Saturday, August 2, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.11

2.2           Sergio re-counts the adventures of the Crusaders.

The origin of the Crusades were a series that took place between 1095 and 1291, in which Western European nations engaged using the propaganda of religious expeditionary wars.

The first crusade was called by Pope Urban II of the Roman Catholic Faith, who was determined to restore Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. It was all due to the decisive defeat of the Byzantine army by Seljuk Turks at Manzikert in 1071. At the same time, the Norman conqueror Robert Guiscard's conquest of Byzantine territories added to the problems of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Alexios of Byzantine sought the Pope for help; defeat the heathen by aligning the Christian nations against them. The Pope enlisted western leaders in the cause of taking back the Holy Land.

The first Crusaders comprised military units of Roman Catholics from all over Western Europe, but were a scattered army with different leadership. Several hundred thousand soldiers became Crusaders by taking vows the Pope granted them plenary indulgence. Their emblem was the cross — the term "crusade" is derived from the French term for taking up the cross. Many were from France and called themselves "Franks," which became the common term used by Muslims. After some early successes, the later crusades failed and the crusaders were defeated and forced to return home.

The term "crusade" is also used to describe religiously motivated campaigns that were conducted then against pagans, heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons. It during that period, the Faith focused on the persecution of heresy in order to maintain unity of doctrine. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries there are few cases of witchcraft in England, and such accusations as were made appeared to have been brought before the ecclesiastical court. Soon the elements were in place for a witch hunt, and for the next century and a half fear of witches spread gradually throughout Europe.

As the hunt became widespread, with the mindset of many that all magic involved a pact with the Devil was evil. It leads to persecution with rash methods of torture and interrogation used to solicit confessions and in the list of accusations to which these "witches" confessed. It also then the rise of the Renaissance magic in the great humanists of the time that helped abet the rise of the craze. Even the Templar’s; once heroes of the Crusades were also tried as Devil-invoking heretics in 1305–14.

The craze took on new strength in the 15th century, the publication of the works of Heinrich Kramer, a member of the Dominican Order, Malleus Maleficarum (the 'Hammer against the Witches') soon became one of the most influential books used by secular witch-hunting courts. Persecution continued on with trials and varying numbers of executions from one period to the next. It was during the craze then, the concept of the Crusaders was re-enacted to bring in light to the darkness that prevailed then.

So it was to begin the first formation of the founders of the new Crusaders, Gerald Black and his companions. Ironically, one of the members; Gerald's squire was a half man creature, but his loyalty and reforming attitude deemed him worthy of the position. The four had travelled far and wide to quell the evil that was growing then. They fought off the evil Baal, Lucifer and many others too. Their success soon spurred on the growth of the Crusaders, but the times of the world have changed. The Faith may had held influence in the courts of Kings and Queen, but the leaders was also advised by many who may not see to the Faith as an ally at times. There it was, the Faith have placed the Crusaders under an oath of secrecy and to perform their task in the manner to protect the Faith and all Mankind.

It was a well defined objective then, as the Crusaders soon find themselves having an adversary that cannot be revealed to the world. Their adversaries were the result of the craze which had formed the calling of the opening of the gateway between good and evil. As more worshipers of the new craze increased, more evil was soon to cross over and created the chaos among mankind. The world was blessed then and now when the Crusaders were there to counter and defeat every new threat that tried to create chaos.

It was an ongoing battle until the turn of the 21st Century, when the last descendants of the original Crusaders once again came to stop the evil from overcoming mankind. That last battle ended the war, or so it was assumed as nothing happened for a long time. Twenty five years of peace later had called for the disbanding of the Crusaders.

The peace reigned for another fifty years before the Faith was weakened not only in numbers but also in their followers. A new era of darkness soon prevailed when three great groups of nations declared war on each other. No sanity or reasoning prevailed over those leaders as they succumbed to the greed of evil. It was a war that devoured up a continent of its life resources to become wastelands where billions of life had perished.

The Faith may have been weakened but it was not destroyed as the learned and famed brothers placed aside all differences to study the current concern on mankind. They came to one conclusion; it could be the works of only one.

"The False Prophet has arrived while we were lazing in our vigilance. He had laid not only his foundation but build his house on our land. And he may not be alone. There could be an Eighth Prince involved."

The Leader of the Faith then announced to his peers.

"God would heed our prayers be it with our few in numbers, but as he would assist only those who would assist themselves. So be it, I am hereby reviving the Crusaders to restore the balance in this world."

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