Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.4

1.          Camp Frontier

Major Chapman placed the comms pad held in his hand down on the table, as he surveyed the activities in the camp form his high vantage point. His tent was positioned on the high ledge so that he can see the going on in the camp. Its the order of the General and no one contravene that command.

"Major, why are the army not packing to leave?" Kruger asked when he walked in through the tent flap. He was waiting outside with Miles when he noticed there was no call for withdrawal.

"There's been a change of orders." Major Chapman paused in his reply. "The General wants us to maintain the Camp."

"You lied to me, Chapman." Miles heard the Major when he stepped into the tent. The ex-mercenary rushed up to the Major and grabbed him by the shirt lapel.

"I only followed orders. I don't make them." Miles defended himself, but he did not counter the hold on his shirt. Kruger pulled him off the Major. A Corporal rushed in holding onto his M14A1 and then salute at the officer.

"Sir., our perimeter being attached. They have rifles and grenades."

Major Chapman grabbed his rifle and ran out of the tent. He can see the army personnels are all running to the wall or the perimeter and grabbing anything they can fight with. Major Chapman followed closely and was soon standing at the cavern mouth behind the wall. He can see the mortars are firing their spread close to the perimeter with the rotary cannons spewing tracers over it. He looked to the perimeter and noticed its already being overrun by the demons; the Mapinguari, ghouls, red skinned ones and many others. They are climbing over the perimeter and grabbing the wounded soldiers using their fangs to tear into them or cleaving them with the blades. The soldiers fought back with their machine guns cutting down the numbers that climbed over. When they thought they were going to win, the grenades came down on the soldiers. The survivors crawled up and found themselves gunned down by machine guns. The demons have taken their rifles and shooting them now.

The army have maintained a second perimeter at the excavated mines using the discarded equipment as cover but the demons keep on coming. This round they are collecting the rifles and firing it. More to it, there are squads of them with another rifle model; the AK47. The soldiers planted claymore but they still keep on coming. Each wave would be bigger and more deadly. The call came for the soldiers to retreat back to the walls. The rotary cannons are firing non stop until their ammo are depleted.

"How can they have rifles? That's an impossible." Major Chapman muttered to himself. The demons are holding AK47 rifles made from the Eastern Blog. He can see Pedro holding the Javelin and firing it. Pedro laughed when the warhead exploded but he stopped laughing when the bullet pierced his heart. Next to him was Mike firing the M60 wit Paddy handling his ammo belts. It did not take long for Mike's position to be overrun by the demons.

"Major, I am calling for a full retreat. We are setting charges at the gates. The evacuation would be ongoing from now till the last moment." The General did not wait for a reply as he ran for the gate himself.

"Four hundred over serviced personnels with two hundred miners. All the General cared was his own ass." Major Chapman mumbled to himself. He is in deep shock and just stand there. Kruger grabbed and pulled him down to the ground.

"Major, we got to leave. You are coming with us." Kruger told the officer. Major Chapman brushed off Kruger and ran towards the wall. Kruger wanted to chase but Miles stopped him.

"He's gone. We got to go. Hell ain' the place for us." Miles pulled Kruger to move. They both ran to the gates and noticed that it was packed with people trying to pass it. There were some soldiers telling them to organize themselves or they would shoot. It was the squad which went with the Major to demolish the other gate. The miners were there and they are complying to the request with columns queued up to go.

"Hello, sirs. Your turn would be next." Sargeant Rico greet the two of them. A miner walked up and confront Rico.

"How come they get first priority?" Rico did not answer but slammed the rifle butt into the miner's face.

"I hate it when people questioned me." Rico then smiled at Kruger. "I never made it to CO as I don't like to explain myself up there."

"Rico, what is the backup plan? You saw the explosives did not work well at the last gate." Kruger asked he was pushed in the back by the miners rushing through the gate.

"We got a nuke here. It wired to explode on the switch here." Rico point to the set at his waist. "I am the last to leave. If I do leave, that is the question. I reckon if I die, I would be in Hell anyway, so why do it again when I am already here."

"Rico, you are a .....helluva guy." Kruger shook the Sargeant' hand. Miles then pulled Kruger as the gate was empty of miners by now.

"See ya in ...heaven, I guess." Kruger wished him as they passed the gate. Once they had stepped out the other side., they were greeted by more armed soldiers with their rifles aimed at them. An officer then directed them to a staging area with the other miners. As they were sitting down, Kruger heard the command given.

"Shut down the gate. They are blowing the place." The powered cable all get switched off and the gate stopped glowing with the screen dispersing.

"General, we got no more comms from Camp Frontier." The comms officer relayed the message to the officer in charge. There was silence in the chamber and then the order came to process the survivors. As Kruger and Miles were walking with the miners, an officer came up to them.

"Sirs, please follow me. General Brady would like to see you."

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