Friday, December 31, 2021

Dante Book IV Canto I Scene II

 Canto I

Escape from Hell

Scene II

“My name is Cato.” Dante heard the sound from the holographic image. The image was that of a young male dressed similarly to Virgil, his translucent companion. He did have an affinity towards that fashion of dressing then besides his heavy robes and shawls over his shoulders. The toga was free-flowing and fewer layers to contend with when you are in the need to remove it more so for personal hygiene.

“I will repeat himself to you. I am Cato. I am an image projected from the server and was replicated based on your memories.”

Dante recalled that he has not any companion or acquittance named Cato except for --- he found the name --- and the reason he disliked the name. He muttered the words then.

“Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the feces---” Dante was cut off by the image with its grim expression.

“Traces, Dante. Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names; rightful names, total license. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters ---” The image completed the quote from Cato. (

But those were my great grandfather's words. Mine were more subtle like after I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.” Cato concluded his words.

“Or rather you were mean to the purpose of women when you said; Blessed be they as virtuous, who when they feel their virile members swollen with lust, visit a brothel rather than grind at some husband's private mill.”

“I did not mean that. I was speaking of less you desire another person’s love and be off your desire in some ladies offering you that for a fee. I was advocating not to foul your lustful intentions with bad thoughts.”

“Isn’t that act a sin, Cato?” Dante hit back.

“The oldest profession in the trade is not necessarily a sin if you are compensating the woman for her sacrifice. I do know you are not of one, but subduing your lust for that of the imaginary acts?” Dante was agitated by Cato’s words but held his piece and invoked the Cardinal virtues to his defenses.


“Humble words, Cato. Do tell me, Cato. Are you another of Doctor Bormant’s maleficent creations to taunt me? Virgil---”

“I can assure you I am not. I am the creation of a supplementary design with my program and Virgil’s routines during the period Virgil was in the main program.” Cato replied. “Unlike my creator, I am not subjected to its intentions nor do I perform servitude towards him. I am …”

“Like the woman we just recited?” Dante snapped back.

“I don’t have any anatomy to prove my designation nor the vessel for anyone to expedite in, but I can assure you I am very much the ---masculine feature mentioned,” Cato replied.

“So, we won’t go into showing me yours and I will do of mine,” Dante spoke with sarcasm.

“I won’t do that. I am a holographic image and my dimensions are within the realm of the program to enhance to match or exceed yours.” Cato did the same. “However, I will not be here if not the invite of Virgil, I shall try to assist you but before I do, I have some questions.”

“Who are you the name you held? Who aided you till here? I need clarification.” Cato’s voice turned stern.

“I am who I am. I was aided to hear by one named Virgil. He --- it was a mechanical orb.” Dante motioned to the object near him. “It’s inactivated for now.”

“I was in contact with the one you named Virgil. I have records that you were here for a lady.”

“Yes, I was --- or rather given the belief that I was to find the lady in question and ---”

“Shall we address the lady by name?” Cato interjected. Dante nodded.

“Beatrice is her name. She is the Empress.” I replied. “I was ---her friend.”

“I guess adding the name will not demean the woman there.” Cato reverted to his persona of viewing women as a subject. “How did you find your journey here?”

“Wait! Am I being reviewed like a ---” He was cut off by the one named Cato.

“It’s a part of my programming to access the logical path of the subject, and any deviation that may occur and remedies are required.”

Dante sighed at the logical approach by the program image there. He had wanted to remain quiet but Cato was adamant to review his status.

“There is an air vent to your right that vents the hot air out. It's precarious to step over but you must try. That will give you the needed heat to survive.” Cato indicated the direction. Dante looked over as mentioned for there was not seen a holding contraption. He could cling onto nor were the ledges any wider than his feet or longer than the length of his legs. It was a gap of five feet to the next ledge and that was only the first of the three to land on.

“I can’t do it,” Dante admitted to Cato. “It’s madness to do the jumps.”

“I did not say jump. I meant was you returned the vent inside and then made your way to the next one. I will disable the vent controllers so you can climb out.” Cato replied.

Dante gave thoughts of going back in.

“You must take me for a mad man. Why should I climb back in and come out there?” Dante queried back. “I might as well leave with Virgil.”

Dante stooped to pick up Virgil when Cato stopped him.

“Virgil will be fine here. It’s you we need to save.” With that Cato disappear and Dante was all alone there. He looked briefly at Virgil and then proceeded to climb back in through the vent where he exited. It was difficult to climb in for the cold outside had made his joints stiff but did it and soon find himself sliding into the corridor below. He got up and ran out to the corridor. It was void of any guards and then he moved onto the next vent and it was still working.

Dante felt like being deceived but then he felt the hot ventilation. Cato was right; it was venting the hot air out.

Dante crawled in and then made his way to the vents which were operated by the controller. When he reached there, the vents stopped moving but there was still the issue of the gaps he needed to squeeze through.

Dante still had his blaster and aimed to shoot at it. It was then he heard the klaxons ringing off in the corridor. His escape was discovered. He had to get out or be captured. He took the shot and missed the hinges. He took on the second shot and removed the hinges there. He pushed up and climbed out to the ledge. It was not so cold compared to the earlier one. He stood there to warm himself and contemplated his next action.

It was then he saw the sun.

The sun was on the horizon and it was beaming with its sunlight. He gauged the sun was rising then, and the warm sunlight bathe me then.

“I have resumed the vent flaps. You will be safe for now.” It was Cato. “Till the alarms are off, we can’t move for now. However, we should when the sun reached near its zenith. It will be too hot for you to be standing here.”

Dante looked at the holographic image with scorn on his expression.

“Looks to me like I am stuck between the fires of Hell and the depths of the deep blue sea. Am I right?”

“Affirmative, you have limited options, and dwindling by the seconds,” Cato replied.

“Where am I? Exactly where?” Dante wanted to know then.


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