Monday, January 11, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 6

 A Christmas Tale Retold.....


Author's Note:

The title says it all. It's the time of the year to rejoice but do we remember the ones who are alone.





Four young children sit by the open porch in the early evening to catch the first stars to shine on the sky. The open porch they sit on is like many in the home of the lower-middle-income folks, bare of any elaborate furniture sets except for the rickety bench that acts as a seat for the four. The eldest is named Angst, for he is one emotionally driven kid with a fierce temper.  The second in the rank of age is Cherish, a beautiful lass with bright blonde hairs that she has got tied up in two ponytails. The third is Hope, the dark kid with an ever-smiling expression on his face. He also sings well in this house. The last if not youngest is Sadie as she always left out among the four in any conversation or fun. You ought to know by now they are orphans in a children's home. 


And the time of the day is the night before Christmas.


‘I liked the dinner which we just had. It's nice and fulfilling’ said Sadie but no one pays attention to her, as their eyes are riveted to the evening sky. 


‘Angst, is there Santa Claus?’ asked the second youngest, who always looked for the silver lining in every cloud.


‘If there were any, they have gone back with the last of the kids from this home. ‘


Yup, today the home is only occupied by these four kids as the rest are spending it in the temporary foster homes or with families that have come to invite them. The last to leave was Cookie, who is only two years of age. Mrs. Winter asked if the family could take the four kids but they replied their place can only accommodate one kid. So the four kids have left behind always. It wasn’t the families’ faults; it was theirs as the four kids stayed hidden when the potential guardians came for them. They did not want to be separated into different homes for the holidays. They want to be together as it's not the same as celebrating separately.  They may be orphans but they came to stay as one family for over two years now. So they have harbored the love of a real family unit.


‘Oh, Angst. Be merry for once. Tell us if there is a real Santa Claus. We should cherish the thought in our mind as it's Christmas.’ Cherish is the sentimental lady who kept memories of her life than all of them. She still keeps her family photo’s although they all died in the accident leaving her alone.


‘I don’t know. You tell her then.’ Angst was in his bad mood by then. He can’t help it as he felt the world was unkind to him, leaving him without a dad and mum he will never get to see.


‘I would, children.’


The four kids looked up to see Ms. Winter standing over them. She is dressed in her Sunday’s best and ready to go out to celebrate her Christmas.


‘Could I sit down with you all? Here, Sadie. Sit on my lap and I will relate to you the story of Santa Claus.’


‘Aargh, I am going up to sleep. You tell them the tale.’ Angst got up to walk back into the house but it was Sadie who pulled his hand to stay back. If there is one person, Angst will never say ‘no’ to is Sadie. He treats her like his own real born sister.  Angst sat down again and cupped his chin in his hands.


‘Thank you, Angst. Please begin, Ms. Winter. I like to listen to your story.’


So Ms. Winter told them the story of Santa Claus. She told them of his sleigh, the reindeer, the elves, the presents, and of course the chimney. She spoke with so many feelings that even the neighbor dogs came to listen.  By the time she completed her story, it was dark and the stars were upin the sky...


‘Mrs. Winter, you ought to be going. You will be late for your Christmas Dinner.’ Ms. Winter looked at Hope who told her of the time of the evening. She pulled him to her and kissed his cheek, which he immediately rubbed off.  That got Sadie to laugh as she never resisted a kiss from Ms. Winter. So did Angst and Cherish when they heard the laughter from Sadie. It always feels nice to hear Sadie laugh as she is always looking sad. But the sound of the evening was interrupted when the car pulled up outside the house.


‘Oh, my date is here. I ought to be going.’ Ms. Winter stood up and climbed off the porch to walk to the car. She stopped at the car door and looked back at the four children sitting there. She opened the car door and spoke to her date. She then walked back up to the children.


‘Do you know it's rude to keep someone waiting for you?’ The four children looked up to her voice and were puzzled. ‘So are you joining me and Henry for the dinner or you going to sit here till morning comes?’


The four kids beam up into smiles and they got off the bench. Angst was the first to carry Sadie so that she can go down the stairs. Her artificial legs will not allow her to bend over the steps. Hope led Angst by the hand as he made his way down for his sight is disabled. Hope can only guide as her working arm is her right one, where the left has been removed sometime back. Cherish is okay to move by herself as her wheelchair allowed her to rolled down the ramp next to the steps. The four disabled children slowly make their way to the car.  Cherish was carried into the car by Henry and then he packed the wheelchair into the boot.


‘May I asked where we are going, Ms. Winter?’ Hope was ever hopeful to know.


‘I don’t know. Henry is the driver and he did not tell me where we are going either. So I guess we will just enjoy the drive for now.’ Angst was sitting by the window as he enjoys the evening air on his face while Sadie sits on his lap telling him of the scenery they drove by. They saw the Christmas decorations on the homes of the families who are celebrating the festive occasion. They saw the beautiful colors and lights, but Angst can hear the sounds of merriment that sings through the place.


‘We are there, children.’ Everyone got out and Cherish has her wheelchair out too. Angst who is disabled insight asked the first question.


‘Where are we?’ as he held tightly onto Sadie’s hand.


‘I don’t know. But I think it's a spell as Toy-land. Yes, we are in Toy-land. There are toys everywhere. I can see dolls, games and lots of toys. We are really in Toy-land. I can see Santa too. He is standing before me but he is not talking to me.’ It was then Henry switched on the power to the Santa figurine who sings as well as dance.  It seems that Henry is the owner of Toy-land, and he was ever glad to share his Christmas with the new family he is going to adopt soon. And of course with Mrs. Henry in tow.


It was indeed a beautiful Christmas that year for the four children. Angst reached for Mrs. Winter's hand.


'Ms. Winter, I may not be able to see Christmas but I can feel it in me. Thank you.'


'Angst, Christmas is what you feel in you and how you share it. The toys and the food means nothing if you do not have the Christmas feeling inside. Don't ever be despair for the gift in you see more than many others choose to see with their gift of sight. '


And to all of you too. Merry Christmas.




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