Monday, February 10, 2014

The Crusaders II Bets are placed 7.7

1.          Halls of Judgment, Asgard

The Gods of the Norse heed the call of their leader, Odin the High One to gather at the Hall of Judgment.

As one approached the Hall of Judgment, you would be awed by the two totem poles planted before its great doorway. On the totem are the engraving of the Norse symbols, including that of Odin's Horn Hugiun and Munin, Mjonir, and the Nine World. Behind the totems lies the great wooden gates guarded by Heimdall the Guard, who watches who come and go in to the Hall. Once you stepped in through the wooden doors, you would be awed by the size of the place. The Hall is a huge one with the high ceiling supported by the long wooden beams. Its roof was that of sturdy pine woods with vents for the cooking fire smoke to filtered out. There are sixteen main pillars on both side of the long hall with ten more on the entrance and the rear. Behind these pillars are an extension of two metres before the thick walls that framed the hall from the harsh weather outside. There are some long tables with a few seats in the Hall and at the end of the Hall where only one high back seat was placed. Other that that, there are no other settings in the Hall. He who sits on it would judge, jury and executioner of the judgment passes in this Hall. Today, the Mighty High One, Odin sits on it with his pet raven at perched on the back of the high back seat. Odin held in his hand the spear named Gungnir as he watched the ones attending to his call.

Then the final moment was sealed when Heimdall walked in and closed the door behind him.

"More than half and yet not all attends." Odin roared out his displeasure. "Asgardian side with my other son, Loki to displaced me from this seat. I could take the Frost Giant, or the even the Orcs from the mountains, but not my own kins."

"Father, let me round up those treacherous ones, and bring Loki to your feet here." It was the Mighty Thor who always speaks brash as he hold onto the hammer named Mjonir.

""NO!" The voice of Odin revets off the wooden walls and shook the foundation. "None may do anything before I command thee."

Odin looked to his left side and saw the lady who rescued him stand meekly there. Hval the Frost Giant wandered back into the far forest as he is not invited here. He has a task to perform as ordained by Odin to him for his own Lord.

"I been deceived by my own blood and imprisoned by him while all of you were drinking and rejoicing in my name. I was shamed by my other son and a Misgard mortal came to my rescue. She battled the ....captor and rescued me." Odin looked at his own warriors. "How many of you could do that?"

"High One Odin, we were not aware of Loki' deceit. If we did, we would had what was needed." Balder bowed before his leader. Thor not intending to be left out, stepped forth too and bowed. The others choose to followed the son of Odin. That placate the anger of Odin.

"Loki' a smart one; brought in by myself and accepted into my family, yet he betrays me more than any enemies." Odin reflect on his 'step-son'. "He deceived me then and for a good reason. He allied himself with the other Gods of the other dimension. He trades the dead for the weapons to wield against me. But Loki forgets something."

The High One looked at his warriors.

"He may had invoked another to join in this battle; an old foe of mine. Seth, son of Anubis had awaken from his slumber. Their army of dog faced warriors would marched on us soon. Onto Asgard, they would come but we would fight them. Its been eons since we had a good fight. Till Ragnarok, the warriors of Asgard shall never be defeated."

That stirred up the hearts of the warrior born Asgardian. They cheered their leader and soon the the Hall was feasting on drinks and meat as the ladies brought in the food from the kitchen at the rear. Tables were setup and the feasting began.

Unaware by most, Geraldine had slipped out of the Hall to stand at the cold ard ground. She was soon joined by the All High Odin.

"I never had a chance to thank you. Named your favor and Odin shall fulfilled it."

Geraldine looked at him.

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