Saturday, January 16, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 30



Ares barged into the work area of Hephaestus at the mining planet of the Macedonian’s controlled ones. The other aides in the golden overall were hard at work and did not notice the arrival of the God of War.

“Hephaestus, I want to hear from you why you …” Ares was upset and he got more agitated than at being cut off.

“I had it given to the Trojan to test when they were deploying their new frigates.” Hephaestus sid it out louder than the noise from the metal smelting machines. “I hold…”

“They used it to develop their shields.” Ares roared back.

“How was I to know that it was to be used like that? It was to reinforce their smelting pots.” Hephaestus replied in anger. “I have to admire the Trojans to adapt it.”

“They did and had it added to the core that was powering their shields. They even added that to their cannon properties which gave it more firepower. Do you know it tore through the Archaeon shields?”

“I heard of that. The Archaeon have not improved their shields for some …” Hephaestus replied. “It’s not my working,”

“The Archaeon shields? Yes, they were mine paid for with good credits and resources.” Ares said. “Troy worlds are rich in resources that we need.”

“This is a fact that I am aware of. Do you know why I gave Troy that material? The other worlds have eyed Troy for some time and they needed an excuse to wage war. The only other stopping factor was the Olympians.”  

“The Olympians?” Ares asked.

“Ares, are you naïve in your mind that only acts of war will excite it?” Hephaestus stopped his work and looked at Ares.

“This war was planned by the Olympians. Your own planned this war. It was to take over Troy and then other worlds in turn.”

“We had done that. They are ours to command.” Ares reminded Hephaestus.

“Ours to command but not to own. We are their masters but they are not truly slaves. They are like women, you can enslave them but they have their minds. They will revolt one day. And that day came to the Gods.”

“I am baffled.” Ares approached the other God.

“Let me explain it all. This is not the doing of Zeus but one other named Hera. She had this in mine to remove the worlds one by one and once things were all destroyed, and all the men have perished, the women will take over.”

“You are mad, Hephaestus.” Ares turned his back. He then looked at the machines. “All these works here have eroded your mind.”

“No, it made me think. Every pounding I take on the metal, I make them to my design.” Hephaestus smiled. “I have used the metals to buy me information. Hera had been busy with her scheme. I had to stop it. I gave the metal to Troy on one condition. It was to be defensive and they don’t have it all. I hold the last shipment to prevent them from being all formidable.”

“And the others?” Ares asked.

“They will battle in the war and with their huge fleet they may win some battles but the war will be a stalemate. That will stop Hera’s plan then.”

“But you know Hera as well as myself. She will have her plans and it may disrupt the outcome of the war.” Ares reminded Hephaestus. “I have faced off her many times and most times, I lost.”

“And the few times you win, I will do so. I trap you and Aphrodite.” Hephaestus reminded Ares that he was not perfect.

“Aphrodite and I are the past,” Ares replied. He was upset that one incident had always plagued him. He had mended his action with Aphrodite but it was never the same as before.

“Hephaestus, what if the Gods get involved in the war?”

“Zeus had forbidden it.” Hephaestus reminded Ares.

“And yet you are involved.” Ares mocked the other.

“Before he told us not to so I am safe from his retribution but if you get involved now, you will risk his wrath.” Hephaestus smiled. “You will be caught between Zeus and Hera.”

“Which is not my first and won’t be my last?” Ares smiled.

“Then it’s free for all in the coming war. I guess you have a side to decide for. Or was it to win it all when both are lost.”

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