Monday, February 10, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.13


Gareth heard the argument in the Main Hall of the castle, where King Bannion sat with Princess Clarity was debating the issues that were threatening their lands. The meeting was on the twentieth season’s years after the return of the Princess to the castle. She went missing for a season and had returned with her guard. They were not alone, but she came back with the wizard. He had lifted the spell that was troubling the castle inhabitants. Since her return and with King Bannion back to his real self, peace reigned for over that twenty seasons.

"Sister, Queen Morgana; as she had called herself now that Lord Falstof had died in his sleep. It was claimed by her alone, but with her power over her subject, no one dares to question her." King Bannion addressed his sister. He then looked to the assembled Lords and guards. They are less than the first assembling ones when the Princess first stepped into the Hall.

"We have to fight her. She had declared war on me..." Princess Clarity was pushing the matter to the Lords.

"A war which you declared if I could recall." King Bannion was still upset at the defeat, even though he was not himself then. He was under the influence of the same lady that was waging war on their lands.

"Yes, I did and won over for" Princess Clarity felt the weight on her shoulders overbearing at times. Her brother, Bannion was not much of a help in their reign. She had to countermand his orders and made better ones. That had irked him and bears on their relationship as siblings.

"Queen Morgana is our equal in strength, and our scouts tell me of her Courting of one other..." King Bannion explained and paused at mentioning the name. The assembled Lords and guards were already murmuring among themselves, but he had to speak his name.

"King Thaddeus." King Bannion shuddered at the name. King Thaddeus from the West and was more powerful than them. The army of King Thaddeus was more than of his, and if combined with Queen Morgana, they would be crushed within one season.

"King Thaddeus," King Bannion repeated himself. "He must be courted too, to be on our side. Our existence may soon cease."

"Then send me, my King. I had met one of his Lords before." A Lord from among the assembled stood up.

"Thank you..." King Bannion replied but was interrupted by Princess Clarity.

"Thank you, Lord Cornelius." Princess Clarity told the assembled. "I would go and see the King myself."

"No!" King Bannion voiced out his opinion. "You are.....inexperienced."

"I would go and anyone who wants to choose me, I would destroy you." Princess Clarity told them off. With that, she walked out of the Hall. Once she had exited from the Hall, she was met by Gareth. He walked behind her and had his hand on the hilt of his sword. They were several attempts to assassinate her since her return. It was Lady Morgan action then, which hired those assailants, when her spells were repealed off.

They walked onto her chamber and went in. She dismissed Helene and had given the order not to be disturbed. Once the door was closed, she jumped into his arms. She kissed him hard on the lips while her hands groped at his body. He was doing the same, and soon they collapsed on the emotions. They had been with others due to the crisis with Queen Morgana for some days. Due to the nature of their relationship, they kept their distance from each other.

"Gareth, please make me feel ....loved." Princess Clarity moaned in her voice while she felt the hands pulling at her gown. She was getting impatience with the layers of clothing that she was required to wear as her role as the Princess. She reached up and pulled at the hem of her gowns to pull it over. He saw her need and helped her by pushing it off her. Where he was not able to raise it, he pulled or tore at it. Soon she was partially covered in her torn garments and looked at him.

"Gareth, you are ..." He smiled back and pulled at his own clothes. His belt with the sword dropped to the flooring, and soon he was naked. He reached down with his lips on her breasts, caressing it with his lips, and then his teeth nibbled at the areola. She pushed her back up on his bite and spread her legs to accommodate his entry into her.

"Ah!" She called out on his penetration. She rose up her legs and wrapped them around him, while pushing herself towards him. He moved to her needs and felt the built up of the days and nights were too long. He felt himself exploded inside her, and by instinct he pulled out. He pushed himself off her and lay on his back.

"I am sorry. I should have ...." He was apologetic, but she hushed him back.

"Its okay, Gareth. There is nothing to add in more. I already have yours." She told him. He looked over and was alarmed. He was to speak but she stopped him.

"I would tell the King and the Lords. We would get wedded after I returned from the visit to King Thaddeus."

"No! I meant to say." Gareth corrected himself. "I meant to say, they may not agree."

"If so then, I shall abdicate my position as the Princess. I am forever yours." She told him. Gareth looked at her, and smiled. For once, he was relieved on the decision. He had lived the last few seasons with concern for her well being.

"Gareth, I am ready for you......again." The Princess smiled.

Unknown to the loving couple, King Bannion was in discussion with a selected numbers of his Lords. They were at his chamber and he was seated on the only chair there while the others stood by him.

"Lords, we have to decide." King Bannion told them. " A decision to regain our influence and power, over her, and her allies."

King Bannion looked at the Lords. Then he continued.

"I would send Lord Cornelius, not to King Thaddeus but to Queen Morgana. I would seek a truce with her. " King Bannion told the Lords. "And have her banished alongside with her lover."

The assembled Lords saluted their King.

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