Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lancelot - The Dark Untold Tales


This is a fictional adaptation of the tale on Lancelot of the Knights of the Round Table. Its not based on any historical or written notes of any authors living or dead, but purely a working of my own creative mind. It does not seek to make any judgment on the character nor of his standing from any published or unpublished works.

Its a dark tale written from the point of a man's struggle with his own soul and principle for the love of one woman. It may be found in this tale, certain excerpts which are deemed to be offending to some, but I would implore you to read with open thoughts. As I re-affirmed again, this tale is of my own creation and every word and line I placed here is my way of showing the tale.


How it soon become

I saw the barbarian charging at me with the raised mallet held in this hand. I had to wait for the right timing before I crouched down to swing my broadsword onto his lower chest and spilled his guts out on the field. The barbarian fell down and I brought down my sword one more time on the back of his neck to make sure he is dead. On stabbing him in the neck, I felt the need to twisty the blade to cut off his spine. If I let him live his next life as a spinless mortal, he may raise a sword against me but I am banishing him to a fate worse than hell in his living days. .

"Auric dies!" I shouted out to the others who are on the same battlefield. My voice traveled wide and reached their ears as they all stop their fighting. No one wants to risk death or being injured to a lost cause when the leader is not more. I removed my sword form the dead body and wiped the blood off it blade. It was then I felt the wounds on my body where the armor did not protect but they are not fatal or it would be lying there on the ground.

"We win again, Lancelot. Well done, my knights." I hear my King and good friend, Arthur of Camelot. Yes, he rejoices as we have beaten yet another foe and we can go home now. He call forth the other knights and they stagger towards their King. He hails everyone a hero of the realm while we stood with our back up ignoring the flow of blood that seeps out of the wounds in our bodies. Heroes do not moan and groan of such petty cuts as we have sampled many of them before and would be more to come. But the one we choose not to sample is the one which would removed our soul from body.

Auric who lies dead now on the ground would be telling his at the grand table when he meet his ancestors. For us, it would soon be a round table and feasted by the servants after we soothed with balms and bandages to the cuts. We would drink and eat to our victory before we are called to go home or to some servant's bedding. My bedding is normally at the tavern with the local wenches who would moan and screamed of my humping on their body. I know not desire at times but the evil thought of my King who goes back to his wife, the lady Guinevere. My evil thoughts then would be his thrust into her as they are locked a passion of love. For every thrust he does to her, I would do the same with more force here like when I wield my sword. I care not for the wench beneath me nor the opening of my wounds for none shall soothe down my hate on knowing my love is being served by another.

Tonight I stand naked inside the deserted ruined place of worship on the hill. I am naked of all my clothings and also of my bandages as I am in need to redeem my sin. My sin not of my love for my King's wife but the fact that I could had killed my King today from the back if not for the intervention of Auric. Arthur's back was exposed to me then, and all I need to do was to thrust my sword into his back. It would had ended his place on this world and also in the bedding with my love. But it never did happened.

I bend down to the saddle pouch and removed the two 'cat-o-nine' whip. It balanced well in both my hands and raised it up high above me. I then bring it down in a swooping down to the side of my waist as the whip end curled itself around my waist to the back. The lashing opened up unhealed and new ones, causing scores of blood to open up. The pain is excruciating but I did not stop there. I raised up my hands and bring it down again. I discover flagellation recently when I saved a monk from some barbarians. He told me of it and I find it more rewarding to my mind and heart than humping some wenches in the tavern. No one knew of my action as the armor concealed the wound and if seen, it can be attributed to old battles.

"Stop!"I heard the voice and I know it well. My arms went down and I slowly turned to see the person who dares to command me. She stood there with her cloak covering her body from the cold winds. "I am your Queen. Obey my order or face the King's wrath.

She walked towards me and stood behind me. I did not turned to look at her but she commanded me to do so.

"No, my Queen. I cannot. I am ashamed to face you. Please go and leave me to my punishment. Its for my foul deed to think of killing the King. " My head hang down in shame as I recount my intention to her.

"Lancelot, you did not kill him. Explained yourself of these foul thoughts. Was it because of...." she paused in her words and we all know why.

"Yes, my Queen. Because he is yours and I cannot have you. I am destined to live my life at your side but never with you. Every time he retires to the chamber with you, I am left with a raging desire to kill him. In my mind then, he is ravaging you and not loving you. Its should be who should be loving you." I speak out my mind and I felt relieved of the thoughts.

"Give me the lashes, Lancelot."I did not have to as she took it from my hands. She must had stood back for a while before she step forth to lashed my back with it. I felt every stroke that hit my body and it was not pain that coarse through it but pleasure of love and lust. I fell to my knees and she did not stopped at all. It must have been twenty or more lashes before I find her stopping. I looked down at the flooring and see the pool of blood there. It glisten like some some spreading of the bread and yet I wanted to taste it. I placed my finger to it and then stuck it in my mouth. It taste not of blood as I have sampled many before but of something sweet. It was then, I felt her body holding me from the back. Its hurts as her holding me pulled at the open wounds behind. She rubbed her body against my back and she kissed me on my neck. She licked at the blood that was spilled there.

"Lay with me, Lancelot. Do it here on the flooring where your blood flows wide. Use that as our bedding and give me my desire." I turned my body to face her and she was all there in her nude body.She had removed her cloak before she lashed me. I reached for her face and laid lips to her's. There was blood but I felt was only desire, She pulled me down onto her body and spread herself for me.

"Do me, Lancelot. Show me your desire. I am your Queen and I command it."

Much later, I got up from the flooring to see her washing herself with the pouch of water I carried with me. Her body is a sight to watched as she washes the blood off it. She then reached for her gown and I reached forth to assist.

"Do not, Lancelot. You might smear it your blood. I can dressed myself." I watched her dress and then she looked at me.

"If you are wondering how do I know where you are; well, I had followed you before. To the taverns and also to here. Do you remember the wench that comes in with the mask on some of your nights? It was me. You could not do much then, as I always have you tied down to the bed posts. You do like the rough handling then and when I saw your desire waned on those nights, I got Arthur to sent you to rescue the monk. It was all planned by me."She has pulled on her cloak.

"Does Arthur know?" I had to asked.

"He does not or even cared. He is with Merlin most times. My bedding excites him no more."

Who am I?

Here lies a land where vast part of its is split into kingdom owned by powerful Kings. They ruled the land with their army of knights and foot soldiers against the invaders of their border. Many battles are fought then and the victor would claimed new lands to expand his border. It was also a time when magic exist and from it came great creatures rarely seen by some.

There was one creature however seen by many then as they thrive on these lands, fouling its earth with their tools and birthing new tracts of it with their blood at times. They were called Man.

They choose to lay the foundation on this land which other living creature have not shown so openly. Or even could performed.

They laid the characteristics which only they themselves inherently developed within that no other living creatures would do. They called it their unique characters.

But to the eyes of those who seen it; some of these characteristics represent a desecration of the meaning of life. These characters defies the basic founding principle of to kill for survival to that of survive to kill. Man does both as it may fancy their needs. More to it, they choose not only to harm another to death but inflict upon them sufferings in the mind and body before death.

Surprisingly in the annals of Man' writing handed to this day, we named it then as the era of Chivalry.

This tale would show you what was hidden from us. Its a one Man's view.

His name was whispered by many but we would now announced it for all to hear.

Lancelot of Camelot.

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