Friday, January 29, 2021

Arthur II Book 11 Chapter 28




Aubin Knur pulled at the reins of his horse to halt it on its run. He was with the other riders hunting the Anglo Saxons after the victory at Mount Badon. They had joined in the battle from the right flank and swarmed up the hill. The legionnaires were at mid-hill to meet their leader, the Prime. He had fought with First Cohort since the river at Glein. He admired the Prime for his strategy and leadership.

“We have them cornered at the clearing.” It was Boron the Brave who told the Sarmatians leader. Aubin pulled himself higher on the saddle to look at the clearing and saw the group of five there. He looked to the surroundings and saw there were thick trees at the right and left with a small hill behind the clearing.

“Ride with caution, brother. I sensed they are not retreating but lay in wait.” Aubin cautioned the other. He looked to his rear and saw three other riders have joined them.

“We are equal to their numbers. I say we ride.” Boron roared out. He was a great warrior with his scimitar skills but he also held the brash mode of his youth. He held the round shield in his left hand. He has a small curved dagger on his waist.

“Hold your ….” Aubin's words were drowned by the roar of the riders when they rode towards the clearing.

“Fools!” Aubin knew that he had to join in or they may all die there. He had known Boron for many years and does not want to lose his friend that day.

“They are coming!” The call was by one of the five Anglo Saxons there. “We will…”

“Stay your position, idiot. We need to draw them in.” The leader of the five Anglo Saxons called out. He looked to the left and saw the other three hidden there. These two were with pikes and one archer.

Baron was the first to reach the Anglo Saxons. He leaned over and slashed with the scimitar. He cut the Anglo Saxon on the right forearm who had raised the sword to block the scimitar but Boron had twisted his hand and swung the blade on the side. The cut was deep to have the other dropped the sword and Boron rode past before he did a quick turn on the horse. He went back to attack the others on the flank.

“Gather round!” The leader of the other three called on them. “Draw them in!”

That was the signal for the archer at the tree to release the arrow at the Sarmatians. The two pikemen charged out with the long handle pike and stabbed the riders in the chest. Two riders went down on the pikes and the arrow took out one rider in the face.

“It’s a trap!” Boron called out to Aubin who had reached the clearing. Aubin pulled his horse towards the pikemen and slashed with his scimitar. The man with the pike was trying to dislodge the pike and presented the back of his neck to be cut. The pike was a weapon of length and given the proximity of the fight, it was cumbersome and its weight hampered the need to change swings.

Aubin dismounted and faced the other man with the pike. He used his shield to deflect the pike and went in with the scimitar on a wide right swing at the head. The blade cut onto the face side and into the nose. The man dropped the pike and went down on the knees.

“Die you, oaf!” Boron cut the leader of the group across the chest. He turned to Aubin and smiled. “We live another day.”

It was then the archer’s arrow stuck at Boron in the throat. He dropped his scimitar to clutch the throat but he was already gagging in his blood. Aubin turned to the archer who had fled into the tree lines. He then approached Boron.

“Boron, hold on there.” Aubin knew his words were meaningless. The other was dying and reached out to hold Aubin by the arm.

“Is he dead,  Leader Aubin?” Aubin heard the voice of his men who had arrived. He looked up and saw five riders there.

“He is dead. He died…” Aubin could not find the words. He had let the battle there with the Romans for the weight of the coins. He felt remorse then. He could have told them to go back and be farmers or traders but he brought them there. Every battle has taken his friends and he wondered if it was the right move.

“Hello, old warrior. Do you remember me?” Aubin looked and he saw himself no more at the clearing but back when he confronted the Syaitan with Galahad years ago. The same demon headless stood there yet it speaks from its chest although no mouth was seen.

“Your Roman friend and you were the ones responsible for my demise then. It took me years to regain my form and now I am here to kill you.”

“Syaitan, I will kill you as I did then.” Aubin roared out.

“I don’t think it will be that easy. I am now with the one you called a friend. My blood was on the blade you handed to him. He is mine to possess.”

“No!” Aubin called out and found him still cradling the dead Boron, and yet another dead will come soon. He looked to the concerned five riders who stared at him.

“Leader Aubin, you screamed out. Are you fine?”

Aubin lowered the dead friend and walked to his horse. He needed to warn Galahad or take back what he gave. Unseen by the Sarmatians, a solitary figure dressed in white

“Morgan le Fay, what are you doing?’ Morgan looked to her rear and saw Morgause. “You were never the …”

“I was bored. And looking at you exerting your misery upon them, well, it will be fun for me to do my part.” Morgan smiled. She was the silent one and of late, she had watched her sister challenged the others and even the miscreant druid. She was intrigued by the one named Arthur.

Who is he? And the lady Guinevere? Morgan had to seek for herself. She saw the warrior on his horse that fought with Excalibur.

Excalibur? Morgan had never concerned herself with the artifacts. Her pursuit of the dark spells was most appealing till then. She came to the battle, watched it, and then followed it. She tried her spell to conjure the demon that had plagued the mercenary. His reaction was interesting and she wanted to see where it may lead.

“Sister, my conflicts with the ladies are mine alone. I had never wanted to involve you. You left with me from the Lake was on our blood ties but you were never wronged. They can take you back. You were the pure one among us two.”

“I was pure and still am but my purity in my soul is now filled with dark spells. I have learned much and it’s time to explore my might over them.” Morgan Le Fay told her sister.

“Why, Morgan? You …” Morgause looked at them once silent sister.

“Because we are blood ties. And you cannot battle them alone. I will join you now. Together we are stronger.”

That oath was felt by Vivianne in the Lake. She shuddered in fear on the vision. The other ladies rushed to the chamber where Vivianne was.

“We felt it. The vibes are strong.” Nimue voiced out.

“The young one had…” Niniane was cut off.

“It was a matter of time before Morgan Le Fay was to act. She had remained silent but her learning of the dark spells has never declined. She was studying it through the dark corners of the dimensions.” Vivianne said.

“For the two are now together, they are formidable but we can still challenge them. More to it, Arthur holds Excalibur and Lancelot Arondight. Both are powerful artifacts and may challenge the sisters.”

“Two of them are not complete. They may need the third.” Niniane voiced out. “Who may that third be?”

“Stop your idle thoughts, ladies. There will be no third one. We will stop that from happening.” Vivianne knew of the curse of the three and its power.

“Even if that is…” Nymue spoke but was cut off by Vivianne.

“Even if it’s one of us, and …. The druid, we will prevent it.” Vivianne stopped herself from mentioning the name of Merlin. He was a strong candidate for the third witch in the power of three.

“I will destroy him.” Vivianne declared to the ladies. “Now be gone. We have much to do.”

In the hut in the forest, Jaseth latched on the metal greave on his left arm. He had donned the green armor and looked to himself on the broken mirror.

“The armor fits you.” The lady who offered him shelter told him. “Your skills are better.”

Jaseth was practicing with the sword. He felt familiar with it even though he only wielded it a few days ago. He had used it to attack the wooden block where he marked the possible locations of the body parts. He felt for the amulet and knew that his skill came from it.

“You are uncomfortable with the sword. Your weapon was the staff. Maybe this might help you?” The lady handed him the halberd. “It belonged to my old father. He was a warrior once before.”

The halberd was like a pike but instead of a pointed iron head, it was a steel blade there.

“You could swing it like a staff but its blade will cut like the sword.”





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