Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.1

The players fiddles

1.          Makati City, Manila

The caretaker of the cemetery was used to seeing people coming to the area even at odd hours; some taking their rest there or just using it to get to the other side. They are not afraid of the dead, as the dead are dead but the living ones scares them. Those can approached you with daggers and guns to kill you if you are not fast in responding to their request but he had been getting visions lately of flying shadows over his head. That's something he had not seen in his lifetime. He attributed it to two things; his failing liver from the alcohol he had been consuming and new building next to the cemetery. Its a thirteenth levels of concrete and glass finishing, with the unique shape of a long lengthy hexagon shape. But some said, its the coffin and its unique name reflects it; Coff Inc, a private investment firm registered with 666 shareholders. The Registrar laughed at the Secretary who came to registered the shares. His remark was more offensive; "Is that their prick lengths?" Three days current later, he was found dead with his head decapitated.

There are hardly any activities in the building during the day but comes dark, its bustling with traffic. Unknown to the old man, the building had seventeen levels of which four was in the basement. On the lowest level at B4 that evening, a solitary sedan pulled up from the entrance at the west side of the building into the large carpark area; registration number DV 666. The sedan stopped before the northern wall, and a figure got out. The driver then took the sedan back to the upper levels.

The figure then reached down to reach for something and spoke out softly. His attention was diverted when the flooring at the wall starts vibrate and then opened up to a descending staircase. He took the stairs and went down two levels to come to a large chamber that spread across like to two times the football field. It extend from the upper level carpark area to beneath the cemetery. It actually resemble a warehouse with the three levels of metal scaffoldings lined up in columns and rows. Each level have a number of wooden coffins on it of which some have their covers opened.

"Asmodeus, welcome to the Coffin." Asmodeus looked at the one he had assigned to handle the task as liaison to the vampires. The who addressed him is younger and attired smartly in a business suit with fine polished shoes.

"Baal, your father would had been proud of you." Asmodeus praised the young demon. "I viewed your update; one thousand nine hundred and seventy two in your last count. Thats' a good number."

"I am in the growing economy." Baal started off with only eight hundred when he took over six months ago. Mammon is in the Alps managing the Europe Charter; about four thousand gathered of which two thousand were from Loki through the dimension portal. In return he had transferred over a cache of weapons as advised by Asmodeus..

Leviathan handling the African Charter; two thousand of the voodoo undead. Beelzebub in Middle East holding with his one thousand dead but of lately having some issues with the Egyptian influence. Belphegor holding the American continent of three thousand but of late the sudden influx of the spirits from the Hell have disrupted his control. These new spirits are tussling with the locals for influence in the Far East Charter at Seoul, South Korea. Satan was dispatched there to assist.

"Asmodeus, you did not come here to praise me. What's on your mind?" Baal asked as he looked at Asmodeus expression. "Should not you be watching your Pacific charter?"

"I am afraid your plan to recruit the deads from Hell came undone. Belphegor reports of our second gate was destroyed and the other surviving one would be close soon." Asmodeus told Baal. "But we got a strength of five thousand."

"I thought you wanted to know it first hand." Asmodeus laughed out loud. "Thanks to you, we have some formidable armies."

Baal joined in the laughter but he hid the knowledge from Asmodeus that he already knew. Unknown to Asmodeus, he had sent a second cache of weapon via the second gate would give those there a chance to fight. Or more likely the company of soldiers there. Suddenly, the alarm went off in the building. Baal ran to the nearby vid screen and it showed the building was raided by werewolves. They are twenty of them in the ground entrance.

"Damned! They are here." Baal ignored his guest and called up the guards. He looked back at the screen. "Thats' no Lycan. He's Clawler. He comes for the amulet. Seal the Treasure Room now."

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