Monday, December 20, 2021

Dante Book III Canto XXXII-3 VI

 Canto XXXII-3

The Ninth Circle: Treachery

Scene VI


“We hold no other name for it other than Judecca.” The cherub spoke of the last ring in the Circle.

“Judas Iscariot was a disciple; one of the twelve among the, of the son of God, as depicted in the Book. He was the one who betrayed his master for a handout of silver coins. Judas sins were a few. There are many reasons to Judas’ action then.”

“Judas did not hold the faith in him despite his acceptance of the Master. Judas was claimed to be possessed by the Devil. A fallen Angel but if he was to hold his faith, he won’t be. It was also claimed that Judas was a thief and greed for wealth ruled his desire. He was paid in silver coins; thirty of it, and wanted to returned it and eventually he committed suicide.”

“You just heard the sins that he committed.” The cherub smiled. “Life’s eventual ending point, Judas died.”

“It was also said that Judas’ action was not his own but planned ---” Dante was cut off by the cherub.

“God may will if you are saying but the ultimate decision is in them who holds the mind to think; another gift of God. When we falter, we cannot say the path was laid for us, but we could had taken a different path. It was in our mind not to do so.”

“Thou didst clothe us with this wretched flesh, and it would be less painful if you eat of us.; Those were the plea on the Count’s ears. His sons were willing to be eaten so that the father may survive but the latter did not do it. His mind told him the right path was to remain sane and plot his vengeance after death. We are all given a choice and we choose will determine our path.”

“It’s the concept of retaliation; or the act of vengeance which you had seen earlier. There are many acts of vengeance but the act of it may not be justified hence when you are in Hell, you will be judged.”

“Retaliation comes within us but there are two paths to it. Emotional and personal motivation is one. It came with anger and the need to be done when the opportunity arises. The emotions in them are frigid like the cold ice here. Its devoid of any feelings but the act had to be done. Its also called as being ruthless. Or by some as without remorse.”

“The betrayal of bond and the sin of being a traitor is calculated, premeditated, and precise.  Unlike some of the other transgressions seen, it is not something that "just happens."  The people in this circle planned out their deceptions of others, similar to Cain, embodied in the name of the first region, "Caina."  Judas, whose name is seen in "Judecca”. It was all the levels of betrayal, complete with the Devil that represented a domain of severed bonds and forgoing human connection.”

“Dante, you spoke of the need to be shield when you took your first venture here. There is no shield other than the faith in you. The faith in you for God. And on God. Betray that, you will be falling with the Fallen. Don’t forsake the bonds that existed between ourselves and the larger entity. We have co-existed for generations.”

“Hold your thoughts on Beatrice and her warmth. Seek her and be done with the task.” Dante was told. It was not he expected.


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