Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.22

Prologue 14

The battle with the Gauls had ended but there was one more to be fought. A Tribune, the nephew of a member of the Senate, who was in cohort under Cassio, stood at attention in the tent facing the tribunal comprising the Legatus, Pilus and Praefectus.

"Lacus Marius, how do you plea your action?" Othello asked the young man standing before him. That man in his action had led four good legionnaires into a trap and left them to die while he escaped.

"I have no guilt of my action. We were outnumbered and the Evocati with me, told me to run while he cover my escape. I did it to come back and report on the situation." Lacus replied to the Legatus. "I did not shrink from my duty as told by the Praefectus. I may be ...."

"The favorite nephew of Torius Marius, but here in the Legion, you are just another legionnaire. You stand and fight like one with them, from Evocati to the Hilites, but you chose to run like a rabbit on the field." Praefectus Iago prosecute on the man standing there. "I have witnesses who claimed you ran first when you saw the Gauls."

"The Evocati asked me to run to inform the others. I did.." Lacus replied in which Iago interjected.

"Lies! You ran because you were scared. You are a disgrace to the Legion." Iago told him.

"I was not. I may be a Tribune, but status, but I fought well for the legion." Lacus lashed back. "Do not speak ill of my name, or......"

"Or what? Called on your Uncle? I been through worse." Praefectus Iago replied. He then noted that Cassio was whispering to the Legatus and it was bad omen as predicted by himself.

"Tribune Lacus, you are designated to work with the supplies from now. Let it be known that this conduct would be recorded in the scrolls. Dismissed." Legatus told the young man while Iago was fretting to argued but he saw the look on the Legatus.Once the young man had left the tent, Iago confronted his Legatus.

"Why did we released him? What did Cassio had said to you that you left him off lightly?"

"A trade off for his other skills. His linked to the member of the Senate augurs well for us with the supplies. I can do without six legionnaires, but to lose the supply or be delayed on that, would have more than six of my legionnaires killed." Othello replied. "It was a strategic move."

"And to whom shall we pay tribute on the death of those six?" Iago asked.

"They are Roman legionnaires and would be accorded the full honor upon death. There is no excuse for denying them that, but for Lacus, he would continue on. Those are my orders."

Iago looked to the Legatus and muttered to himself; "Its obvious that the charms of one other have override mine." 

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