Saturday, December 11, 2021

Dante Book III Canto XXXII-1 Scene II & III

 Scene II


“I knew him as the Morning Star as he was said to be the son of morning.” Virgil replied. “I stand quoted; ’How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.’ It was the book of Isaiah.”

“He was mentioned before but he was also known by other name besides not mentioned or it may invoke his anger.” The cherub was careful with the names there. “However, he resides here soon after his banishment. What you see here is a huge lake but the lake consists of four layering or circle if I have to be corrected. Each layer formed a ring around the lake, and each layer held great sinners that their penance will be lengthy and solitary until the Devil himself consumed them in the soul.”

“The first layer was named Caina after the foul deed of Cain who slew his own brother, Abel. That was layer for those who murdered their own bloodline.”

“The second Antenora after the Trojan who had betrayed his city”

“The third Tolomea, after Ptolemy who murdered his father-in-law, and brothers whom he invited to his home as his guest.

“The final layer is Judecca, the one who was named Judas who betrayed his Master. And after the last ring was where the one named Lucifer is imprisoned up to his waist in the frozen waters.”

“The fallen Angel was banished here upon his defeat, but his will to battle on remained firm. He wants to take on vengeance on his loss; his wings flapped daily to escape the pit and the flapping so intense that it created a cold environment here. The flapping of the wings froze the air around it and from the droplets of water seized by the cold air, thus become solid and it freeze over the lake.”

“Hell freezes over? This is ---- a lie. Hell was never cold---” Virgil denied it. “We have descended to the core.”

“Descent? Did you, Virgil? How could you tell if you were descending when all you did was walked?” The cherub challenged Virgil.

“I--- I shall show you proof.” Virgil called on the orb of his. The orb hovered before Virgil and was posed the question.

“Orb, did we ---” Virgil was cut off.

“I did my analysis and held no conclusion. I have applied all forms of calculation methods including stellar parallax or astronomical unit (AU) with the adjustments of arcseconds ( but it inconclusive as there are no real beginning point. It’s not like we are in the ancient age, when Hipparchus was working out the distance of the Moon.”

“Never mind. I will do my own.” Virgil motioned to the orb to return when the cherub voiced out.

“The elusive one had appeared. Virgil 3.0 was its designation if I recalled. Your fame was observed.” The cherub complimented on the orb. “We would have ---”

“Wait there first. The orb is mine and it mechanical or rather programs are mine. Therefore, the fame of the orb belongs to me.” Virgil defended his creation’s works.

“Noted. You had done more to it without the restraints, making it intelligent to make decision not constraint to the rules of logic. It may not be sanctioned by your peers.” The cherub stated on the make of the orb. “However, it does not belong here. Its entry may not be welcomed.”

“The orb came with me.” Dante cut in. “I will ---”

“Responsible, we are aware. Dante, you are an exception for which was why you had journeyed so deep.” The cherub turned to look at Virgil. “Deep as in relative term of the time Dante is here and not by the steps he took. Distance is inconclusive here but the period of stay may be although it’s not measured by time. You may note that you saw no sun up or down or day to night, but a constant of scene, besides the stench and wailing.”

“Except here.” Virgil reminded the others.  He saw then Dante had approached the pit and was looking at the sinners there. He started with the outermost ring; Caina.



Scene III


In Caina, the sinners were close to the surface of the frozen lake but only the top half of their heads was seen. The rest of the frame from below the mouth to the feet were submerged into the frozen waters. Dante had walked past the seen head piece before curiosity hit him. The eyes of the sinner were shut with the ice forming around it, like hanging icicles off the ceiling and its ears were deformed ravaged by the cold air, that only the stump and part of it flap remained. Dante bent down to touch one on the head. It was cold and slimy to the touch.

“Don’t you dare step on my head?” A sinner called out in anger.

“You can speak?” Dante was surprised that the sinner was able to speak beneath the depth of the pit. “You are beneath the ice.”

“Yes, I am for my mouth is above the ice. It’s obvious for you had heard me but my hearing is out of sync.”

“You’re hearing out may be for your ears ---” Dante hesitated to tell the sinner of the major loss in the ear design. He lied then. “It’s shut there. It may be to protect itself from the ice.”

“Aye, my hearing impaired by it and my sight blurred by the ice. Tell me. Who are you and why are you above me?”

“I am Dante and I am passing here. Tell me your name please, so that I can remember you after I am back to home.”

‘What is there to remember? Who will choose to remember a sinner like me? My name thus mentioned will have others to curse me for eternity. I had taken another life, and knowingly declared now, I held regrets that I will not to know where the one I killed lay reside.”

“Who is him whom you did the foul deed? And to whom is your name so that I can locate whom you killed? It may assist in your repentance.”

“Repentance? How naïve can you be, one who is passing by. Do you see the others here? Do you think they want to be forgiven when they hold no regret to their sin?” The sinner called out. “I killed the one who was to commit treachery on the city we swore to protect. He whom I killed should be somewhere here, his sins outweigh mine. He may be punished in Hell as I am here. My sin is not murdering but killing one of my own line of blood. I held no regret for that for what he was to do, weighed more than mine in sins.”

“Your name, Sire. I will see your name given the credit it deserved. Do you not see the deed of yours may be unjustly set even here in Hell?” Dante spoke out in frustration.

“Does Mordred of King Arthur tales regret his action in challenging Arthur then? He does not for he wanted the realm to know him as the new King and he failed. He is in Hell for his sin but remained unknown. In turn, Mordred was killed not by the King then but by the one who was the King’s champion, and companion. I was alike to that knight who name you may have heard; Sir Lancelot. You knew him as a champion of the realm, and yet he had betrayed Arthur of the love of his Queen.”

“Sir Lancelot was with the Queen while she was wedded to King Arthur. Do you think he want his name called out here? He does not for he does not want the others to know he is here. He who was the hero now lies with villains. Let us not be known and least be seen.”

“You will be forgotten, Sire.” Dante tried to reason with the sinner.

“There are many of them here. Like me, we would not like to be remembered. I will suggest that you take proceed on but do take care not to step on the heads here. We hold that as our last portion as our last bit of dignity here.” The sinner told Dante. The poet and his companion took leave with a heavy heart.

“I don’t understand them. Most of them are heroes; as we have stated that history belonged to the victor. There was many heroes wrongly placed as villains in the annals.” Dante reinstated his stand on them who deserved more than what was served there.

“It may be true but what we had read or heard could be bias. As the victor may write their own history, the truth will be revealed here on judgement day. Maybe, they had their sins which you may not know.” Virgil corrected the other. “We are after all, also the victim here.”

Dante did not reply and walked on followed by Virgil and Cherub. They approached the second ring named Antenora.

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