaining Grigoris left the scene and join back to the walls.

“How can that be?” Rumpel was collecting back his strings.

“It can only be…” Gabriel was to tell but he was interjected.

“Hello, Gabriel.” The voice was deep and sweet but the person approaching them was not the same.

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