Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.2

1.          Back in the deep forest of North West Canada

Clawler looked around himself and find himself back in the forest. He remembered the scent and the surrounding. He ran for the familiar spot and found the den. There was the she-wolf growling at the entrance of the den. Its protecting its young ones from a threat but Clawler no threat to them. He's the one who befriend her and care for the young ones. Clawler then saw the other wolf; a gray with white streaks across the back. Its a large one almost like a cougar in these parts. The large one was not alone; there three others with it.

"You are back." The female wolf communicate to Clawer. "He comes right after you leave. He thinks I am to be his with you gone. I am not interested....."

"Stop it, Cris." Clawler interject into her thoughts. "I am back."

Clawler stepped out towards the den but the gray one cut in the path. It brushed against Clawler and growled back. Clawler pushed slightly but he was not keen on the duel. The gray one was easily giving out as it swing its head at Clawler and snapped its jaws. Its the gesture of a challenge and one which Clawler may not deny.

Clawler on the animal instinct in its body reacted as what was natural to it; he swing out his hands at the wolf. The hard physical blow annoyed the wolf which reacted with a leap on Clawler. The later pushed the wolf off but the fight was to begin. The leaping wolf had scratched Clawler' wrist. Clawler did not just react; it began to transform. The facial expression changed and the back hunched forward while the claws extend on the fingers. The changes tore at his shirt as he removed the overcoat.

Clawler faced the gray wolf and growled. They both faced each other with Clawler half crouching there. The wolf came first, charging at Clawler but the man-wolf went under the large gray and pushed up. The momentum pushed the gray wolf up and over to the other side of the clearing. The gray wolf got up and start to encircle the adversary. This time, Clawler rushed at the gray wolf with his hands extended out with the claws out. Clawler made contact with his claws cutting into the left back limbs and the back. Streaks of blood appeared out of wounds making the gray wolf limped backwards hurt. 

"Go back. Keep away from her. I would kill you if you ever come back." Clawler communicate to the gray one.

"They are mine. She borne them for me." The gray wolf replied to Clawler. "There would be another fight. But not today."

Clawler watched the gray wolf limped away. The female wolf came to his side and so did the young ones. The family was complete once again.

For days Clawler was happy to be back; he thinks maybe the tree expelled him as he was not needed but in his mind, he can't take his mind off Geraldine. It was not long when he was visited by some strangers. They have the scent of man and there is another; the smell of the wolf.

"My name is Weir Ulfrednar. I am part Man and Wolf; a descendant of over ten centuries. The name Weir originates from the German word 'Wer' or Man. My family name was derived from the Old Norse name 'úlfhéðnar' which denoted lupine equivalents of the berserker who wear a wolfskin in battle. My forefathers were were Norse warriors who fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury. We were feared by many but our numbers were dwindling. So my forefathers approached a Transylvania Price who was said to be immortal when he drinks the blood of humans. My forefathers signed a blood pact to make them invincible. The pact had a drawback; the warriors of the Ulfrednar Clan had to consume blood like their namesake the wolves and also inherit their characteristics. Unlike the general belief, we can change on fear or anger to be come the berserker. "The enemies could not call out our names in full so they just refer us to as Lycan." 

"I am not a Lycan. I am ...Clawler." The leader of the visitors laughed out loud.

"Well spoken, the cousin of my ancestor. Like your kinship to Wilhelm Ulfrednar then...." Clawler interject in.

"Your forefather betrayed me on the battle ground for love. Wilhelm was my leader then; we fought neck to neck, back to back against many foes and return to victory. He almost lost his life in that one battle that he vow never to be defeated again. He rode off with the finest and seek out the blood sucking priest. While he was gone, I was to accompanied Heidi the Lass. There was no war then so we spent time in the riverbanks or at the hills. She was unsure as to who she was to wed but during that time, I overtook her decision for Wilhelm. She agreed to marry me when Wilhelm returned. It was to be fair that he knew before we take the vows ourselves."

"Wilhelm returned; arrogant and proud on his new discovery. He explained to the Council who asked for time to debate. Wilhelm was not to be delayed as he and his men went on a slaughter of their humanity. All except me and Heidi as we were away at the lake. When we returned we were confronted by Wilhelm and his warriors of berserkers. They fought me and subdue me. Your forefather ravished my love in front of my eyes,and then he bit me. He told me that one day I can avenge her honor with the new powers. They threw me off the clan and left me to die but I was nurtured by some wolves; a hydrid of the wolves and wild hounds."

"It was years later when I met Wilhelm at the icy highland of the northern continent. I was hunting for him as he just killed a small village which include my new wife and newborn son." Clawler glared at the strangers who stepped into his forest. It was the same thing that day when he stood there facing the man who killed his wife and child. Wilhelm was standing with six of his warriors; all transformed into werewolves. He had just placed the last spade of soil on the graves next to the ridge by the deep ravine. 

"Mons of The Tribe; one of the finest and once my best friend." Wilhelm stood there shirtless but his fingers trailed with blood. His lower attire was the fine silk pants tucked into the leather boots with the wide buckles lined up down the shin. "It was not a surprise to see you here, as I had known you lived here. But as usual, you disappear when I arrived and only return when I am gone."

"They tell me you prefer to communicate by thoughts now. We all can with our minds. Its our gift of being a Lycan. You are one too. Don't deny it for your bastard son. He was a Lycan too, until I ended his life." It was all Clawler then needed to hear as he threw aside the spade and transformed into his other self. He leapt up high and was met by another of the warriors. Clawler grabbed the other's hands and used it to propel him over the shoulder into the ravine. Clawler got up from his efforts to see Wilhelm transforming into his alter ego. Wilhelm charged at Clawler who side stepped and lashed out with his claw on the back of the leader. The Lycan rolled out of reach and sat up; its back aching from the attack as it work out its strategy.

Another warrior came but on the other side, another one also moved it. So it was a two to one combination but Clawler had it covered. He grabbed the first warrior by the left wrist and broke it with a left elbow thrust before hurling the warrior in a body swing hit the second warrior. Clawler then jumped on top of both fallen warriors and thrust his claws into their necks. It was then Wilhelm struck him from the rear and jabbed him in the left ribs. Clawler rolled over and stopped at the edge of the ridge holding his injured ribs.

That did not stop Wilhelm who charged at him but at te opportune time, Wilhelm tripped on the spade on the ground and fell forth. Clawler grabbed hold of the falling man by the head and twisted the weak anatomy. The neck broke and Clawler then used his body strength to swing Wilhelm over the edge. The other remaining warriors retreated from Clawler.

"Mons, you are the last of the original breed. We want you to lead us in this new war against the vampires." Weir spoke out to Clawler. "The clan needs you. The Lycan needs you. Wilhelm held prisoner by Baal."

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