Saturday, August 30, 2014

A glimpse into 47 Ducks tale ...Do not read while eating ducks, please

If you recalled in my Tweet, I said I will penned the above tale. Here is a glimpse of the first chapter

Before you read it, let me qualify it first. Its graphic .... And if you ever shied off Peking Duck, its not my doing....hahahaa....

Quaking right...... here now.


The lake surface shimmered with the twilight; giving it a silvery glare that was intertwined with the fleeting colors of the legged inhabitants. Some of the inhabitants took their places among the bushes or below the branches while others took to their night migration to other breeding grounds. There was one clan numbering more than two hundred which occupied a section of the lake area. They are organized with the ranks among the clan. The perimeter was occupied by the elected members to maintain security and intercept any uninvited creatures from the ground or above level. They are trained to work in teams of four; they are named the sentries. Inside the perimeter were the legionnaires; the elite formation which are used in battles with the others, while behind them were the others like the staff and young’s. In the center, there were the elected clan leaders; and among the seven, one was given the rank of Emperor.

The Emperor was Harold ‘El Gluck’ d’Duck; an old veteran of over sixteen seasons that spawned a lineage of almost one quarter of the clan. The elderly duck was over two feet high with the feathers trimmed and daily preening by the stewards. The older mallard have a white neck-ring which separated the green head from its chestnut-brown chest, contrasts with the gray sides, brownish back, black rump and black upper- and under-tail coverts. The speculum is violet-blue bordered by black and white, and the outer tail feathers are white. The bill is yellow to yellowish-green and the legs and feet are coral-red. It had a nick on its right side which was a battle scar when an eagle talon swiped at it.

The King was guarded by a handful of warriors that was to be his personal guards. The guards were led by one named Commander Othello. It was not of one Mallard’s finest but it survived nine seasons over two dozen battles fighting bill for bill with the best warriors. Othello was never fully accepted by the others for it had a dark streak on its neck ring unlike the others which were white but its bravery and skills earned the respect of the Emperor. It served the Emperor without questions or doubt in loyalty. Othello had its own battle scars with the slight limb of the left webbed paddle, and the missing left eye from a rooster sneak attack. The commander had worked from the ranks; a duckling to it current rank. It was not of one of the Emperor’s offspring but it served the King like his own.

On that evening, the Emperor left the comfort of the nesting for a secret rendezvous at the far side of the lake.

“Juliet, where art thou?” Emperor El Gluck quaked out in its raspy vocal chords. It was a notch below the minus D key if one understood musical chords. The old bird steps out of the bush and wadded onto the lake banks. It looked to the stretches of the lake banks for its mate of the evening. It soon caught sight of the living dream among its current batch of consorts.

Juliet was a splendor to El Gluck sight. A mallard unrivalled with the mottled brownish color complete with the violet speculum bordered by black and white. The crown of the head was dark brown with a dark brown stripe running through the eye giving it a seductive aura when stared at. The remainder of the head is lighter brown than the upper body. The shade of brown was not like any but with tinge of blonde to the shade to deliver off an alluring sexy preen to it. The pouty bill was shaded orange splotched with light brown, and the legs and feet were orange with a slight shade of yellow.

“Romeo…” Juliet quaked out with its melodic vocal that quivered within its quacks. “I have waited for too long.”

The female Mallard turned its body away while its wings spread out to flap off the evening mist. It was such a sexy sight for the older Mallard then. It showed in its bill which had turned greenish yellow. El Gluck wadded over on its hurried steps on the soft grounds of the lake bank.

“I brought you an earthworm.” El Gluck showed the other duck the wriggling worm on its bill. It was a sizeable one compared to some of those captured by his stewards.

“Romeo…”Juliet was impressed by the gift but modesty called for feigned excuses. “I can’t take that. You must consume it yourself. Or one of your other …”

“Juliet, there are none others besides you that I have …” El Gluck held it’s vocal while it looked around. The lake area looked secluded. “I have only my bill for you.”

“Oh, Romeo.” Juliet turned to look at the older duck. It may be older but who cares. In love, age does not matter but ranking does. Juliet could see in her dreams then the nesting of eight young ducklings trailing her on the lake. It reached out with its pouting bill to snap at the wriggling worm.

“Hey, don’t I get any last words?” The worm shrieked out just before its body was severed in half by the love struck ducks.

“Juliet, would you like to retire to the nesting? I may have the need to shower you with my love.” El Gluck quaked out with its raspy tone. Juliet’s dark brown crown flushed out in a heavier tone while it wadded towards the dark moist ground near the bushes. It was not the Royal chamber, but it will do for then. El Gluck wadded close behind with its bill lined up on the rear end of Juliet. It was so different from its own consorts; all sodden from the long lineage of his offspring.

“Romeo…. You do know it’s my…” Juliet stopped its track. The old amorous duck bumped into the other and then had to compose itself before replying.

“I know, my love. It’s…” El Gluck left the words to trail there for fear of saying the wrong thing then. Juliet heard his reply and continued on her wadded stroll. There is something sexy about seeing it moved those feathers in the tight swing at the rear. Soon they were at the improvised nesting. El Gluck flapped its wings wide and gave out a raspy call while Juliet primed itself for the consummation act.

El Gluck was to take its step forth when it felt the presence of the others. It took a step back but it was too late.


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