Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.21

The Iron Ladies


Gareth stood there by the hillside, and looked at the opposing army of three thousands guards of King Bannion. He felt regret that he was battling his own friends, and neighbors that he once shared their meals. He had formed a new column of Huntsmen, comprising about a thousand guards alongside with the army of five thousand guards of Queen Morgana, at his command. There was another army of five thousand on the left of his army, commanded by King Thaddeus himself. He kicked at his horse to ride towards the other army. They had been fighting the war for over a season with each battle favoring the Queen side. King Thaddeus had only joined in the war, when he realized there were spoils of war to be earned.

Gareth was met by Lin Denham who was escorting King Bannion. Both of them looked weary but they put up a brave front to meet the Huntsman.

“Good day, King Bannion. And to you, Castellan.” Gareth greets both of them.

“Gareth, this is the last bastion of the King.” Lin replied. He looked very old with his gray beard and frail body clad in the leather armor, while holding to his sword. Lin had not changed sides like Alan Bates or Gareth, and remained loyal to the old King.

“Then surrender to me, Castellan. I would promise you safe passage to the forest, and there you would live your life without any harassment by the Queen.” Gareth replied.

“The life that was once your Queen’s.” Lin commented back. “I guess it’s a deserving option, given that we are destined to lose the war.”

“Castellan, I …” Gareth was interrupted by King Bannion who stepped up to speak.

“No, I would not yield.” The King looked to his Castellan. “You may surrender, but not me. I would defend myself, and my honor.”

“King….” Gareth changed his tone before he addressed the King. “My former King, please abide by the conditions set by the Queen. She … not the same person you had known when she was Princess Clarity.”

“So was myself.” King Bannion replied. “When I was younger, I was influenced by Lord Falstof to wage war with her, but now I am wiser and older. She is not a ruler of kindness, and needed to be overthrown. She claimed that she meant well to defend her lands for her people, but in actual fact, she wanted to be worshiped as a Queen.”

“She is power mad.” King Bannion ended his words.

“And what was it with you, King Bannion?” Gareth asked him. “You had ruled as a King, with many commands that placed your people to danger and poverty. Like this war, when you could discuss terms, you waged the war. For what you did it? Because you thought your Queen deserved her share of the lands? The same lands that actually belong to my Queen?”

King Bannion did not reply but Lin Denham did on his behalf.

“My King was given the lands by his King, and out of the kindness of his heart, he shared half of it with his twin sister out of ….courtesy.” Lin Denham replied. “It was his right to share and his right to remove that share.”

“Just as then, the Queen of mine have the right to fight for her share, and if need be to defeat your King. She had done so, but she chose to end this war now with no more bloodshed. That made her a better ruler than your King.” Gareth spoke out his mind. He had seen many battles where the people had suffered either as the guards or the victims. He wanted it all to end, but the decision lies in those two personalities who held the position as King and Queen.

“You have till noon to decide.” Gareth rode back to his own army. On his ride back there, he thought of himself. He had served the Queen, and fought her battles, but his heart ached for some reason. He knew it was for the Queen, but he dare not approach her for he had to respect her position as his Queen. He wished sometimes she was just another lady, but then that would be a foolish thought. Another thing was when he saw Snow White; he felt a pain in him as if he had felt a loss somewhere. Again he does not know what it was.

“Huntsman, King Thaddeus awaits your audience.” The knight that approached him at the hill told him. He followed the knight to the King’s tent. There he dismounted and went into the tent. He was met by the King and the Queen.

“My Queen and King.” Gareth bowed to both of them. It was his way to greet them as the Huntsmen are still the Queen’s personal army. It was something which King Thaddeus had reluctantly agreed on, but in view of Snow White happiness with his Queen, he had consented to a number of concessions.

“Why are we holding back, Gareth?” Queen Clarity asked him, dressed in her hunting leather that was her uniform as the head of the Huntsmen.

“We are waiting for King Bannion reply for our terms of surrender. He had till …” Gareth replied, but was cut off by the Queen.

“Wait no more. We have his army at a disadvantage. Battle them and defeat the King.” Queen Clarity commanded the Huntsmen leader. “I would not tolerate any more delays.”

“Clarity, should we not discuss truce, and end this war?” King Thaddeus asked of her. “Gareth is doing what is right in the terms of war.”

“My King, my twin brother had acted on his own selfish means, and took my lands for his. He had committed many of the people including mine to fight this war, which I was forced to wage. I am trying to end it now.” Queen Clarity had defended herself. She glared at the King; knowing he was at her mercy as long as she was close to Snow White. He would not dare to annoy her lest she discard her affection for Snow White. He had not participated in the war earlier for he knew it was wrong, but then the urging of his own Lords for the spoils of the war, replaced his intentions.

“Gareth, sound the war horns. We attack now.” Queen Clarity commanded him again. “The King army would assist you.” 

Both the army of the Huntsmen and King Thaddeus moved forward to engage the army of King Bannion. At the other side, King Bannion saw the advancing army.

“Castellan, it seems that Queen would hasten our departure from this world soon.” King Bannion reached for his sword in the scabbard before he put it his waist.

“My King, may I suggest that you retreat. Lord Dune would have you cross the sea to the new lands.” Lin Denham bowed to his King. “I would delay the enemies here.”

“Nay, Castellan. Your noble thoughts are welcomed, but I am to fight today. I would prefer death than exile.” King Bannion told the other. “However, you may leave. Leave here not as an exile, but in telling the lands of the exploits of my twin sister. Spread the words of her ambitions and declared her a misfit for the throne.”

“I can’t do that, my King.” The Castellan protested, but the King was insistence that he obey the commands. He sent the old guard off with a small escort. King Bannion then rode to the front of his army.

“For the King.” King Bannion rode on towards the advancing army.

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