Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lancelot Part 3

The Lad in the Lake

"Sister, did you see Lancelot? He was playing just now at the garden." Vivian asked of her sister Nimue; they are the twin sisters of the Lake. Vivian is looking at the garden which is part of their hidden palace beneath the lake where they have dwell for some generations now.

Vivian and her sister Nimue were once mortals in this land, but they were ever desirous of learning magic. They went forth to seek many masters of the arts to learned from, but they found one which they like best was named Merlin.

Merlin taught both the sisters in his works but he held more of his teaching to one named Vivian. Merlin taught her many of his arts although he knew that one day Vivian would try to imprisoned him. That was one art that Merlin did not teach his students; the art of foresight and visions. The sisters learned their arts and on occasion indulge in Man' troubles. The sisters in order to conceal their identity and avoid contact with Man, they built their abode beneath the lake. Here its dry like the ground at the lakeside, as the magic holds the lake water above. The only way to the palace was by swimming or traveling in the boat that can magically opened a stream to the palace.

The palace they built was a large castle without walls, but surrounded by four gardens on each side. The gardens are the works of Vivian who tends to them with her servants the Elves. She grow assorted flowers and plants there and they are nourished by the sunlight that permeates through the lake surface, and the moist ground keeps it self sufficient. In the garden are the numerous creatures that once walked the land but now extinct except at these gardens. It not unusual to find a Unicorn or even a Griffin. The other twin sister Nimue is the caretaker of the castle and its defenses. She is the one who deploy the spells to avert any unwanted visitors or managed their arsenal of weapons which over the generations have grown.

One such weapon is Excalibur; the sword for the King once fashioned by an Elf who made powerful sword. The Elf name was Smithy found this dark metal stone during one of his mining excursion. He carried the metal back to his abode and tried to smelter it but the metal would not do so. In the end, he threw it away and thinking that its a useless metal. The metal piece on impact with a cluster of blades made by him broke the blades into parts. Smithy picked up the dark metal and tried to smelter it but it still would not allowed itself to be re-shaped.

This time Smithy threw the metal into a nearby pail of water. Immediately the water sizzled as if its boiling over and then it began to turned to metal silver white color. Smithy was surprised and he tried to smelter it again but this time the metal mold to his preference. He looked at the pail of water and remembered that it was taken from the nearby lake. He went over to the lake and met Nimue. Nimue made him an offer which he could not refused and since then, he had stayed at the Palace. During his stay, Smithy crafted the finest blade in his works; the Excalibur. He presented it to Lady Nimue and told her that only the right King can wield this sword.

The twin sisters were soon known as the Lady of the Lake. They lived ever peacefully here without intrusion for generations. That was to change some ten years ago. It was then when Vivian was disturbed when she was walking in the garden. She heard the sound of fights on the surface and she went up to investigate. She saw the fight at the lakeside where the lady with her sword charging at some soldiers. Vivian wanted to assist but she felt her sister holding her back.

"Sister, do you remember the last time we were involved in Man' war?" Nimue remind her sister which they were reprimanded by Merlin. Merlin told them never to get involved unless the need is established. The sisters promised Merlin and this time, they watched.

"Sister, she fought well for a lady. She is dead now. Can we go?" Nimue pulled at her sister sleeve, but Vivian spied a floating basket on the lake surface. Vivian ignored her sister and float over to the basket. She looked in and saw the young child sleeping in the basket. He is asleep with the rocking of the basket that is almost like his mother's cradling.

"Nimue, there is a child here." Vivian called to her sister. "The child is asleep. So do not alarmed it."

Nimue looked around to see if she can locate the child mother, but there is none to be seen. She tapped on her sister' shoulder.

"There is no one which we can identify as the mother." Nimue spoke up. She then looked at the lake side, and saw the dead lady there left by the soldiers.

"Could she be the one?" Nimue asked of her sister, but Vivian is not listening to her sister. She is smiling at the young child in the cradle, and dreamed of what it would be like to be a mother.

"Vivian, are you listening?" Then Nimue saw her sister looking at the child. Nimue shook her head and dragged Vivian to the side.

"Vivian, we cannot be involved. We would find a mother for the child." Nimue protest to her sister.

Vivian ignored the sister and went towards the basket. She picked up the child and floated back to the palace beneath the lake. It was to start the stay of the child with the sisters under the lake. Vivian on raising the child named the boy with the name Lancelot du Lac or 'of the Lake'. She named him as there was a leaf in the basket which was actually a unique shape of a sharp spear head. She also see his face has sharp features that marked him to grow into a dashing man.

Lancelot emerged from the bush holding a long stick in his hand on hearing his name being called out. He is growing lad and now he stands almost as tall as his Guardian. Vivian on seeing the young boy coming out floated towards him.

"Why are you holding a stick in your hand?" Vivian points to his hand.

"I was using it to scared a serpent which was in the garden." Lancelot whispered to his Guardian. "We must not alarmed it or it would bite us."

Vivian was alarmed that her care would be so reckless. She had advised him many times not to get involved in these acts but the young boy is unlike any as he always reckless. But Vivian is amazed that despite all those reckless acts of his, Lancelot have never been hurt and always emerged victorious. She used to tell Nimue that Lancelot would grow up to become a great knight. 

But Nimue never liked Lancelot as she envy him on taking to her sister side but she liked him nevertheless without showing her love. Nimue floated off to find the serpent and killed it before it can do any harm.

Lancelot saw his other Guardian floating away when he was cautioned by Vivian. In his mind, Lancelot is smiling as every time he do something reckless, he gets to enjoy the fun and most times, Vivian would be there. He felt brave on doing these acts and although he gets reprimanded but most times Vivian shows more concern for him. So does his other Guardian who also protect him.

At a later age of his life, Lancelot was taught by Nimue the arts of fighting. She felt that he needed to learn it more for his reckless acts. He was also taught by Smithy in the finer arts of blade crafting. There was one other appealing thing that Nimue noticed in Lancelot. The boy is growing up to be a dashing young man with a physique envied by many. Nimue looked at her sister, who is beaming with pride on seeing the lad grow too.

One day, she went over to see her sister who was tending the garden.

"Vivian, Lancelot is shaping up well with his fighting skills. I was wondering....." Nimue asked of her sister but she was cut short in her words.

"No, Nimue." Vivian told Nimue. "Excalibur is destined for one other. Lancelot may be a brave knight but he is the chosen one to wield the sword. His mind works fast and his heart kind but I fear for his soul. Its so innocent and fragile. He could be moved by events that could taint his soul."

"We are his Guardians, and should not we be the one to protect him." Nimue asked of her sister.

"No, Lancelot soul must never be protected but let loose to the events that he would encounter. I may not learned the art of visions and foresight from Merlin but I know that Lancelot would be a legend in his own time. But he is no leader as that leader destiny has been taken by another who would also wield the sword that is in our care. Lancelot would be his champion and maybe his nemesis."

"Sister, you scared me with those words. He is our Lancelot, and we ought to help him." Nimue spoke out in an alarming tone.

"Nimue, I have told you what was needed to be spoken Lancelot can be our care at the beginning but he rules his own destiny when he is free of us. Let us not think of then, and let the boy grow in our lake as befitting of his time here."

Nimue was not satisfied with her sister' reply that she went over to see Smithy. She told him of her request and he compiled to her request.

Unknown to the sisters or they may had pretended it did not happened, Lancelot was not only reckless in the palace area but also outside of it. He was in his early twelfth year of age when he sneak off to the far end of the lake. He waded to this section of the lake which was unexplored by him. He popped his head above the lake surface to see two riders in armor chasing a young lad like him. The lad dressed in a long tunic that reached to his knee, stopped at the edge of the lake and turned to face the riders.

"Come no nearer or I shall drowned myself." Lancelot can hear the lad shout out. The riders laughed at the lad's words and they trot their horses towards the lad. The lad on seeing the approaching riders had no choice but to stepped into the lake water. He slowly backed up as the riders approached him ever closer.

The lad looked to the rear at the large lake and was starting to tremble with fear. It was then when Lancelot swam over and pulled at the lower leg of the lad. The lad slipped and fell into the water dragged by Lancelot beneath the lake surface. The lad on feeling his leg been dragged started screaming and kicking out with his limbs but he was slowly moved to the deeper ends. The riders on seeing their prey being dragged into the lake water, turned their horse around to ride out.

The lad woke up later after his near drowning experience to find himself on the shallow end of the lake side. He sat up and saw another person of his age sitting there, but that other person is not dressed like him in a tunic but a silky one like those worn by fairies or maidens.

"You are awake." The other lad spoke up to him. "My name is Lancelot and what is yours?"

"Uh," The lad still groggy from his near death experience replied meekly. "My name is Bran of Herns."

Bran looked around and was surprised that there is a Sun in the Underworld. It looked like any other place on his land, and maybe the Underworld is not that all different.

"Am I dead?" Bran asked of Lancelot. "Is this the Underworld?"

"No, I doubt so." Lancelot replied to him. "You did put up a struggle when I dragged you into the water but later you went quiet down."

"You dragged me?" Bran was surprised at the reply. "It can't be as I was...."

"Chased by two riders who were looking to kill you." Lancelot replied. "I helped you to escape."

"By almost drowning me? You are crazy. I mean more like mad." Bran stood up to his feet but he is still recovering and he fell back on his back.

"Ouch!" Bran screamed out as his head hit the sands below the water surface. Lancelot just stared at him and wondered why the other lad would blamed him for helping him. Lancelot got up and walked back into the lake.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Bran sat up on his arms asked of the departing lad who is walking towards the lake. "You would drowned there."

"No, I would not. I am going back." Lancelot replied.

"Would I see you again?" Bran asked of Lancelot. "I mean like here."

"Sure, just give me a call when you are here." Lancelot told him and then jumped into the water. Bran on seeing the other lad disappear under the water slowly made his way to the lake side. He gathered up his strength to walked back to his abode. He stopped by to collect the rabbit he stash away when he was chased by the Frank riders.

Bran' home was half day walk from here in the place known as Hern. Its still a settlement of farmers but now there are more of them alongside with some soldiers who were stationed there. He walked past them all standing outside their improvised barrack.

"Bran, hold on there!" One of the soldier stopped him in his tracks. "Is that a rabbit I see in your hand?"

Bran looked up at the broken toothed soldier and refused to answer him. The soldier reached for the rabbit but Bran kicked him in the groin and ran past him. The other soldiers laughed at the injured soldier holding onto his groin. The soldier wanted to give chase but he was stopped by his commander. The commander is a junior rank officer but in this village he is the almost equivalent to the King.

"Stop it, Tom." The ranking officer told the broken toothed soldier. The officer then proceeded to follow the track taken by Bran. He ended up in the same abode which Bran stayed with his mother. The officer walked in without knocking and stood by the doorway. He took off his helmet and removed his scabbard to place them at the side of the door.

"You are back." The voice carried from the cooking area which is now busy skinning the rabbit off its furs. The officer did not answered her as he took to the rear of the house where the water tub is located. He stripped off his armor and tunic before he stepped into the tub.

"Bran!" He shouted out while soaking in the tub. Bran came running from the cooking area and immediately picked up  the brush. He then proceeded to scrub at the officer's back.

"You are getting to be a handful now. Today the calvary told me that you ran from them, and then just now you kicked Tom in his balls." The officer sitting with his back slightly inclined to allowed the lad to scrub his back. "I may not be there every day to protect you. So be careful."

Bran on hearing those words just nodded his head but the officer bellowed out for him to reply in words.

"Yes, sire." Bran replied in defiant. The officer then stepped out of the tub and dried himself with a cloth. He got dressed back into his earlier tunic and walked out of the wash area. Bran looked at the water in the tub and then walked back to the cooking area. Supper was a usual affair where the officer takes his share and then the Bran sits with his mother. When the dishes were cleared, Bran was sent to his bedding at the rear of the abode, while his mother accompanied the Officer to their bedding. This was the moment that Bran hated the most; this officer is the sixth or seventh since he can remember. It always the same when his mother consoled him; we need to be protected as your father is not here. Bran did asked for his father but his mother told him he left them when he was born. He never knew his name but she gave him a signet that belonged to him.

"This is your father's. You may find him one day, but he may not accept you. So be cautioned on that." But Bran insist when he is old enough, he would seek his father.

Then he saw the shadow of the person coming to his bedding. He knows who its and what he must do. Its not his first time, and although he disliked it, it would not stopped unless he is old enough. He turned over on his chest and tucked his knees under it. He awaits the onslaught that would make it difficult to him to sit for days. When it was over, he just rolled over and hid his face in the cloth to stifle his tears.

When it was near dawn, he felt the soothing hands of his mother as she place poultice on his affected parts. Its has been like this since this officer came into their life.

"Mother, have you applied the poultice?" Bran asked of his mother.

His mother nodded. Then she spoke up.

"Bran, grow up well and do not hurt others when you are older."

Bran nodded to his mother words. He would grow up and be a knight. He would removed the foul and perverted from this land. For now, he need to get up and prepare for the day.

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