Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mordred 22.1


The Previous Realm

Keb sat up on his resting place at the tavern where they took refuge. He reached for the bandaged hips. He felt the pain there but it was healing better than he expected. The exertion of the spell to be the giant serpent had taken its toll on his aging body. He looked at the concerned looks on the gathered there.

“There is nothing which I have not being through before.” Keb voiced out. “I have to admit the last one was tougher than the previous one. They are getting tougher by the numbers.”
Aladdin who was present stepped forth to greet the King. He was closely followed by Seth.

“My King, I wished I was there.” Aladdin replied. “I would have fought Merlin….”

“And lost my young one.” Keb replied. “I had my thoughts on Merlin but I was surprised at the appearance of Berlin. It was obvious that Lilith had a hand in it too. I have failed to see that a Fallen could be so easily apprehended. Was I a bigger fool than them?”

“Lilith…” Aladdin uttered the name. Keb heaved himself up and then sighed.

“We treated her well, and she was invited to my personal chalet. She did the expected of a …serpent I guess.” Keb smiled. “She betrayed us all. The most important thing is that Berlin did confirm the rumours of the vortex.”

“The vortex? That is only…” Aladdin in haste cut in and then bit his own lips on speaking out of line. “We all heard it before.”

“The vortex is real. Its due and we need to plan our exit too.” Keb told the gathered. They were all puzzled on how they could leave when there was no place to hide. Not in the current realm. “I need to see Tauriel.”

‘That will not be needed. I am here.” King Tauriel walked in to the room. He was a tall figure for a Elf but he stood a head shorter below the shoulder of Keb. “Tell me about Merlin.”

Across the land in the tall tower of the Academy, Merlin was pondering over the designs of the craft from the Ancient Books. He was trying to figure out the material and work to be done. It was a huge craft but unlike any that he had seen in his lifetime. He looked over to Berlin was back in his assumed disguise as the Head of the Academy. The later was pouring a drink for himself.

“This time we dealt the Serpents a major blow. They could be all dead by now but rest assured they are no more a threat to us.” Berlin smiled. “How could Keb have thought that I could as Azrael could be captured? They are so innocent.”

“Berlin, enough of your gloating. We did not survive this long without …” Merlin was cut off by Berlin.

“Meticulous planning and deceit which I have harnessed for us all this time since before our descent. Was it not me who coax Adam to sought Eve and left Lilith to be the wounded heart. I was a nasty cupid then.” Berlin laughed and then he saw Morgan Faye stepped into the chamber.

“My lady Morgan, how do you fare? I do like your current looks compared to that infernal Fangnir scaly texture.” Berlin turned to pout another goblet of wine for the lady. “Is everything as we plan?”

“Yes, we are.” Morgan took the goblet. She may be lady but drinks like a man. She gulped in all down and then voiced out her concern.  “We do have a concern. The shards of the crystal are not proportionate in their energies. Four of them may be unstable.”

“Please explain in more subtle terms.” Berlin frown his face lines and stared at the lady. “I did not…”

“Hush, my lover. I am just stating that the shards may not carry all of us.” Morgan replied. “There is a risk of us …or shall I place it as we may not all get through. Your plan of seven crafts may be too huge for the shards.”

“Morgan, seven it was for there were seven shards held by their own keepers. One cannot take what is kept but when we told them we will share, they agreed to it. Nevertheless, I have studied the crystals. It will work but nevertheless your call will be heeded. We will need to put in place an alternative plan.” Berlin looked towards Merlin. “We will miniaturize the loads to fit into a smaller craft. It will reduce the stress on the energies.”

“The miniature machine does not work.” Merlin snapped in. “I meant not properly yet. Jasmine has not been cooperating well. She gave us bits and pieces of her visions.”

“Excuses are not tolerated, Merlin. You above all should know that.” Berlin was upset. Jasmine was their prisoner after the so planned execution to subdue Aladdin. Merlin had snapped her neck but it was to incapacitate her and not kill her although then in the sight of the younger ones, she had died. Jasmine had a gift of seeing into the future and her collected images allowed Merlin to see how the futuristic machines work. One of it was the miniaturization machine.

“I do apologies for my oversight. I will make it work.” Merlin replied to Berlin. “I will get the crafts ready for our crossover.”

“An excellent thought, Merlin. Now my dear, shall we consummate our victory in wine and love?” Berlin led the lady off to his own chamber. 

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