Friday, February 28, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.22


Queen Morgana’ health had taken for worse since her handling over of her crafts to the New Queen. She knew that her time of death was near, and with the vision that she had given to Clarity, thus sealed the successor to the lineage of Iron Lady’s. She sat back on her high back throne seat and reflected on her own life.

Morgana was born to the ranks of noble folks; her father was a Lord then of small land, but he was allied to the more powerful Lord Farris. The later was later succeeded by Lord Falstof. In her childhood, there was a Queen then who had ruled the Lords then; Queen Helena holding the Courts influence while the King Richard sat on the throne. Morgana was brought to the Courts by her father then to serve as the lady in waiting with the Queen.

Queen Helene was the reigning Iron Lady, and had to hold her influence against others, including the Dwarfs of Mirg. The Dwarfs of Mirg consisted of the dwarfs who were wizards and sorcerers among them. Among them were the infamous Ten Dwarfs of the Mines. The Dwarfs of Mirg had fought Queen Helena allied then with gnomes and Man, to a stalemate in the battles and had lost many of its numbers. Soon after the unspoken truce was set, the remaining Dwarfs had hidden themselves in the mines. They have decided not to get involved in the land of Man, and fight it war for them.

While both sides were recuperating, Queen Helena groomed the new Iron Lady. During that time, she was soon to become the Queen’s confidante, and then the next Queen in line to continue the Iron Lady influence. One of the initiations was for the Queen to become a witch but Lady Morgana then as she was called, felt that more allies were needed. And without the knowledge of Queen Helena, Lady Morgana had taken upon herself to seek out the Dwarfs of Mirg. She was advised that the dwarfs had hid the dark forest by the mountains, living a simple life as miners of the precious gems.

After a quest of nearly half a season, she came across them in the dark forest by accident. She was riding her horse then, dressed in the riding attire with the head hood and was armed with a sword on her waist belt. It was rare for a lady of her ranks to riding alone, but Morgana was not any lady. She was an expert with the sword having learned from the masters who were paid to tutor her. She was also a young apprentice of the craft under Queen Helena. It was near to dusk, and she was lost. She had reckon she may need to camp in the forest then. She dismounted from her horse when she reached a clearing by the stream. She reached for the pack that contained her camping needs when she felt the presence of an approaching person. It was a dwarf who was hurt in the right arm.

“Who are you?” The dwarf had called out to her with his mining pick raised to defend himself. He was bearded one, dressed in the dark suit covered in soot, and his right arm was wounded with the blood flowing out.

“I am Morgan.” The lady imitated the voice of Man to disguise her gender. She had then pulled her sword out to protect herself.

“Bah! Another one of Man.” The dwarf replied. He was to run on when the ogre appeared from the tree line. The ogre was a gigantic creature with a gray shade to its flesh, and had hideous features due to the environment it was created from. The ogre was tall at a height above Man, and twice the size of Man. It was armed with a cudgel and saw both of them.

“A man and dwarf.” The Ogre laughed “It must be my lucky day.”

“Yah!” Another Ogre appeared from the tree line. Like the earlier one, that one was taller and had a scar across its face from the left eye to the lower chin. It looked at the dwarf and then at the rider. Then back at the dwarf.

“Ego of Mirg, you had evaded us long? I would have your rump for my meal today.” The scarred ogre shouted out. He then rushed at the dwarf who had his mining pick raised. He must have called on a spell which projected a light beam from the pick edges that hit the tree branch above the ogre. The beam caused the branch to fell down onto the charging ogre. Once it hit the ogre, it became a set of gooey liquid and covered the ogre.

“Aargh!” The ogre screamed in pain, when the gooey liquid burned into its flesh. The other ogre tried to assist the writhing ogre but could not as when it touched the gooey liquid, its own flesh burned too.

“Get it off me!” The writhing ogre screamed out and rushed blindly into the stream. There instead of finding relief, it felt more pain, while the liquid sizzled in the stream water. It screamed out one more time and then collapsed into the stream. The other ogre saw its mate perished in the stream and retreated into the forest. It was then a group of dwarfs came rushing out, holding onto their picks and looking for a fight.

“Ego, are you okay?” One dwarf in red suit asked of the wounded one.

“I am fine, Dirty.” Ego replied while he leaned on the tree trunk. “Scarred one almost had me there. I had to….”

“Did you call on the spell?” Another dwarf in a red and yellow suit approached him.

“Yes, I did, and just in time.” Ego replied. The one in the red and yellow suit shrugged his shoulders. All the other dwarfs standing there sighed.

“Ego, you knew that we are forbidden to use the spells by the council.” The other dwarf replied. “You had broken the laws.”

“Doc, I had no choice. The ogre had me decked for the fireplace.” Ego replied. “What was I to do?”

“You should not have wandered off into the dark trails. You knew it was forbidden too.” Doc replied while he attended to the wounded dwarf. Ego shrugged off the assistance and stepped aside.

“I had enough!” Ego was upset. “All we ever did since the so named truce was dig. I am looking to go back to war.”

Ego looked to the group.

“Who among you would follow me? We would paved a new Clan. Not of Mirg but we shall called in Smorg.”

“I would.” Lady Morgana spoke up. The dwarfs all turned to look at her. Ego replied to her.

“Stay out, Lady. This is a Dwarf discussion.” Ego told her and then looked back at his friends. “Among all of you who knew me, did I ever led you astray in the forest, or the mines? Did I not locate the best veins of gold?”

The word gold lit up the looks on the dwarfs. To them, among all the precious gems, gold was the most desired ore.

“Stay out, lady.” Doc voiced up. “This is our personal issues.”

The lady walked up to the dwarfs, and took from her pack, the bar of gold.

“There are more where it came from.” Lady Morgana told the dwarfs. “Probe my mind.”

Lady Morgana had come prepared. She knew from Queen Helena, that the dwarfs had been split among themselves soon after the truce. Some wanted to fight on, and exact vengeance for their lost ones, but there were some who chose to end the war. She also knew that the dwarfs favored gold to many other rewards, and she had that in her mind. There was a mine that King Egan had where he held the mining on a need basis.

“It’s there.” Ego voiced out. Doc saw the look on the other and struck out. Ego fell to the ground with his aching jaw.

“Doc, you decide for yourself and I would do the same for myself.” Ego told the other off. “I am not keen to toil on the mountains for the cheesy gems we get there. Gold is what I am mining for. And if I had to used my crafts to find it.”

“Ego of Mirg, you are banished from the Clan. I would inform the Council.” Doc told the other off. “Anyone who chose to follow him would be subjected to the same conditions.”

Much to his dismay, two other dwarfs stepped out. They were Hiccup and Eirie. Doc shook his head, and then turned to walk to the forest. It was one of the few who did not join Ego asked.

“Doc, you can’t allowed this to happened? What about our alliance? Our long years of friendship? Our …” It was Grumpy who asked.

“The house of our’, would be short of three.” Doc replied. “The Ten Heroes of Mirg would now be known as the Seven Dwarfs of Mirg.”

With that Doc marched off, and the other six who did join Ego followed suit. It also was the beginning of the Lady Morgana who soon induced herself into the sorcery of the Dwarfs in return for the gold bullion in the mines.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.21

The Iron Ladies


Gareth stood there by the hillside, and looked at the opposing army of three thousands guards of King Bannion. He felt regret that he was battling his own friends, and neighbors that he once shared their meals. He had formed a new column of Huntsmen, comprising about a thousand guards alongside with the army of five thousand guards of Queen Morgana, at his command. There was another army of five thousand on the left of his army, commanded by King Thaddeus himself. He kicked at his horse to ride towards the other army. They had been fighting the war for over a season with each battle favoring the Queen side. King Thaddeus had only joined in the war, when he realized there were spoils of war to be earned.

Gareth was met by Lin Denham who was escorting King Bannion. Both of them looked weary but they put up a brave front to meet the Huntsman.

“Good day, King Bannion. And to you, Castellan.” Gareth greets both of them.

“Gareth, this is the last bastion of the King.” Lin replied. He looked very old with his gray beard and frail body clad in the leather armor, while holding to his sword. Lin had not changed sides like Alan Bates or Gareth, and remained loyal to the old King.

“Then surrender to me, Castellan. I would promise you safe passage to the forest, and there you would live your life without any harassment by the Queen.” Gareth replied.

“The life that was once your Queen’s.” Lin commented back. “I guess it’s a deserving option, given that we are destined to lose the war.”

“Castellan, I …” Gareth was interrupted by King Bannion who stepped up to speak.

“No, I would not yield.” The King looked to his Castellan. “You may surrender, but not me. I would defend myself, and my honor.”

“King….” Gareth changed his tone before he addressed the King. “My former King, please abide by the conditions set by the Queen. She … not the same person you had known when she was Princess Clarity.”

“So was myself.” King Bannion replied. “When I was younger, I was influenced by Lord Falstof to wage war with her, but now I am wiser and older. She is not a ruler of kindness, and needed to be overthrown. She claimed that she meant well to defend her lands for her people, but in actual fact, she wanted to be worshiped as a Queen.”

“She is power mad.” King Bannion ended his words.

“And what was it with you, King Bannion?” Gareth asked him. “You had ruled as a King, with many commands that placed your people to danger and poverty. Like this war, when you could discuss terms, you waged the war. For what you did it? Because you thought your Queen deserved her share of the lands? The same lands that actually belong to my Queen?”

King Bannion did not reply but Lin Denham did on his behalf.

“My King was given the lands by his King, and out of the kindness of his heart, he shared half of it with his twin sister out of ….courtesy.” Lin Denham replied. “It was his right to share and his right to remove that share.”

“Just as then, the Queen of mine have the right to fight for her share, and if need be to defeat your King. She had done so, but she chose to end this war now with no more bloodshed. That made her a better ruler than your King.” Gareth spoke out his mind. He had seen many battles where the people had suffered either as the guards or the victims. He wanted it all to end, but the decision lies in those two personalities who held the position as King and Queen.

“You have till noon to decide.” Gareth rode back to his own army. On his ride back there, he thought of himself. He had served the Queen, and fought her battles, but his heart ached for some reason. He knew it was for the Queen, but he dare not approach her for he had to respect her position as his Queen. He wished sometimes she was just another lady, but then that would be a foolish thought. Another thing was when he saw Snow White; he felt a pain in him as if he had felt a loss somewhere. Again he does not know what it was.

“Huntsman, King Thaddeus awaits your audience.” The knight that approached him at the hill told him. He followed the knight to the King’s tent. There he dismounted and went into the tent. He was met by the King and the Queen.

“My Queen and King.” Gareth bowed to both of them. It was his way to greet them as the Huntsmen are still the Queen’s personal army. It was something which King Thaddeus had reluctantly agreed on, but in view of Snow White happiness with his Queen, he had consented to a number of concessions.

“Why are we holding back, Gareth?” Queen Clarity asked him, dressed in her hunting leather that was her uniform as the head of the Huntsmen.

“We are waiting for King Bannion reply for our terms of surrender. He had till …” Gareth replied, but was cut off by the Queen.

“Wait no more. We have his army at a disadvantage. Battle them and defeat the King.” Queen Clarity commanded the Huntsmen leader. “I would not tolerate any more delays.”

“Clarity, should we not discuss truce, and end this war?” King Thaddeus asked of her. “Gareth is doing what is right in the terms of war.”

“My King, my twin brother had acted on his own selfish means, and took my lands for his. He had committed many of the people including mine to fight this war, which I was forced to wage. I am trying to end it now.” Queen Clarity had defended herself. She glared at the King; knowing he was at her mercy as long as she was close to Snow White. He would not dare to annoy her lest she discard her affection for Snow White. He had not participated in the war earlier for he knew it was wrong, but then the urging of his own Lords for the spoils of the war, replaced his intentions.

“Gareth, sound the war horns. We attack now.” Queen Clarity commanded him again. “The King army would assist you.” 

Both the army of the Huntsmen and King Thaddeus moved forward to engage the army of King Bannion. At the other side, King Bannion saw the advancing army.

“Castellan, it seems that Queen would hasten our departure from this world soon.” King Bannion reached for his sword in the scabbard before he put it his waist.

“My King, may I suggest that you retreat. Lord Dune would have you cross the sea to the new lands.” Lin Denham bowed to his King. “I would delay the enemies here.”

“Nay, Castellan. Your noble thoughts are welcomed, but I am to fight today. I would prefer death than exile.” King Bannion told the other. “However, you may leave. Leave here not as an exile, but in telling the lands of the exploits of my twin sister. Spread the words of her ambitions and declared her a misfit for the throne.”

“I can’t do that, my King.” The Castellan protested, but the King was insistence that he obey the commands. He sent the old guard off with a small escort. King Bannion then rode to the front of his army.

“For the King.” King Bannion rode on towards the advancing army.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.7

1.          The Hall of Judgment

A few days ago, this hall was filled with the sound of merriment and ongoing feasts, but now its filled with gloom and sadness. The High Back Chair withstood the explosion while the table was replaced with a new one. Odin took his place there to faced his surviving warriors. There are about two hundred of them there alongside with his other son, Thor. 

"Warriors of Asgard, this realm need to call on you again. We are to fight not the enemies outside our boundary but within these borders. We are going to fight brothers to brothers, families to families and the blood would flow in this land." Odin looked at the warriors. "When we finished this war, I would personally punished Loki."

The warriors all cheered and hit their weapons on their shield. Then Odin continued.

"Ride out and bring back the devoted. We would defend this realm."

The warriors dispersed to ride for their friends and whoever they can called on to defend the realm, except two; Thor and Balder. They stood there and wait for their father to speak.

"Father, who among us would lead the warriors?" Thor nudged his brother with his hammer while the later placed his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"My only only surviving sons' cannot even agreed to their leadership before the war is sad. I did not plan to appoint any of you at all." That drew the warriors to cursed under their whispering. It was Thor again who battled the choice.

"Surely you cannot tell us that Heimdall would lead. He's more like a guard's man than a leader."

"Did I say the both of you have any opinions to the matter?" Odin whispered back with a cynical smile. "I am appointing her." Odin points to Geraldine. It was then when Heimdall barged pass the Hall doors.

"I am no submitting myself to no lady with a set of toothpick." Heimdall approached Odin and pause in front of Geraldine. "No offence to you, my lady."

"None taken." Geraldine kicked out with her right boots at the inside of Heimdall's thigh. She grabbed his half crouched head and slammed him hard on the flooring. Thor and Balder stood affixed at this lady's speed.

"Geraldine is my appointed vassal. She wears my greaves on her wrists," Odin points to the greaves on Geraldine. It showed a series of circular word 'O' overlay with the symbol of the lightning. "With that she wield my strength. Bow before your leader now."

Both Thor and Balder went down on one knee and bowed to her. 

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.6

1.          The Canals of Vienna

Satan barged into the houseboat just as Lucifer was buttoning his 'Mao' style jacket. He was clearly annoyed at being disturbed in his private abode. He turned to looked at the uncalled for guest.

"Don't you knocked?" Satan apologized when he saw Lucifer irritated by his arrival.

"I did as you told me to do so. Clawler attacked the Shrine in Makati City. He got the amulet and would be challenging Fenrir." Satan was talking with glee. "Now the Lycan would be mixed in loyalty."

"This war is getting more interesting." Lucifer began to smile. He walks over to the aquarium which holds the young octopus. He feeds it with some small pieces of shrimps. "Most interesting."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.5

1.          Makati City Manila

The twenty odd werewolves created a diversion at the ground floor fighting the vampire in the guise of guards while Clawer and another trusted werewolf ran for the stairs. Clawler had on a small bag slung across his back. The Treasure Chamber was on the fifth floor alongside with the main meeting chamber. Clawler pounce up the stairs followed by the other wolf. Suddenly at the second level, the door to the corridor opened and three vampires were rushing in.

"Move on!" The werewolf communicated to Clawler as it leap onto the three vampires at the doorway. Clawer climbed on the railing and jumped up to cling on the steps at the fourth floor. He then swing over the railing and ran as soon as his legs touched the flooring. He reached the fifth floor doorway and rushed in with no hesitation. There were three more vampires standing there at the other end. Clawler looked and then rushed at them. As he near them, Clawler reached into the bag and drew out a handful of silver dust. He threw it at the vampires who were rushing there; his attack worked to plan. The silver dust hit the vampires in their eyes and burned at it. Clawler followed through with his claws into their necks and killing them there.

Clawler looked at his bloodied claws and growled. He then rushed in pass the locked doors to come into a large chamber with a table in the center. There stood Baal with another figure crouched on the flooring before the table.

"Clawler, I am been waiting for you. I know you would head for here." Baal then paused before continuing. "We last met when you were with your master then, Sir Black. Now after a lapse of five centuries, we meet again. You served another of the family now; a lady I was advised."

Clawler moved to the right as he was looking at the crouched figure but it slink to hide behind Baal.

"Clawler, you are scaring my pet. You may know it." Baal had a leash on the crouched figure. He pulled it to force the creature to come forth to face Clawler. "Clawler, meet Wilhelm."

Clawler growled louder and his claws extended out to its fullest. The other name Wilhelm also growled with its head angled slightly to the left.

"You would like to challenge Clawler, Wilhelm?" Baal asked the crouching figure. "But your neck hurt you."

"Clawler, Wilhelm would never fight you. Not again. Wilhelm is dead." Baal laughed out loud. "But since you made it so farm I would give you something else to fight for."

Baal dangle the silver amulet in the shape of the wolf howling at the moon. Clawler looked at the amulet and then at Baal. Wilhelm grabbed the amulet and ran to the far corner with the leash trailing at his neck. It placed the amulet with the cain over its neck.

"Wilhelm bring back the amulet. Now!" But Wilhelm refused to come over. Before Baal could move, Clawler ran towards Wilhelm. The later on seeing the rushing figure stood up with it figure transforming into the werewolf it was. Clawler charged at the werewolf but the former was quick this time. It stepped aside causing Clawler to rammed into the wall. The werewolf lashed down with both paws on Clawler.

Wilhelm raised his paws again but Clawler had rolled clear. In the roll, Clawler grabbed the trailing leash and pulled at it hard. It dragged Wilhelm to fall on its back when Clawler chopped down with his claws. Clawler chopped and pound relentlessly with his claws until Baal dragged him away.

"Wilhelm is defeated but he won't die. He's already dead." Baal shout at Clawler. He then pulled the amulet from the bloodied neck of Wilhelm. "Take this. It rightfully belong to you now.You are their leader. Defeat the pretender Fenrir. That is your new task. Do as your mistress tell you. Then come and get me."

Monday, February 24, 2014


Tweet....tweeeeeeeeeeeeeet....Finally I am getting to complete Predators & Prey II ( just passed the 24,000 words line.... and crawling beneath the sheets. ). I had to juggle my writing and work time, plus personal commitment, which goes back to writing....hahaha...

I had to admit it was tough to do that one; writing with new characters, sizzled with lots of sex ( Predators & Preys series are rated SX or XXX in lower case..... ) and gory details. Damn! That tale took four or was it five rewrite to the opening passages, and then re-edit again for some weeks ( I was doing it in between writing Dark Queen of White which was completed and the ongoing Loki which is still hanging on the line. ).

If it was foreplay, I guess I would had dozed off with all the re-do sessions of doing it once again.

Okay, I will be kind here. Here is a view to the tale.

"Pull my top down." I told her while my hands pulled her skirt around, with the hem at the front. She did as I told her, while I pulled her head down to it. Her lips moved on their actions to kiss me on my upturned breasts. She suckled on the nipples causing me to hold my breath. I felt her teeth moved over to nibble on the edge and then enveloped it like a suction pod. I was also busy with my own hands; her skirt bunched up on the rear while I pulled at the thongs on her.

So what was holding it up? ( pardon the pun line. ).

It was not the sex mind you. It was the plot, and sub-plots with the entanglement of six characters. I had to go back and forth to move the tale, searching out the knocks and knacks.....

Oops! Am I revealing too much? Hahaha......I am sure Harry P had more fun with his wand.

And it linked to Chess terms. Never mind the Chess terms, we would focus on the sex. If you think "P&P I " was sizzling, this one moved in line with the skewers and flesh over the fire place, oozing with the juices and heat...... Gee, did I say that?

When would it be out??? Soon, so keep those thongs on....Cheers, or is Bottoms Up. Or down.

Or was it Periscope Up.

Whatever, just keep on logging in. Love ya.

The Dark Queen of White 1.20


Queen Clarity confronted the King on her request to invade King Bannion for the return of her lands. He had refused, citing that he had a new issue on his other borders.

"The Picts are invading the borders, and my armies are sent over there." King Thaddeus explained to her. He then grabbed the cloak of his and walked to the door. Queen Clarity wanted to stop him, but she did not push at it. It was a mild disagreement between them, and their first. She saw him closing the door and then the door opened again. Her heart jumped a beat hoping that he had reconsidered.

"Clare?" It was Snow White dressed in the new dress commissioned by the Queen. She looked sweet in it and with her fair skin, it radiates like a star.

"I saw the King leave. Can I come in?" Snow White asked the Queen. The other motioned to the young girl to come in. In the last season, they had grown closer, and with the King most times involved with the Queen, or the Lords.

"I want to play." Snow White told the new Queen but the later declined. She cited she was not feeling well, but the younger Princess was adamant. The new Queen consented and soon they were in the garden. They walked there and played with the dogs, over watched by the huntsmen retained by her. She had Gareth be their leader, while Alan had returned to the castle.

It was there, Queen Clarity came across Queen Morgana seated by the table near the porch. She was called by the one who was her grandmother.

"Sit down, Clarity or was it Clare you preferred to be called." Queen Morgana asked her.

"Tell me your intentions." Queen Clarity asked.

"I am offering you my army to fight your brother." Queen Morgana asked. "I have friends among the Lords that would assist me. You may take over your brother' lands. I do not want it."

"Why are you assisting me?" Queen Clarity asked.

"Because I like you, Clare." The older Queen replied. "We are ladies of the Court. We have our peers among the women outside."

"You knew this. I could tell from your expression." Queen Morgana continued on. "Your thoughts are open to me. I am a witch. You knew that too."

"Enough!" Queen Clarity stood up from her seat, but the older Queen told her to sit down.

"You need me to win back your lands. The same reason you wed the King here, to safeguard the lands from me. Or was it assumed that I would invade it. But had you considered that I could had influenced you to think that way. I wanted you here more for my reason."

"You achieved it, Clarity." Queen Morgana told the young Queen.

"How? And why?" Queen Clarity asked.

"As what you learned from the Huntsman. We are all bystander in the world of Man. Unless we dictate our own existence." Queen Morgana replied. "I wed Lord Falstof to be one in the Courts. Then on his demise, I made myself Queen to quell any dissatisfied Lords. I had fought many battles to be where I am, but with you, I have found my equal. Or more my successor."

"You are mad, Queen Morgana." Queen Clarity had enough and told off the older Queen. She walked over to re-join her care and forgot all about the older Queen. Soon after she rests herself by the porch, a servant came with a message.

"Meet me tonight at my chamber. Morgana."

Queen Clarity did on her own inquisitive.

Queen Morgana was in a dark gown and seated at her chamber when Clarity arrived.

"Close the door, my dear." Queen Morgana motioned to her granddaughter. "Seat yourself ion the chair there."

Queen Clarity did as she was told. Once she was seated, an image formed over her head; a misty form that sailed down her head and over her back towards the older Queen. It then formed over to show her an image of three dwarfs in their mining suits complete with the picks. They all stood there next to her and bowed.

"Clarity, meet the Dwarfs of Smorg." Queen Morgana introduces the newly arrived forms. "The dwarfs are wizards themselves, although they dig a lot in their spare times. Their real names are difficult to speak in our tongue, but they are also known as Greed, Influence and Killer."

"Do not be alarmed by it." Queen Morgana continued on seeing the expression of the other Queen's expression. "They are nicknamed after the characteristics of Man."

"My Queen," The three dwarfs replied in unison and bowed to the young Queen.

"They obviously like you. They are already switching alliance now." Queen Morgana sighed, and then laughed. "You half wits are mercenaries in your loyalty."

"Pardon us, Queen Morgana, but your reign may soon end." The dwarf named Influence told her off. "So shall we do the deed now?"

The three dwarfs in unison called on the spells which soon engulfed the new Queen. It restrained her to the chair and then formed a cocoon over her. She soon find herself in a dream state with fleeting images, from her birth to her recent wedding. She heard conversations, discussions where she was an audience, and then the relationship with her caretaker, her twin brother, and then Gareth and King Thaddeus. Then she saw the future; a limited future of her coming life.

She woke up in a start, and sank back on the chair. She looked up with her weary eyes at the older Queen.

"Why did you do that? And how?" Queen Clarity asked her.

"All of us have a role to play, and a journey that was laid out for us. It very certain we can change it but each time we changed the course, we end up in new a journey. But the end result would still remain the same." Queen Morgana told the young Queen. "I saw mine, and tried to change it, but I could not. So I live it and went ahead with it. We are the selected line of ladies who are to continue on this track. Our destiny lined up for us and our fate determined."

Queen Clarity sighed. All of her life, she had never thought why her mind was so wrapped up on the lands. Then she understood; she was destined to live with it.

It’s her legacy.

As the Queen.

Not of any lands, but of any land within the realm. 

She was the Queen of the realm and she would prove it to them.

The line of the Iron Ladies.

She would be the one to live her destiny.

She was fated to be the Iron Lady of Queens'; the one to ruled over the others.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Crusaders II The players fiddles 8.4

1.          Camp Frontier

Major Chapman placed the comms pad held in his hand down on the table, as he surveyed the activities in the camp form his high vantage point. His tent was positioned on the high ledge so that he can see the going on in the camp. Its the order of the General and no one contravene that command.

"Major, why are the army not packing to leave?" Kruger asked when he walked in through the tent flap. He was waiting outside with Miles when he noticed there was no call for withdrawal.

"There's been a change of orders." Major Chapman paused in his reply. "The General wants us to maintain the Camp."

"You lied to me, Chapman." Miles heard the Major when he stepped into the tent. The ex-mercenary rushed up to the Major and grabbed him by the shirt lapel.

"I only followed orders. I don't make them." Miles defended himself, but he did not counter the hold on his shirt. Kruger pulled him off the Major. A Corporal rushed in holding onto his M14A1 and then salute at the officer.

"Sir., our perimeter being attached. They have rifles and grenades."

Major Chapman grabbed his rifle and ran out of the tent. He can see the army personnels are all running to the wall or the perimeter and grabbing anything they can fight with. Major Chapman followed closely and was soon standing at the cavern mouth behind the wall. He can see the mortars are firing their spread close to the perimeter with the rotary cannons spewing tracers over it. He looked to the perimeter and noticed its already being overrun by the demons; the Mapinguari, ghouls, red skinned ones and many others. They are climbing over the perimeter and grabbing the wounded soldiers using their fangs to tear into them or cleaving them with the blades. The soldiers fought back with their machine guns cutting down the numbers that climbed over. When they thought they were going to win, the grenades came down on the soldiers. The survivors crawled up and found themselves gunned down by machine guns. The demons have taken their rifles and shooting them now.

The army have maintained a second perimeter at the excavated mines using the discarded equipment as cover but the demons keep on coming. This round they are collecting the rifles and firing it. More to it, there are squads of them with another rifle model; the AK47. The soldiers planted claymore but they still keep on coming. Each wave would be bigger and more deadly. The call came for the soldiers to retreat back to the walls. The rotary cannons are firing non stop until their ammo are depleted.

"How can they have rifles? That's an impossible." Major Chapman muttered to himself. The demons are holding AK47 rifles made from the Eastern Blog. He can see Pedro holding the Javelin and firing it. Pedro laughed when the warhead exploded but he stopped laughing when the bullet pierced his heart. Next to him was Mike firing the M60 wit Paddy handling his ammo belts. It did not take long for Mike's position to be overrun by the demons.

"Major, I am calling for a full retreat. We are setting charges at the gates. The evacuation would be ongoing from now till the last moment." The General did not wait for a reply as he ran for the gate himself.

"Four hundred over serviced personnels with two hundred miners. All the General cared was his own ass." Major Chapman mumbled to himself. He is in deep shock and just stand there. Kruger grabbed and pulled him down to the ground.

"Major, we got to leave. You are coming with us." Kruger told the officer. Major Chapman brushed off Kruger and ran towards the wall. Kruger wanted to chase but Miles stopped him.

"He's gone. We got to go. Hell ain' the place for us." Miles pulled Kruger to move. They both ran to the gates and noticed that it was packed with people trying to pass it. There were some soldiers telling them to organize themselves or they would shoot. It was the squad which went with the Major to demolish the other gate. The miners were there and they are complying to the request with columns queued up to go.

"Hello, sirs. Your turn would be next." Sargeant Rico greet the two of them. A miner walked up and confront Rico.

"How come they get first priority?" Rico did not answer but slammed the rifle butt into the miner's face.

"I hate it when people questioned me." Rico then smiled at Kruger. "I never made it to CO as I don't like to explain myself up there."

"Rico, what is the backup plan? You saw the explosives did not work well at the last gate." Kruger asked he was pushed in the back by the miners rushing through the gate.

"We got a nuke here. It wired to explode on the switch here." Rico point to the set at his waist. "I am the last to leave. If I do leave, that is the question. I reckon if I die, I would be in Hell anyway, so why do it again when I am already here."

"Rico, you are a .....helluva guy." Kruger shook the Sargeant' hand. Miles then pulled Kruger as the gate was empty of miners by now.

"See ya in ...heaven, I guess." Kruger wished him as they passed the gate. Once they had stepped out the other side., they were greeted by more armed soldiers with their rifles aimed at them. An officer then directed them to a staging area with the other miners. As they were sitting down, Kruger heard the command given.

"Shut down the gate. They are blowing the place." The powered cable all get switched off and the gate stopped glowing with the screen dispersing.

"General, we got no more comms from Camp Frontier." The comms officer relayed the message to the officer in charge. There was silence in the chamber and then the order came to process the survivors. As Kruger and Miles were walking with the miners, an officer came up to them.

"Sirs, please follow me. General Brady would like to see you."

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.19


Gareth carried the jug of wine with him while he rode to the dark plains. He wanted to be alone, for whatever reason that prevailed in his mind, but a part of him was confused. He knew not what, but he just wanted to be alone, and the wine would soothe his mind.

And heart.

He dismounted from the horse and sat down on the grass, while the horse took to trot a short distance away. The horse then began to whine, and galloped off. Gareth pulled himself and reached for his sword. His hands held there, and then let go of the hilt. From the dark plains, the figure of a Man appeared; nude but his swaggering walk tells a lot of him. He was known to Gareth as Michael, the werewolf that once protects the Queen. Since Gareth had taken that task, Michael had taken to keep a distance away.

"Hello, Michael." The other could not speak for his transforming did not provide for vocal speech, but he understood the words spoken by Gareth. He could however speak through his mind.

"Gareth, are you well?" Michael knew of the relationship between the Princess and the other. He had been the Princess Protector, but he knew she was different. She was not like a mate of the wolves, but if she was like them, she was holding the position of Prime. It was unheard of among them in the Clans, but she was not really one of them.

"I am well. Sad perhaps for reasons I do not know." Gareth smiled. "I should be happy for her, but a part of me felt ....I should be sad."

"Drink your wine, Gareth. I would sit by you and looked at the stars." Michael relayed to him by the mind thoughts. He knew of the pain suffered by the other, but was bound by the Clan ruling not to tell.

Gareth soon collapsed into a drunken slumber, while Michael left the place. In the dream state of Gareth, he was standing in the forest facing the house which the Princess was staying. He saw the wolf, and felt no fear of it. The wolf moved off and the doorway of the house opened. The Princess stepped forth, and was joined by the caretaker, Helene. He was to call out to her, but he found himself unable to speak or even move. He was not there in his physical form; he was part of the dream as an observer.

"Clare, look to the land before you. It’s yours." Helene point to the rolling hills among the forest. "It’s your King, and also your....father. He had left it for you."

"Where is the King? I had not seen him. All I heard was from you." Princess Clarity asked back. She looked younger; probably before her puberty, and was seen in a boy' suit of partial leather, and cloth. She had her hair cropped short, and was carrying a wooden replica of the sword.

"The King had a ...lot of things to do. He commands over the land size many times what you seen here and he had also a lot of friends to meet." Helene held out her hands to hold the child. "He would see you one day."

"When, Helene?" The Princess asked.

"I don't know. Soon, perhaps." Helene replied. "Maybe when you are to be the Queen?"

Helene looked to her care and smiled.

"Me? A Queen?" The Princess asked.

"Yes, my Princess. All Princesses grow to be Queen's. You would be one." Helene told him.

"Who would I wed, Helene?" Princess Clarity asked back.

"A King who would protect your lands." Helene replied. It was then Gareth woke up from his slumber. His throat felt dry, and was in need of a drink. He saw the jug, but he ignored it. He stood up and found his horse was nearby. He walked to it and took the water container. He drank from it. With his throat cleared, he thought of his dream. The Princess deserved a King to protect her. He was just a huntsman and did not own even a farm then. His own father's farm was given to his chwaer and she had wedded the neighbor. Maybe the dream was right. He was not deserving of her love. He was just playing a fantasy inside him.

In the chamber of the King, the newly crowned Queen Clarity pulled herself up from the bedding. She grabbed the robe nearby to cover herself, from the cold and also from herself. She felt uneasy having lain in the nude with the man there snoring in his sleep. She had drunk herself much to go through that night, and felt it was justified. She did not remember much, but there were the mutual touches and then the acts of love. She felt so embarrassed. It was so different with Gareth; then she was willing and glad to receive him. Last night, she was the aggressor and did initially shock the King, but he was soon participating into it. Their act was intense with the love making, and then he had satiated himself. He had rolled over and sighed.

"I am sorry, my Queen." King Thaddeus sighed. She looked over and he continued on.

"I never told anyone this, but maybe my healers." The King sighed again. "Since my last Queen died, I had made a rash decision."

Queen Clarity leaned over with her hands to touch his face. The tears had welled up on his eyes and then rolled down his cheek.

"I had myself made .....Unable to have another child. I have one then, Snow White and all she was all I loved then." The King paused and looked at her.

"I ..." The King tried to speak but the Queen stopped him.

"I would love Snow White like my own." Queen Clarity told him. She smiled and he returned her smile. She then climbed up on him and took the initiative. While he was grunting away, her mind was away from her body. She was thinking that as long as the King served her to protect her lands, she would take care of the young Princess. It s was a fair trade for her body.

Her body was part of her lands.

Soon after her one season of intensive love and assumed bliss with the King, the newly crowned Queen met her subjects and allies of the King. One of them was her grandmother, Queen Morgana standing there with another lady.

"Queen Clarity, I am Queen Morgana. You may have known me as your grandmother with Lord Falstof." Queen Morgana stepped forth. The older Queen looked very frail, but she was dressed very elegantly in her green gown with the yellow cloak on her back.

"Hello...Queen Morgana. I am pleased to have finally met you." Queen Clarity smiled.

"I am happy to meet you." Queen Morgana replied. "It such a good occasion for me to see both my grandchildren wed in the same time."

"Both grandchildren? Perhaps age had made you senile." Queen Clarity smiled at her grandmother.

"No, my child." Queen Morgana replied. "Your twin brother had just wedded Princess Deanna a few days ago. I had to rush back there myself soon after yours and then came back here."

"Oh! Before I forget, please allow me to introduce my friend." Queen Morgana pulled the lady to see the new Queen. "She has a gift for you."

The gift was a tree trunk with two main branches and hanging on it were five mirrors.

"The mirrors of Wendell never lied. Its five mirrors read the signs of the five senses in our soul. It interprets them more accurately than any soothsayer. Ask it another question."

"What would happen to my lands?" Queen Clarity asked.

'King Bannion had given it to his new Queen." The tree replied.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...