Monday, August 11, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.20

Prologue 13

Roderigo stood at the far end of the harbour with his cloak around him. He was wondering why was he following these stupid commands of Iago, but his thoughts were stopped when he saw the Cassio. He held onto the shield he had acquired and readied his gladius. According to the plan, Iago would come to his rescue but he must initiate the attack.

"Legionnaire!" Roderigo heard the call but he refused to respond. Cassio was upset on that and approached him.

"Answer me, man. Your name and Tesserarius?" Cassio shouted as he approached the dark covered person. "Are you a guard or ..."

"Halt! Who are you? Answer me or I shall strike at you." Roderigo took the offensive approach. He raised his shield to hide his body from Cassio.

"I am Pilus Cassio." The Centurion replied and then saw the raised shield. His right arm reached for the gladius, but stopped at that.

"Are you the one who lust after the serving maids in the tavern?" Roderigo made up that, to startle the other. While Cassio was trying to reply in his drunk state, the other rushed at Cassio with the shield. The later saw the move and with battle honed instinct, he dropped back to avoid the shield.

"Hold your action, stranger. I am not your enemy." Cassio tried to reason with the other. He still can't make out the person in the dark. His moves were clumsy and the later was pursuing on.

Roderigo strike out at the centurion with the gladius, but Cassio was experienced in many battles, stepped back and drew his own gladius. He staggered in the move because he was still intoxicated by the wine. He was to shout but Roderigo rushed at him. They fell onto the flooring, and wrestle there when their weapons were discarded. Roderigo punched at the other and pulled himself up. He saw the gladius and reached for it. Cassio kicked at Roderigo before the other could use the gladius.

Cassio rolled over and got up. He was in time to move his body but the gladius cut his left forearm. He lashed out with his arm and pushed the man away. He then ran for help. His body was still fighting the wine and made him ran in a clumsy manner. He managed to the Tavern and called for help.

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