Monday, September 10, 2012

CWE Book II Part 15

Never will a moment in my life that I would ever thought of prayers for a swift kill for my children, but this is one time I wished it would come true.
We were surrounded by the lancers as we passed the last forest line. The marchmen protecting us immediately formed a ring around us, but we are outnumbered. The women and children crouched in fear of this attack which may come soon. There was little we can do but wait. One of the marchmen walked up the leader of the lancers unarmed to negotiate our safe passage, but he was met with a lance in his chest. Just when we thought the attack was forth coming, we saw another soldier riding up to the lancers. He is dressed like a Praetorian, but I can’t be sure. The soldier spoke to the leader and an argument was in progress. The soldier raised his right hand, and I can see from both sides of us outside the ring are two columns of Praetorian lancers. This is worse than I thought; we are by pursue by the Praetorian’s too. For some reason, the Lord Conal’s lancers withdrew their army in formation and marched by us to leave the place.
The Praetorian rode to our line of defence and spoke to the marchmen at the front. I can see he is senior Praetorian and he looked very young. He asked for a person to speak and I was the one he asked. I stepped forth to see him with my two kids in tow, as they refused to stayed back with their minder.
‘My name is Senior Praetorian Signus. I bid you good day, Mistress Claudia. Prime Leader Raihan sends his regards. Your column may march on to your borders. We, the 1st  Column of the Frontier Praetorian will ride parallel to your trail and protect you. You need not worry as we numbered ten thousand and no harm will come to you and your people.’
‘I thank you, Praetorian. But I thought Prime Leader Raihan died in an ambush.’
‘That is hearsay information. I can assured you, Prime Leader Raihan is well and alive. He himself asked me to deliver you to the border safely.’
‘So the rumors were wrong.’ I smiled at the young Praetorian.
‘Praetorian do tell the truth but not necessary the whole truth. Soon you will know all.’  With that, he rode off back to his column and we marched on back to the border of the Outsiders Land.

The range borders extend from the north to the south of the empire on its western borders. The range mountains being eroded over by the different changes of seasons has cut through by many glaciers have left many features behind to tell their tale. Deep river canyons and flat valleys are found winding their way around the ridges of the mountains. Of these are the two main river Prozen; flowing north and Izren flowing south, cutting across at two points breaking the range into the main mountain. In the north it tapers off to the plains as it near the sea, but its tip is also where the Prozen river flows into the sea.
The Black Range is physical barrier for both the Empire to expand to the western lands, and acts as natural barrier to break the land for its inhabitants. The western lands is rarely explored by the Empire but there are some diplomatic ties with them on the high level. This was what told to me by my father who was posted to the south before as a representative of the Praetorians.
The area around the tip of the range is a favourite hunting ground of the hunters as this is where the wilds animals grazed on the plains and drink their thirst on the Prozen river. One of the favored animal here was the wild horses which graze here. These horses are string and swift as they run on the range and also on this plains. We hunt them to catch them for our use as war horses. As this place was also flat, I used my men to be trained here on the horse we captured to improve their riding skills. Its been four seasons now, and I have my own column of riders; I called the wild riders, as they ride wild among the targets and shoot arrows while doing so. For these reason, we designed our own bows and arrows. They are shorter and sturdier for quick release. The men learned to ride by using their legs to control the horses, and it worked but not without casualties. Now I have is five hundred of such riders, and they are renamed as ‘Darius Rider’.
The one thousand marchmen I brought was station in the forest line to wait for the arrival of the enemy, while my riders are on the river banks hiding in strategic locations. We saw them sailing down the river, three boats in a row. The front boats will tow another two behind which is laden with men, and horses. I see on the front boats are their crews and on the sides are something covered with the cloth. I signaled my men to spread out along the river banks. Given the distance from the boats to the banks, I think we can caused some damages but not much. Nevertheless I had my riders released their arrows as the boats passed by. Our initial volley did caught them with some surprise but they soon recovered. By then, my riders has rode on to the plains to assist the marchmen. 
The largest canyon across the range is Proven Cross. Its situated just before the edge tapered off to the plains. Its a half a day ride from one end to the other and is about to two hundred man’s height deep,  consists of very steep vertical mountain slopes on both sides. Its width is ten mans width and Its impossible to trap them inside the canyon because of the steep sides. But the exit of the canyon opens to some large plain. Here is where I set my reception.

We saw them coming; three in row and now expanding to double. These are war boats as can be seen from the bow are the evil looking totems of their gods. I had my boats spread out in formation of a two columns to the side of the river mouth, with intent to block them from moving to the shore. My intention was to run the war boats to the middle while mine take the two sides. Then we can create a pincer move and used our pikes to push them together, and then we can release the flying pots of oil to create the chaos.
But I was wrong in my judgment of them.
The allowed us into their sides with some exchange of arrows. I was concerned when I saw on the deck of the war-boats, which is partially covered with the cloth. My concern was soon made turn to nightmare. The cloth was removed to show their fangs. It was a large bow with more power; I never seen one so big. It was made of wood, and held together with iron plates around the frames and iron nails in the stand. The main stand had a slider on the top, into which were loaded the large steel arrows which has claws in the rear to attached to the bowstring for firing position. Drawing the bowstring back with the winches twisted the already taut string into a series of winches, storing the energy to fire the projectiles.
The release of the projectile was not my only concern. The impact of these powerful arrows was made more deadly with the pots of oil is has on its head, with the wick lighted. The flames soon spread on our boat from keel to bow. As we were not hit by one or two arrows but several, the men has to abandoned the boats to swim ashore.
I came with a hundred boat, and only thirty made it back; plus I lost over a thousand men in the fight. Some of them made it to the river banks, but were met with arrows from the enemies. Some did not get to swim as they were caught by the flames. It was a lost I did not anticipate but I did lose to a more devious foe.

They came first with their lancers intending to run off any hiding enemies, but we were patience to wait for them to group up. Then we let off our arrows and got many of them in the open plain. The enemy immediately withdrew back into the canyon. Then it was a stand off between us and them. We need to buy time for General Damai to reach the settlement and we did just that. every time they send out a squad, we slammed it back to their leaders.
It was nightfall when we withdrew back to our next rendezvous point. And our next surprise came.
We thought of meeting them on a battlefield which I will test my archers on them. They took our cue and send their men to meet us at a nearby plain. There I lined up my five hundred riders, and we waited. The enemies arrived with their marchmen; I counted maybe one thousand men. I signaled the men to march out, and we rode on a slow trod towards them. Soon we increase the speed and move to a full gallop. The marchmen took on us with their square formation, but we did not attack them up front. We just around them in circles and shot our arrows at them. It was then their ‘specialist’ appeared on the battlefield. They are actually riders in small wooden wagons the length of one man and width of half man. The are two riders in each wagon, while one drives the other is armed with a few lance.\
They came charging at my riders and we were soon fighting them in close range.  They numbered about one thousand and was winning the edge over us. I ordered a retreat and we rode off back to the Main settlement with only two hundred riders.

The enemies are coming and our effort to stop them has not resulted much but more losses on our side. I have now to planned the defence of this settlement and its people. The wives and children including the ones which Claudia traveled in was safe here. I had them moved to the caves in the hills.
I have requested help from the Yellow Beards, but I have no replies as yet. Now, I have is twenty five thousand men; eighteen thousands marchmen, three thousand lancers and the rest are archers including Darius’s. There are about forty thousand of them coming in from the enemy side.
On the west side of the settlement I have set up three sets of walls from the forest tree line. In front of each wall is a deep moat with sharpened stakes in it. To the south of the settlement, I have only one set of wall which will lined from the west towards the east side of the settlement. But this wall was built a long time ago as their defence against invading armies and it has been constructed over the seasons into that of stones stacked on top of each other and hard muds caked it together. I left my eastern side free of any walls except a series of barricades of stakes facing inwards as that was my retreat line if I am to call for a withdrawal.
As to the shoreline which lies to the north of the settlement. I have built also wooden barricades across in small numbers. I expect the boatmen come in via the boats, and we shall defend it when they land. Along the shorelines are stakes and logs to form barriers.
And then I waited. It wasn’t long and they arrived.

I came back with my survivors and was assigned to the south wall, as my men can defend there from any flanking movements. We released our horses and took the extra arrows from the womenfolks, there we sat and waited. The General has released almost half his archers here with me in command.
Daniel came back with his men, but he was adamant to fight on water. So the General told him to said out to the other end of the cove and wait for the opportunity to flank the inbound enemies.
We still have no news from the Yellow Beard or maybe our messenger did not make it there.

I was with the women and children in the caves, and we kept huddle like animals in the shelter when it rained. There were some women sobbing and some had kept their cries to little muffles in their arms. I held onto the twins and I hope we have another miracle like the one which we had earlier. But the Praetorian left us when we reached our own borders. There is no more Praetorian to assist us here. This is our war and we are to fight it alone.
‘You are the General’s wife?’ I looked up at the woman who was asking for me. She is dressed as a warrior and carries a broadsword. I recognised that sword; it belongs to Damai.
‘Yes, its his. My name is Nina. Your  husband; the General taught me to fight with it, and he gave me it. I here to tell you that I am bringing five hundred women back to the settlement to fight with the men. Among them is Lydia, and so we need you to command the column here. Can you do it?’
I looked at the woman who carries my husband’s sword. Is it true that she was his lover before I came here to reclaim him back. There was words of it in the camp, but I never told Damai. And now she stands before me, asking me to lead the people here. I nodded my head and she left with the sword swinging at her hips. She looked like a warrior from here and I wondered if she is a lady in his bedding. I wanted to laugh at myself for having such thoughts but I am now wondering wouldn’t it be proper for the lovers to die in battle together, or am I just having bad thoughts.
Damai will return to me as he has been. Or will he be like Genus.

They came on the break of dawn; all thirty thousand of them. There is the eighteen thousand marchmen and two thousand archers, plus three thousand lancers. The westerners are added up to another eight thousand, in their wagons and iron cladded horses. I should expect the second column to arrive from the sea front. Well, they did not hesitate much, as they came in first. The wagons and their riders in the fore, followed by the marchmen all screaming with their cries of deaths to us. The lancers are seen riding off to the south lines. They are trying to flank us.
I have five thousand marchmen behind every wall and the lancers are kept to the rear of the final wall. My orders are to keep to their position and used the wall to defend themselves. A thousand archers posted on each wall will proved the fire power.
The first wall was collapsing, and I move another thousand of my marchmen forward to reinforced it. But it was too late. I signaled the retreat to the second wall. I was on the second wall when they came.
‘Get them on the wall. And hold it. We will stop them soon enough. Aargh...’ The arrow was embedded in my left upper arm. I reached for the wooden staff and broke it off leaving just the arrowhead inside my left arm.
‘General, their second wave is here. They are landing now.’ I looked at the young warrior who is probably some seasons older than my twins. He was soon back on the line lining his bow to take on the enemy. I see many of men wounded or dead on the wall, while others climbed over them to fight on. Where there is a breach, more men was there to hold it. I wished Signar was here, he is better at this than me.
It was then I saw Nina and her warriors; all about two thousand of them wearing armors and carrying pikes. They came to stand with their men and fought like them. I do not know what trigger the call for withdrawal, but the enemies was retreating back across the walls. The ones at the beach was just waiting and not doing anything else.
I was wrong actually.
The column at the beach was unloading their so called heavy bows, and they are lining them on the beach. I called for the withdrawal to the final wall and into the settlement. I lost about two third of my men on those walls. I signaled my lancers to ride for the forest,as I feared there could an attack there.

They came in from the west riding along the forest line; all their heavy cladded riders and wagons. They learned fast as they could not do much on the soft ground at the beaches, so they were directed here. I let off the volley of arrows but it was little effect on the steel wall of riders. We did hit the wagons and stopped some of them, but they still came.
Soon our lancers engaged them but they were not a real match against the riders in heavy amour. Suddenly I had a thought; I grabbed a netting near me used by the men to fish in the sea. I ran out with it and threw it over one of the heavy rider. His helmet has a small slot for him to see where he is going, but when the netting covered him, his vision was affected. So was his horse to find something which draped over their body and legs. The horse soon panicked and dislodged the rider. It was then the lancers came in to kill the heavier opponent. More of my men saw my act, and started picking up the nettings on the wall or around it. Soon they were doing as I did and the war was now beginning to look more level.

I told them men to slowly sail in from their flanks. When our boats reached their empty barges that was dragged by the war boats, we boarded those. We soon make our way slowly across the barges to the war boats, removing any crews we can see. Soon we were on the war boats which is still occupied by the crew trying to unrigged their heavy bows. Not all the heavy bows was removed, only part of them in the front few boats. We took the surprised crews and and lined the heavy bows on the remaining boats towards the cluster of men on the beach. We looked at the bows and learned it fast. When we were ready, we decided to give them a taste of flaming roasted meat. The men was not ready to be attacked by their own flanks and their proximity made the works easier for the fires to spread. 
The ones which attacked was met by my men, and we took them down by the numbers. It was then we saw the second attack was on the last wall of defence. I hoped I bought them time and hope. But for me, mine was due, as the pike that was thrusted into my torso was not be removed easily.

They come again, and my men are ready for the final round. I saw the fight on the beach and thought it was the Yellow Beard, but I later saw it was Daniel’s men. They bought us hope and motivation to fight on. Its not a losing war until you see the end of it.
I deflected the thrust of the lancer who is fighting on his feet. I swung my sword down on his right shoulder to give him a new one. Then I kicked out at his falling body to fight the next approaching enemy. My left arm aches but I have to ignore the pain if I am to fight. I finished my opponent with a side thrust to his ribs and ended his life. I turned to see the defence and it still holding. It was then I saw Nina taking on her opponent; she did win that round with a down sweep of her broadsword. But she did not see the next coming thrust from the read of her fallen opponent. The sharp end of the pike took her in the upper chest and she felled back from the impact. I ran to her and lunged at her opponent with my sword. As I was about to knocked into him, I swung my sword in an arc to removed his head. I got up to see Nina was lying on top of the dead bodies. I rushed to her side, to see the wound on her. He amour did helped to protect her.
‘Damai, I thought I given my heart to you before. Why does he seek it still?’ I smiled at this tough lady and pulled her to her feet. Her body felled towards me and she embraced me. It was then I saw the wound at her back, which was not protected by any amour. She must had fallen onto the sword which was on the dead body.
‘Nina, you must not die.’ I lowered her to the ground trying to remove her amour so I can get to the wound. She stopped me with her right hand.
‘They won’t find my heart here. Its in you all this time.’ She died in my arms and I was not able to move for a while. If it was not for the cries of the charging marchmen, I may not had move at all from her. I jumped aside to avoid the thrust and got up to confront my new foe.

I saw it coming. I never seen it before, although some old man told me once before. I shouted out to the men and for those who knows, started running towards the wall. The battle has stopped then, and everyone was standing with their eyes on the coming waves.
‘Move quick. There is not much time. Grab anything you can hold you to the ground.’ I was running over the wall and into the forest to climb onto a tree. The biggest and  highest was my choice. I can see more people running over the wall, friends and foes for the forest or high ground.

The Gods must be mad at us. I heard of such tales from the old folks and laughs at them. But now I am not laughing anymore. The Gods are at us with these high waves of ten man’s height. I see them hitting the boats and sweeping them like fallen logs in their wake. I knew I cannot outrun the waves, but I will need some cover. I saw a small boat dugout which is still not completed. I ran to it and sat inside it. The water came and I find my boat being lifted up and swept by it. Then I must have hit something because I could not remember what happened next.

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