Monday, August 31, 2015

Deep Seas War 5.1


The Surface

The carriage tore into the late afternoon with Jones whipping the horses to run. He did not bother to look behind for the Sergeant Major had that covered. His concern was the country roads with the intersecting smaller paths. There the local patrons may rush onto their path without stopping. They won’t stop for a carriage rushing at above normal afternoon riding speed. After all this was not the race tracks. They rode past the other estates but out here each of them will have a spread of over fifty acres or more. Even if you holler, the neighbours won’ bother to reply. Gunshots are common to them with the game keepers bringing in the rabbits or pheasants for the dining table. The paths they took were cobbled stones or untarred roads but the weather then was hot making the ground hard on the horses’ hoofs. They are cladded with the metal shoes but the carriages were not exactly bouncing comfortably to the uneven surface.

“You could slow down, Jones. We are ahead of time by ten minutes.” Lord Henry checked his watches. His wounded leg had begun to ache then. The Corporal was to comply when he heard the warning from the Sergeant Major.

“They are on the horses.” The Sergeant pointed to the open fields where the guards were galloping the mounts.

“Darned!” His Lordship screeched out. “They are destroying those studs. They are not meant to run but hump.”

The Sergeant Major turned his gun on them. With the rapid firing option, the NCO did was point and pressed the trigger. His firing was however passable for one who spend more time hollering than practising at the shooting range. He brought down two of the pursuers.

“You shot my horses, Sergeant Major.” His Lordship screamed then. “They are worth thousands.”

“You ask and do not receive, because you….” The Sergeant Major recites James 4.3 but was interjected by his Lordship.

“Ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. Thank you, Sergeant Major. You may continue on.” His Lordship slumped back onto his seat inside the carriage.

It was then they saw the new threat coming from the skies. There was two flying contraption with the wide double wings and the tiny rudder at the rear. The plane was piloted by two persons with the rear one manning the Lewis gun there. The Sergeant Major cursed under his breath. They were path of the Lord Henry’s guards too. His Lordship considered them as sound investment in the face of military innovations.

 “Jones, we got two eagles on our rear and five horsemen.” It was Jones who named the flying contraption as eagles.

“Well shoot the eagles down first. They are the real nuisance.” Jones pushed the horses towards the treelines. He reckoned they won’t be blimey easy to detect there. The carriage shot off into the woods and soon they were riding past uneven grounds, and caused his Lordship to screech out in anger.

“Jones, you better have an explanation for this. The humping is doing the devils’ work on my spine.” Lord Henry had a back pain which he claimed was from riding the infernal creature named a horse.

“Uffar gwirion, I am trying to save our asses.” Jones cursed in his native tongue. He rode the carriage to the hunting lodge in the woods. He stopped there before he disembarked in a rush. He rushed in and then came out with the long barrel Whitworth rifle. That rifle was locally invented and proven to be a sound shot at over a thousand five hundred yards. It fires a .45 calibre bullet with the single muzzle loaded shot. It was a unique design then with the hexagonal barrel instead of the rounded one. It outshot the popular Pattern 53 Enfield rifle issued to the Army but the cost of the Whitworth was too costly. Nevertheless, the rifle made its way across the islands to the continent.

“My Uncle Ernie will not leave home without it. He took off many intruders during the battles.” Jones’ uncle was a rancher in the continent who fought off the others from encroaching into his land. Jones stepped up on the carriage and then rode the carriage off to the nearby hill. It was then the woods were raked by the Lewis gun mounted on the Eagle’s flying contraption. The gunner could not make out the carriage hidden beneath the canopies of the leaves but he was firing blind to scare the horses. Jones did not stop the horses but kept on whipping them to stay at the fast paces. Once he reached close to the peak, he held back the reins. He then took up the rifle and aimed it at the circling flying contraption.

“I disliked the eagles. They took my Maedy (it’s Mother in Welsh) chickens.” Jones fired the rifle at the pilot of the first eagle he sighted. His shot blew half the pilot’s face at four hundred yards and then he aimed for the second eagle that was still unaware of the other pilot. His fright on seeing the other flying contraption diving down in a steep decline made him shudder with fear but it was only seconds before the second shot took off his heart to vitalise the soul.

“Bloody good shot, Jones.” Sergeant Major complimented the other. “But we best get the battle going on my side too.”
The Sergeant Major had the Lewis gun to slow the other horsemen from approaching them. Sure enough at that moment, Jones had whipped the horses on the carriage to move on. He was directing the horse up to the peak and then he pulled up the reins.

“Surely you do not want to do that…” The words of the Sergeant Major were taken off his mouth when the carriage was sent speeding down between the trees towards the road at the bottom of the hill. It was the nature of Jones to do the unexpected. The Sergeant Major held on tight to the carriage top with his face drawn tight with fright at the speeding descent. It was grim when it comes to shaping boys into real man but here it was back to the reckless living of boys when they chanced anything to do it once. Or twice in the case of Jones.

Both men on the carriage top ducked down to avoid the hanging branches and God knows what else that were lurking there. Or maybe a couple of fornicating pheasants with an unpleasing outing. At that speed, the overhanging leaves from the branches could cut into the exposed flesh like paper onto the skin. When they were to reach the road, Jones had the horses steered to the right and then they were running parallel with the road. The pull on the reins almost cause the man to lose his arms but he held on hard. The Sergeant Major was almost thrown of the carriage but managed to secure a hold with part of his right legs hanging over the side.

“Could….you…..reconsider the speed….please?” The Sergeant Major had to swallow his pride then to ask but the Corporal expression was that a speed fiend. Eventually they reached the intersecting point and then continued with the race along it towards the airfield.

“Did you check on this Lordship?” The Sergeant Major asked of Jones by changing the subject. The later shook his head while his focus was on matching the Sunday race records.

“I dinna think so. Guess we will leave it till we stop. It won’t matter now anyway.” The Sergeant Major joined the other at the front. “Do you happen to know which horse is racing on Sunday?”

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tweet...tweet I was busy ....

Deep Seas War 4.2

The Depth

The first rule of survival is to kill and not wound. The later could turn the odds in the killing. Stacy held her grip on the wheel while they raced through the high waves then added with an enraged wounded serpent. The explosion had torn off a part of the serpent’ left side of the head to its upper fins leaving a trail of blood.

“Drop another round, Engine.” Captain Arthur himself was strapped into his seat with the hand gripped white to the flesh while he listened for reports. The third load of drum charges went out to sea and created a series of explosions. The Sea King was flying just above her draft line with the extended keels but she was losing the pace to the serpent. The creature swam parallel to the ship and was trailing a bloody scent for other predators.

“Jettison Hold Three and Four.” Captain Arthur called. It was a grim call for those two holding were their largest and held the best catch. It was also their heaviest.

“Aye, Captain. “The boatswain replied before he pulled the levers to release the catch. They had spent two months out at sea to get those loads and now it was time to forego them. He knew why the Captain released the loads for that will eased the burden on the engines and above all, the predators were already on their stern. The off loaded catch will delay them and if time permits they will out be out of danger zone.

“Big White on the aft.” The crew called out.

“Damned!” Captain Arthur cursed out. The Big White was a huge sea predator with few others ranked next to it. They grow up to fifty or eighty feet out there with their fins to belly at over twelve feet. They looked like the sharks but these monsters likes to take big bites off the ships. Especially big ones. That one was over sixty feet and it was heading towards them.

“First Officer, I hoped you sign on your declaration form. I am not sure we will make it.” Captain Arthur called out. Stacy ignored him while she steered the ship. Just like she ignored the pain of knowing it was Arnold who went down with the crane. It did not matter to her on who died for they were expected to be on any expedition. Anyway she had rejected Arnold’s marriage offer. In their line, being married means staying off the ships. Stacy was not ready for that.
The Big White was approaching them from the portside and wounded serpent was still trailing at starboard.

“White to below hull.” The crew carried out when he saw the monster submerged. It was the tactical move of the Big White when they then rammed the hull.

“Give me ten degree starboard.” Captain Arthur called out. Stacy moved the wheel to the designated direction which will take them on a collision course with the serpent. “Hold her steady.”

“Steer five degrees portside.” Captain Arthur called out. The Sea King strained on the new direction with waves pounding its stern and portside. The crew at the stern did not call out but what he saw will remain as his nightmare. The Big White rammed into the serpent on its wounded side. Both creatures were swept beneath the waves.

“White hit Serpent.” The other deck crews saw the battle. They were jubilant at the battle and it spread to the others at the dimly lighted compartments. Captain Arthur unstrapped himself from the seat and looked out of the wheel house windows. He then saw the White surfaced with the serpent ensnared in its jaw at the wounded neckline. The serpent was struggling to fight off the Big White but it was a losing battle.

“Good work, First Officer.” Captain Arthur complimented his officer.

“White in danger.” The deck crews called out. The Captain looked over and saw the second serpent had joined in the battle. The smaller serpent had snapped it bite on the Big White’s belly at the gills. It was a good move and will ensure the odds of the serpents winning. It then released its bite and snapped at the pectoral fins. It was disabling the Big White from escaping and then moved back for another bite on the under belly again. The Big White was in pain and bleeding when it released the bigger serpent. It was a bad move because the wounded serpent struck back with its elongated body to snap at the Big White on the upper fin. The Big White was trapped by the two serpents. They went in with large bites to tear at the flesh off the Big White. The sea waves displayed streaks of blood and the water surface was soon coated with torn bits of flesh. The Big White struggled to flee but with its fins bitten off, it was floating feast for all. The final bite came from the larger serpent which bit into the snout of the Big White near the eyes.

Captain Arthur threw a salute to the dead Big White which was fed then by the two serpents at over five hundred yards away. It was a sign of respect those three predators and their display of prowess for his ship. They have survived another expedition but lost half their load. It was a fair gain for the previous expedition they lost part of their crews and loads.

“We had done well, First Officer.” Captain Arthur once more complimented on the steering done by Stacy. “Let me take the wheel.”

The First Officer stepped away from it and then grabbed her left wrist. She had bruised it during the steering with the serpents.

“Sorry about Arnold.” She faced the Captain who offered her the sympathy. She in turn questioned him on the loss of the catch.

“Yes, Hold Three, Four and Five is a more than half our catch but we are alive. That’s what concerns me.” Captain Arthur replied. “More to that, this is my last voyage on the Sea King. I am considering to retired.”

“Retire? Heck, Captain. That will be day the sea dries up or you are dead.” Stacy mocked at the Captain noble intentions. :”I have sailed with you for over three years, and every day you looked forward to another voyage.”

The Captain kept his focus on the lighthouse that signals their arrival at the port.

“Tell me on the new adventure. You mentioned submerging. That’s a scary thought. I cannot see myself encased inside a ship under the sea.” Stacy shuddered at the thought. “It’s a frigging iron coffin.”

“That was just a passing offer but I have not thought of it.” The Captain lied on that. He was intrigue with the idea of sailing under the sea. It will be wonderful to see where the serpents and sharks holed up. He then shooed the First Officer to the Infirmary while he focus on his next adventure. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Deep Seas War 4.1


The Surface

General Clarke was uneasy with the new developments. He was a Military man where his battles are fought over on solid grounds. The idea of sea faring made him cringed up for the deep sea was like cemetery to him.

“I am not sure if it’s a good idea to send God’s men into the deep seas.” The General voiced out when the four of them was pondering over the designs submitted by Lord Henry. “That man is daft and above all a crippled. He is a liability to society.”

“I do not like your tone, General. Even a man without limbs can do wonders if his mind is in tune to it.” Lady Jan replied.

“I meant no insult, my Lady.”  The General withdrew on his outburst. “I knew Henry. He was a fine officer but lacks the intelligence in strategy.”

“A misinterpretation there, General. I have studied Lord Henry’s profile. He is an exceptional strategist and above all, an inventive person. His designs here spoke well of him.” Lady Jan referred to the designs. “These are a more advanced one that your submerged buckets in the shallow depths. The Lord here is a genius.”

“I…” General Clarke rebuttal was cut off by Lord Ian. He had known Henry for years and felt that the jabbering between the two will end up in bad tidings.

“I sincerely apologise for my intrusion but our concern is the project.” Lord Ian pushed them to focus on the designs. “Is the submersible a good option?”

“Well paced, Ian.” Lady Jan complimented him. “Yes and no.”

“Yes, the direction to go is the sea.” Lady Jan continued on. “We are starved off the land with the good plots scattered and few. The breeding programs eased on the supply but the demands are increasing. Your last war depleted the need to feed numbers but they are geometrically increasing. We cannot give you that much food if we ourselves are facing the same issue.”

The country had been relying on foreign delivery of food but that of late was depleting due to famine and above all, war.  The wars that was caused by the world’s need for more food. And some of those wars were created by the ones who desired more food.

“The deep sea is the unexplored frontier. Its holds two third of our world and yet it’s unexplored by over three quarters.” Lady Jan explained. “Lord Henry’s idea of going under intrigue my investors. He may have hit a good idea there.”

“Lady Jan, the last …” Lord Ian meekly cut in but was brush off.

“The last submerged expedition failed because it was not designed for the deep sea. It was a boating exercise by the beach.”

“Yes, we learned from it. The sea held an assortment of threat but those threats are nominal to the benefits of the catches. You can blame the phenomenon created monsters but it also gave us opportunities. It may the accuser to our fear of it or our blessing as Man is the best predator of all...” Lady Jan interjected back. “The great white light fifty years ago may have caused the creatures to evolve but it also gave us opportunities among us Man. We did not grow bigger like the monsters but we were blessed with right now more intelligent minds compared to our forefathers.”

“Unproven theory.” General Clarke muttered out. “It was only a biased opinion of the few but ….”

“We have more inventions in the last fifty years than in the last five hundreds.” Lady Jan remarked back. “My country held a census that we hold a million of these minds. They are creating wonders for us. My inventions are wining us war with the monsters.”

“Unfortunately, Lord Henry’s designs are conceptual. We have studied these designs. It’s flawed.”

“Gentlemen and lady, we have diverted off.” Lord Chamberlain tried to steer the discussion to a more finite subject. 

“Lady Jan you justified the exploration of the sea and I am keen to hear you out.”

“Gibbons, we shall have that late night drinks soon.” Lady Jan then turned to the other two. “Your fishing boundary at over five miles is …shameful. So were your submerged crafts then. In my country we were doing ten and expanding to twenty now. The real fishes are out there in the deep seas. We do not fear the sea monsters.”

“My God! Lady Jan that is suicide. The last phenomenon rippled through the deep sea first and with its long nurturing they have bred into monsters. You claimed not to fear them but we have seen no proof of it. ” General Clarke could not hold himself anymore. “You are committing my men into their cold death in those depths.”
“General Clarke, please do not compared your yellow boat in the tub to mine.” Lady Jan was getting irate with the hunchback but his influence on the army logistics was essential. “Do you know how much food those monster could contribute to your petty breeds? It’s an odd of hundred to one. The deep seas held hundreds of such packs. We could harvest them.”

“With an enormous appetite to crush the ships which we have it may be us who will get harvested.” General Clarke was not letting up. “I do not agree to our men for such …sacrifices.”

“Then you shall not be. It will be my fleet who will fish here and bring you half the load for your people. The other half will be our trading profit.”

“And that includes all of you. Are we in agreement?” Lady Jan glared at the three men while she leaned over at the desk. She does not have much of a cleavage to offer them for show but they were already salivating at the prospect of ill gains in the deep seas.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Deep Seas War 3.2

The Depth

Arnold picked up the spiked metal ball with his crane hook. It had an extended chain attached to it for the sling shot move. It was an improvised weapon against the large monster like the giant octopus. He moved the crane towards the inside of the ship and waits for its cue. Then it was a waiting game for the serpent to appear on the side. Martin at the other side was holding nervously on the trigger. His harpoon gun was loaded and it needed was a target.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Elise was checking on her utensils to make sure they are all secured for any sudden movements. So was the Maintenance Engineer Harry Small who was eyeing the pressure gauges. He was ensuring the ship turbine will not let him down when the call for speed come. He hit at the gauge glass to make sure it was not stuck on the indicator pin. His assistant Engine Officer Exec Marvin Cantle was seated by the console with his right hand hovering over the lever there. He had on the earphones which listened to the sound below the hull. The lever will open the vents at the bottom of the hull and released the deadly drums containing the explosives. It was a form of depth charges that will deter any predators lurking below it.

Then the smaller serpent was seen on the port side when it surfaced beneath crest of the waves.

“On the portside at two hundred yards.” The crew who saw it called out on the wired communication system but no one fired on it. It was the Captain’s command that they were waiting for.

“On the starboard at three hundred yards.” That was the bigger one. “They are swimming parallel to us.”

So it seems that they have an escort of the two serpents. Stacy stayed her course with the wheel held tight. The waves were still coming in high and there were the strong winds. She looked towards the Captain.

“Do we cut the engines and used the sails?”

The Captain did not reply but kept his focus on the menacing serpents.  He had seen his share of them, and survived those encounters. The serpents will not attack immediately but once they do, it will be ferocious. Not many sea farers lived to tell the tale but the Sea King was not any ordinary ship.

“Boatswain, jettison the remaining baits in Hold Five.” The Captain gave his command since the serpents were sighted. He got the affirmative and then the howl of the hull plates on the starboard creaked as a section of it was opened. The open area was the compartment for Hold Five. The salt water rushed in but it was held back by the load of the small fish and carcasses which were released then. The five tons of baits were pushed out by the salt water which had regressed back to the sea with the baits.

“Serpents on the starboard taking the on the baits.” The crew called in. It was working and then it was to flee the area.

“First officer, get us out. Ten degree to port side. Full speed.” Captain Arthur called out. He then hauled up the communication line to the Engineering Section. “I want the ship to fly.”

“Aye, Captain.” Harry replied and then rushed to the turbine console. He looked at the power gauge and then steadily raised the level up. He then looked towards his Engine Officer.

“Screw your sounds. Get those keels out.” Harry called out. Marvin dropped the ear phones and ran to the fins controlled console. He strapped in just in then when the other Engine Officers joined him. There were six of them and they soon stepped on the pedal to turn the gears to unlock the six side keels below the draft line of the hull. The pedalling moved the gears locks to push out the shafts that released the keel into the salt water. It was a hard work but it will lent speed to the ship with its reducing the drag. On the upper deck, the Boatswain called out for the sails to unfurl. It was time to break the speed record in sailing out of danger.

Stacy held onto the wheel when the Sea King lurched on the extra momentum. Soon she was sailing above her draft line and making good progress. The crews were holding their breath for the next call.

“Stern, give me a sitrep.” Captain Arthur called out. He was blinded at the wheel house.

“It’s a no go. We have the bigger one on our stern.” The reply came back.

“Blow the ballast. We are going to take to the sky.” The Captain called out. It was Stacy who cautioned him.

“We could tilt without the ballast leverage.” Stacy gave her view but the Captain order was never to be questioned. The Engineers lived to their reputation and released the ballast with a word of prayer that they will see the sunlight soon. It was not an easy task when you confined to the interior of the ship most times and at worse in moments like this, that may be the last thing you will see before death.

Stacy held had on the wheel trying to keep the ship afloat while the Captain accessed the odds of survival. He was calling for the crews to give him a fast updates on the pursuing serpent.

“Fifty yards, Captain.” The crew called out and it was then the Captain gave the command.

“Drop the charges.” The order was given and Marvin was out of the keel seat to the earlier console. He pulled the lever to release the five drums. The five drums formed the first salvo which when released from its holding racks will activate the ten seconds delay detonator. The drums will roll down the chute and be ejected out into the salt water. It will then be push by the ship sailing power to the rear and float there to sit out its countdown. Each drum will release twenty pounds of explosives together with fifty pounds of sharp metals pieces with an impact effect at over fifty feet.  

“Five degrees to port.” The Captain called out to Stacy. Just when he felt the ship turned the charges went off in the stern on the waves.  The explosion caused a cut in the waves and then the rippling effect pushed the Sea King ahead on its own path.

“We got first blood.” The crew shouted out. It was victory of sorts but they knew the worst was yet to be seen. It came soon when the wounded serpent rose out of the surface like a frigging dragon. It was then Arnold swung his spike ball at the monster. He got a hit at the wounded side and caused it to sink back into the water. Arnold held hard on the levers waiting for the next attack. It came but it was then headed at the crane. The serpent rose and snared the crane but its neck and then pulled it down.

Arnold was in the control box felt the crane being pulled down. He reached for the seat straps but by then the crane had tilted towards the sea surface. He pulled away the straps and pushed himself out. He stood by the control box doorway. He was not on the ship anymore but standing on a tilted crane hovering over the sea surface. He was to jump for the ship side when the wave hit the crane. Arnold was thrown against the ship side and then battered to fall into the sea.

“Man overboard.” The alert went out but Arnold had gone below the waves. It was impossible to rescue him then with the serpents and the waves.

Below the waves, Arnold floated with the current. He was half conscious but stood no chance of surviving. The water temperature was below zero and he was hurt.  His wounds were bleeding then and it was the directional bait for the predators. The first ones that hit him was the smaller flesh eating young sharks that swam towards him. They tore at his bleeding flesh with chunks of it. He struggled in his half-conscious mind and then fell numb to the bites. The school of sharks had not seen the bigger predator which came with its jaws opened. The wounded serpent caught the bleeding body in its jaws and then it down to snap it to half.

Arnold had his last fuck before becoming supper for the serpent. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Deep Seas War 3.1


The Surface

“Good Lord, are you accusing me of treason?” Lord Chamberlain Gibbons was enraged by the accusations made by Lord Henry. “Heavens forbid me but I can assure you that your plans are safe with me.”

Lord Henry looked towards the crate of his drawing that he had handled before to the Chamberlain. It was protocol to do so for the man held the position of trust and above all, the approvals of such projects. If the Ministry does not sanction the project, it will be considered as illegal to proceed.

“Then explain to me how I was to hear of that there were other similar projects that are similar to mine being promoted, or in the works.” Lord Henry pressed on. He then threw the paper clippings onto the Chamberlain desk. “They do not lie. Most times they do have some truths to their claims.”

“Good Lord, this is a mockery of true journalism.” Lord Chamberlain Gibbons snapped back but Henry was giving that up so easily. He leaned onto his good leg and pressed on his accusations.

“My plans were given to your care five years ago. It outlined the general scope of the works to be done and Lord forbid, my initial designs of the crafts. Today, I read news of it on the publications. So named experts are putting their marks on my design and with some even disputing its design.”

“The Lord does not forbid critics to comment on his creation, nor do myself but since you said it was five years that you left me those …designs, I may admit that they could have been accessed by my own staff. It’s the discretion of the Ministry to verify your project for its viable prospect. In doing so….”

“In doing so, those bastards may have sold my ideas to others.” Lord Henry hit back with anger. “Does this Ministry not have any rules and conditions which they are to adhere with. Or do you sell even your own mother for self-gain.”

“Mine your accusations, Lord Henry. I was also a Military man and a child with a mother. I lived my life with discipline and integrity.”

“Mine yours, Lord Chamberlain. You were on the other side fifteen years ago. We fought but by sheer luck your side avoided defeat through the calls of a truce.” Lord Henry recalled the Civil War they fought when the land cried for food and justice. It was both which drove the people to revolt and sides were determined by emotions and fear. Lord Henry fought for the people against the authorities. He foregone his command and join the local militia. The war lasted three years but the toll on the land lasted more than fifteen years with over five million dead. It also spurred on the resurgence to work on automation and hence the boom of the next engineering age. The advancement of technology then was at the development of steam and electricity was soon discovered. It was an era of Innovations.

“I recalled that too. Such a pity for I was trained to be a marksman then. I would not have missed hitting at your groin.” Lord Chamberlain admitted that it was he who made Lord Henry a cripple.  “Such are the fortune of wars.”

Lord Henry held back his anger at that grim reminder and pressed on with his accusations.

“Tell me who else knew of my designs.” Lord Henry pressed his point forward.

“I won’t know. Your designs were in the archive and accessed by many. How would I know? It was five years, and I got only five months of food supply now with fifteen millions to feed. So which do you think takes precedent?”

“Fuck you.” Lord Henry cursed at the other before taking leave of the Chamber.

“I do hope so. Your baton reputation precedes you. Are you sure it’s not your stiff leg that they were humping on.” Lord Chamberlain called out to the departing Lord. Once Lord Henry has slammed the doors on the Chamberlain, it was opened to admit another three.

“I am not to be disturbed.” Lord Chamberlain spoke up without raising his face.

“Surely, we are not in that list.” General Clarke approached the Chamberlain desk. The General was the commanding officer of the army that fought for the authorities. He was a tall wide shouldered man but with his elderly age, he had hunched on his frame giving him the looks of a grim looking hooded serpent. He dressed in the uniform of the Army and flagged with all his medals. He was followed by Lord Ian and then there was the last person who was least expected to 
be there.

“Good day, Lord Chamberlain.” The third person greeted the other. Her name was Chen Lin Jan; a Chinese descent with some mixed bloods of the Dutch and German. Her family had invested in the main continent and also in the isles for many generations but their main base was still in the East. She looked emancipated but it was her genetic Eastern look but beneath that slight frame was a lady of strength and resolute. She had on a dark suit and matching shoes with the leopard low cut blouse that was enchanted with the pearl string that reached just below her breast lines. On her chest was the heavy gold chain on his neck with the dragon emblem.

“Morning, Lady Jan. It’s always my pleasure to meet you.” The Lord Chamberlain stood up and offered his guest a curt bow. “Was your flight here eventful?”

“The airship was added on with the turbine to speed up its flight but I still prefer the swift winds on the high sails.” Lady Jan ancestors were sea farers that travelled the high seas with their wooden boats in search of fortune.

“I am here on the progress of the sea ports.” Lady Jan cut her way into the main discussion issue. “My fleet of ships are on the way here.” 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tweet ...tweet... The colors of the tales... 230815

I be honest that I had not penned more than 500 words in the last week on the tales. I was really not even keen to open the pages to look at it.


Writer block? Or Tale Tailing? I was not in the mood (pardon the pun) to dive into it. I was reading my books ( borrowed from friends and the local library ) and working on my 'life endowed chores' works. It was tedious on the later but the former was more relaxing; slept by the third page of reading. And that reading Fifty Shades of White ( I betcha you never read of that before.... Well, its an adaption of White in some ..... excuse the word here.... amusing positions. Guess that was the effect of biting the apple at the round end. No one ever thought of what Snow was dreaming of during her sleep. )

The sleeping part of mine was not due to any apple crunching bite, it was probably the tale of the mind just want to shut off on reading tales? I don't now why. No sizzling tales was in the making there, nor awesome closing chapters to any tales was in my dream state. I guessed I may have just dozed off. It was unusual given my 'pre-sleep ' readings were supposed to be 'stimulating' unlike lavender tea.

Just to zest up my reading list, one of them besides White was by Robert E. Howard ( Conan tale bringer ) but this one was the rarely heard tales of his other hero; El Barak from the North West Frontier. Well, Barak did no better than Obama in my mind.

Speaking of Robert E. Howard ( he is my top fav of authors ). Robert's tales are nice to read like Sir Conan Doyle ( another Fav of mine ); short and attentive from the first passage to the end. They ranged from 5,000 words to 20,000 words. ( Harold Robbins was one of my other fav in the younger days. I still have a copy of PIRATE. His 500 words could bring out more than a gasp from you.  )

Well, as for myself I been bench marking my tales to 50,000 words minimum ( novel length ) for some time now. Maybe after I wrapped up Deep Seas War and Mordred, I will go for the old style of shorter tales, with more kaboom and whoosh to it. Pardon me, I had a vision of Supes and Wonder Lady.... geez that will erupt any volcano. or break the planet into half.

Okay, penning down the fantasy to the real thing. (Pardon the pun again.)

And for now.

I had penned Deep Seas War today. I am at Chapter 29 and will close it soon. Then back to Mordred to snap Merlin's spine before I .... ( should we skip the hardness out for now).

Gee, I am unsure of my other new tale. I have some in my other folder. Maybe I will do those. As a good start to my renewed self, I had given myself the refreshing new color to the blog. Yellow as in new day for me and for all of us. After a long drag of hardness above, you do need a refreshing start..... (another pun intended?perhaps).

Till White allow me to share her tales with you I shall remain hard with her secret.....buns....I meant puns.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Deep Seas War 2.2

The Depth

The Sea King measured four hundred feet and sixty across the beam with a draft of twenty feet. It holds a displacement of over seven thousand tons with full speed knots of eighteen knots.  With those dimensions, even the high crest of the waves still towered over it beam. It was one thing to run into a wall of salt water but the lurking danger was what it may hold inside.

“Portside, First Officer.” Captain Arthur called out when he saw the sea serpent that was hiding in the waves. “Steer to port and keep it steady.”

First Officer Stacy pulled at the ship wheel to steer the ship away from the serpent’ path. It was not a hard task for the ship’s wheel was powered by the shifting gears that eased the pressure of the pull but the force of the waves outside was had caused a drag. She struggled with the wheel with her strength while the Captain called on the crews to man the positions needed in such happening. In the crew’s quarter which could house up to sixty crews, they were roused by the siren which told them that the ship was in danger.   

Elise pulled her up from the flooring after she had pushed Arnold off her. She stood up and pulled on her yellow pant suit before she trod off to the kitchen. Arnold meanwhile had sat up with his lower half of the body naked was soon stepped or pushed aside by the storming pace when they rushed to their positions.

“Watch where you…” Arnold could not complete his statement when one of the crews stepped on his left knee. He cried out in pain but no one pays heed to him. During such an emergency, every crew member was concerned on the ship. Arnold was trying to stand up when someone assisted him up. He turned to look and saw it was the Boatswain. He was a short squat man with a body frame dyed with seventy different tattoos. He had then done for every fishing expedition and that had averaged three per year.

“Next time get a room.” Martin Anjon grabbed Arnold by the back of his neck and threw him out alongside with his pantsuit lower half. “Get to your position.”

Arnold ran off with his clothes toward the upper deck. His positon was at the portside to man the crane. He crawled into the crane seat and strapped in. It was then he saw the serpent which swam effortlessly in the waves. It was huge; a hundred and twenty feet in length with a sleek scaled body that breath over eight feet across and the head was a snake head the blue slits for eyes with a wide jaw that could have swallowed a man. Inside the serpent’s jaws were the three rows of sharp teeth that prevent the catch from escaping its bite.

 “It’s a Medusa.” Captain Arthur called out. These serpents are deadly but they are also highly priced for their succulent flesh. “I want her.”

Stacy bit her lower lips on the order. The Captain have a tendency of calling all the sea monster by feminine names although they were all assumed to be eggs carrier. The Medusa was a rare catch for it was known to strike down smaller ships and their crews. The Sea King was bigger than the serpent but the later was known to swim in pairs.

“Keep an eye for her mate. She does not swim alone.” True to the Captain’s warning, the second serpent appeared on the starboard side. She was a beauty too with her open deadly jaws and no bigger than the earlier one at over a hundred feet in length.

“Holy mackerel! That is a huge one.” Stacy called out but the Captain was focussing on the crews which were in their assigned position. He saw Martin had strapped into the harpoon turret.

The Frenchman has then activated the harpoon gun to be brought up. It was laid beneath the turret for secure holding. When the Frenchman pulled at the lever, it will moved the gears into motions which will pulled the hoist that will in turn raised the harpoon gun. These actions were activated from the steam generated turbine which fed the electrical generators. The harpoon gun was a five feet long rotating barrel muzzle loading design with a breech firing trigger. The trigger mounted on the back of the gun. The breech block would be fed with a cartridge that contained gunpowder to create the impact for the propulsion of the harpoon. Once it’s fired the breech lock will be manually opened by rotating its cover to dispense off the spent cartridge casing before a new one is inserted. Then the cover is rotated to seal the breech lock. The harpoons are loaded by the turret loading mechanism which was similar to an overhead beam with the spring released hanging two feet length harpoons over the gun. .

The beam loading mechanism held four harpoons per load. The gun will position to its vertical position for the loading of the harpoon. The harpoon will dropped into the barrel and ready for firing. Each loading and firing will take no more than twenty seconds. When all the four harpoons are fired, the beam will be lowered to the loaders below to reload it. That will take about thirty seconds to reload. The effective range was only five hundred yards. The Sea King held six of these harpoon turrets with three on each sides while on the stern was the heavier double harpoon gun with the double displacement in weight. The extra length barrel extended over twelve feet has an effective range of over five hundred yards.

In addition to that the deep fishing ship held eight machine guns turret armed with the Lewis machine guns. The gun was gas operated with an aluminium barrel-shroud that cools it. The gun held a pan magazine with 97 rounds each. It has an effective range of eight hundred yards. Those were the standard weapons configuration of most deep sea fishing ships. The sea posed more dangers than a normal hunting expedition.

“Serpents alert!” Captain Arthur called out. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Deep Seas War 2.1


The Surface

The Ministry of Food and Natural Growth was located inside a tropical garden grown in a glass house covering over a hundred acres. It was an unusual structure for outside of that glass enclosure was the natural surroundings of thick smog and varying temperatures, although the structure was build outside the city boundaries. Anyone would have stated that the glass panels for the structure were an invitation to intruders or pranksters but no one dared to intrude there. It was guarded by a company of guards with the armoured vehicles to ensure the growths there have their peace of mind to survive in solitude.

The amount of food was near to starvation level then, when the world’s population exceeded its supply. It was not the fault of the growers or breeders, but the land was just not assisting in the process of growth. The soil of the lands was getting rancid with the previous impregnation of fast growth additives. It had mutated the soil to reject new growths or manifested into toxic produce.  That good produce lands slowly and eventually dwindled into pockets of these places. While the growing soils were getting smaller, the land creatures themselves have also evolved into carnivores and devoured the others in the name of survivals. The creatures have more than evolved but digressed into their previous moulds. The predators became larger while the surviving breeds also evolved to become more resilient to their predators. Man was the culprit but they also turned to be saviours albeit it was a last resort move. They tried to reclaim the lands by nurturing the soil but it was a tedious work. More so when on the land were predators of their own and also of the others. It was compounded by the hungers of the mass. It was once remarked that the poison of one was the meat for the other. Man embarked on hunting expeditions to seek more food for the mass. They rounded up the living creatures and penned them into corrals to breed and to slaughter for food. With the new supply mode, the perpetrators soon displayed their greed to outdo the other. Hence the war started for the hunts and breeding

“It’s a senseless war.” Lord Henry raised his point to the assembled at the Great Hall of the Ministry of Food and Natural Growth. It was a grand hall with the decorated ceiling that was garish with the drawings of organic growths and some living docile creatures. Lord Henry sniggered when he saw the drawing included a stallion with an obvious marker protruding. Obviously the artist had a unique sense of humour. The gathered in the hall was seated on both sides with the high back chairs situated on four elevated rows of platform. Each side of the seats could seat a hundred persons and both sides were filled to the last seat. The gathered there on the right includes the large corporations that funded the hunting and breeding expeditions. The Ministry was hospitable to have two long tables laid out on that side with the lavish spread of food including the fresh growths. The offered food of the Ministry would alleviate anyone of their hunger pangs after all these discussions do dragged long into the wee hours of the next dawn. Sadly none of the gathered there took notice of the food but they consumed what they had brought with them in their personal valise. It was not that the food was not appetizing but each plate was viewed with contempt for fear of being poisoned.

“Irony for us that we are fighting a war over the produce of food when ….” Lord Henry’s voice was drowned out by the producers and breeders with their fists banging and their feet in resonance to protest on the word ‘war’ imposed for the current conflict. He decided then to move from the podium back to the left side of the hall where the other group of the gathered there. They were not of the other side but they were the mass elected representatives to voice out the concerns of the mass. Ironically they do attend but for the lavish food served there although theirs was on separate tables with the equal offered delicacies. Poison was not considered for the gathered there had massacre the feast to its crumbs.  

“Jolly bad turnout, huh?” Lord Henry looked to the one who had whispered to him. It was Lord Ian Stuart, a jolly turbulent figure with a penchant for the three piece suit although his preferred design of crimson red was to hide the scant leftovers on his crude gobbling.

“No, the turnout is good. It was just the listening crowd that was deplorable.” Lord Henry replied with sarcasm. He looked hard into Lord Ian.

“Could I place my trust with you?” Lord Henry whispered to the other. He did not await the reply and continued on.

“Do you think we should seek new pasture for our food source?” Sir Henry was all excited of it. “I am talking of the open seas.”

“Don’t be daft, Henry.” Ian hit back. “The open sea is a dangerous place. I be darned even with the hills yonder our hunters are already quivering in their knees and yet you want to tempt the open seas with the depths unknown.”

“Could you not settle for the beaches and the jetties?” Lord Ian was commenting on the then fishing practice then. “We have enough casualties there with those …what they call them….sharks taking bites off them.”

“I know, Ian. I am referring to the open sea with the correct equipment. We can bring in the larger catch of fish and heck it might even run over the loads they could breed in six months.” Lord Henry was past listening and found the needed ears for his idea.

“Good Lord, Henry. You will be ruined if you proceed.” Lord Ian pleaded with the other. “Be a jolly chap and retire please.”

Lord Henry had stood up when he saw the gathered had adjourned the session. He stood up and moved off to his next audience. Lord Ian asked where he was headed.

“The Chamberlain Office.” Lord Henry called back.  The Chamberlain was the channel to the Head of the Ministry.

“Good Lord, he is going to meet the monster straight on.” Lord Ian muttered to himself. “The man knew not of his own limits.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...