Sunday, September 23, 2012

Howdy Folks..

Nope, I am not riding into the sunset. I am also not writing a western tale either. Not until I find my saddle and riding boots. Maybe by then, I would do what Dick Francis ( writer of novels on horses and racing. I read his entire collection........trumpet ).

But midway in writing the 'Short Tales from the Chronicles of the Elves', and also in between watching re-runs of Planet of the Apes, and then Stargate Universe ( blinking mind is all zapped with ideas ), I decided to start on New Pangaea II. Its a continuation from the first one; the last of the Earthlings, Atlanteans, T-Rex and its chomped up victims, and not forgeting the chimps.

Actaully I did about two third of the short tales ( short tales that make one long tale.... ) before I switch over to telling the New Pangaea tale. It would be mind blowing ( mine is still swirling in the hyperspace. ) and its would be re-looked at the concept of survival. Plus its a lot of Rambo and Colonel Braddock ( pardon me, as I also watched the re-run of Rambo and Missing in Action. ) Hey, I am still a humanoid; ever picking on ideas. ( No, I did not watch any BDSM when I wrote Lancelot. I actually read a lot of passages on Lancelot before I embark on the tale. Imagine if I had read BDSM then, wow...Lancelot would be riding on the saddle from page one to the with a lot of strap-on' ).

Okay, back to reality.

Its a Sunday morning and needless to say I had to get up at 0630hrs ( ghastly time to wake anybody who had only fours of sleep ) but here I am. Oops! Was that supposed to be the opening para? Guess, I need to get back to my sleep.

Cheers, folks. Its time for say 'hiyo, Silver'.

'Loong' Ranger.

P.S. This is too tempting. I was thinking of watching re-runs of Wild Wild West, Gunsmoke and even Rawhide. Can you just imagine a tale of he western genre with a dash of space wanderings and a touch of the Gods..... Like a new version of Firefly ( the TV Series ) or maybe a new version named 2012 Space Odyssey. Add in some spice and we would beat the record for Mile High, to Space High. Yup, we can swap the water bed for the free gravity Add in the music from Queen; "We would rock the World".

Radical! Yeah !

But for now, let me sleep. If anyone looking for me, knock before coming into the free gravity chamber. Wear a suit please, there would be gooey stuff floating around.

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