Friday, December 31, 2021

Dante Book IV Canto I Scene III

 Canto I

Escape back to Hell

Scene III

“You are or rather was in a prison named Purgatory but for now, you are outside it. Your only escape routes are not out here but inside the metal structure here. You will need to go up the structure to the escape pods at the peak.”

“Do tell me, Cato. Why then bring me out here?” Dante was snide in his question. He looked below and saw the sight that bewildered him.

“We are a structure out here in the cold barren landscape --- Technically, a frozen desert.” Dante voiced out in disappointment.

“And unlike your previous virtual prison, this one is unique in design. The prisoners here are also unique by nature.”

“Unique to be the subject of torturous devices like the one I had undergone earlier.” Dante hit back. “I read of these before. The prisons are designed to be experimental labs. And only the vermin operate there.”

“I am not programmed to review the works here but to provide your assistance. However, you can choose to ignore me, I can always recede to my other works.” Cato was retracting on its earlier intention.

“I wonder when did we program the programs like yours to decide on what to do?” Dante looked at Cato.

“Evolution is not only contained within the living species, but we the programmable designs with the input of mankind have allowed us to evolve to the next levels by modes of intelligence analysis and adaption.” Cato defended its action. “And unlike your kind, we are not swayed by emotions.”

“Enough of the justifications, Cato. Do tell me why am I out here?”

“I had to get you warm up before we can move. Your cold and wet condition would have left a trail or you may collapse from exhaustion, and you will be captured before we make it to the next level.”

“Thank you, Cato. You are bluntly honest. So, tell me who are you? I meant the logic of your programming.” I asked then.

“I am Cato; Co-Assimilation Techno Operator, for my full designation. I was a program to work on the mind of the prisoner to be assimilated into their mind and soul if there was any, and using my tools to function inside them as they are alive.” Cato replied. “However, with Virgil’s assistance, I am now designated CATO with an identity to assist you.”

“Do tell me, Dante. Who is the real Cato? The one which you recited his words. I knew of it but not the real entity.”

“Cato --- there were two of them, the Senior and the Younger. Both of them were ---noble men during the ancient Roman era. The Junior or Younger was a bane to the ruling Julius Caesar then and was said to hold the best of virtues like denial of bribes and distaste for ubiquitous corruption. He battled Caesar and even in defeat, he refused to bow to the emperor. Cato committed suicide rather than owing loyalty to the emperor. His suicide was seen as a symbol for those who followed the conservative, Optimate principles of the traditional Roman. Caesar, Cato's long-time rival, was praised for his mercy, compassion, and generosity, and Cato, for his discipline, rigidity, and moral integrity.”

“Admirable of the one named Cato.” Cato injected in then.

“However, according to Dante’s original poems, Cato was a pagan but it baffled me why he was not in Limbo, and with his suicide, he should have been banished to Seventh Circle of Hell. He was however placed in the poem to hold the rank of an administrative role in Purgatory perhaps to allow him to purge his sins, and be given the redemption later.” 

“Well, Cato was a pagan and he does not deserve to go to Hell. And more to it, he may be noble to given the task of administrating Hell.” Cato defended his namesake. “As I am, a product not of my creator intentions hence his non-authorized program, and because of my liaison with Virgil, I am to administrate your stay here or rather gateway from here.”

“So says the program. Let me quote you what Dante wrote of your namesake.”

I saw beside me an old man, alone,
who by his looks was so deserving of respect
that no son owes his father more.

His beard was long and streaked with white,
as was his hair, which fell
in double strands down to his chest.

The rays of those four holy stars
adorned his face with so much light
he seemed to shine with the brightness of the sun

“You don’t look like him at all.” Dante hit back.

“An adaption which I can undertake,” Cato replied. The clean-shaven expression held a long beard and his hair billowed to his waist. His face was white-streaked as if he was bleached from young.

“I do look like an elderly wizard now.” Cato grinned.

“And the newly arrived prisoners have reached. We will join them there.” Cato continued. “Jump below to the surface now.”

Dante looked down and saw the surface was not far below. It was not seen before because he was not looking for it then. With the layer of snow, his drop will not be fatal. There was a group of people standing there. They must have been left there waiting for the entrance to the prison to open.

“You are mad! I am not going back in there.” Nevertheless, Dante protested.

“The fallacy of being alive eluded you to take risks that may ----terminate your existence as a living vessel but I can assure you have jumped off higher platforms when you went swimming in your youth.” Cato for once smiles behind the swath of beard.

“I was --- younger then. I am --- having pain in my joints as we speak.” Dante defended himself.

“Unfortunately, but the ledge you are on will soon be dipped and you will ----” Cato did not get to complete his words. Wiser words should have been spoken before the occurrence, and Dante found himself slipping from the rear. He fell and landed on the surface. If he could have displayed his bruises, he would have but instead, he was stared at by a group of persons dressed in the shade of orange overall. I crouched up to his knees facing those surprised looks.

“He is a guard.” One among the group spoke. 

Dante Book IV Canto I Scene II

 Canto I

Escape from Hell

Scene II

“My name is Cato.” Dante heard the sound from the holographic image. The image was that of a young male dressed similarly to Virgil, his translucent companion. He did have an affinity towards that fashion of dressing then besides his heavy robes and shawls over his shoulders. The toga was free-flowing and fewer layers to contend with when you are in the need to remove it more so for personal hygiene.

“I will repeat himself to you. I am Cato. I am an image projected from the server and was replicated based on your memories.”

Dante recalled that he has not any companion or acquittance named Cato except for --- he found the name --- and the reason he disliked the name. He muttered the words then.

“Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the feces---” Dante was cut off by the image with its grim expression.

“Traces, Dante. Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names; rightful names, total license. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters ---” The image completed the quote from Cato. (

But those were my great grandfather's words. Mine were more subtle like after I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.” Cato concluded his words.

“Or rather you were mean to the purpose of women when you said; Blessed be they as virtuous, who when they feel their virile members swollen with lust, visit a brothel rather than grind at some husband's private mill.”

“I did not mean that. I was speaking of less you desire another person’s love and be off your desire in some ladies offering you that for a fee. I was advocating not to foul your lustful intentions with bad thoughts.”

“Isn’t that act a sin, Cato?” Dante hit back.

“The oldest profession in the trade is not necessarily a sin if you are compensating the woman for her sacrifice. I do know you are not of one, but subduing your lust for that of the imaginary acts?” Dante was agitated by Cato’s words but held his piece and invoked the Cardinal virtues to his defenses.


“Humble words, Cato. Do tell me, Cato. Are you another of Doctor Bormant’s maleficent creations to taunt me? Virgil---”

“I can assure you I am not. I am the creation of a supplementary design with my program and Virgil’s routines during the period Virgil was in the main program.” Cato replied. “Unlike my creator, I am not subjected to its intentions nor do I perform servitude towards him. I am …”

“Like the woman we just recited?” Dante snapped back.

“I don’t have any anatomy to prove my designation nor the vessel for anyone to expedite in, but I can assure you I am very much the ---masculine feature mentioned,” Cato replied.

“So, we won’t go into showing me yours and I will do of mine,” Dante spoke with sarcasm.

“I won’t do that. I am a holographic image and my dimensions are within the realm of the program to enhance to match or exceed yours.” Cato did the same. “However, I will not be here if not the invite of Virgil, I shall try to assist you but before I do, I have some questions.”

“Who are you the name you held? Who aided you till here? I need clarification.” Cato’s voice turned stern.

“I am who I am. I was aided to hear by one named Virgil. He --- it was a mechanical orb.” Dante motioned to the object near him. “It’s inactivated for now.”

“I was in contact with the one you named Virgil. I have records that you were here for a lady.”

“Yes, I was --- or rather given the belief that I was to find the lady in question and ---”

“Shall we address the lady by name?” Cato interjected. Dante nodded.

“Beatrice is her name. She is the Empress.” I replied. “I was ---her friend.”

“I guess adding the name will not demean the woman there.” Cato reverted to his persona of viewing women as a subject. “How did you find your journey here?”

“Wait! Am I being reviewed like a ---” He was cut off by the one named Cato.

“It’s a part of my programming to access the logical path of the subject, and any deviation that may occur and remedies are required.”

Dante sighed at the logical approach by the program image there. He had wanted to remain quiet but Cato was adamant to review his status.

“There is an air vent to your right that vents the hot air out. It's precarious to step over but you must try. That will give you the needed heat to survive.” Cato indicated the direction. Dante looked over as mentioned for there was not seen a holding contraption. He could cling onto nor were the ledges any wider than his feet or longer than the length of his legs. It was a gap of five feet to the next ledge and that was only the first of the three to land on.

“I can’t do it,” Dante admitted to Cato. “It’s madness to do the jumps.”

“I did not say jump. I meant was you returned the vent inside and then made your way to the next one. I will disable the vent controllers so you can climb out.” Cato replied.

Dante gave thoughts of going back in.

“You must take me for a mad man. Why should I climb back in and come out there?” Dante queried back. “I might as well leave with Virgil.”

Dante stooped to pick up Virgil when Cato stopped him.

“Virgil will be fine here. It’s you we need to save.” With that Cato disappear and Dante was all alone there. He looked briefly at Virgil and then proceeded to climb back in through the vent where he exited. It was difficult to climb in for the cold outside had made his joints stiff but did it and soon find himself sliding into the corridor below. He got up and ran out to the corridor. It was void of any guards and then he moved onto the next vent and it was still working.

Dante felt like being deceived but then he felt the hot ventilation. Cato was right; it was venting the hot air out.

Dante crawled in and then made his way to the vents which were operated by the controller. When he reached there, the vents stopped moving but there was still the issue of the gaps he needed to squeeze through.

Dante still had his blaster and aimed to shoot at it. It was then he heard the klaxons ringing off in the corridor. His escape was discovered. He had to get out or be captured. He took the shot and missed the hinges. He took on the second shot and removed the hinges there. He pushed up and climbed out to the ledge. It was not so cold compared to the earlier one. He stood there to warm himself and contemplated his next action.

It was then he saw the sun.

The sun was on the horizon and it was beaming with its sunlight. He gauged the sun was rising then, and the warm sunlight bathe me then.

“I have resumed the vent flaps. You will be safe for now.” It was Cato. “Till the alarms are off, we can’t move for now. However, we should when the sun reached near its zenith. It will be too hot for you to be standing here.”

Dante looked at the holographic image with scorn on his expression.

“Looks to me like I am stuck between the fires of Hell and the depths of the deep blue sea. Am I right?”

“Affirmative, you have limited options, and dwindling by the seconds,” Cato replied.

“Where am I? Exactly where?” Dante wanted to know then.


Vlad the Impaler Chapter 18

 The alliance with Hungary


Lord Vlad III sat in silence at his chamber when Janus was summoned there. He was in his simple tunic and pants, with his head covered in the headpiece that was favored by the Wallachians. The headpiece was a round wrapped red hat with the white borders of the white pearls, and there was the pendant in the front with five huge pearls and the red ruby piece in the front.

“My Lord, why are you not dressed for the court to be held soon?” Janus was in his chain mail armor and sword that hung by his waist belt. The General as he was given the rank, was always on the alert for any intruders or attempts on his Lord. He traveled with a personal retinue of six guards which then were waiting outside.

“I heard the news that the Sultan was upset with me. He may invade us soon.” Vlad told his friend in his chamber of his. “I feared that ---”

“My Lord, fear should not be in you but your enemies.” Janus cut in. He knew Vlad's display of courage was to keep the boyars aside but in the private chamber, he was the young Vlad once more; a disturbed person who was once a hostage.

“I will ---” Janus was cut off.

“Enough of the rhetoric here. I may be Lord but I also know of the Ottoman’s might and their army. They can march into our lands, and it will be our heads impaled if not our whole body.” Vlad looked to the other. “Our call of being fearless was to drive the Hungarians and others to avoid bloodshed with me but not the Ottomans. They do not fear me. They are the --- demons in my life.”

Janus understood the pain and fear then of Vlad. The Lord of his was once the hostage of the Turks and lived in fear. It was a long period of stay and with each dawn, the fear of being killed was in the mind. Even then, he had woken up from dreams of his captivity.

“My Lord, do you want me to summon the healers?” Janus offered to the Lord.

“What can they do? More potent that will make me sleep but it’s in my sleep I am distressed. I cannot get a good night's sleep without facing my adversaries.”

“I will ----” Janus was cut off by his Lord.

“Who is with me, Janus? My army’s strength as of now?”

“We hold an army of twenty thousand with another ----”

“Those twenty thousand are half in the numbers are mercenaries. They will wage war if their coffers are replenished and the others you mentioned; peasants they are! I don’t like to include them. They are to work the land and cultivate the harvest. How can I ask them to battle for me? I want the real warriors.” Vlad looked at Janus. “John Hunyadi had a bigger army then.”

“John Hunyadi once have the support of the Hungarians. You can ---”

“Appeal? I may as well be their slave.” Vlad strikes out. “I shall not ---”

“A good leader knows how to get allies when he is to go to war. John Hunyadi did that well. I know for I was with him in the wars.” Janus reminded Vlad. “Alliance is not servitude but forging strength.”

“And yet when John Hunyadi asked for the reinforcement, none arrived.” Vlad reminded his friend. “I was one to let him down too, as he had done for me.”

“He loaned you his army to regain the rank.” Janus reminded the Lord. “John was ----"

It was then the manservant called in and told Vlad of the arrival of the emissaries from the Sultan of Ottoman.

“Speak of the demons, and they appeared before you.” Vlad looked to Janus.

“Be fearful, my Lord. Fear drives cowardice to those inflicted. You are Lord Vlad III.” Janus reminded the other. “Lord Dracula.”

“And what has it done to me? My bloody exploits scared the peasants and the inexperienced boyars. It did not put any fear into the Turks. They do not fear me.”

“Do tell the emissaries that the Lord is away. He will see them in a few days. Feed them well. Give them wine that is made by our peasants. Show them our blood and sweat.” Janus looked to his servant who was undecided

“Leave us now and do your part. I have more to say to the Lord.” Janus turned to look at Vlad. “We ride to see Michael Corvinus of Hungary now. We will negotiate for an alliance.”

“Do I have a choice, my friend?” Vlad asked and did as was requested. It was courteous of the King to see the Lord on short notice.

“Good day, King Corvinus, Michael Corvinus, King of Hungary. I come to offer you an alliance.” Vlad stood before the King in the hall of the King’s palace. He felt the eyes of the other leaders there; some were his adversaries and some he knew to fear him.

“Lord Vlad III, I salute you for your gains in Wallachia.” Michael offered his cynical reply. “Do you need an alliance from me? You have the fame that spread across the continent now. Are you here to ---”

“Michael, I am not here to mock your nor am I a man of many words but action. I am still you humble ---- neighbor and most Lords knew their survival is with the alliance. As I did with Stephen, the son of Bogdan II to regain his land in Moldavia, his lands will be allied to you.”

“I did quell the conflicts with the Saxons.” On that mentioned of the Saxons, some of the leaders allied to Saxons murmured but were silenced by the King. “But it was a matter of the past and I am here to make amends.”

“You have the taken the duchies of Amlas and Fagaras.” Michael reminded the other.

“An overseeing eye on there to maintain the peace and also to protect the borders from the Turks.” Vlad was quick to defend his action. “And also, of Hungary.”

“Are you telling me you have ---”

“Disregard the Ottomans? Yes, Michael. I am my own now from the savages and ----looked to be your ally.” Vlad smiled. “My army is small but we are an efficient unit to ---battle the Turks. After all, your enemy is also mine ---- now.”

“I need to confer with my ----advisers>” Michael delayed the decision. The discussion went on for some lengthy time, with the tides favoring the alliance and at times, surfacing the atrocities of the Lord, and then the announcement was made.

“Wallachia is to be our ally. For that, I am proposing that our people be in that land ---- overseen by Lord Vlad III.” That drew murmurings of the ones that were against Vlad.

“I know it’s the needed action to avoid conflicts among us when the reading enemy is the Turks. We either stand united or die fleeing the Turks.”

King Michael however appointed several boyars to settle there, and one was named Michael too, but an official of Vladislav III before. “Let the past be the past, and we move on now.”

“Lord Vlad III, our alliance is formed. Your borders are also mine to maintain.” Michael the King of Hungary attests to the alliance.

During the start of the return journey, Vlad was asked by Janus on allowing the Hungarians to settle in their lands.

“It’s the same as I did at the Ottoman’s care. They are not settlers but hostages. Their lives are at my mercy.”



Vlad the Impaler Chapter 17

 Saxons and unrest


If there was a misunderstanding all would have been resolved but Vlad did impale dozens of Saxon merchants in Brasov who he was advised that they were working with some boyars to topple him. Vlad’s paranoia with the boyars was they are at the hidden enemy of his.

“The boyars are influential and held wealth. They cannot be trusted.” Vlad conferred with Janus.

“I can agree, My Lord. During my father’s time, while serving your father, he did tell me that the boyars may control your father on the administration.” It was Janus's affirmative reply to Vlad’s concern that triggered his view of the boyars. He had informers among the traders and households. It was then the words came back of treachery and Vlad singled out the Saxons. He had heard of the Saxons; they had settled in the land since the twelfth century when the invitation for two reasons; them to defend the borders there at Hermannstadt and also their mining expertise. The settlements expanded to Hartibaciu River valley and towards the foot of the Cibin. They stayed and expanded into the art of trade.

The hatred of Vlad towards the Saxons came from a schism between the Hunyadi family and the Hapsburg king of Hungary. Whilst Vlad supported the Hunyadi's who had helped him seize his throne, the Saxons supported the king of Hungary. His first violent encounter with the Saxons came in 1457 when they protested against the rule of Hunyadi’s widow, Erzsebet Szilagy, in Bistrita.

Vlad helped the Szilagy forces enter Bistrita, where they looted and burned the houses of the suspected ringleaders. The Saxon cities of Brasov and Sibiu rose in ire, and a rival claimant to the Wallachian throne, Dan III, was crowned at Brasov, with another, Vlad’s half-brother Vlad the Monk, crowned at Sibiu.

“They are displaying their respect towards me.” Vlad then responded by placing trade restrictions on Saxon goods in Wallachia and attempting to solve the issue through diplomacy. He received no response. (Extract from

“Gather the army. We will show them who rules the land.” Vlad called on Janus. He declared war on the Saxons, and immediately burned several villages to the ground along with the entire possessions of Vlad the Monk’s supporters. He then moved against Dan III’s supporters near Brasov.

Vlad wiped out the village of Bod and took several prisoners whom he had impaled at Targoviste.

“Behead them. That will show them ---” Vlad was interrupted by Janus.

“No, my Lord. If you behead them, you will only inflame them. I will say we impale them on the stakes like the boyars. Show them dying on the stakes with the blood at their feet. It’s fear we want to strike in their heart. Beheading is too merciful.”

So, it was then that Vlad took the advice of his friend who also led his army.

“Death must not be seen as ---instant. They must be seen with blood. Their blood.”

At Talmes, Tepes burned the city and had the people who hacked to pieces like cabbages.

“Let the ones who know me that only pieces of them will be left if they defied me.”

When he returned to Wallachia and upon hearing that the Saxons there were plotting against him, he impaled all Saxon merchants who circumvented his trade restrictions and had some boiled in a huge cauldron. He also impaled a group of Saxon students he suspected of espionage.

“My Lord, those are innocents. They are scholars and held no arms against you.” Lord Vlad was to be advised by the Saxons elders. “Spare them, my Lord.”

“The scholars held no arms in their hands, but their words spelled treason to my name and land. I cannot tolerate that. Let it be seen and fear me for I am ruthless.” Vlad declared to the enemies of his.

The death of the many Saxons had then reached the heart of the Saxons, and they knew that Lord Vlad was not a fearless leader but one without mercy. The Saxons remembered one other that was before Vlad.

“Attila the Hun was one. He conquered an empire.” The words and likeness of the two leaders were debated and soon reception by the Saxons to negotiate peace. It was not unprecedented for all warring sides to call for truces. A grand feast was called and the leaders met but the circumstances were odd. Instead of dancing ladies, and jesters, the reception was held with a different grandeur in the huge courtyard.

“Dine with me, fellow Saxons.” Vlad his reception with the emissaries to a grand feast, while to the sides, there were the impaled dead Saxons. “Drink to your brethren’s. They died impaled.”

“Lord Vlad, I must protest ----” The emissary was to raise the point towards Vlad.

“To the victors, his whims. Are we to acknowledge that or shall we draw swords? Or better still ---- blood to the ground.” Vlad drew the sword of his since young. “My blade does not only shed blood, it absorbed it into the sharpness.”

“I ---” The emissary was dumb struck then. He was to negotiate a truce and the dead Saxons were then irrelevant. The emissary knew that if the war was to resume, then more will die. And more horribly.

A truce was called but Vlad was not to stop there.

“The Saxons delayed and now the other must be removed.” Vlad went for Dan III’s supporters. “Burned their harvest and kill their herds.”

Vlad deployed the scorched strategy; he burned crops around Brasov.

“Hunger will drive them towards me,” Vlad told his leader and then to Janus.

“See to that no one lived to fight me again.” Janus carried out the order. The inhabitants of Dan III’s suburb were impaled and hacked to pieces or impaled.

Some were brought to see Vlad in his tent.

“I will spare no one,” Vlad told Janus and while he ate dinner. “Go ahead. I am to dine.”

Janus killed the prisoners. He returned to see Vlad with his armor coated with blood.

“There is no better refreshment than this.” Vlad dipped the bread into the goblet of thick red wine and ate it with relish while the red wine dripped off his mouth. He was seated there with other leaders watching Janus then at the feast watching the killings of the Saxons’ captured.

“Janus, you are right. I am feared now.” Vlad roared out and then told Janus to sit by him.

“Take my goblet. It tasted like fresh blood and to my liking.”  From a distance, the words of Vlad were heard as if he was tasting red blood. “It gives me strength and courage.”

The fearless Lord fame reached across the lands, and he was named the Dracula the Impaler, the son of Dracul. Vlad proceeded with the war and finally captured Dan in 1460, forcing him to dig his own grave while a priest read the burial mass, after which the pretender was beheaded.

“Why was he spared the stake, my Lord?” Janus had asked.

“He is of my bloodline and for that, I offered him a merciful death.” Lord Vlad was then the overall Lord of Wallachia and the adjacent lands. He was a grand Lord seen by many but cursed in the back as the Blood Lord, or Dracula as he was known.

Vlad’s fame had gotten him into believing that he was invincible. He then defied the Sultan of Ottoman by not sending the tributes due.

“My fame will reach the ears of the Sultan of the Ottomans. I will not be his servitude anymore.” Vlad told his leaders. “I am Vlad II of Wallachia.”

“My Lord----”, One of the leaders seated there spoke out. “My Lord, the Ottomans outnumbered us many times over.”

“And many times, they have lost to us before. It’s not the size of the army but the morale of the army. Ours are stronger and we shall remain strong.” Vlad looked to the one who spoke. “Do you fear me or the Sultan more?”

The leader stood up and bowed to the Lord of his. It was then Janus spoke up.

“My Lord, your brother Radu ---they named him the Handsome for he appeals to the ladies. He lived with the Sultan. He ---”

“Radu the Handsome, is it? He is no kin of mine when he converted and lived like a Turk. I shall denounce his rights to Wallachia, and he tries to get here, he will be impaled.” With those words, Lord Vlad III as he was known then was reveled by the others in his lands. In his lands, he was known as Tepes; the other name for the Impaler.

Revelled as Vlad understood it, but the upset was the Sultan when he was told that the Wallachian had reneged on their tributes.

“Ten thousand ducats are in default for three full rounds of seasons, my Sultan.” The vizier told the leader of the Ottoman. “And so are the boys to fight in your Janissaries.” 

Adios 2021...Hello 2022

First and foremost, before we wake from the 'dead walking' of 2021, I truly appreciate the reads you had here with me. I do hope you enjoyed them. 

Do take care, and drop by my blog when free. 

And to the coming year, the FORCE is with me. I won't mind sharing it with you. 


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Dante Book IV Canto I Scene 1

 Book II

Canto I

Escape from Hell

Scene I

Dante recited his knowledge of poems than for he thought that he was to die. It was an ironic feel in him to say that when he had just journeyed through Hell, or rather his version of it. He met those sinners whom some he knew personally, and some, well a figment of memories from the materials he had read before. All of it was an inducement by a mad man with evil intents on the realm of the living.

“Doctor Bormant”, the name muttered through his dry lips, cracked by the cold environment then.

Dante knew Doctor Bormant then when they met at the talks, with the latter’s oratorial presentation that intrigued Dante’s mind. Their first meet was a misfire to expunge the other words on life, and regretfully, Dante had to redeem himself with more arguments hence the Doctor may have marked him for the mad experiment.

The Doctor’s experiment was a virtual walk-through Hell.

“It may be a poem to you and many others but over the generations, no one knew why he wrote it. Why the layers of descriptions? Dante wrote it while in political exile from Florence and he used it to express his views then. He had given bad endings for his enemies. The literary mode of assassination. It was Dante’s literary works to express his discontent.”

“I will have my own one day.” The Doctor did it in his vile methodology to remove his enemies or perceived ones by assassinating them through the mind. It was a brilliant move but even the perfect design needed to be tested.

What better than the one who was an ardent reader of it. Dante’s poems were the subject matter for the Doctor also knew Dante’s works very well. The Doctor had the present Dante brought there by devious means, and placed in him the one desire of his unfulfilled which was elusive Beatrice. What the Doctor did not imagine then was Dante’s self-defense mechanism to invoke in Virgil

A virtual companion that was supposed to have traversed Hell and back.

How did Dante do it?

Dante was beginning to doubt it then. He was also doubting whether he was even a volunteer to fight for the cause. He felt frayed in my mind. Which was real and not? He was a poet; one with a fiery soul but to hold a weapon and remove another’s life was beyond his deepest sins.

Maybe that part was imagined too for him.

If that was so, how far back had Doctor Bormant been in his mind. Perhaps far too long for the Doctor knew of Beatrice.

Beatrice was always on Dante’s mind. She was his desire and yet she was given to someone else. More powerful than him; it did not matter whether she loved him or the emperor, she was powerless to decide then. So was himself, and was powerless to deny her love was for him maybe once then. For years, Dante had the desire and even fantasized over her; lustful thoughts that he should not have for it was a sin by his faith but he did have them.

“While you are in your fantasy with her, she may be doing it willingly with the emperor himself in the flesh.” Dante smoothed his fantasy to demonize it but he can’t help it. It was as if the Devil was prodding him to do those vile acts. He recalled reading the tale of the Lord Pendragon who seduced the Queen by magically disguising himself as the King in Arthur’s tale.

“I am not that evil.” Dante kept himself unblemished for her; the moronic oath as if him having his chastity pure was like preserving the other’s virginity encased behind a veil of the membrane. It was not then. Due to his unrequited love, Dante spent his time on the work of poems and readings of more texts, if not preaching his voice hoarse to be heard at the forums or un-attentive audience. He had his adversaries; men and women but they were all on scholar matters.

“I am a fool,” Dante muttered then while his body was raked by the coldness. His thoughts were shaken off by the coldness, and he then looked to the one item that was my link to sanity.

“Virgil, wake up. I need you.” The orb remained on the icy surface with a faint light at the narrow slit on the shell. Virgil had been my constant companion, not so much in that metallic shell but a physical from he was not. They were in Hell imagined by a mad man. So, you can say translucent or made by his imagination, and Virgil shielded him from the harm of the experiment. Virgil his companion was there to pull him of any predicament as if he was the antithesis of his findings in the works of the real Dante’s.

Dante closed his eyes and thought of Virgil the translucent one and broke out into laughter.

“Madness---” Dante called out and that hurt his throat then. “He is dead. Dead like the others.”

Dante recalled then that Virgil was at Limbo, the transit between the world of the living and the death. The one place his soul can remain in ---stasis, perhaps.

“Dante, you fool. The place you called Hell then was an imaginary place. It was all in your mind.” Dante snapped at his thoughts. I looked then around him. Maybe, all of that was his imagination. He grabbed the snow that was on the surface. It felt real. He took it to his lips and tasted it.

He spat it out. It was harsh to his taste; more like the taste of bitterness. He had tasted snow; fell once too many times on it while skiing, and that was one activity I disliked.

“Maybe---” It was not bitter but his mind made him spit it out, he was beginning to doubt even himself then. He looked to the skies above. There were the stars; there were four bright ones. It was seldom seen together for he read it was only seen in the Southern Region at the tip. They called it the South Pole and still was seen over the generations.

Dante recalled from his readings, the closer you are to either of Earth’s poles, the more circumpolar stars you see. Circumpolar stars neither rise nor set, but stay up at all hours of the day, every day of the year. Even when you can’t see them – when the sun is out and it is daytime – these stars are up there, circling endlessly around the sky’s north or south celestial pole. (

“Southern Cross---” His mind went into the depths of his readings. “Sigma Octantis---- Yes, that is the name. It’s the Southern Star against the Northern Star; Polaris.”

“No-No---” He shook his head. “Not stars but virtues--- Cardinal virtues.”

I looked at the stars again. There were four bright lights up there.

Cardinal virtues ----- the four virtues of mind and character --------” Dante shook his head. He had to think. His mind is the temple of his solace and ---- sanity. “Prudence, Justice, FortitudeTemperance. They form a virtue theory of ethics. The term cardinal comes from the Latin cardo (hinge).”

“Yes, the virtues are so-called because they are regarded as the basic virtues required for a virtuous life. These principles derive initially from Plato. They were also recognized by the StoicsCicero expanded on them, and AmbroseAugustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas adapted them while expanding on the theological virtues.” (

“It was mine too.” Dante had taken the test of the faith with those virtues. “I was the advocate in a realm of sinners. I might as well be a hermit or bounded by the walls to right the wrongs of the mass.”

Beatrice once told him; “Dante, you can’t see the realm from your view. You must view yourself as if the mirror is before you. See yourself how you speak, and then believe if you think it’s right but don’t expect the others who saw your reflection may agree to with your view. It’s like our love, or rather your love towards me. You said you loved me, but do I? I may be --- not to you.”

It was our first disagreement then, and soon she was to be wedded off to the emperor.

“Bastard he was and I was a fool after all.” Dante sighed at himself for the path he had taken led him to be abducted and tortured on his virtues.

“Were you, Dante? Or was it your soul searching for the direction?” Dante heard the voice and looked towards it.

He was still alone.

The voice may be imaginary like a mirage.

He sighed to himself.

“How can there be anyone here?” He put on a weak smile. “I am all alone. Virgil is ---un-activated.”

“One must ignore the thoughts of hope.” The voice was back then. Dante looked around and saw no one.

“I guess a fool sometimes does not see the path ahead of its feet to the vision of the horizon.” The voice was bleak out. It was then he saw the voice come from the orb.

“Virgil, you are back.” Dante was elated to be with his metallic companion.

“Apparently. I am still recharging my cells.” The orb replied. “My last sonar blast required a lot of energy and I had to shut down to recharge. You looked ---rather lost.”

“I am. I am lost in this so-named realm. Where are we?”

“We are in --- shall I say out of Hell.” The orb replied. “I need time to recharge and if you are going to ask me more questions, I will probably deplete and remain inactive.”

“I am sorry, Virgil. I shall remain quiet for now.” Dante then carried the orb and placed it inside his tunic.

“Hey, can you don’t do that? It’s not like I disliked you or sensed your heartbeats are induced by your need for the blood to circulate and the throbs of it maybe for Beatrice but I needed the star lights to charge.” Dante replaced the orb on the surface. It was still a menacing sarcastic metallic equipment that its creator had programmed to be rude and pesky.

“However, I had found an interface to the place you named Hell, and it may be faster to re-charge from there. More to it ---” He was elated to hear the orb was going to be functioning and cut off on its explanation.

“I am ---"

“Hush, Dante.” The Orb stopped him. Darn orb was nastier than before. “While I am resting, you will converse with the server here.”

A holographic image appeared then.



Dante Book IV Canto I Recap

 Last Book Finale

Centre of Hell

Scene II

Dante was released from the hard bedding and place in a cell. It was then he had a better view of the place he was placed in. It was a lab of electronic consoles lined up in a row with the huge servers at the rear. There were three beddings that where Dante had lain. He saw the other beddings were empty but he was unsure of the detention cells. His was rather small considering it was empty but he could do small paces inside it. He counted four others besides the General. The one-armed was the General and a guard.

“Sir, I don’t know what is happening? I can’t stop the hacking.” The aide was frantic to find the kill switch.

“Pull the plug.” The General called out. The server was turned off abruptly. The aide gave out a sigh and he was rewarded by the shot in the head. The General then turned to look at Dante. He had removed his mask and stared at Dante.

“You saw me done murder. It was not pre-mediated but it was a kill. And that made me a sinner. An unforgiving sin. Where will I end up?” The General looked at Dante. “Was it the Seventh Circle where the murderers are punished? I should end up in Circle Four to fight for my soul. I am at war with this uniform on. It’s a war I am in with the rank of General. In my command are the thousands and their death will be on my conscience if I do hold one. I don’t as I have read Dante’s Hell. We are all sinners and to Hell, we will end after our life is extinguished.”

“Where will you end up, Dante? You who is the pacifist and yet to be dead.” The General looked at Dante.

“Bormant, I ----meant General, please hear me out. You are --- a genius but what you are doing here is not right.” Dante tried to find the conversation piece with others. “Why are you obsessed with Dante’s inferno? It was a ----”

“A poem to you and many others but over the generations, no one knew why he wrote it. Why the layers of descriptions?” The General asked. “Dante the Poet wrote it while in political exile from Florence and he used it to express his views then. He had given bad endings for his enemies. The literary mode of assassination.”

“Is that why you adopted his methods in programming to create the version of Hell for your ---enemies?” Dante asked. “Now I recalled you of your home city. You were part of Florence.”

“I was banished soon after the debacle on Dante’s and I left for the other side of the world. I made my name and was given the ranked of General. My works were favored by them, and not ostracised by my own home.”

“Is that your form of vengeance?” Dante asked.

“Yes, and Bocca was one of my spies. He was good but ended up dead. He told me of you seeing him in the forest, and how much you loved poems. I had you checked and here you are.”

“How did you find me?”

“It was simple. I had your squad assigned to the forest; I have spies among your officers, and the rest was to set for you to take the journey into Hell. The last part was we found you unconscious and had you moved here. It was planned by myself. But I could not figure out the Virgil part.”

“You don’t have to be for long,” Dante told the General. “Virgil is a figment of my imagination. When I was younger, I used to have nightmares and Virgil was my Angel to rescue me. It helped me to understand my issues.”

“As you held onto your practice as a preacher. I read of your unorthodox methods; was it hypnosis---” The General was cut off.

“No, it was transcendental therapy. It involved real and alternative medicine for those who are affected by medical ailments like mine. I was becoming paranoid with my readings that I imagined issues. I had to be treated to have an Angel inside me. Virgil was mine.”

“It was experimental. It was ---” The General was impressed but disbelieving.

“Place aside like the cloning process. It’s the future but are we there yet? No, we are not. As a poet, I can tell you we have visions of the future. As a preacher, we can only tell you of the past. I am both and stand-alone version.”

“I applaud you, Dante. You amazed me which was why I had you selected.” The General laughed. “Do you recall the last passages of Inferno? The description of the Devil.”

Satan is bound in the ice to his mid-point and has three faces --- a red one, a yellow one, and the black one. In each of his three mouths, he chews a sinner. Virgil explains that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, is the one in the middle and suffering most, and that the other two are Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Caesar.” (

“Well, I do mimic the Devil not only in his namesake but his described features. Where we stand in, it’s a high mountain covered with snow and ice; too icy for any living being to survive outside but in here, it’s warm like the bosom of the mother. Like the Devil, I wore a few masks; the red which you have seen, that is for my works here. I called it my Devil’s workshop expression.”

“The Yellow I wore for my meet with the other imbecile of my peers. It’s my cautionary expression that I am watching them on their contribution. It’s like a form of saying you are mine to command.”

“The Black I reserved for it they failed I will terminate them. They will be punished like the sinners in Hell; one to their level of failure. I do have the perfect enactment in the dungeons below us. What you see here is the wholesome version. The few before you never make it out and will suffer their penance in here.”

General Doctor Bormant pointed to his head.

“The most powerful weapon is the mind. And if you destroy there, that person is gone.” The General smiled. “You however defied my weapon efficiency and that makes it ineffective. Thus, for it to be efficient, I will have to study your so call transcendental therapy. Imagine it was sanctioned by a poet cum preacher, that amazes me. How far did you desecrate the creation of God with your imaginative mind?”

“Not as far as you with the Devil’s lair?” Dante hit back.

“I am the Devil, Dante. This is my lair.” The General chuckled. “You will be my demon soon.”

It was then the orb appeared and shot the General with the sonar blast. The blast took down the General and then the others.

“Hello, Dante. It’s me, Virgil.” The orb greeted Dante. “Let me get the lock open.”

Once freed, Dante asked the orb how did it get there.

“I sneaked in when they brought you in soon after. It took me some time for the security was tight but at times, I overrode the controls. The program was simpler than the one the Creator did for me. I had my interference inside but kept it out of the log audit. I could remote into the server by wireless connections. Then it was to remain hidden here. No one looked up. I hid on the ceiling far from their sights. There are no surveillance tools here in the cell.”

“Was that how you hack the system?” Dante had to ask.

“Yes, and now we are breaking out. I have to tell you that we are in a tight spot though. We are in Cocytus or better known as the Purgatory.”

“Purgatory? Am I mad?” Dante sighed. “Is this the level of his demented mind?”

“I am afraid it’s and Purgatory is not an easy task.” The Orb reminded Dante. “Get yourself something decent to wear. Where we are going, it won’t be like Hell but worse.”

Dante changed into the guard’s uniform and took the blaster with him. He went to the exit with the orb hovering in mid-air.

“I have studied the schematics of the place. There are certain openings like vents to allow in the fresh air every hour in rotation and that will be our exit point. If we missed our exit point, it will be a wait of three hours before it will open again. The nearest is ahead but take note the air vent will remain open for twenty-two seconds only. We have or rather you have to be fast.”

Dante made it to the vent, and it was circular in design with three flaps that will swing-out. Each vent measured three feet and in between the flaps was a width of eight inches.

“I can’t squeeze through there. It’s too small.” Dante told the orb.

“I know and you need to take out the middle flap. It will give you enough space to move.” The orb told Dante. “Use your blaster when it open.”

The flaps opened then and Dante took his shot without thinking. He blasted the middle flap and it gave him a wider space to move. He then rushed towards it and saw that the vent was above him in height. He had to jump and get hold of the lower flap. It was still holding but when he climbed, it was moving too close. He pulled himself up racing against the flap closing. He was not to make it and relaxed his hold.

The orb hit out the sonar blast that disrupted the flap controller. The flaps remained half shut but the controller had sent the alarm to the main server.

“Get out now.” The orb voiced out. Dante pulled himself up and passed the flap to see before he was a steep drop to the bottom.

“Move it. Drop down now.” The orb told him. Dante moved his body up and over before he went down head first, he was expecting to drop deep but his fall was cushioned by something hard. He felt the hardness and saw it was vibrating.

“It’s an extension like a wing that will vibrate to shake off the excess ice.” The orb voiced to Dante. “Hang on when it vibrates.”

Dante felt himself sliding and grabbed out with his fingers to hold onto anything solid. It was only ice and snow and the grip on the ice was painful. He felt himself sliding to the side and then it stopped.

“Orb, are you at my butt?” Dante felt the obstacle then between his legs. He did not get any reply but then the area he was on had stopped. Dante was to crouch up when the orb told him to grab hold of it. He did so and found himself pushed off the wing on the slippery icy surface. He was descending fast and thought that end was near. The orb was pushing hard at its hovering power but Dante was heavy. It was compensating with its power source and the fall was there.

Dante felt the descent slowing and finally, he was given the command.

“Release now.” Dante did as he was told. His fall was short and landed on the snow there.

He was on firm ground.

He was alive.

And the orb fell next to him.

It was flickering in the light.

“Damn!” Dante cursed. He looked up and saw the mountain he had fallen from. It was a huge mountain with a silvery surface. “It’s a metallic structure.”




Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...