Sunday, December 26, 2021

Vlad the Impaler Chapter 15

 Allies and friends.


Vladislav II sat on the high seat which speaks then of his ran. He faced the few boyars there who stood with him while the others had taken to stay away or supported the return of Vlad.

“What ---- No, where is the pretender to my rank?”

“He rides at the villages and towns, to tell them of his return. The peasants loved him.” The boyar there told Vladislav and the word of the peasant came out with the spat from his mouth.

“Peasants! What do they know of us?” Another boyar voiced out. “We offered them land to grow and this is how we are repaid.”

“My Lord, Vlad III Dracula,” Vlad’s full name was mentioned then by another boyar. “He is the son of Vlad II Dracul.”

“The father had taken the rank by force as his son now will try. Both of them committed treason when they pledged to the Ottoman. I had however waged a war against them.” Vladislav II reminded the boyars of the war he waged with John Hunyadi. He did wage the war but he did not fight in it. Instead, he left John Hunyadi to fight alone and had the reinforcements delayed.

“How would I deal with his treason son of Wallachia?” Vladislav II looked to the boyars but there were no replies.

“Surely, I cannot have the treason son marched in my land, and mocked me for a fool.” Vladislav II had expected support but the boyars remained silent.

“I will ride to meet the pretender.” Vladislav II stated his stand. “I will take my army with me. How many of you will contribute your army to mine?”

Again, there was silence and then Vladislav II told them his mind.

“I will expect a hundred of your men by dawn tomorrow. Meet at the city gates, or be prepared to be punished.” Vladislav II made his demand. “Don’t you ever forget, Mircea II was blinded by all of you and buried alive? You may share the same if Vlad wins.”

At the break of dawn, Vladislav II rode to the front of his column of five hundred men and was soon supported by another four hundred of the boyars’ men. He marched out then to challenge Vlad who was still doing his rounds at the villages.

Vlad was told of the army with Vladislav II. He looked to his own; five hundred mercenaries and an additional three hundred of the Wallachian’s peasants that followed his banner. He had met the boyars who had offered him food and shelter instead of men.

“We still need to survive here. We cannot ill afford on the sides now.” The excuse was the same, and Vlad accepted it. He did not need the boyars to group against him and rode on.

It was not long before he was to meet Vladislav II at Targsor.

Both armies massed facing each other across the field outside of the town. The two sides had remained at their position while a delegation of the town approached the two warring leaders.

“We plea with the two of you to spare the lives of many Wallachians who served in your army. They have been defeated not long ago from the Turks, the wound still unhealed and the wails of the loving mothers and lovers’ sill echoed the land. I sought you to seek peace and be done with the killings.” It was a delegation of elders and priests.

“We do not want to kill our people but they chose to side with a pretender.” Janus had intervened then. “Vlad III Dracula only sought peace.”

“If there are to be a battle, then let it be a personal duel. Let the leaders fight to the death but only them.” The elders voiced their call. “A true leader will not ---lose. He will be protected by God.”

That call was made and soon heeded by both leaders. They agree to the battle with only swords and shields.

Vlad looked to his opponent. Vladislav II had fought in some skirmishes but not a real person duel. Neither was him and worse, he had not used the sword in any duel except with his instructors. Both of them wore tunics without armor and sandals on their feet.

“There is no shame in admitting defeat.” Vladislav II spoke to Vlad. “I have sampled it but in personal duels, I have always won.”

Vlad was nervous and held his sword that was his companion for years. He tried to recall the words of his mentors including Mirliva Sajak.

“The sword is an extension of yourself. Be with it, trust it and fight with it. Don’t fight it or you will die.” Vlad remembers but the hours of slashing at the wooden mannequin were different to a moving live opponent.

Vladislav II did not waste time and charged at Vlad. The latter retreated with his shield in the front. Vladislav II struck several times and then withdrew.

“Surrender, Vlad. I will spare your life. You may leave the land without your right arm.” Vlad was challenged. Vlad was charged at by the other with more slashes that Vlad had to retreat further. He rolled to the left to avoid the slashes but he was not to be missed. The sword of the opponent cut into his left forearm and drew blood.

“First blood to me, Vlad. Your blood had been tasted and more will flow.” Vladislav II roared out. “You are pathetic. Fight me like a --- Lord.”

Vlad dropped the shield to look at his wounded arm. He knew then how the wound with the blood flowing out was painful. He reached for the wound with his right hand. He took the hand to his mouth; it tasted --- sweet.

“Your father died by my sword, and --- Mircea--- he was blinded and buried in parts I know not to remember.” Vladislav II laughed. “I will kill you and then Radu; he who is your other brother. I will send words to the Sultan to kill him or return him to me. I will personally behead him. And your mother ----”

“Leave my mother out!” Vlad charged at the other with the sword held with both his hands. He swung and slashed at Vladislav II but the latter had retreated.

“So, the bear is enraged. Do you know how many bears I have killed in the hunts? Many ---” Vladislav II had to step aside when he saw Vlad attacking then. The latter was in a rage and his attacks were wild in the movement. It opened up for Vlad’s back to being slashed; a shallow cut but blood was flowing out.

“Another wound! Vlad, you may just die with more than a dozen cuts.” Vladislav II roared. Vlad took a breather and tried to compose himself. Many times the instructors told him to be calm or he will be dead.

“I wondered if John Hunyadi will like your head as a gift.” Vladislav II laughed. Vlad had then controlled his breathing and resumed his attack. He recalled the moves that were taught to him. He struck in with a left swing and then a downward turn of the sword to attack the legs, with the twist of his hands, he went for the right swing at the arms once more. He varied his moves and Vladislav II was on the defensive,

It was then Vlad drew blood when his sword cut into the other’s left shoulder. It was a shallow cut but it hurt the other. Vladislav II drew back with Vlad on the offensive. He slashed and plunged until his arms hurt but the sword found its mark. Vlad’s sword had cut in deep at the other’s left thigh and caused the opponent to fall on one knee. Vlad followed through with the full swing of his arms to behead the other.

The duel was over.

Do not underestimate the power of an enemy, no matter how great or small, to rise against you another day," Vlad recalled the words of his brother, Radu who read from the annals of Attila the Hun. He did ask what it meant.

“Leave no enemy alive,” Radu told him calmly. “Not even your friends, or ---family. Blood must be shed.”

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