Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.17

2.7           The Attack

Abbot Adrian took the once protector of the walls to his confidence. He spoke to the silent one whom he believed was the missing member of the Crusaders once named Crawler. He offered the silent protector his blessing and asked him to do the work that God had proclaimed for him. He did not reply but ran back to his cave. He was in before his own personal cave; a hideaway he discovered some time back. He had lived there and stored a lot of personal things. He searched the belongings of his father and came out with the gloves. He took in the scent and then sat back. He was at a loss; all he ever knew was lost to him or unknown to him.

"Crawler?" He heard the voice. He turned to looked towards the source and found it to be held by the priest who followed the lady. The priest now holds a rectangle box with a familiar scent. Then the name was called again to his ears.

"This was once your master's' Sir Gerald Black." The priest opened to reveal the twin rapier once owned by the original Crusader. "His descendant travels with me. Her name is Geranium."

The one named Crawler howled out in pain at the thoughts that was in his head. He stood up and then rushed out of the cave. He needed time to think but he was still part creature and that part of his ability was undeveloped then. He was confused that on the scent and his father's pledge for the family. He had been alone for so long and now the idea of servitude alarmed his well being. He rushed on and did not paused until he tired out by the tree line. There was a large boulder there, and rested there.

It was then he realized he still have the gloves in his hands. He had held it in his hands most times. He wanted to toss it away but his mind told him otherwise. He put on the gloves but it would not fit over his fangs, so he pressed on and the finger end of the gloves all tore apart for his fangs to be shown. He pulled on it harder and the gloves fitted him at the palm with the fangs on the outside.

Then he crawled beneath the boulder and whined to sleep. His pain was not the wounded back but the one in his heart. He was affectionate of Selene and to be betrayed by her made him sad. More to it, she had masked her scent from him in her alter ego.

But how did she do it was the part that baffle him.

Suddenly, he caught the smell that was familiar to him. He sat up and faced the figure who stepped into the hidden area. Only Selene would know of the place. She was not alone; she came with her two companions; both Vampires' with the machete.

"Crawler, you were not to be blamed." Selene told him. "It was your forefathers' who had laid the foundation for you curse. A curse when you served the Faith." Selene continued on. "Those who served the Faith are our enemies."

Crawler stood up and faced his ex-lover. He can't believe that the other had deceived him as a werewolf, and having him believed in her till she hit out at him. They met some moons ago, and got close, with him actually beginning to like it. She made him feel welcome and the years of isolation, made him also lonely.

"I thought I could turn you, but you were difficult. Above all, you were difficult." Selene told him. "They called for your termination. I had to do it." 

One of the Vampires rushed forth, but Crawler was ready. He jumped aside before the machete came down. He swung in with his right hand and slashed at the Vampire. The Vampire went down on his blow, but the other was moving in with the machete swinging. He jumped back to avoid the machete, and kicked out at the Vampire. He needed space to fight them so he rushed out. In his rush, he did not see the attack from Selene, who had sank her claws into his back. He felt the blow and rolled to the side. The Vampires rushed over and stood over him with the machete raised up high.

The machete did not come down when the power whip of Geranium removed the hands holding the machete. The Vampire shrieked out in pain with the severed arms flaring out. It was then Crawler had his own claws thrust into the Vampire' chest. He pulled at the innards and rolled further to the right. The Vampire fell down next to Crawler with his heart outside his chest later squashed by Crawler under his claws.

"The other one is here." Selene howled out while her other surviving Vampire stood to the back of her right side. "We would fight them."

The surviving Vampire took up his machete and swung it at Selene' back before escaping off into the forest. Crawler rushed forth to hold the injured werewolf and cradled her in his arms.

"Crawler, I am ....was betrayed. I ...never meant." Selene died in his arms. Crawler howled out in pain on the loss of one other who was his only friend. He felt the hand on his left shoulder, but shrugged it off. 

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