Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mordred 19.2

The New Realm

The newly arrived person approached us. Her dark armour was torn on the left sleeves and part of the right leggings. Her pretty face was covered with dirt and there were some scratches on her left cheek. She staggered over but I had her cradled in my arms before she could fall.

“Chiton, what happened?”

“The Dark Queen came with her knights and killed more of us.” Chiton whispered out. “Jake is dead. So are many others.”

“Who’s else?” Leggins asked. Chiton heard him and looked at the Elf. She smiled at him.

“Most of your people too. Tormis and Charon died with Jake.” Chiton whispered out. “They were in the service of  the Dark Queen.”

“It can’t be.” Leggins refused to accept that accusation. He rushed in and pulled at her face towards him. “They were my loyal subjects.”

“Face it, Lord Leggins. They may have been once your subjects but their loyalty had shifted. They believed in the services of the Fallen Lords now.” I pushed the assumption towards the Elf.

“Who are with the Fallen Lords?” Leggins asked. Chiton ran down a list which included the Cohens, Fangnir, and among others the Bernard and Marshal clans of the Elves. Leggins drew back and walked to the side of the cave to contemplate his next action. Rumpel and Aladdin were in conference while I continued on holding Chiton. She looked up at me and told me of the latest happenings.

“There is a war out there between brothers and friends.” Chiton told him. “Elves and our people and soon with the others. The outsiders are coming into the battle.”

I held the lady closer while she wept. Leggins was pacing and muttering to himself while Rumpel and Aladdin were in deep discussion. I was to speak when I heard the shrieking sound on the outside of the cave. It was heard for one second and then the projectile was seen dropping down from the ceiling. It was laser guided bunker bomb weighing at five thousand pound. The bomb has a length of eighteen feet with a diameter of less than a foot. It had a bomb load of six hundred loads. It was capable of penetrating twenty feet of solid concrete or rocks as in the cave there.

“Cover!” I crouched down on Chiton while the others were running for cover. The projectile fell through and landed on the flooring. It laid there on the flooring unmoving. All eyes were on it. We heard of the delays in these projectiles but no one was sure. The projectile looked menacing lying on the flooring with its rear dorsal fins and the intimidating head where the trigger was located. These weapons use on-board electronics to track targets that are designated by laser, typically in the infrared spectrum, and adjust their glide path to precisely strike the target. Since the weapon is tracking a light signature, not the object itself, the target must be illuminated from a separate source, either by ground forces, by a pod on the attacking aircraft, or by a separate support aircraft. I knew more of them as one of my drinking mates was a fighter plane pilot. 

The projectile released a hissing sound and then became silent again.

“Damn!” I cursed out and kicked out with my legs at the projectile. It was then we heard the hissing sound again and all of us took to cover again. My pilot friend have never mentioned about the damage in an explosion but given the location we were in, I was not giving much thought of us surviving the explosion.

“Run!” Leggins was either brave or desperate. The Elf leap up the rocks and fled to the far corner. It was also then I saw the stream of fire energy that penetrated the projectile surface and into it. It was all so fast and then Gabriel stepped out. He was to speak when more figures jumped down from the ceiling. Five figures were scaling down using ropes. They were in armours and camouflage suits with heavy weapons.

“Bravo, hostiles in the open.” The one who called was the first to land on the flooring. The figure was armed with a heavy calibre weapon that I once seen during a weapon display. The weapon have two barrels and was fed by the ammo belt that was slung to the rear where it was kept in a tight bandolier pack. It was named the Killer Pack. It was not the firing rate but the impact of the projectile which could tear a hole in a concrete wall. On the figure’s chest were the webbings with the grenades with the Browning automatic holstered over this heart. He landed with his knees spread while he cocked the weapon into firing position

“Storm Troopers!” The figure called out and then aimed the weapon at the slab of rock on the side. He demonstrated the firing power of his weapon on the slab which disintegrated into smaller pieces. They are the elites of the elites. The Storm troopers were selected units to counter our threat. They are similar to super soldiers with the training and conditioning.  That also included steroids and drugs to enhance their strengths. They have no equal nor are friends outside of their own mates.  They were trained by Merlin for the others as an alternative solution to the Guardians.

“We are here to arrest anyone who is attempting to run or use their crafts on us. All of you are classified as Class E threat.” The figure spat out his words. “And my name is Sergeant Cole. That is for your information.”

Aladdin’s guardian sprang into action unseen by us but his move was to grab the weapon. There was a struggle that appeared to us as the Sergeant holding on his weapon fighting off some imaginary foes. The Sergeant released a shot and it was aimed close to me. In defence I had raised with haste the rocks of wall to deflect the bullets. The bullets on impact at the wall exploded and caused a major crack in the rocks but it held in place to deflect the shots. The other four had landed by then and were firing without a second thought. They were armed with the same weapon but theirs were attached with the grenade launchers. They began firing the grenades into the cave walls. The explosions erupted around us but we have taken cover. I have then created another wall of rocks over me and Chiton. She struggled off my arms and lashed out with the whip. It caught the Sergeant and severed the arm just above the right elbow. The Sergeant dropped his weapon while his right hand reached to cover his lost his left arm then but he was not giving up. The figure reached for the Browning but by then I had the wind craft out and threw the wounded Sergeant to the far wall but the shooter was still trying to get up despite the bleeding arm.   

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