Sunday, September 2, 2012

CWE Book II Part 12

book 11
The outsiders
Part Vi

 By Jimmy Loong

This is a land lying in destruction, physical and spiritual. If the twisted railroads and the burned cities and the fields covered with the bones of dead men--if that were all, we could soon rise out of the destruction. But the hate that burns in old scars, and the thirst for revenge that has distorted men until they should be in straitjackets rather than in high office--these are the things that may make peace a sorry thing.

- Excerpts from Irene Hunt, Across Five Aprils, Ch. 12

Its been six months now since the last battle with Emric and Conal. Damai has managed to contain the border well, with his men and as more of the settlers are moving to the new land. I have moved back to the north to be with my son, while Damai send for his family including Claudia. I don’t know whether to miss her or learn to live without her. As for Darius, I heard he speaks to his ‘mother’ much and spend time with the twins.
Since I have been back, for some reason I find myself with Jeane as she is always checking on her father’s health and also on the Lord. Soon I find myself talking to her on Darius and his welfare, as he was his mother for a period of time. But her biggest contribution was to joined Lydia in training the women on how to fight with weapons. She is a formidable lady with a purpose now in life again.
As for Darius, he is training the new recruits in the art of bow and arrow. His skills has improved and he is very adept at it. One day he even showed me his skill of shooting while riding on a horse. He had the horse reins in his mouth for control when he shoots his arrow at the target. I told him to train the men in this new warfare and formed his own column. He was ever happy to do so.
One late night, when the whole settlement was resting or sleeping, I find myself very much awake. I had the lamps lighted up so I can read the reports, although it was tiring as my eyes are not as good as before. Soon I myself joined by Jeane, and she offered to read them to me. As she was reading the reports, I find myself looking at this woman who is now all alone here. She has learned to adapt to her new life, and as a warrior before, she choose not to complained of the discomfort.
‘You think you want to stare at me or listen to these reports.’
‘My apologies, Lady Jeane. I was distracted by the gleam on your hair. I am so sorry for that.’
‘And I thought I had more than my hair to attract you.’ She looked at me and smiled. I don’t what was there to say. I been fighting for over twenty years and not seen any comfort in any woman’s arm for so long. The only one I had is now probably in the arms of another who loves her.
‘Jeane, I am an old man. There are many others who can offer you the life you want. In fact, I think I am more than ten seasons order than you.’ I wanted to hold her but I think she needed more than I can offer.
‘There are, but they are not Darius’ father. You are old, and I think I like older man more. My previous lover was old too; older than you. Its not your love I seek; its only your warmth.’ She was in my arms and I was soon holding her to protect her from the outside world. Perhaps this old man can offered her warmth after all she did take care of my son for so many years. And love may take time.

I was sitting by the shore line when Lydia caught up with me. She sat down next to me and looked at the same scene I was watching, the rising sun. I come here sometimes when I need to think and this was one of those days. I have said my goodbye to my mother of birth some time back, and till now she has not send me any messages. I seen my mother of care, now turning to my father’s tent at dark, and I wondered who do I call my true mother. I think I love both of them, but then again, I am not sure.
‘Darius, its okay for your Jeane to seek your father. I too seek mine on some nights.I mean men to share my bedding or mine in theirs. Its a part of life as we get older. ’ Lydia has over the years learned to read my mind and thoughts. ‘You should too, if you open your arms more. I know of many young maidens who will welcome you. So will their parents to have you as their son.’
‘Lydia, you are as bad as Signar. How can you think of such things?’
‘Signar; may the Gods has mercy on his soul. He was never my lover. I would had died under his weight...’ That caused us to laugh.
True, I have my admirers too like Lydia said, but I have not made my choice as yet. Some of my peers are already with families and some are about, but not me. I am still searching for the right lady, and she may not be here. I tried to get Lydia to be married once and she almost threw me out of the home we shared. She is very adamant to remain as she is and without a burden. But to me she is like my elder sister, very much older and wiser. And I am to her the nearest the kin they can called as a brother.
‘Nay, I am not ready as yet. I liked my mothers. They are nice and kind but I am not ready for any woman in my life. But I wondered if Claudia can accept Jeane. You know...’
Lydia got up and said, ‘your father will decide and you got to train an army now. Be gone now.’
I left Lydia by the spot and went back to the settlement. Maybe she need sometime alone too.

Its been some time since I joined my husband with his twins. We are now staying at one of the forts on the borders. Its so close to home and yet so far to reach. The fort is much build larger than normal to housed the five thousand men we have here now, and its wall are made from stones and not woods anymore. Damai has named the fort; ‘The Stronghold’ as he predict it can hold up any attacks. He has aged since we last met and he still missed his friend Signar. He only stares at the daggers which he keeps with him on his pouch.
But since I have been with him, I feel a lot safer and comfortable. I do feel safe in the northern settlement even with Genus, and we do spend time talking together with Darius, but its not the same anymore. Darius is an adult now and he does not need his mother, unlike his step brothers here. I do asked about my father and brother, but Damai tells me there is not much to tell. My father is back in command but my brother is in Red Hill. I pleaded with Damai not attack or attempt any assassination on him and he said it not for him to decide, but he did promised me he will not plan any.
Today, Damai came back early to the chambers. I served him his drink and was about to hang up his sword when he spoke to me.
‘Your father send for you. You will be allowed safe escort to the city and also allowed to come back. He also said you can bring the twins.’
How did he know? It was a mistake to come to the border.

He asked me and I had to tell him.
There was no threat to my life or anyone, but he was getting old and he wanted to see her. He also now knew about her husband’s current whereabouts and the twins. He said he did not blamed me for not killing Damai, but was thankful. But he wants to see his daughter again and her kids. I was to arrange it all and that include safe passage for them. I am a loss as I am concerned on his sanity; if he changed his mind, the daughter and grandkids will die.
But his request went out before he saw me. He knew I would agreed and even if I said no, he would had done it anyway. Now I have much to do. I need to informed my other Lords. There are other precautions to take like posting spies on Red Hill to avoid any stupid moves from there.
And also I need to plan their routes so that they can be safe. I have to get guards I can trust with.

Lord Camlash
In my life, I have many mistresses, but only two daughter. In my rage, I banished one of them from here, and today, she is standing there before me, with her kids. She has grown older but she has the looks of her mother. The twins came up to me and wished me well. I held out my hands to hugged them and kissed them as if they are my own. In fact, they are; it just I did not know they are until recently.
‘Sit, Claudia. We have much to speak.’
And we did; all four of us for a long night. Canaan joined in later and soon the children were friends;. I wished we were the same in our age. Soon I send the mother and child to sleep in Canaan’s chamber, and I also doubled the guards. None shall harm my family unless I allowed it.
When come morning, I pleaded with her to stay but she declined.
‘No, father. I need to go back to my life. You were not there for a long time, and it won’t change with one meeting.’
‘Claudia, I know. And I do not want to stop you. But the next time we meet, we may be not as close anymore. There is a war coming, and your husband has choose his loyalty to the other side. I hope he fares well.’
‘I will, father, as I have been for the last years without you. Take care of Conal. He needs a good father.’
I wished her all the best and send them off. I then told my servants to remove the beddings and tables which my daughter and her sons has used. They are to be burned, like the same personal effects of Claudia many seasons ago. I have only one daughter now and she is in Lord Micha’s care.

I did not know I had a stepsister, who is now the wife of the man who defeated me in the battle. This is unreal and cannot be allowed. I looked at Dina and she nodded her understanding of my required action.
Now I got an old man who needs to talk to me. And I have a lot of questions. Families history is bad if we do not know who we had sired and may meet in the Empire.

I packed my daggers and was about to leave when I looked at the reflection from the smooth metal face.
I see not a young girl, but a fully adult lady. Most ladies my age are now married or with families, and yet I am still riding across the land to carry our murderous acts. I have prayed for the other life, but the circumstances prevailing does not permit. Even my master now speaks to me when needed and does not share my bedding. I am back to be his guard, but he forgets I care about him. Or he does, but that care is of the duty and not feelings.
Now he asked me to do a job for him which involved his family and yet he does not show any griefs. He is a better person than I am in this game. We should exchange bodies and let this one be run by his mind.
My thoughts was disrupted by the servant who tells me my horse is ready. And so are the men I am bringing along. Its going to a long ride and I will be ready then.
It was then the pain came and I could not stand at all. Its been like this since I lost the child. The physician I attended to cannot tell me what is wrong.

She is late, and I am concerned. I am waiting here at the rendezvous point with my personal squad of ten men. Domo and I agreed that she will be delivered safe to here by the guards and then I can takeover from here. Now I trust not the old man as they are late..
Then the attack came.
The arrows took my men by surprised and they all went down. I turned my horse to escape but I find my path locked by two men with drawn swords. To my right, coming out of the bushes was the bowmen; all four of them. And then she came out on her horse, riding towards me. If not my experience and training, I would not had deflected the daggers thrown at me with my shield, but it drew to pull out my own sword. When she rode passed by me, I swung my sword at her but it missed her. She rode past to stop just behind me, I turned my body to faced her, just in time to deflect another oncoming daggers, but one was to find the back of my left thigh. I then had to ducked to avoid some arrows aimed at me.
I am in a trap here and I can’t fight them all. I need to escape fast,as the wound is not fatal, but I am losing blood. I then decided to rush the two swordsmen with my horse; and when  near them I kicked out my legs at them. They did hit my horse who is still able to run. It won;t be far as I can feel her weakening. I did not turn back to see the attackers, but I did ride on for a distance.
Then I remembered the oncoming carriage of my wife and children. I dismounted in the nearby forest and made my way back on foot. I do not know what did happened but I saw the carriage came rushing out in fast riding with a few personal guards around it. I saw back at the place of ambush, there were some fighting going on and I see them personal guards there wining. I decided then to turn back to my border and my men.

The carriage arrived just as we were clearing the grounds of the dead bodies, but they came in riding fast.They were supposed to be delayed at the tavern which I have bribed the owner to delay them with drinks and food. But they are here now ahead of my planned schedule.
The personal guards in the fore of the carriage was engaged with my men using their swords and lancers. There were twenty of them and I am outnumbered. I turned my horse and rode off in the opposite direction while my five men fought it out. I turned back in time see the carriage riding pass the ambush place accompanied by the remaining personal guards.
I reined in my horse and took out the bow. I shot off an arrow which went through into the carriage compartment. I then rode off for the forest line to escaped my attackers.

I saw the assassin with the bow and arrow. When the person there shot the arrow, it was  coming towards the carriage. It did struck through the window of the carriage but the carriage did not stop. I ran out and waved at the oncoming personal guards escorting the carriage.
The stopped for me and picked me into the carriage. I saw my family safe and one arrow was seen on the wall of the inner wall inside the carriage. Claudia was relieved to see me and she related her dearly in the tavern, until the commander was suspicious of the feast given without the need to pay. So he ordered them to move out and ride fast. It was then they saw the assassins clearing the dead bodies.  She thought I was among them but the driver was ordered to to stop for anything. When she looked out for me, she saw the assassin on the horse shooting at them with the bow. She jumped onto the children to shield them. The arrow did hit the place she was sitting on.
I was relief that children were safe and so was she. Its not a daily affair even for an army officer like me to see their family at risk.
The carriage was met further up when they rode into one of my outpost. There my men immediately took us to their care and released the personal guards of Domo. The guards described the leader of the attackers as a lady with daggers.
I said I know,as I got one in my thigh and two in my pouch.

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