Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 34



The refugees from the Outposts arrived at the five Trojan worlds on the available ships. They were met by the authorities who offered them the needed assistance. King Priam had formed the committee to address the concerns and listened to the hardships.

“We were overwhelmed by the onslaught. There were the Archaeon, Argos, and Macedonian ships that attacked us before they send in the warriors.” The survival of Outpost Two reported on the attack there. “We have no frigates or destroyers but our stealth fighters went out to meet theirs.”

“My King, we were outnumbered from three to one.” A hundred stealth fighters were positioned at the outpost but they were of the older models and stood no chance against the mass of stealth fighters that came from the combined forces of Archaeon and their allies.

“Our stealth fighters were outdated and some had no missiles affixed to their launchers.” The surviving pilot of the fighter that went out to engage the enemy reported back. “Where are the modifications promised?”

King Priam had wanted to deploy the newer models of the stealth fighters but due to the limited resources, he had the funds channeled to build the new cores to fortify the defenses on the inner ring of worlds. The refurbishment was to take many more years but the incident with Paris escalated the works however it was to be the focus on the inner ring of worlds.

“We were building it but the declaration of war was too quick for us to deploy it.” King Priam had replied.

“My King, is it true that we created the war. I was told that we kidnap a citizen of Sparta and held her here.” The words of the survival of Outpost One resonated towards the King. “We were at peace with the other worlds for a long time. Prosperity and friendship had been established with my peers across the worlds and now we are enemies again with each other.”

King Priam had refused to reply and gathered his leaders to discuss the next action.

“I have initiated the action.” Hector who had returned from Outpost Six told the King. “I have a plan with Queen Belladina of the Thracians. We will attack the Archaeon’s allies.”

“I cannot stop this as I cannot prevent this war now. We will regroup but you can buy us time.” King Priam looked at Hector. “Go with your courage.”

“You are mistaken, my King. I am not joining them. I will coordinate with her while she garners the others at the Frontier to battle back.” Hector reported back. “I …”

“Hector of Troy, you will be the Supreme Leader of the Trojan’s armies including its allies.” King Priam made the announcement. “Now do your worst.”

“I am working on it,” Hector replied.

At that moment, Queen Belladina was in her new destroyer; the New Bitch.. It was previously the Dardanes destroyer which was salvaged and hastily equipped to have it ready for battle.

“Bitch One and Two”, Queen Belladina called on her two destroyers that were in the fore to face the Macedonian fleet of five frigates that was in retreat near the Frontier’s boundary. They had ambushed the fleet hiding the moon and with the hunks of asteroids that blocked the Macedonian scanners. The two destroyers had surprised the Macedonian fleet then of seven frigates; five Macedonian and two Archaeon. The two Archaeon frigates were on the starboard of the Macedonian when it was hit.

“Two frigates down.” The commander of the Bitch One called in while the New Bitch remained behind the moon.

“Good. Pursue them. They will be retreating to the main fleet. I don’t want to meet it but just to know their location.” Queen Belladina communicated it on the comms. “Don’t engage.”

The five frigates of the Macedonian had taken evasive action after the destruction of the other two frigates.

“We got to lead them to the rendezvous point. The fleet will be waiting.” The commander of the Macedonian lead frigate relayed the command. They had planned the trip but it was sprung by the Thracians. “We lost two of our allies and I don’t intend to lose more.”

“Macedonian, we got you in the net.” That was the Argos fleet commander who was in the leading mothership of the Argos fleet with three destroyers and eight frigates. “We got them in the trap. But wait, there are only two destroyers. Our intelligence said that there was the salvaged Dardanes. Where is that?”

“Ignore the Dardanes ship. Tell the fleet to take them out.” That call came from Achilles who was in the vicinity with the Archaeon fleet of the single mothership and ten frigates. That fleet was the Mysian fleet; an independent fleet that came to the call of Achilles.

“We will sail for you only, Achilles.” The Mysian commander told Achilles when he called on them. “We are ready to serve you. I am in your debt.”

 “I was once the ally of the Trojans, and in battle with Achilles, he was wounded. He would have died if not for the kindness of Achilles to spare him and treated his wound.

“Why did you not leave me?” Telephus had asked. “I am your adversary.”

“I am Achilles the warrior, and you are one too. I respect that. Once we were allies and now adversaries. But you don’t like the Trojans.” Achilles had told Telephus. “And your fleet knew of the Frontier well. I may need your help to defeat them.”

“Why would I betray now the Frontier to you?” Telephus asked.

“Troy is doomed, and the Frontier will be the first to go. If you are with me as you once were, you will be spared.” Achilles laid down the outcome.


Telephus took that outcome and hence the Thracians fleet was the first betrayal.

“Queen Belladina, we are under attack.” The commander of Bitch One called out before the destroyer was hit by the missiles. “We are going…”

The same fate awaits the second destroyer. Queen Belladina was to rush in but her aides told her to pull back.

“We are defeated.” The commander of the destroyer went on. “I am initiating self-destruct on the ship. Goodbye, my Queen.”

“No, take us down too. Our controls are out.” The commander of the second destroyer called out. “We can’t be captured.”

“Affirmative, Bitch Two. We will initiate a collision impact. We are united in life and death. Ashes to ashes. With death, we will still remain..”

Four thousand crews; all women perished when the two destroyers collided. It took down one Argos frigate which was near the two destroyer collision.

“Take us to Troy then.” Queen Belladina saw the collision on the huge vid screen. Her emotions held in check from the years of losses that not a tear fell from her eyes. She reached for the right hand of the girl she saved from Outpost Six. “Be brave, Diana. We are not dead yet.”




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