Sunday, August 31, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.18

2.8           The Call of the Legacy

Abbot Adrian looked to the figure that had pushed his hand away. He could feel the pain of the other, but the bigger cause of the Faith needed his services. The Crawler must be reunited with his mistress and served his cause. He looked up to the skies and then back at the crouched figure.

"Protector, I shared your pain, but the Faith, and more so the call of the Crusaders needs to be heeded." Abbot Adrian voiced it out to the pained person there. "Your ancestors have sworn to a legacy, and you are bounded by it."

Crawler growled back towards the Abbot.

"You knew within yourself, that I am telling the truth. Like your father and before that his, they all served the Crusaders." Abbot Adrian placed his words as they come from his mind. He knew he would speak the truth as God had guided him by the wisdom of the mind. "Your foes are the ones who killed her. Do your task and satiate your vengeance, but do with the sanction of the Faith."

"Your Mistress awaits you on her journey. She sought the False Prophet... God would be with you with our blessings." Abbot Adrian pulled himself up and left the half man creature his last moments with the one he had found comfort. The Abbot called on the other Crusaders to be move back to the stronghold.

"He would follow, but he would not ride next to you. Let him be your scout." Father Abbot told Geranium. "He is young and unlike his father, he never had the true skills of the Windingo. He's still Man in part of him; a part which made him shared some of our inherent weakness like pride. He would not be seen to serve as a squire but your equal."

"How did you know so much of him?" Geranium asked.

"We have been studying his family since the beginning, and with him, we had lived together for fifty years, I am his second handler if you would to term it. All his characteristics are recorded and read to me. He was harder to understand as he is the only one which was half in the form. There was another; a twin, but that one was missing for twenty years. We believed him capture by the False Prophet or dead."

"You mean there was a twin?" Geranium asked back.

"Yes, the most unique one, as in the records, this had never happened, and more to it, a twin which inherit his form too.”

Saturday, August 30, 2014

A glimpse into 47 Ducks tale ...Do not read while eating ducks, please

If you recalled in my Tweet, I said I will penned the above tale. Here is a glimpse of the first chapter

Before you read it, let me qualify it first. Its graphic .... And if you ever shied off Peking Duck, its not my doing....hahahaa....

Quaking right...... here now.


The lake surface shimmered with the twilight; giving it a silvery glare that was intertwined with the fleeting colors of the legged inhabitants. Some of the inhabitants took their places among the bushes or below the branches while others took to their night migration to other breeding grounds. There was one clan numbering more than two hundred which occupied a section of the lake area. They are organized with the ranks among the clan. The perimeter was occupied by the elected members to maintain security and intercept any uninvited creatures from the ground or above level. They are trained to work in teams of four; they are named the sentries. Inside the perimeter were the legionnaires; the elite formation which are used in battles with the others, while behind them were the others like the staff and young’s. In the center, there were the elected clan leaders; and among the seven, one was given the rank of Emperor.

The Emperor was Harold ‘El Gluck’ d’Duck; an old veteran of over sixteen seasons that spawned a lineage of almost one quarter of the clan. The elderly duck was over two feet high with the feathers trimmed and daily preening by the stewards. The older mallard have a white neck-ring which separated the green head from its chestnut-brown chest, contrasts with the gray sides, brownish back, black rump and black upper- and under-tail coverts. The speculum is violet-blue bordered by black and white, and the outer tail feathers are white. The bill is yellow to yellowish-green and the legs and feet are coral-red. It had a nick on its right side which was a battle scar when an eagle talon swiped at it.

The King was guarded by a handful of warriors that was to be his personal guards. The guards were led by one named Commander Othello. It was not of one Mallard’s finest but it survived nine seasons over two dozen battles fighting bill for bill with the best warriors. Othello was never fully accepted by the others for it had a dark streak on its neck ring unlike the others which were white but its bravery and skills earned the respect of the Emperor. It served the Emperor without questions or doubt in loyalty. Othello had its own battle scars with the slight limb of the left webbed paddle, and the missing left eye from a rooster sneak attack. The commander had worked from the ranks; a duckling to it current rank. It was not of one of the Emperor’s offspring but it served the King like his own.

On that evening, the Emperor left the comfort of the nesting for a secret rendezvous at the far side of the lake.

“Juliet, where art thou?” Emperor El Gluck quaked out in its raspy vocal chords. It was a notch below the minus D key if one understood musical chords. The old bird steps out of the bush and wadded onto the lake banks. It looked to the stretches of the lake banks for its mate of the evening. It soon caught sight of the living dream among its current batch of consorts.

Juliet was a splendor to El Gluck sight. A mallard unrivalled with the mottled brownish color complete with the violet speculum bordered by black and white. The crown of the head was dark brown with a dark brown stripe running through the eye giving it a seductive aura when stared at. The remainder of the head is lighter brown than the upper body. The shade of brown was not like any but with tinge of blonde to the shade to deliver off an alluring sexy preen to it. The pouty bill was shaded orange splotched with light brown, and the legs and feet were orange with a slight shade of yellow.

“Romeo…” Juliet quaked out with its melodic vocal that quivered within its quacks. “I have waited for too long.”

The female Mallard turned its body away while its wings spread out to flap off the evening mist. It was such a sexy sight for the older Mallard then. It showed in its bill which had turned greenish yellow. El Gluck wadded over on its hurried steps on the soft grounds of the lake bank.

“I brought you an earthworm.” El Gluck showed the other duck the wriggling worm on its bill. It was a sizeable one compared to some of those captured by his stewards.

“Romeo…”Juliet was impressed by the gift but modesty called for feigned excuses. “I can’t take that. You must consume it yourself. Or one of your other …”

“Juliet, there are none others besides you that I have …” El Gluck held it’s vocal while it looked around. The lake area looked secluded. “I have only my bill for you.”

“Oh, Romeo.” Juliet turned to look at the older duck. It may be older but who cares. In love, age does not matter but ranking does. Juliet could see in her dreams then the nesting of eight young ducklings trailing her on the lake. It reached out with its pouting bill to snap at the wriggling worm.

“Hey, don’t I get any last words?” The worm shrieked out just before its body was severed in half by the love struck ducks.

“Juliet, would you like to retire to the nesting? I may have the need to shower you with my love.” El Gluck quaked out with its raspy tone. Juliet’s dark brown crown flushed out in a heavier tone while it wadded towards the dark moist ground near the bushes. It was not the Royal chamber, but it will do for then. El Gluck wadded close behind with its bill lined up on the rear end of Juliet. It was so different from its own consorts; all sodden from the long lineage of his offspring.

“Romeo…. You do know it’s my…” Juliet stopped its track. The old amorous duck bumped into the other and then had to compose itself before replying.

“I know, my love. It’s…” El Gluck left the words to trail there for fear of saying the wrong thing then. Juliet heard his reply and continued on her wadded stroll. There is something sexy about seeing it moved those feathers in the tight swing at the rear. Soon they were at the improvised nesting. El Gluck flapped its wings wide and gave out a raspy call while Juliet primed itself for the consummation act.

El Gluck was to take its step forth when it felt the presence of the others. It took a step back but it was too late.


One of my daughter's art strips

This is based on a true event in her class ( Final Year Illustration Major ). She did this in two hours that evening. I am just assisting her in re-producing it here.


Autumn soon to end, and winter will come. I have to admit the months of Autumn was a busy one with work. I have no penned much in the last month. Recently my daughter asked me to do a tale for her which we candidly discussed during a drive one evening. She wanted to adapt the 47 Ronin tale, but with a twist. It will about ducks....yup...the ones with the paddle feet. Well, we spoke at length on it and she wanted to illustrate it like a comic strip. So it will be more like a story board. 

But how do you write something on ducks.... no disrespect to Donald. I have been harassed by her since then for over two weeks. Finally, I gave up. I told her I will do it on one condition; she illustrate it and we can both post it up in the blog. 

Now comes the difficult part; how do you tell a 'ducky tale'. Pardon me, it would be 47 ducky in one tale. Every minute I stopped my work,my mind will be fleeting with ducks images. Jeez, I got to get it done. I told her I will start this weekend, and given its a three days break ( we have a holiday here on Monday. ) I hope to pen up something quick. 

Meanwhile with my fingers not typing tales, I was reading some older novels; Taipan by James Clavell, The day of the Jackal by Fredrick Forsyth and Judge Dredd 2000AD old comics. I was always taken in by the Land Raider of Dredd from Cursed Earth Series. 

So keep on blogging here. You can never tell when paddle feet will appeared. 

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 1.9


Kassius felt the punch of the tormentor into his left ribs. He had already suffered fracture ribs there, and the tormentor knew it. He had been tortured while his toes were barely touching the flooring with his body hung like a meat lump. They had been torturing him for days while in the night they leave him to curse at the next sunrise. And each day, Lord Tannen would sit there and watch the beatings. His right wrist was a stump; the doctor had declared that they could not do anything for his hand.

On that day, he had marched into the torture cell with every intention of killing the assassin, but there was one other there. Lord Tannen was to speak when the other one hushed him up. The hooded one and Lord Tanned walked out together.

“So who is that?” Kassius mumbled through his bloodied lips. He had not seen anyone beside the Lord and the tormentors. One of his training was to know who was seen in the scene as they could all matter in the task.

“Your concern would be who you would meet in Hell?” The tormentor was dramatic with his reply and then enforced it with a blow on the chest with the club.

“Aargh!” Kassius screamed out. His masters had told him to scream out when in pain, as it would release the chemical in his body to ease the pain.

“Scream on, Assassin.” The torturer smiled at his handiwork. He had been doing it for some years then, and his victims all either confessed or die for failing to do it. The torturer was swing the club when he heard the shout.

“He will die!” The voice of Lord Tannen was heard in the back ground. Kassius peeked through his swollen eye lids and the saw the Lord arguing with the other hooded one in a red long tunic.

“The assassin must not die.” The hooded one spoke out. “His fate would be the choice of the Elders. You cannot kill him.”

“I begged forgiveness, Lord …..” Lord Tannen held back his voice from identifying the hooded one. He bowed to the hooded one. “But he had removed my right hand. I demand compensation.”

“You would be paid.” The hooded man and then he turned to walk away. He stopped and then spoke out. “Do not try the wrath of the Ancient One. I would suggest you imprisoned him and make sure he is fed. The Ancient One would let you know when he is ready.”

With that Kassius was dragged to the hole in the ground. He was thrown in there, and fed but Lord Tannen was ever vengeful. He had the assassin fed with small predators like wild cats or serpents. The assassin would fight for his food. The masters told him that when imprisoned, they were to stay nourished. During his training he was taught to feed on anything edible from roots to the insects or anything that the body can feed on. There was one other thing he was taught; “the body yield nourishment and also the tools for your escape.”

He fed on the flesh and kept the bones. Or anything that he could use. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.24

Prologue 15

Iago closed the door to the chamber which was reserved for his union ceremony with Emilia. She stood there by the window, looking at the dark skies. He had performed with her the ceremony before the priest, and in front of the healer who was her father. He stepped in and approached the side table where the jar of wine was kept. It had been poured to one third from its earlier level. He saw the goblet that was drank from and smiled.

"You are a heavy drinker, my love." Iago commented on her drinking. She remained silent and refused to acknowledged his arrival. He was not surprised that she had reacted in that manner. She was told of their union by her father just two days ago, and he heard that she protested hard with him. It matters not as it was not her life at stake but his, for Iago father was dying that night on the mistake the healer committed. No coins or gold would replace the health of the father. Nor could the healer survive the years of imprisonment or works at the mines.

"Here one more for you. You can drink with me before we consummate our love tonight." Iago poured her the goblet and offered to her. She turned around and displayed the dagger in her right hand.

"Come any closer, bastard and this would be inserted into me." Emilia told him. "I would rather die than be ravished by you."

Iago looked at her and then at the dagger. Her hands were trembling but he doubt that she would do as she had threatened. He placed the goblet on the table and stepped towards her.

"Come any closer and I would carry out my threat." Emilia told him, but he did not stopped there. He stepped till he was within arm's length of her.

"If you do that, your death would be meaningless. Your father would still go to the mines and he will die there before his terms come to an end. He would come back here as a spirit to seek you for yours would trapped in here. Such are the punishments for those who take their own life's." Iago told her. She hesitated in her move and it was all he needed to grabbed the dagger from her hand. He threw the dagger out of the window and glared at her.

"You are mine now. You would be mine forever." Iago slapped her. "I would tell you how I teach my slaves. I have bought many before. They wished they had a more better master."

He pulled her face to his and smiled. She looked into his eyes.

"I intend to complete my union ceremony with you." His hands reached for the hems of her skirt and tore it upwards. She tried to fight back, but he was strong. He spat at her face before turning her around to the window. He pushed her down on the window ledge and used his legs to spread her's. He pulled at the torn cloth that separates him from her. He thrust his finger into her.

"You are a virgin. I like them that way. They would know how much it pained them if they are disobedient." With that., Iago pulled aside his toga and thrust his manhood into her. She screamed at the first thrust but he was not stopping at that. He kept at his thrusts as if she was a seasoned whore. He was surprised that she did fight him or screamed after that but laid there with silence.

"Are you not in pain, bitch?" Iago got upset. He was expecting some form of resistance to his action, but she had kept silent. He pulled her up and grabbed her by the bosom.

"Does it not pained you?" Iago asked as his hands kneaded at her breasts. When she did not replied, he pulled out and pushed her off him. She fell to the flooring but she glared at him. Her eyes were teary but she won't screamed. So was her lips which was covered in blood. She must had felt the pain but she had numbed herself to it with the thoughts of murder. When it was not tolerable, she bit on her own lips.

"Are you that brave, or are you de-sensitized like that of the legion whores?" Iago shouted at her. "I had fucked many and they had screamed for mercy but not you."

"Truly, you are the one that I longed to challenge." Iago continued on. He was still not satisfied with the soundless resistance of her. He reached for the belt around his toga and used that like a whip but she took every blow he had to throw on. In the end, Iago sat down and looked at the lady with the welts on her limbs.

"You are tough, my love. I liked it that way." Iago told her. "But I shall my way with you. In exchange, you do one for me. Be obedient to my ways, and your father lived happily ever after. Show me disobedience and he would be terminated. Do I have your consent?"

Emilia nodded. If only Iago had know, she had taken worse punishment from her father, since young. He was not only a healer but a hard man. He had wanted a son, but got instead a daughter. He had toughen her for the role of the missing son. And that day, his lessons paid off.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.17

2.7           The Attack

Abbot Adrian took the once protector of the walls to his confidence. He spoke to the silent one whom he believed was the missing member of the Crusaders once named Crawler. He offered the silent protector his blessing and asked him to do the work that God had proclaimed for him. He did not reply but ran back to his cave. He was in before his own personal cave; a hideaway he discovered some time back. He had lived there and stored a lot of personal things. He searched the belongings of his father and came out with the gloves. He took in the scent and then sat back. He was at a loss; all he ever knew was lost to him or unknown to him.

"Crawler?" He heard the voice. He turned to looked towards the source and found it to be held by the priest who followed the lady. The priest now holds a rectangle box with a familiar scent. Then the name was called again to his ears.

"This was once your master's' Sir Gerald Black." The priest opened to reveal the twin rapier once owned by the original Crusader. "His descendant travels with me. Her name is Geranium."

The one named Crawler howled out in pain at the thoughts that was in his head. He stood up and then rushed out of the cave. He needed time to think but he was still part creature and that part of his ability was undeveloped then. He was confused that on the scent and his father's pledge for the family. He had been alone for so long and now the idea of servitude alarmed his well being. He rushed on and did not paused until he tired out by the tree line. There was a large boulder there, and rested there.

It was then he realized he still have the gloves in his hands. He had held it in his hands most times. He wanted to toss it away but his mind told him otherwise. He put on the gloves but it would not fit over his fangs, so he pressed on and the finger end of the gloves all tore apart for his fangs to be shown. He pulled on it harder and the gloves fitted him at the palm with the fangs on the outside.

Then he crawled beneath the boulder and whined to sleep. His pain was not the wounded back but the one in his heart. He was affectionate of Selene and to be betrayed by her made him sad. More to it, she had masked her scent from him in her alter ego.

But how did she do it was the part that baffle him.

Suddenly, he caught the smell that was familiar to him. He sat up and faced the figure who stepped into the hidden area. Only Selene would know of the place. She was not alone; she came with her two companions; both Vampires' with the machete.

"Crawler, you were not to be blamed." Selene told him. "It was your forefathers' who had laid the foundation for you curse. A curse when you served the Faith." Selene continued on. "Those who served the Faith are our enemies."

Crawler stood up and faced his ex-lover. He can't believe that the other had deceived him as a werewolf, and having him believed in her till she hit out at him. They met some moons ago, and got close, with him actually beginning to like it. She made him feel welcome and the years of isolation, made him also lonely.

"I thought I could turn you, but you were difficult. Above all, you were difficult." Selene told him. "They called for your termination. I had to do it." 

One of the Vampires rushed forth, but Crawler was ready. He jumped aside before the machete came down. He swung in with his right hand and slashed at the Vampire. The Vampire went down on his blow, but the other was moving in with the machete swinging. He jumped back to avoid the machete, and kicked out at the Vampire. He needed space to fight them so he rushed out. In his rush, he did not see the attack from Selene, who had sank her claws into his back. He felt the blow and rolled to the side. The Vampires rushed over and stood over him with the machete raised up high.

The machete did not come down when the power whip of Geranium removed the hands holding the machete. The Vampire shrieked out in pain with the severed arms flaring out. It was then Crawler had his own claws thrust into the Vampire' chest. He pulled at the innards and rolled further to the right. The Vampire fell down next to Crawler with his heart outside his chest later squashed by Crawler under his claws.

"The other one is here." Selene howled out while her other surviving Vampire stood to the back of her right side. "We would fight them."

The surviving Vampire took up his machete and swung it at Selene' back before escaping off into the forest. Crawler rushed forth to hold the injured werewolf and cradled her in his arms.

"Crawler, I am ....was betrayed. I ...never meant." Selene died in his arms. Crawler howled out in pain on the loss of one other who was his only friend. He felt the hand on his left shoulder, but shrugged it off. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 1.8


Kassius woke up in a start when he dreamed of armed men running down the street. When he opened up his eyes, he realized he was still in the Hat Shop, and it was close to dawn. He had overslept and rushed up to get to the Tower. He saw the sentries at the main entrance of the late rotation was still on, but he was keen on another entry; the workmen doorway at the corner. There was a door there which the workmen or servants used for their entry, and it was about time for them to come in. He took to the back exit and ran along the alley to the end. There he waited for his chance and it came in the form of rushing bulky man with the bag. Kassius called out from the alley and slipped back into darker shade. The rushing man stopped in his run, and looked over.

“Help!” Kassius imitated the voice of a helpless person. That drew the attention of the bulky man who fashioned himself to be large enough to fight anyone. He rushed on in with the bravado and shouted for the victim. His reply was a dagger into his left knee, and then the hand chop into the throat. The bulky man fell back from the blow, before the assassin followed through with his dagger into the left eye into the brain. The bulky man writhed for a while before his brain registered death.

Kassius made quick of the overcoat and the bag. With his uniform and back, he looked like the bulky man with the frame. He took to the street and ran to the servant entrance. He had the hood over his head and flashed the ID to gain entry.

“You are late, Sergei.” The sentry at the desk checked the ID and marked the records without looking up. Kassius went in and saw the sign to the Staff Office, but he took off for the Utility Room. He knew such towers well; they were taught the design layouts at the Guild and were refreshed on any layouts. The seasonal weather in the land can drift from hot to cold in a day, and the layout had a number of ducting above the ceiling. These ducts were narrow but due to maintenance requirement, a lean person could get past it.

Kassius stripped his uniforms and armors before he pushed it into the duct. He strung his uniforms and armors with a wire while he crawled ahead. He took over eight hours to move in the ducts, exiting at some rooms to make it to another before he climbed in again. He had to be extra careful to avoid meeting into any guards or servants. He finally made it to the level which the Lord Tannen have his personal chamber. There he waited in the ducting for the right time.

It would be a long wait. For an assassin, the time to wait was a time to rest.

And rest was a weapon taught to him.

But rest could be interrupted.

“Hail to me, Ancient One.” Kassius heard the shout. “I am Azazel, your faithful servant. I have brought you a virgin for you.”

Kassius turned to look through the small window and saw the group of hooded men in red robes around an altar where a naked lady laid on it. There were seven hooded men standing at the altar. At the head of the altar there was one hooded man holding a curved dagger over the lady’ head. He was the one also doing the calling for the Ancient One.

“I hear you, Ancient One.” The one shouting then continued on while the rest hummed in a monotonous tone. The dagger came down hard on the lady. He cut her throat from neck to neck while hailing the Ancient One name. Then he cut down from the throat to the navel, before the rest stepped forth to receive the blessing from the blood of the virgin.

Kassius had seen many killings but this one beats all of them. He turned his body to get comfortable, and then the duct gave way with a loose bolt. The bolt fell off the duct onto one of the hooded men. The man looked up and raised the alarm. The hoods came off along with the robes.

One of them Lord Tannen; the one holding the dagger. The others were his officers, and one was a Magistrate.

“Intruder in the duct!” The Magistrate shouted out. The guards outside the chamber rushed in. There was not much space in the duct to move. He forced his body against the duct and fell through. He landed on his feet, but his baggage got caught. He found himself hanging with his leg on the wire. He tried to free himself but the guards were onto him. They grabbed him but he fought hard. He kicked out and found his right hand on a guard’ dagger. He took and stabbed the guard on the left. With that the other guards stepped back and it during then he threw the dagger. The dagger would have taken out the Lord’ left eye, but he did raised his right hand to block it. The dagger cut into the right wrist and severed the tendons there. 

By then Kassius was overpowered by the other guards.

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 1.7B

Once he cleared the quay, he removed the thick coat and threw it into the corner. He saw the truck parked nearby. He climbed on top of it and waited. His wait was not long when the driver came to move the truck. The truck drove past the checkpoints and down the hill. No one checked the truck as the sentries were used to seeing the truck at that area. Soon he was at the bottom of the hill, and inside the city boundary. On the truck roof, Kassius looked to the tall towers that lined a distance away where the dirigibles would not sailed by. He recognized the tower that held his target but for now, he needed shelter and food. He dropped off later on the route and went to the seedier area of the city.

Soon Kassius sat at the table nursing his drink while his eyes scanned the tavern hall for any person who might be interested in him. He was at the city night spots; not the classy ones, but the common ones where the late nighters would go for a drink. He avoided the sleazy ones, as those are where the enforcers would patrol but these late night outlets are mostly patronized by the late workers, or young lovers. He could spot no one that looked suspicious to him, and finished his drink. He had to be careful that no one knew he was already in, even Lady Lilith may have warned the Lord. Once he was cleared there was no one following him, he took to the street again. He was looking for a place to rest near the tower. He saw the establishment which no one would search at that hour. It was the City Records Office, and the lock on the door was easy to pick. He stepped in and soon found a comfortable corner to rest. It was some hours before dawn when he would strike.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.23

Act Two Scene 3 Part 3

When Iago reached the door, he was met by Roderigo who came in with his heavy breaths while looking to the rear.

"Are they gone?" Roderigo asked.

"Yes, they all left. Where did you disappeared just now?" Iago asked his friend while pulling him in.

"I had remain hidden lest he looked for me." Roderigo told him. "Where were you when I was attacked at the outside?"

"I was pre-occupied. The Aides had me cornered and could not leave." Iago replied."You did good to come back, and more good news to you. He recognised not you."

"What does that do for me? I lost a fortune on this trip. And almost got killed." Roderigo pushed his friend aside. "It was all you doing. I came on your pretext that she would be wooed, and all I got was close to losing my life. Are you my friend, Iago? Or the serpent beneath the tree trunk? Poised to strike me dead on the first bite."

"I am you friend, Roderigo. How else would I had gone so far without you? As we speak, Cassio had lost his rank, and soon he would caused the Legatus to removed him. He had intend to move towards Desdemona...." Iago was cut off.

"Desdemona? How dare you suggest that to him?"

"Fear not, Roderigo. I have my plans worked out. He would bring the downfall upon himself and then she would leave the dark one for you. I had it all in my vision." Iago looked to the beaming sunlight that came in through the gaps in the window. "Its dawn, and another new day begin. One that would see more of my plan coming to action."

"Roderigo, you trusted me this far. Then continue on with that journey, and let accomplished what I had promised you." Iago told the other. "You look tired and needed the rest. Go and get your sleep and let me work my wonders."

"I hear you once more, Iago. But my patience have their limits." Roderigo cautioned his friend.

"Be gone, you tired fool. I have much to do." With that, Iago looked at the departing friend of his. Then he looked upstairs to the young couple above.

"The next stages of my plan needed new players. I would need to wake up my ones, and put them into the mood." Iago smiled at his own plan. He had never felt more tense except before a battle. But this was not a battle of the swords but of the mind. And like both, he would win. The new player he would deployed would be easier to convinced. She would not dare to resist him, if she valued her father's life. He is old but he is loved by her.

"Yes, Emilia. You are the obedient one like before."

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.16

2.6           The Master and Squire.

Crawler had followed on that time, reluctantly passed the walls into the monastery grounds but it refused to go into the building. So they camped outside while Abbot Adrian revealed his new findings.

"Since before the war was declared, we have been monitoring the signs or some time. We could have acted but the faith of the leaders was swayed by the False Prophet and his appointed leaders. We saw the cracks in the believers but the worse was the cracks among ourselves; the leaders of the faith who was fighting among themselves to prove them better and bringing down the other in the process."

"Yes, we were all corrupted by the greed of evils; even almost us who were staunched in the faith. Fathers and sons fought, brothers against brothers, and even angels against angels."

"It was not only recent but over a hundred years ago; the war was to start but it was averted by the then Crusaders having a role in it but never recorded as it was never meant to be. There were a selected few of us who knew, but sworn to secrecy by an oath more sacred than any we had ever taken."

"The hundred years had passed but we did not disclose the secret. We kept hoping it would be the last and would never be revealed. It did not end with that conflict but drove it to work in more secret to be added on."

"The Seven Princes of Darkness were given a fake understanding that they are spared and allowed to be return to the folds of Heaven but was in actual fact being deceived by one other more crafty than them. The Eighth Prince had a hundred years to plan and implements their imprisonment. It was meant to overpower their influence."

"More to that, the Eighth Prince also had the assistance of the others which extended the Dark Realm and their power. ”We saw the signs and prayed for the message to be sent to God, but he may not have known or like before was too slow to respond."

"The Eighth Prince of Darkness saw our effort was fruitless, and curtailed our power by annihilating the believer of ours. A continent was laid to waste to but it was to buy time for the Eighth Prince to consolidate the power base. That done would result in the coming of the new Judgment Day. It won't be a battle of the good versus evil, but the Old Gods against the New Gods."

"So the rumors of the New Judgment Day were true." Sergei muttered out.

"Your words rang true, but there was another sign missed by many. In this new war, the Crusaders once again held the key to victory. Just like the previous one in 2013, only the Crusaders can determine the side to win." Abbot Adrian spoke out and looked at Geranium. "But the sign said the Crusaders may be divided among them, causing a rift."

"Then let us be disbanded, so that we would not influence the war. Get another savior." Geranium spoke up but the abbot hushed her up.

"We cannot stop the movement of events but we can influence its impact. The Crusaders would have to be re-united for that." Abbot Adrian later sighed. "It’s unavoidable like this war. It was all ordained."

"Abbot, may I know who is the Eighth Prince?" Geranium asked.

"He sits on the throne at United Continent. He is also known as the False Prophet. They have many minions of the old regime with them. Those were once the servants of the other Princes, but now in servitude to the new one."

"Where can I find the Eighth Prince?" Geranium asked.

"I heard he is in Munich."

Friday, August 22, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 1.7A


Kassius had figured out the way in. Just before he was met by Lady Lilith, he had fashioned a novelty to going in. That opportunity came the next day, when he rode high into the clouds. He saw the large dirigible carrying the United Continents emblem which resembled a galleon being pulled up by four large balloons. Each balloon measured a hundred and fifty feet in length with about thirty feet across. The distance between the front and the rear balloons was fifty feet apart, but only the front ones had a crow nest on each. The balloons are controlled by maneuvering valves located in the hull, which were operated from the main gas pipes in the helm. The gas are measured their contents and managed to compensate for ship performance.

The ship was built with triangular duralumin girders forming a series of main rings, connecting by a series of longitudinal girders, with a square keel at the bottom of the hull, an axial corridor through the center of the ship, and a cruciform tail for strength and resilience. The material of the balloon skin was made from combined layers of glue onto two sheets of cotton to create the combined fabric. The engines are sixteen cylinder engines with an output of two thousand RPM each. The engines used compressed air to start, stopped, and reversed in flight. The engine drove the three bladed, twenty feet diameter metal propeller.  The engines were angle slightly away from the hull so that their propeller wash would not hit the hull.

There was an observation deck on the external side of the balloons. Each of the observation deck had a mounted machine gun on it. The four balloons pulled up the galleon shaped wooden hull with its triple level, and its sixteen twelve pounder cannons. On the upper deck was six mounted twin machine guns placed strategically. It held a crew of over hundred sailors.

It was one of the patrolling Destroyers dirigibles of the Lord’ protecting contingent assigned by the President which sailed the outer limits of the city boundary before it embark for its port at the dirigibles quay. They were called the with their awesome twelve cannons firepower on the hull side.

Kassius came in from the clouds, swooping towards the dirigible balloons. There were the sentries in the two main crow nests in the fore balloons, but the observers were caught in the setting sun which shone into their eyes from the rear. He had to time it well, or he would crash the bike onto the balloons. Once he was on top of the rear balloons, he pulled the lever to retract the wings, while he gunned up the engine. He had to do it to keep the bike on the balloon surface or he would just slip off by the wind draft. The bike touched the balloon surface and it roared on trying to go against the wind draft. He reached for the prepared hooks with the wires to reach for the cable lashing that crisscrossed the balloon. The cable secured the balloon to the galleon hull below. He grabbed hold of the cable and pulled at it with his hook towards the bike front portion. He slipped it over the bike the wires to secure it to the top. Once he had lashed on more hook wires, he was ready to descent from the balloon to the hull.

There was the side observation deck on the side of the lower side of the balloons which also performed as the machine gun nesting for swooping attacks. There was normally one gunner there, but on some occasions there may be two. He made his way down by rappelling down fighting for balance against the wind draft. He held on tight until he reached the observation deck roof.

The hatch to the deck was on the outside, and was normally latched inside. He secured the wire with the hook and laid his body over the top before locking right his leg onto a secure hold on the wire. He slowly crawled forward until his body was half hanging over the top of the deck. He could then peeked inside the deck through the windows and saw the gunner was alone. The gunner was covered in the thick knee length coat to secure him from the cold.
Kassius reached out with his left hand and released the spring loaded dagger. The gunner went down with the dagger embed in his chest. He then took hold of the window sill before he kicked off his leg secured holding. It was a timely movement when he forced his body through the window before he could be sucked out by the lashing winds.
Kassius landed on his shoulders, but he was grateful to make it that far. Now the moment was to wait till the dirigible reached its port. The handset on the observation deck rang. He reached for it, and answered it.

“Ja”, Kassius spoke into the handset.

“Erich and I are going back to the dorm. Are you following?”

“Nein”, Kassius replied. The handset went dead, which was either a confirmation or more bad news. He saw the dirigible slowly maneuver to the port side while more holding cables were dropped and secured.

“I am in.” Kassius smiled to himself. He waited his moment before he climbed out in the dark lights of the night. He dressed in the thick coat and lowered himself down with the rope ladder, and then landed onto the main deck. The deck was not guarded, while it was docked but there was an exception that day.

“Who’s there?” The sailor called out the challenge while approaching Kassius. The assassin release the dagger into the sailor’ throat. The sailor fell down to his knees but he was still alive. The assassin ran over and grabbed the sailor’ head to pull it back before he thrust the dagger in deeper. The earlier thrust did not go in deep as the sailor had on a scarf which blunted the thrust.

Kassius looked around to see if there were any more lookouts but there was none. He then proceeded to the main exit on the main deck to the port quay, where a small bridge was extended for the sailors to disembark. There were two sentries there at the quay standing not far from the bridge, but they were looking at the other way. He looked down from the deck, and saw it was a long drop to the bottom. The port was actually an extended platform build on top of a hill cliff, giving it an impression of a large mushroom head. He looked back to the sentries which were still looking in the opposite direction. The quay was dimly lighted at that time, and there were areas of dark shadows. He gauged the distance and then took the run. His feet raised on to the toes, ran swiftly down the bridge and across the quay area towards the nearest dark area. He made it without alerting the sentries, but there was a canine whose sleep he had disturbed. He thrust out with his right vambrace into the dog’s opened jaw stifling the bark. From there, he sneaked his way to the nearest exit out of the quay. 

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 1.6


Kassius had placed the twig into the fireplace to keep the fire burning. The fire would keep the coldness from his body, although he had been used to it. He had camped there for two nights then, with the tree lines offering him shelter from the prying eyes of the passing traveler on the road some distance away. He was in a game of wait for the right mode of transport into the city that was over the hill.

Lord Tannen was a careful figure with guards posted on all the entry points to the city. He was a close ally of King Richard of the Islands Kingdom; fighting alongside the King during the earlier years before he was crowned. Lord Tannen was given large fortune and influence but his personal greed for power had made him an enemy of the state. He was caught double dealing also with the arch rival Lord John. He absconded from his island stronghold to the continent, but he had it all planned beforehand. He was joining the opposition, the United Continent under the President Erich Von Richter. In his new stronghold on the United Continent lands, he had massed up supports from the other Lords to oust the King. That caused King Richard to declared Lord Tannen a traitor to the Islands Kingdom. Since then, Lord Tannen had surrounded himself with personal guards while he continued his revolt on the King. The King could not be seen to invade the Continent for his errant Lord, but his adviser had foretold that the works of extermination could be done with hired helps. It was this that the Devils’ Own was contacted and the exchange of dues was made.

Kassius stoked the embers to stir up the fire heat. He had been wary for the last half hour with his body tensed for any sudden moves. He had been aware of the presence of the others, but it was then to call out the hidden ones. He took in a shallow breath while his body tensed up again.

“Kassius of the Devils’ Own.” Kassius heard the voice that came from the direction of the trees. “I thought you would have died on the plains.”

The figure landed silently on the feet from the upper branch. It was an effortless move, but to a trained eye, one will have seen the thin metal wire which was the tool used for the descent.  It was difficult to make out the gender of the person was masked and the body covered with the layers of leather armor with the red shades for the uniform, but it was obvious from the standing posture, the person was a lady behind it. She appeared unarmed, but the assassins from the Dark Princes are well known to hide their weapons on their body. They do not rely on mechanical weapons alone but also that of the mystic arts.

“Lilith of the Dark. I should have known.” Kassius replied. “Your womanly scent betrayed your trail.”

“A misnomer of my name. I prefer to be address as Lady Lilith.” The newly arrived lady corrected Kassius on her.

“Kassius, you are a resilient person. I admired that. Back from one task where you almost lost your life, and now you back on another. You are either a fool or a brave idiot who does not know when to rest.”

Kassius ignored the statement made by the lady, and instead offered her a drink from the pot of coffee he was making.

“Perhaps you are suitable to be house trained instead of slaving for those selfish masters of yours.” Lady Lilith smiled while she strolled nearer to the fire place. She reached out for the offered drink, and then stepped back. “I am in need of such companion in my chamber. You may oblige me with your request.”

“I plead ignorance, Lady Lilith.” Kassius resumed feeding the fire with more twigs. “Your need of the companion may exceed that of just a simple serving slave.”

“Are you in the employ of Lord Tannen?” Kassius raised up the issue of contention for them being there.

“I am not in his services, but we served some other Lords who sees it fit that Lord Tannen retained his head on his shoulder. His continuing contribution would be beneficial.” Lady Lilith expressed her wishes for the other. “And in which I doubt you would oblige. Therefore I would leave you to your coffee, and proceed with my own plans to secure the care of the Lord is well protected. You may have eluded me once, but there may not be a next time. A lady does not like be singed more than once.”

Lady Lilith reached for the thin wire which pulled her up to the floating dirigible above at a hundred feet. Kassius sprang into action heading for the bike. The machine guns on the dirigible opened up on him, but he had reached the bike. There was no time to heat up the engine, but he chose to pedal the bike. He rode hard to move the bike, and left it to roll on the sloping ground before he cranked up the lever to gun the engine. The steam engine roared with its heated pipes to push the bike but it was not enough to get off the ground. He rode even harder to get the extra speed while the dirigible spat the bullets close behind him. Then the steam engine cranked in its power and the exhaust pipes roared out.

Kassius kicked out at the lever to expand the wings and balloons. It raised the bike up into the skies. It was a slow ascent, but he swerved the bike towards the tree line to get below the dirigible. The floating ship tried to counter the bike move, but it was slow in the wide turn. He pedaled up the bike power and leveled with the dirigible manned compartment. It was shaped like a wooden dhow design with two drawn back wings on its side, with the balloon above it keeping the compartment afloat. It had deadly weapons build into its defense, beside the front machine gun that was firing at him much earlier there was also a mounted gun on the central deck. The gunner then trained the gun towards Kassius and his bike.

Kassius could not reach for the rifle slung tight across his back, but he reached for the side arms with his right hand. He leveled the pistol towards the gunner and fired. The metal ball pierce the gunner’ forehead. He then sighted the others on the deck which were all reaching for their weapons but he saw then Lilith giving the order to sail away. When he saw the dirigible pulling away, he slowed down his pedaling to glide the bike in a wide circle.

Kassius knew then that the Lord Tannen would be warned of his arrival, and steps would be taken to counter him. He needed another plan of entry and fast if he was to complete the task. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...