Saturday, December 11, 2021

Tweet...tweet.... I was out of action ....11/12/21

 Pardon me, readers. I was out of action for the last week or so....namely other matters.

I am back and will resume my postings and writings. 

Lately, someone asked me to look to be an author, and I had not replied. I took up this blog as a pastime a decade ago to amuse a young lady in her teens, who was having some of the usual social issues. I did the simple muse of talking of school life and then from there, I went into my own musing of tales.... in the words of Julie Andrews from Mary Poppins;  In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Mary Poppins: Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious!

Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

It was precociious my writes but it was fun like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 

Mary Poppins: Just a spoon-ful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

It was more than a spoonful since then, and the hours of intense writing can be long but fun most times. I have to thank my wife for her patience while I am writing, even at odd hours, and off days from work. 

Or I may hibernate in the office to do it on weekends. I guess, next to golfing, writing can be considered a widower's fancy. Though I make time on some days with her. 

And with my command of written English, it was gulpful of salts trying to get the correct grammar, although I tried. It was more like in My Fair Lady when I utter;

Eliza Doolittle: The rine in spine sties minely in the pline.

Professor Henry Higgins: [sighs] The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

Eliza Doolittle: Didn’t ah sy that?

Professor Henry Higgins: No, Eliza, you didn’t “sy” that, you didn’t even “say” that. Now every night before you get into bed, where you used to say your prayers, I want you to say “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain” fifty times. You’ll get much further with the Lord if you learn not to offend His ears.

Like Eliza, I am trying... or shall I say, Come on, Dover! Come on, Dover! Move your bloomin’ arse!

I wrote was what was on my mind and never was a plot pre-planned but as the mind flows, the fingers type.  Hence the Mary Poppin's and My Fair Lady's quotes here. 

Anyway, I will try to post as frequent as I could. 

And on my earlier view if I am to be an author, I doubt so. I am just a writer for the fun of it, and having my day of exploring my mind. Maybe when I get older (which I am on the edge towards it) I might consider, and be darned on the grammar and let the reading be fun. 

Here's to Dante.... I will take on you the last last of the tales to complete the whole trilogy. 


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