Thursday, May 30, 2013

1645 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.1

1645 hrs Day Two Killrock

1. The Tunnel

The advanced Scouts used the Toads to clear the passage followed by force. There were no bobby traps on the tunnels which helped them to made the needed advance. There was hardly any resistance and no explosives trap until they reached the chamber.

"Leader, we have rigged explosives here." Pete held back the squad when his unique inbuilt sensors picked up the traps. Pete Mundsen was not ordinary human; his mother was a Visian, an unique breed with the unique telepathy to picked up see some unusual views like the Helm visor can see thermal or infrared. Visian can see electromagnetic signals, and Draconian traps emits those signals.

"They have rigged the doorways." Pete took out the equipment from his back pack. Its a box to disrupt the signals. He calibrated and then re-routed the signals. The box buzzed off in a loud noise while Pete worked on the signals.

"They have double wired the damn thing. I need to work fast." Pete was working on the signals when Mira and Marc rushed out. They had on their PH450 and took aimed at the explosives switches. The succession of shots took out the controller on the boxes. It was a split second action but they got only two tunnel gateways while three others exploded. The last one did not blow up as scheduled.

Mira and Marc were blown back by the explosion but they would survived. The squads moved in and without hesitation select the tunnels at random before rushing in. They are on their own from now. Basilus checked on his sniper and noted that they are okay. He handed them their rifles and proceeded to join the General who was onto the Tunnel which leads to the Khun-Ta Dome.

2. Squad Ten

Leader Kino led his Squad of fifteen Rangers into the area where the briefing had said were the five Vampires. He was amazed at the numbers lined up there and prayed hard that no one would activate it. He told his squad to placed the explosives they had on them while the other squads went on their destinations.

"Leader, we ain't got enough explosives to cover all the Vampires." Squad Ranger Pierre; a tall man with a knack for fine wine. "We can rigged it up to bring the roof down. I think it may work."

Leader Kino approved the plan and they went to the end of the chamber. The Rangers checked the walls and looked for weak areas to lay the explosives. That was when they saw the hidden doorway. The Rangers try to force it open but it held on shut until Pierre placed a small explosive on it. That blew the door switch off, and the door was easier to open. When they opened the doorway, they were greeted by shots fired from a rotary guns. Four Rangers went down from the first volley.

"Damned!" Kino shouted out and grabbed two flash grenades to tossed it in. Other Rangers threw in fragment grenades as follow up. The second rounds of grenades quiet things down, and the Rangers rushed in. It was another chamber but there were the five dead Draconian that had manned the gun. There was a staircase behind the gunner, and it had collapsed when the grenades exploded. The hole in the ceiling opened to the setting sunlight. Kino was not taking chances of going up there.

"Pierre, let Command now of this. Then move back to the original chamber and plant those explosives." Kino looked at the collapsed staircase. He walked towards it. It could had been collapsed before this but that was one way to get out of this place. He can hear the guns and explosions; that means the battle had already began on the surface. Just as he heard the battle, a Draconian rappeled down while firing the rifle.

"Get back!" Kino shouted but he was caught in the fire by the Draconian. The Squad had retreated to the earlier chamber and slammed back the door.

"Move those crates here. We would block the doorway." Terry, was one of the Scouts who took over the command and directed his mates to sealed the doorway. He then looked at the Vampire Tank. He knew enough how to move the tank, so he climbed into the driver seat. He drove the front of the tank into the wall after moving the gun to the side. That sealed the doorway for now.

"We got to report back." Kino called on his comms. One of his Rangers came to him, and told him there was another tunnel. It was hidden by the crates.

"Get in there. We need to know more about this tunnel." Terry ordered the Squad. They forgot to plant those explosives.

3. Back to the Ruins.

Basilus went along the tunnel to come out at the Dome chamber and looked up at the surface hole. There was a few firefight but little resistance. There are five squads there now, but they are wary to go up. They can hear the fighting above at the lines, but here they are not sure of what awaits up there. Basilus motioned to Pete to throw the Toads over the hole and then the Rangers would climbed up. Pete threw the Toads with his enhanced strength and some of the Rangers threw up the hooks attached to the rope. They began to climb up while snipers took position to watch the edge.

Mira was the first to climbed up and immediately moved to the left side of the dome. Other Rangers followed suit and there was no Draconian there. They seem to concentrated on the front line. Two full squad were up there before General Manning climbed up.

"Set up the Eagles on the walls." General Manning gave out his orders as the Rangers moved out with their weapons. He took the comms that came for him. He turned to look at Basilus.

"Take your Squad and find me the Command Center. I would need their coordinates...." The General dropped down and gave out the warning to his troops. "Draconian on the walls!"

The Draconian troops started shooting at the Rangers. Four Rangers were hit by the Draconian before the others ran off the platform and seek their cover on the open ground. One Ranger had his Thor launcher out and fired it at the west wall. The missile crumbled the section of the wall while the others added in the firepower.

Mira took down one Draconian who had popped out the head too far out. Another Ranger had setup the Eagle and fired it point blank at the southern western wall. The missile crumble the whole wall, and the Draconian was pulling out. By then twelve Rangers were dead but they have a firebase now.

"Move the Eagles there." General Manning called on the Rangers manning the two Eagles to the open platform. "Move the Thor up there. I want them to frag the Draconian."

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Charley; Inspired from the song, Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis

Hey Charley I'm pregnant
And living on 9th Street
Right above a dirty bookstore
Off Euclid avenue
And I stopped taking dope
And I quit drinking whiskey
And my old man plays the trombone
And works out at the track.
"excerpt from the lyrics of the song." I was introduced to Tom Waits and his musical world. I loved it, sat and listened to this song for over an hour, replaying the lyrics and then sat back to think of Charley. Here's to you, Charley.....
My own rendition of your tale.....
I held hard on the bouquet of roses while standing there in the shade. To the many who passed by me, I may be just another jerk with waiting arms for the lady, but I was not that guy. I was there not with waiting arms but also a heart for my favorite girl. They can smirked or laughed at me; probably seen many like me then doing about the same stuff, but this time, I made a big difference. I had the whole pavement lined with roses in the shape of a love with a box of valentine shaped chocolates in the Cadillac. She would be overwhelmed by all of it. It was the same when we met ten years ago; me a smart assed on the street and she was the innocent lass from Omaha.


I took her off from a rape attempt by the punks who thought anyone resisting was consenting approval. I kicked the three punks and pulled her out of the gutters. She had on the yellow gingham dress; torn at the left shoulder and her overnighter bag. She saw me and hollered even louder than my mother giving me birth, but I managed to assured her I was her savior. I led her out of the alley and into my home. It was not much, considering it was a decent room under the staircase but there was the bed and closet.


That was how we met, the slender lass from Omaha, clean and innocent trying her ambitions on the big city with just twenty bucks on her. I don't know why I bothered; I could had stood back and picked up the discarded doll before I pitched her to the corner stand, but foolhardy I was, then offering her a place to bunk. I was even the stooge to sleep on the outside of the door during those cold nights while she recovered from her trauma. The words out on the street then was I had a new girl but I was holding it for my own strokes. The one who told me that got a number on the chin that reshaped how he speaks from then.


Yes, I told Marilyn. The lass was with me and she was off limits to all of them. Marilyn chided me for being a pretender; but I was; I did not why, but I did for her. She stayed with me for over a week, fed on my food and drinks, and never a word of thanks from her. Then on the seventh day, she spoke to me.


Thank you, mister was all I got. I admit I was not expecting it, after such a long lull of silence, but I gave her my best smile. The one that took many dropped their vanity for but she took it for a simple peck on the cheek. When she did that, I recalled my first peck from my mother; it was the day she told me she was leaving me and my dad. But this time, the peck meant otherwise, my Omaha lass was here to stay.


On the ninth day, I brought her a rose and presented it to her. She was happy and broke into tears. I swore that I did it as someone left it on the bench and thought it would looked nice on her. From then, we started talking with her doing most of the telling while I listen. Guess what, till at that point, all she knew of me then was my looks and probably my scent; bath was a luxury in the place. And never once she asked my name but called me as mister. As for me, I just called her the Omaha lass.


It took us a month, before she would stepped out of the room below the staircase, and took the first walk with me. We walked the block; me next to her but our bodies never touched. She was in her mended yellow dress and myself in my work suit; jacket and leather slacks and flashy shoes. There were stares but none dare to mocked or there would be chin shaping looks soon. We had out first ice cream by the parlor at the street end and then back the room.


She hardly comes out and if there was it was me. Soon we were holding hands and cheeky pecks came to burst on our scene. I swore I never tried anything she would not approved, nor did she coax me to any. But it was near to our thirteen walk, when we rushed back in the rain. Both of us was damp and the only dry cloth was the blanket she had. She crawled in while I sat at the doorway doing squats to keep warm.


"Mister, would you want to come in?" I looked at her as she lowered the blanket. I nodded and told her my name.


"Call me Charley." Later she told me her's.


Minnea and myself became 'la paire'. Soon I had her a new wardrobe and moved her to a bigger room. There were choices to be made, and I sacrificed some. She was my companion and non others matter. We did the rounds in the city, dancing while doping or humping over the rails on the penthouse. But never once she asked me if I loved her. The lust or was it love soon flattened, or was getting bored, I asked if she would do the works for me. Unlike the others, there was no dramatic whimpering or classy kick in the balls acts, she just gave me the nod.


"Yes, Charley. If it makes you happy."


Of all the girls I have handed, never once had I it so easy. She was a natural; from me to them and back, there was just no fake cries or despair, only genuine reactions. Soon she upped Marilyn in the listing and if I had a carpark for her numbers, it would had filled the yard every night. But all numbers came with digits, and soon they dwindled. She was worn out with the newbies garnishing higher stakes, I had her off to the streets. She never complained but she asked me to drive her there every night in the Cadillac.


"I need them to see that I am still yours, Charley."


That was she asked even thought by then, all I had for her was my hand in her purse or a stroke on my odd days. Then came the sucker puncher; a drunk broke her well. He would not settled for a fuck but a fest. I gave him one of mine and he never walked without a crutch. Minnea was worse; she asked to go home. I bought her a ticket to Omaha, and left her at the station. Soon, I heard she came back, married to a grocer and holding some babes at her breasts. I longed to see her but in my line, attachments are as long as the twat generates cash. We parted for sometime, and it was my other bitch who told me the news.


"Minnea dunked into the pen. She was caught soliciting and knifed the officer in the balls. She got three years, with one for parole if good behavior."


Damned, that news hurt me bad inside. I trashed over my life; who deserved a bastard like me. I made her loved me and then discarded her like a used rubber. Yet, she shaped herself into that life and for once, I felt the pain that should had been there earlier. I looked to the walls and asked why were they blind to my deeds. It was Marilyn who woke me up.


"Charley, she did it for you. It does not matter what or who, as long as she know in her, you loved her."


Minnea came out in the same yellow dress with the overnighter bag. The dress was tighter at her curves but she had the smile. I gave her flowers while she walked over the ones on the pavement. She picked up the box of the chocolates and boarded the Cadillac.


"You missed me, Charley." I ignored the look and drove to the penthouse. We got some time before the street lamps come on.








Sunday, May 26, 2013

1210 hours Day Two Killrock 1.3

1. Command Center.

General Manning looked at the map and frowned on his expression. He had read the report from Major Moshe and felt the tunnel may proved to be the Achilles heel he needed now. The tunnels are at least five to ten kilometres long and goes behind the Draconian line.

He turned to look at his new aide, Major Ferdinand.

"Recalled the Scouts. All of them to here." General point to Twin Peaks. "I want them to do havoc at the rear of the Draconian."

"Give me the report on the Northern side." The General asked his aide. Major Ferdinand reported in.

"They are holding their position. Major Koenig is in command."

"Tell them to get ready to fight at 1700hrs." General Manning looked at the digital clock. He got two hours to move the advantage forward. "I am going to Twin Peak."

"General, we are also experiencing high winds outside there now." Major Ferdinand updated him.

"Move the 4th Company to hold the flanks and yourself; take over the Armored." General Manning looked at the Major. "Good luck."


2. Northern Lines.

Major Koenig wiped his left sleeve above the greave of the dust accumulated there. He was with the 2nd Company at the line supported by three CT's and two Juggernaut. The other armored had moved to the Southern Lines. He walked up to the hull of the stalled Juggernaut. They have cleared the filter and now preparing to move out.

"Captain Haus, are your crew ready to go into battle?" Major Koenig was trying to get the final confirmation.

"Major, we are ready." Captain Haus reported in. "We can't take you, Sir. I got a new request. Major Ferdinand would be taking command of the Armored."

"Damned!" Major Koenig cursed at the Captain. He climbed back into the LTT and drove to the front. He still got an hour plus before they strike.

3. Twin Peak

General Manning looked at the four hundred odd Scouts; he took from the lines. He had three commanders besides Lieutenant Basilus. He told them his plan and they have one hour to be at their position.

"Lieutenant Basilus would lead us down the tunnel and when we reached the chamber which allowed us to branch out, all of you would proceed as planned." General Manning spoke to the Scouts. All the Scouts are given extra explosives and some Eagles to used including Toads.

"Lieutenant, Squad Five to assist me." Basilus nodded to the General.



Friday, May 24, 2013

1210 hours Day Two Killrock 1.2

1. The day still hot enough for a battle.

Basilus was attended by the medic personnel for multiple bruises and cuts but he was ready to be sent to the front line. His squad had earlier been sent off to the front lines at the east of Twin Peak. They have dug in and given fresh ammo and grenades.

"Welcome back, Scouts." They were all greeted by the 1st Company. "Did you take a wrong turn, and ended back here?"

The Rangers all laughed and was relief by the small numbers that came. Squad Five dug in next to the another squad of Rangers, and shared all the horror tales of the last hours while Basilus reported back to Major Moshe.

"That's good intel, Lieutenant." Major Moshe reached for the comms. But he spoke to Command, he asked if Basilus could joined the line. "They need more of your kind."

Basilus saluted and left for the line. He met Corporal Charlie from Ordinance. The man was carting a few Thor including the missiles. Basilus offered to help and pushed it towards his squad.

"Leader"; Charlie used the nicknamed used by Scouts for Basilus. "Can I joined your squad for this fight?"

"You are on, Charlie." Basilus nodded and point him to help Marc with the rotary guns.

"Draconian incoming!" The shouts came across the line. Mira adjusted her sights on the PH750 while Pete had two PH375 in front of him. Basilus joined him dragging two Thor and some extra missiles. He passed the Thor who just loved the firepower. The shooting starting on the lines and Pete aimed his Thor to fire at the Draconian.

Pete need not aimed as the line of Draconian was near and visible to him. He just pulled the trigger and watched the missile fly towards the Draconian. The missile hit the Draconian in the chest; impacted on hitting and the effect of the explosion took down the Draconian within five metres.

Basilus was next as he rose up with the PH375 blazing away. He finished up one clip and ducked back in. Pete had fired the second Thor and reached for the serrated blade.

"They are here." Pete shouted out as he stood up to faced the oncoming Draconian. Basilus did the same buy he also pulled out his PH450.

"For the Rangers." Basilus shouted out as he faced the oncoming Draconian. The first Draconian to go down was shot by Basilus using the PH450 with a full clip. He then threw aside the gun and activated the blade on the greave. He rushed at the Draconian. He jumped in on the first Draconian holding a mallet. The Draconian swung the mallet down but Basilus had it blocked with the serrated blade while shoving his greave blade into the Draconian from beneath the Helm upwards. He then pushed with his body against the wounded Draconian to fall forward.

Pete had also cut his Draconian by the left waist and then kicked the wounded enemy to the ground. He saw the Leader fell and rushed forth with his blade. A Draconian on the left side of Pete raised the mallet but Mira took a well aimed shot at the head.

Basilus picked himself up and pulled the blade out. He then saw the group of Draconian coming at him, but they were stopped by Marc with the rotary guns. Basilus pulled his blade and rushed another Draconian on his left with the blade thrusted into the right armpit and into the heart. Pete had joined him and now holding the Draconian mallet. The mallet looked big in his hands but he held it well as he cracked a Draconian left knee with it. Other Draconian are pushing forth and the Rangers need to retreat.

"Retreat to hold the line." The call came down and Basilus withdrew. As he jumped into the dugout, he saw the Ranger there getting shot by the Draconian. He called out to his squad to group around him. Marc was still firing when the call came. They are being attacked by a squad of Draconian hoping to breach the line.

2. Secure the breach.

Major Moshe was at the line when he saw the gap. He called out for Rangers to hold the line.

"Secure the breach!"

The Federation Rangers threw his weight behind the rotary gun that spews death with its double barrel at the advancing beasts approaching them with drawn weapons. The remaining squad of three Rangers dragged their armor clad bodies from the forward walls to move to the other as directed. The gunner shout out for the loader to feed in the clip with the ten centimetres long projectile and clammed down his visor on the Helm. When loaded, the gunner drew back the safety and pulled the trigger while aiming the phaser. The projectiles came out just as the Draconian were to breached the last perimeter line. The first two projectiles that hit the approaching Draconian tore into its body in three areas; the head, right shoulder and the face. It was the last shot that killed the Draconian.

As the gunner was firing the heavy phaser, the sniper in the squad had dropped down on his left knee while raising the rifle to his right shoulder. The sniper shot was a head shot on the third beast with the insignia of a leader; its distinct red marking on the face tells its rank; besides the ribbon on its back. The projectile was a three centimetres long metal head which exploded on penetration spreading its metal shards into the soft flesh beneath the thick scales. The sniper reloaded the second shot and fired off in a split second to the fourth beasts in the approaching group at the head but the resulting fires from the heavy phaser ended any doubt of that beast having to survived any more shots.

The fourth squad member slammed his armor body onto the harsh ground just at where the heavy phaser was being setup. The fourth and last Ranger pulled out the palm size saucer shaped object from his front pack and pressed the top lever down. Then the saucer was placed in front of him with the designated arrow pointing out. The warning came out just as trained; saucer in the air. The saucer shot out like a projectile for ten metres at where the beast were approaching and its sides opened up to horizontal yo-yo on the air before its swung out in a circular movement with a radius of three metres slashing at anything in the radius with its random flying movement. Limbs began to get slashed and body cavities appeared before the blood spurts out as more beasts within the radius gets hit. Just as it started, the saucer fell down on the ground after a lapse of ten seconds and five dead beasts before the heavy phaser came into firing position. 

"Breach secured!" The reply came back from the Squad Leader, Kadir Basilus; a giant among the Rangers standing at near two and a half metres and having a arms length that reached over a metre and half. He was Squad Leader 5th ranked among the twenty squads which made them the infamous Julius Company of 1st Ranger Division. There are four infantry company, with four more armored in one division. The Rangers are the elite forward force of the Federation Combined Forces under Emperor Nero.

Basilus released his finger on the trigger as he watches the Draconian retreated back to their lines. It was the seventh time they done this since the battle. These Draconian are relentless in attacking the Rangers lines in the setting light.

"They are gone for good?" Ranger Marc Ante; standing only up to Basilus' shoulder as he adjust the bandelier of ammo for his high powered rifle. The dark complexion slim looking sniper carries a spare short barreled automatic rifle which fires five hundred rounds in a minutes for those too close combat. Its a PH375 which carries an extended sixty rounds ammo clip. The sniper weighed the heavier long barrel PH750 with the multi use scope and checked the ammo clip of five projectiles still on the rifle. The sniper crossed sling the PH750 on his body and watched the Squad Leader walked away. Both of them knows the Draconian are not coming back for now.

Ranger Mira Torre picked up the saucer blade; retracted back after its ten second slash operation. She placed the saucer back into her front back; she got a second one there, she calls them her 'titties'. She adjust her PH375 so that she can reached for her vanity case. She likes to adjust the shades on her cheeks; being beautiful is still a lady's prerogative.

Ranger Pete Mundsen; a Nordic descent who could stand up to Basilus height checked the ammo supplies before he close the cases. Then he picked up the PH375 he left on the ground next to the ammo cases. As he picked up the rifle, he asked himself why didn't he sling it over like the others. He knows the answer as it might into his way when he handles those ammo clips. He relies more on the PL450 on his waist belt. The handgun handles nine shots and good at one hundred metres. Every Ranger carries one on their belt but only Pete here calls it his Dragon. It saved him a few times in close combats and never leaves his bedding without it.

Squad Five due for their rest while another squad takes over the breach and solidify the position. Even heroes needs time to rest.

Major Moshe breathed in with a sigh of relief. Another wave was broken and they have a break now from the battle. The sun was still scorching hot although it was almost late in the daylight.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

1210 hours Day Two Killrock 1.1

1210 hrs Day Two Killrock

1. Command Centre

General Manning looked at the digital map and frowned. He had committed all his force to hit the Draconian but his force was outnumbered. He got a three Juggernaut; one of it was faulty with nine CT's with ATT and LTT against an estimated dozen more Vampires, six BB, and three Scorpions. He also read the report from the tunnels. This could mean more trouble as the Draconian could had more armored tanks than they have been sighted.

He's got one company almost wiped out with three more now all committed towards the Draconian double his numbers.

"Move the armored forward to assist the lines." General Manning shouted out. Then he looked at the Comms Officer.

"Get me the Armada. I need to know if anyone can bail us out." General shouted to the officer at Comms and then gave new orders to shared their spare ammo.

Just when the aides at the Command Center thought it was over, the General asked on Squad Five.

2. The search for the way out

Basilus noticed the Intelligence Officer was dropping back from the Squad after pacing the tunnel for over half a kilometer. He walked up to the Officer and asked him.

"Moss, tell me what's on your mind?" Officer Moss looked to Basilus.

"Its the drawings on the walls. They are supposed to be Khun and yet they also looked like Draconian." Moss sounded out his concern. "I think the Draconian are Khun."

Basilus was about to answer when the shots came from behind him. He jumped for cover but Moss was shot in the chest. He saw the Draconian are about ten metres behind and firing. He then rushed ahead and rejoin the squad who had taken position to cover their leader.

"Behind me. Draconian!" Basilus rushed forth before crouching down to join his squad. "Squad Two, to proceed on. Find the exit. We would hold them back."

Rhonda was next when the Draconian shot her in the chest. Basilus grabbed the fallen Ranger but there was nothing he can do. He saw there was five Draconian troops there and his rage took over him. He picked up PH375 and rushed ahead holding both rifles in his hands. He shot at them as he rushed forth. He got hit on the chest plate but the shot just grazed his left ribs. He got two Draconian and was among the rest very soon. He threw his rifles at them and pulled out the serrated blade at his waist. He held in both his hands and swung them in a berserk manner. He cut the blade on to the Draconian right shoulder cutting through the armor before piercing the heart below. He pulled it across the chest plate and cut the other heart. He did bother to pulled the blade out and activated the one on his greave. He stabbed that into the next Draconian fangs before cutting it off on the right side of the,Helm.

Basilus felt his left leg being attacked by the Draconian using the mallet. Basilus kicked out at the Draconian with his leg. It hurt like hell but he managed limped backwards. It was Mira who delivered the dead shot into the Draconian.

"Leader, are you okay?" Basilus looked at his own wound and then nodded to Pete. "You looked pissed."

"Get me out of here." Basilus commanded as the squad went on ahead.

It was not long when they found the exit and a staircase to the top. It opened up to a small cave beneath an rocky outcrop. There are just before Twin Peak and in a middle of a battle.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

OZ; a remake of the tale 1.4

5. The new friends.
I finally woke up but my surrounding was all toppling over like. I pushed at the case cover and find it stuck. I don't have much of a leverage to pushed as I am curled up like an infant here in this new cramped womb environment. My frantic pushing woke up my pet and friend. Toto on sensing my panic, began evolving to her Griffin nature. Her sudden increase in the size is slowly cramping the tight space.

The case cover opened up and I find my rolling out like drunkard on a freighter having a turbulent ride. Toto on being released from her confined space became the larger than man sized Griffin but there was difference, she was in fright. Its not like her; as she was always very fierce.

I stepped up to my upright position and looked at the surrounding.

There were some great differences.

The workshop contents are scattered; cases opened up and contents spilled out.

My bike is missing. Instead I can see standing upright before is a three meter tall metal droid that looked like a ancient medieval knight complete with a head piece that looked like a cone with horizontal slits for the eyes and another vertical slit diagonal to it that extend below to the chin level. Those slits are lighted up with an amber light emitting from it.

The droid have an extended left arm that has a metallic battle axe in place of the hand making it extra long while the right limb has a metallic hand like a human. It lower limbs are a set of larger limbs that look like a set of over padded layers boots. The droid does not have any feet but its got a set of triangular round wheels that allowed it to stabilized on any surface.

"Good morning, Dorothy. My name is Tin-Man. Or you called me as Droid." The droid looked to his left extended arm. "Whatever we went through, it transformed me into this new form with the components from the bike. It used the parts that can be salvaged and removed the useless one. That's why I am named Droid. "

The droid swung the left upper limb and then emit out a loud vocal that could substitute as a laugh.

"This is a Baxon Axe design prized by the Baxon Warriors. I am surprised that it was re-constructed here. It can cut through most surfaces without a scratch. It can be detached to hurl as a flying projectile towards the target."

"A most unusual gift for a droid." The other voice sounds out. "Unless you are considering to go curing the world of its trees. You know like chip chop of the axe."
I looked to see the new figure who spoke.

"Its me, N1. Or you may had known me as that. My real name is Cen Krow or you may now called me as Scarecrow."

The figure that used to be dressed as a man was with a height of five centimeters but now over two meters tall and dressed to go for a Gothic party. Her head piece is a witch hat with the top end bend to the left. She has on a dark vest over her plain short sleeve half tunic that leaves her midriff exposed. Her lower torso cover in a pants that the reached the knees with her lower legs clad in a set of a dark maroon felt boots. On both her wrists are a set of greaves that reached her elbow. On the greaves are a series of colored stones in two rows. She also carries a bag slung over her left shoulder.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Oz. Or shall I mentioned the former Kingdom of Oz."

"No! I am dreaming. This is a fragging dream." I rushed to the walls and hit my fists on it. Its solid and painful to hit after the first few blows. I ran to the droid and slammed into it. If it was a dream, I may had run through it, but I am not. Then I saw the cut on my knuckle. Its bleeding and I placed it at my mouth.
It tasted like blood. I knew my own taste as many a times, I get bruised from my bike fall or worse from the cliffs. I am no ordinary lady on the farm. If you want a hen, picked one at the market. I am the only hen which can out fight a rooster.

"Dorothy, this is real. Look outside." The figure named Scarecrow spoke to me.

I got up and walked to the door. The sight that greeted me once I unlatched the workshop door was a different scenery. The farm is gone and so are the vast farm lands. What I was greeted with was a thick green jungle, with over bearing red skies without the clouds.

"Uncle Henry? Aunt Em? Where are they?" I asked as I stepped out. "Oh, no. This can't be."

I just stepped on a pile of dung. A big pile from the way my right foot sank into it.

"You are in the seventh dimension on the same planet but this is our dimension. Here the Munchkins populate the lands till recent years. Seventeen years ago, a group of witches got together and topple the King of Oz. Since then, the land have been split down into four parcels by the designated direction of North, South, East and West."

"Scarecrow, tell me how can I get back to my own dimension?" I asked her.

"Dorothy Gale, you been brought here for a reason, but I do not know what." Scarecrow replied. "I cannot recognise the place but the sky looked familiar."

She was about to say something more when she saw the approaching creature. Its local name was the Dark One; a foul looking dark midnight skinned legged feline with four legs with a long tail. The first expression described the details of the creature head looks; it has a set of long fangs that jutted out from its jaw.

"I recognise that one. Its Puma Toothed. A predator of the jungle and deadly to meet without any weapons."


"Do not fear for I am here." The droid stepped forth and his axe light up "I fear nothing of any kind including dark creatures."


The droid walked toward the dark creature while swinging his axe. The dark creature on seeing the droid pounced at it like any prey but the droid made short of the creature intent. Its battle axe sliced the creature head off. The creature dropped dead at the droid feet.


"Ah, a fine specimen. I always wanted a overcoat of that dark shade." The Scarecrow walked up the dead creature and began removing the skin.


I shrugged my shoulders not because of the skinning before, but the notion that I am still lost in this dimension. I am not sure why I am here.


Or for what reason.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Oz; Remake of the Tale 1.3

4. Storm rider

The storm did not come alone; it came packed with winds, rain and above all striking lightnings that streaked from the clouds to the ground. I was caught in it and it calls for skill to ride it out.

"Wind sixty clicks speed North West, Rain density thick and acidic." The helmet of mine displayed the latest data for me as I held tight to the bike. If we are go live one more day, I may need to find shelter soon. I did a mental calculation and reckon I am about five minutes to the farm.

"Whoa!" I just swerved to avoid the incoming lightning. I had this installed in recently to detect the lightnings strike area. I been relying on this gadget for the last five near misses. Despite my body suit and personal force field, I can feel the little missiles that hit me. Every time some of it hits the force field, the field would vibrate with streaks of electromagnetic lights can be seen. The force field would repel anything small but not a large boulder.

On the farm land, there are more than just the sands and pebbles; there are also the large metal scraps that could had been laid aside on the farms, but now is a wind assisted projectile.

"Metal construct at 1000hr." The bike cannon would adjust its barrel direction and released off a series of blasts which would break the metal construct into manageable components.

"Metal construct eliminated." The bike cannon barrel revets to it original firing position. Just as the bike system completed its analysis, then its give out another alarm.

"Danger!" The threat was a sharp needle piece that flew at my helmet but the force field compensate for the new threat by strengthening the possible impact area. The needle piece did pierce the field but it was stopped in the layers.

"Darned it" I looked at the needle piece held by the force field within ten centimeter from my left side. If not for the force field, I would probably be having a new pore drilled hole on my left cheek.

"Riders at close proximity," The bike alerted me.

I saw the riders. There are two of them and they seems to be part of the original ones which tried to stopped the Professor' s vehicle. They are riding parallel to me on both sides.

"Damned their intoxication." I muttered out. They may think its fun to outraced out here in the storm. They are not brave but fools to play here. I used my hands to signal them to withdraw but the duo was responding but still insist on racing me to the farm.

I gunned the bike to overtake them, and despite my best efforts; those make shift bikes are packed with powers too. Suddenly the new alert came in.

"Winds condition worsening. More debris expected. May suggest evasive moves be initiated." I hate this alert. It means the wind have picked up and there would be flying ground objects that even my force field may not be able to handle.

"Whoa!" I just evaded another lightings strike which happened so near that I could feel the heat. I kept on gunning the bike and hit the third quarter speedometer. Its a speed limit   which I used on the bike when I am on the secured race tracks but not on a farm track in the middle of a storm.

The flash of the explosion took my mind off the speedometer. One of the raiders have ended its riding career on a permanent basis. I don't know what it could hit or hit by, but its over. The other rider did not pause to looked at the fallen comrade but continued to ride on as if nothing had happened.

"Bike, plot me another course over route #4." I command the bike, but I got the warning from the bike to reconsider my choice. I pressed the override command and asked it to compute the new route. Its an shorter route but its terrain would not be conducive to travel in this weather. The bike computed the route and we proceeded on. The bike swerved to the right to take on the new route and my accompanying rider on the front made a detour to followed me.

Darned! That new route was to avoid the rider following me, but it still do.

The route would take us about ten minutes to the farm , but we got to bear the obstacles ahead. The route runs on ridge of the canyon with the steep descent on my right and the wide open plateau on the left. That means the blowing win coming at us from the right could take us off on a wrong turn.

Both of us are riding parallel with a distance separating of ten meters; a dangerous gap at the speed which we were doing. I made some adjustment to the bike weight by by hanging slightly over the right side so that the extra weight would make it harder for us to be swept off  Made more dangerous by the wind was the usual debris and this time; the cannon cannot fire directly at it. The ridge is a nice place to ride on but there are gaps on the tracks which required us to jump the bike. That makes it more dangerous as the wind could threw us over the edge. The last three jumps were completed with no mishaps except some close shavings on the bike frame in the last one of mine.

As I was doing the jump, the rear of the bike got hit by a flying debris and its disrupted my momentum in flight. I can feel the bike going flat onto a horizontal landing with my weight pulling it down. By my own reflexes, I climb back on the bike and pulled the body frame up. I landed at a gradient and almost went into a spin if not for some careful handling of uprighting it. Once I had control, I gunned the machine to make up for the lost time.

Once I caught up with the rider, I signaled the other rider that we are approaching the next jump. Its a shorter jump but the other side of the cliff is slightly higher. Hicks and myself used to called it the Humpback.

We both jumped the gap at the same time, but the lightning came down near to the other rider. A debris from the strike hit the rider's bike on its rear wheel like the earlier one on my bike. The other bike's jump was affected. It dropped in its trajectory and short dropped on the other side. I saw the bike hit the cliff side and exploded on impact.

I wanted to hold back my bike when it landed, but the farm is ahead with the main storm catching up with me.

"System Red Alert. The rear bearings registering unusual wear. Suggest to replace." I know that problem sometime back. I did not bother as it was expensive to replace. But this third alert means it go anytime. I could not stop now; the bike may not move after that. System would shutdown to await repair.

Damned, I looked at the spot where the rider crashed. It was a foreseen outcome on the other biker. I tap my helmet as a sign of respect and rode on. I hit the farm with an emergency stop. There is the main structure where Uncle Henry and the boys would be taking shelter.

I ran to the main doorway of the farm structure and found myself locked out.

I slammed the panel with my fist to force it to accept my command but nothing was happening. The comms would not work and the main storm is getting nearer. A flying debris landed near me but did do any damages.

I ran to my bike and picked it up. I gunned it up and it won't start.

"System Code Alpha Five Omega Four. I demand an override on the ignition."

"System Code acknowledged. Override sequence in five, four, three, two, one."

The bike roared on my punched on its switch. Then it went into a series of sputter as dark exhaust smoke appeared from the rear.

Damned part giving way. I rode to the nearest other shelter that can accommodate us both. With only part of the system in operation, the one ton weight of the bike is a chore to handle but I made it.

Its a workshop; an abandoned one that was here on the farm even before this farm was constructed. I reached it there just before the main storm hit it here. I shoved myself off on the bike and ran to latch the door of the workshop. It was hard to pulled the latch down but I did it. Now it was time to find cover to ride the main storm. I looked around for anything that can resembled a suitable place. I saw it; a old containment case big enough for me curled in like a child in the womb of her mother.

It was a tight fit when I closed the cover.

Now its time to wait it out. I have Toto and N1 with me.

Suddenly. I felt the vibrations and then the pounding on the case.

Next thing I knew was a hard knock on my head.

Blackness surrounded me.

I may had been dead. I recalled seeing my mother and father. Then I see them running and looking back. They keep on shouting at me but I can't hear them. Soon they were gone from my sight, and then I saw the four horseman.

"You are next, Dorothy."


Friday, May 17, 2013

0520hrs Day Two Killrock 1.3

1.          The revived battle

"Move those Rangers up." Major Moshe shouted as he shot the Draconian approaching them at twenty metres. It had become a series of close fights as the armored trade shots over their heads. The Major then jumped into a recent bombed crater and took the opportunity to re-load his clips. Other Rangers joined him and some used that as the fire cover.

"Draconian incoming!" The Ranger hollered out and threw aside the rifle before reaching for the saucer disc. The saucer disc was thrown ahead towards the Draconian and the Ranger ducked back for cover. Moshe could hear the severing and cutting into the armor plates but he would not risk raising his head. Once he heard the humming sound had died down, he pulled himself onto the edge and raised his rifle. There were ten Draconian lying there dead or wounded, but more are coming.

The Ranger next to him got shot in the Helm and fell back while another took over the position.

"Major, your orders, Sir." It was Lieutenant Timon wounded in the right shoulder but still fighting. "We lost half the company and 3th Company are already digging."

Moshe looked at the coordinates on the unit attached to his left greaves; they made a progress of two hundred metres but the casualties are high. Their ammo are low and ran out of armored defenses. The sun was at its zenith , and they needed a respite.

"Dig in, Ranger." Moshe told the Lieutenant."Ask Command for more supplies."

Moshe then turned to another junior officer.

"Get a a squad to check on the wounded and dead. While collecting ID's, take whatever spare ammo and rifles to be given to the others."

2.          Command Center

"General, the southern line have dug in. 1st Company are down to less than hundred but 4th Company are still at above half strength." Major Ferdinand reported in to the General. "They are requesting for supplies."

"Send it then. Do I need to make all the orders?"General Manning was getting irritated at this battle. He was outnumbered but they had made progress.

"What's happening on the northern side?" General Manning shouted out.

"Reports came in that they are holding their position. They are up against Vampires, Walkers and BB. Two of our Juggernauts are there but one stalled on the field again." The Major hushed down the last words but the General heard it. The General knew of the dubious quality of the parts that was delivered recently. Top Command has asked Intelligence to check on the matter.

"Where's Five?" General wants to know what happened to his rogue squad.

"No comms. They are on their own."

3.          Stalled Juggernaut

Captain Haus could hear the engine droning away and he knew what was causing it. The driver stopped the tank and got off his seat to rush to the filter system to manually cranked up the blower. Its the fragging filter clogging up and holding back his advance to assist the troopers

"I want all guns to be firing." The tank may be immobilized but not his guns." Captain Haus then looked at the Resident Technician Rupert who just climbed out of the filter area.

"Fragging filter clogged again. We need to manually blowed the dust out." Rupert ws built like a rat frame but his diminutive size allowed him to squeezed in between the components. He then saw the look on the Captain. " I am doing my fragging best. And it ain't my working that frag it. Its your component."

Captain Haus ignored the Technician as he knew the fault was not the Technician. They are just unlucky to have the faulty component compared to the others. He felt cramped in and with the filter clogged, the air in the tank was getting stale. He decided to climb up the turret to the top hatch. He wants to manned the rotary guns to shoot some Draconian to released his stress.

"Fangs inbound!" The Cochise gunner shouted out the warning. "Firing EM."

Captain Haus paused at the hatch latch and waited the outcome. The Fangs may be hindrance to the CT but for the Juggernaut, they are not so effective unless a direct hit on some weakened covers which was happened to the Prime. He can hear the EM being released, and then the second batch shot up for extra coverage.

"EM released and spread." That was a relief to be to told by the gunner. "Tigers at eleven o'clock."

Captain Haus hovered at the latch to spring open the hatch. He was getting impatient now as the other guns have opened up. At the count of two clicks, he pulled at the latch and pushed himself up. He did not hesitate what else was in front but secured himself with the harness to fire the rotary guns. Once he was secured in, he pressed the pedals on the seat to move the guns on his command. He pulled the trigger and let off a long burst of gun projectiles towards the Draconian position. Its does not matter if he gets them or not, but it was fragging good to shoot at someone.

The sun was at its zenith and although it felt hot, it was good to breathe in fresh air.

4.          The Tour of the Ruins

The Rangers made their way down the tunnel until they reached the end to another chamber. On the way there, there was no doorways or signs of any hidden one. The new chamber was similar to the previous one but it was in circular form with a number of doorways leading from it. On top before the doorway was some sign which originated to the Khun.

Officer Moss read the signs and referenced it to his Khun directory. Then he checked the doorways; all seven of them including the one which they came from. He then walked towards Basilus and explained the signs.

"These are Khun characters. They point to location." Moss point to one which they just came from. "That one was Barracks."

Moss read each one of the names and it all point to different location on the above ground or given a reference like numerical references. Moss was quick to relate his desire to check on the two tunnels marked with numerical reference. To him, they mean something else other than number.

Basilus ignored the Intelligence Officer while looking at his greave which showed him the distance taken was three kilometer from the last position. That would put them near the Twin Peak Mesa before the Settlement but heading towards south. He looked at the one named Hill, and noted given the direction it was leading to Twin Peak.

"This way." Basilus lead the way as he entered the one named Hill.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...