Saturday, September 1, 2012

CWE Book II Part 11

Prime Leader Romus
To lose a battle is nothing new, but to lose when one’s ally is no helping much was not acceptable. I send a strong protest to Lord Camlash, but instead I got was a reply from his cowardly son. He denied the charges and said my men was at fault with a weak strategy. He also claimed the Outsiders did not fight fairly as in any battle. If the young master was in front of me, he would had lose more than his writing hand. To Emric, my assigned leader; I had him send to the West to restored his confidence and strength, while I will lead the next battle.
‘We lost again, my Prime.’ I did not see  the Grand Lord coming into my hall, which is very unusual as its always me who patronize his hall.
‘Yes, Grand Lord. We lost to a smarter foe and a foolish young leader who run at the sight of losing.’ As I was speaking, my hand was clenching the written reply from the young master.
‘Speak not of that, Romus. Master Conal rule the city now while his father is in ‘retirement’. He may be your Grand Lord one day. But not today for sure. I came to see you to offer my help. I give you a column of my men; say twenty five thousand with five thousand archers and lancers. Do your revenge but win this war for the Empire.’
With that the Grand Lord was walking out of my hall assisted by his servants. I remained with my head bowed until I can hear no more of their steps. Then I looked out the window to see the setting sun. It will be over my dead body if the young master will to become Grand Lord.
‘Ream, let me read your plans. Your stay with the Eastern people may give me some ideas which can turn the tide of the war. From your report, you tell me of their unconventional tactics and we will see if it can work here.’
I send Ream to the over the range to the other empires to seek knowledge and alliance. He was away for over a year now. And he came back not alone but with a group of warriors who has been training the Praetorian in the new art of war. We have come to a new age now.

Lord Camlash
Truly in this world, despite my age, I am still to handle my son’s issues. And this one is not new but bigger in numbers. Conal has done no wrong to bring back his defeated army, but he should not had condemned the Senior Praetorian. Its a sad thing when we had the two sides on conflict. I must pacify the issue soon.
Today, I hear of my daughter is in conflict with her husband again despite a short time of reconciliation. I fear she can be the next issue to create problems between her husband and Granus. To make matter worse, she is with a child but the rumors is that its neither of them who is the father. I am at loss to this children of mine; all schemers and doing things which can destroy my dream. Except for my grandson who is ever nice to be with. His smile can rub away all my woes and his laugh can be heard daily.
I have a guest in the form of Domo, my faithful adviser.
‘You seek me, Domo. How can you manage these steps at your age? I find difficulty with mine.’
‘I am old, my lord; and I have able servants to carry me. Like yours, they served as my legs.’ A fair answer as he does not want to say I am a crippled while he is old and weak.
‘Tell me your concern of this visit.’ I reached for the piece of fruit to pass to my grandson, who is standing next to me. We enjoyed the fruits every morning while watching the flowers bloom.
‘Its your son, Conal. He is back and causing trouble again. Not only has he insulted the Praetorian, he also removed the Generals Marcus of his last battle. That general is from Lord Giantus, and not ours to remove. He has to be stopped.’ Poor Domo was on his knees although supported by his servants, he does looked very sincere in his pleading.
‘I know and I will take care of it. I have pacified Giantus and would do the same for the Praetorian. Be gone and rest well, my adviser.’
I signaled the end of the meeting and had my servants escort the Adviser and his servants out of my hall.
Conal, you need some lessons in the art of leadership. And some humble teachings.
Come, Canaan. I got a story to tell you. Its called the story of the ‘Fruits in the Garden’ The story goes likes this. There was a lovely valley which one farmer found was good to plant some fruits he liked. So he did with one single tree. It grew well and give him many fruits. But it soon became old and decay stepped in. So the farmer loved the fruits so much that he pruned it, dug the ground and nourished it. ‘
‘One day, new branches came to sprout. Over a period of time the tree became large and fruits soon appeared. But part of the tree was dying, so the farmer grafted with other similar fruit trees. As he was concerned on his new grafted tree will die, he transplanted the young branches to other areas in the garden and they all grew well. But the trees fruit was not all the same, some was sweet and some sour. So the farmer removed those branches which grew the sour fruits, and keeping the ones which grew the sweet ones.’
‘But the tree eventually ended growing all sour fruits. In despair, he wanted to cut off the trees but his love for the fruits was there. So he grafted more trees and hope to see them grow. They started again the whole garden and soon the trees gave him sweet fruits again. But he was sad that he may see his trees grow sour fruits again, so he said to himself, one day I may have to destroyed all that I have done.’
‘Grandfather, can I taste the sweet fruit?’
‘I don’t know, Canaan, as the garden is mine, but I trust not my trees which I grow in it. Maybe you could be the newly grafted branch, or I may have to let it die before the fruits turned to poison in me.’
‘Then Grandfather, you are not a good farmer at all.’ The child slept in my arm, but I slept in the arms of the farmer who decides my fate.

How dare the man removed my power over the army? He must be mad in his age. I am the commanding officer and none may take my place. He even refused to see me in his hall; dismissing me like his servant. I am his son, and his rightful heir. I cannot take this humiliation, so I am now moving to stay at the retreat in Red Hill. I have not been there, but I know its a nice place. But first I need to remove the current patron of the place. I can move her back, but that will be getting her closer back to her son. No, I will move her elsewhere. I know the place to send her to. After all, she can be my representative on my behalf. So be it, and I will send the needed messages.
I looked in at Dina who is still now recuperating from her wound. She has done well, although she removed about half of them, but I was told that one of them was a revered leader. His death overshadowed the victory; sad but good for the men to know this. But I heard stories that he was one of my men, which made him a traitor to the Lord. So be it, traitors shall be removed by any means including murder.
‘Rest, Dina. I will see you in the morning.’ I left her in her chamber for the servants to dressed her wound.

He leaves me here again, for once but since I came back with this wound. The wound may heal but not the scar. And its the scar he disliked to see on my body; a reminder of his own scars being imprisoned by his father. But he does not see the scar of my heart which need healing for all I did was for him.
Is it truly that man are without feelings? I will let time tell me soon, and if its true, may my training work for me against my beliefs.
The master has asked to formed a team of my own from his men. I will do just that as per his request. But I will select the men whom I can trust, and their loyalty is to me.
Mistress Kimi
Since the Prime Leader, my godfather Raihan left here, I am alone to my thoughts. If not for Shiven, I would had been more depressed, but he did cheered me at times. We are cautious in our words and gestures as to avoid the wrong perception by us or the servants. So we speak or meet only in their company or in the open areas like the Inner Garden. Since the last incident, we never mentioned it, nor do we dare to repeat it. But today, I got news of my new home in the city of Lord Giantus as special envoy of Lord Camlash. Its often the close family member are appointed to such positions, and they are also known as hostages. But this is a rare case of a daughter in law to be given the honor. Shiven was to move with me, as my personal guard. Then I am not so sad as he will be around me and I can feel safe.
I missed Canaan and I do get news of him from the loyal servants that he is well and happy with the old man. I hoped he will grow well and be a man like his father.
As for my loyal subjects, there has been more news of their development and I am happy to see that one day my father’s name will be called on for their fight to freedom.

I do not know what to expect in the new city, as the one I lived in To date was at Lord Camlash. But the new city may promise more interesting developments and new friends. Here in Red Hill, the pace of life has been slow like the flowers which bloom here; you see them daily and nothing happens to them until they wither and dropped off. I want to see more than this place, but I also feared them as there are many things I do not know of out there.
We were on the road to the new place came the next dawn, leaving our place of comfort of over a year now. I prayed we may meet some assassins or bandits, as I need to break some bones to escape my boredom. But my prayers was unanswered by the Gods.

Mistress Camy
I disliked being told to stay in the chambers, not when the weather outside is nice and warm. I don’t care what the physician says about my health, as I know it better than they do. I know I am with a child, but its too early to be a burden to my movements, so why can;t I move outside like I used to do. Moreover he cares not for his child; he even accuses me of carrying Granus’s child. I do not know he can think of such, and if not for his father, I would had died by his beatings. I was with Granus but we were not long together, not so much in the beddings anyway. But I remembered telling my husband some time after we reconciled that I was with his child. I am sure its his as I was not with Granus that long. But he disbelieves me and ran to his other mistresses who adores his visits.
But I am a woman, and once scorned remain ever defiant to fight back. This child will be born and he will find his own father soon. And it may not be his true father, but the father who will adore him as a son. And helped him win back his city and land.
But now I need to go out and see the sun, even if I have to kill the servants and guards.
‘Father, I did not see you earlier. Pardon me, for my lack of manners.’ I did not expect to be disturbed by the old man.
‘None taken, my daughter in law. I was in the garden too, and I saw you coming in. How are you?’ My father in law, Grand Lord and Lord of this city, Micha of lately walked with a walking stick and sits often more than walk.
‘I was bored, so I came out to walk.’
‘Mitchy’s mum was the same. She would not stay in the chamber when she was with him. She insist on being with me at the Hall and discussing with the advisers. Perhaps you are like her. Care to join me for a short walk? I am sure no one will disturb us.’
I am beginning to think this old man likes me more when I am with his grandchild inside me. We will walked and talk, and perhaps get to know each other better.
‘So tell me, father; how goes the war now with the Outsiders?’
We do need a topic to speak on, so why not the ongoing war. Its a long war after all, and more should be done to end it soon. Isn’t that what mistresses hope for in their Lords’ arms.

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