Saturday, August 30, 2014


Autumn soon to end, and winter will come. I have to admit the months of Autumn was a busy one with work. I have no penned much in the last month. Recently my daughter asked me to do a tale for her which we candidly discussed during a drive one evening. She wanted to adapt the 47 Ronin tale, but with a twist. It will about ducks....yup...the ones with the paddle feet. Well, we spoke at length on it and she wanted to illustrate it like a comic strip. So it will be more like a story board. 

But how do you write something on ducks.... no disrespect to Donald. I have been harassed by her since then for over two weeks. Finally, I gave up. I told her I will do it on one condition; she illustrate it and we can both post it up in the blog. 

Now comes the difficult part; how do you tell a 'ducky tale'. Pardon me, it would be 47 ducky in one tale. Every minute I stopped my work,my mind will be fleeting with ducks images. Jeez, I got to get it done. I told her I will start this weekend, and given its a three days break ( we have a holiday here on Monday. ) I hope to pen up something quick. 

Meanwhile with my fingers not typing tales, I was reading some older novels; Taipan by James Clavell, The day of the Jackal by Fredrick Forsyth and Judge Dredd 2000AD old comics. I was always taken in by the Land Raider of Dredd from Cursed Earth Series. 

So keep on blogging here. You can never tell when paddle feet will appeared. 

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