Sunday, August 9, 2020

Arthur 11 cHAPTER 16



Decurion Percival had his haunting on his mind with witches and demons. He called them that; the minions of Hell. He recalled the one time when he was with the serving another Legion of Rome. He was assigned to check on some villages with the Auxiliaries.  

“The village looked deserted, Leader Aubin,” Percival told the Auxiliaries leader. It was dusk then; they have arrived late after a long ride of three days. Aubin was a formidable fighter and had won the respect of the squad which was a mix of nationalities; five Sarmatians, two Nubians, two Sicilians, and even a Gaul. Aubin was a Sarmartians from Persia.

“Sarmatians, you will take fore. Take five riders with you. Armed yourselves. Be prepared….”

“Yes, Percival.” The Sarmatians warrior replied in unison. Aubin was a veteran of many wars and at his late age, he was still fighting as if he was twenty years ago.

Percival ride ahead with the five others. They have unslung their bow and notched the arrows. He felt the sword at his left side of the belt; the curved scimitar that Aubin had gifted him. His gladius was on the saddle. He reached the wooden gates with the walls that were built to protect the village. The gates were open but there were no sentries. He rode in with the others and saw the village was deserted. The huts were there; the butcher, the grocer, baker, and the stables but the living creatures were not there.

“Percival, there are signs….” Aubin motioned to the piles of bones scattered at the village. “They were fed…on.”

“Syaitan!” The other Persian in the squad who rode in with Percival cursed out. Percival dismounted and then approached the nearby pile of bones. It was not arranged neatly but piled on with no defined design. However, there was no sight of any skulls. He leaned down to examine the bones.

“Watch out!” The warning came too late when Percival felt the impact on his back. He fell forward and into the pile of bones. He rolled to the side on his battle horned instinct but lost his hold on the bow. He rolled on and then crouched up. He saw the other warriors were engaging the enemy.

It was a human or was one with the usual limbs but the figure held four upper limbs and six lower limbs with the frame of the body that reached twice the height of Man. The body frame was covered with the skulls that were implanted on it. It was essentially encased with the skulls like a layer of protection but the skulls were all alive and biting. It was no longer a human but a demon by the looks.

“Drop the bow. Use your swords.” Percival told the warriors when he saw the arrows were ineffective. He drew out the scimitar given to him by Aubin and attacked the skull protected demon. He hit at the left knee to cripple the demon while the others went at it on the chest or upper limbs. He saw then Aubin had charged in with the mount clashing into the demon and toppling it.

The Persian jumped off the horse and swung his scimitar on the face of the demon. He slashed at it cutting at the face and then with one thrust, he had the scimitar into the left eye. He then cut deep down and severed the left side of the jaw before he swung it once more at the neck. There he cut to sever the head.

“It’s still alive,” Aubin called out. The headless demon had retreated and all the skulls on the demons all laughed. “It had cheated death.”

“And it will die.” Percival rushed from behind had charged at the demon. “If the head is not the head, then the heart may be the head.”

Percival had slashed the scimitar across the lower chest. His cut was deep and the demon screamed. He slashed again and again until the demon fell to its knees. He then stepped back and Aubin approached the demon. He raised his scimitar and cut the chest into parts.

“Now it dies.” Aubin voiced out. Galahad had watched the demon twitched and then lay still. It was over.

“Wake, Decurion.” Percival woke up. He must have slept while drinking. He looked up to his fellow rider, Gaheris who had woken him.

“We have words of a coming attack by the barbarians. The Equities are ready. They await your command.”

Percival nodded. He must act his role as the leader.

Warrior and not a drunk with nightmares.

Percival stepped to his mount and stopped. He turned back and saw the familiar face. It was Aubin and he was no older than when they parted.

“Aubin Knur, when did you arrive? I could have had ….”

“There is not much time, Percival. I have come from afar to warn you of the Syaitan. It’s here now.” With that Aubin handed over to Percival the scimitar, he had carried for years. “Use this. It can kill them.”

“Aubin, where…what is this?” Percival held out his arms to hold his friend. “I have still the scimitar you gave me. I will use that. It had killed the demon then.”

“Then let us change swords. You take mine and I will be yours.” Aubin offered the exchange. The scimitars changed hands and then Aubin told Percival of his visit.

“I am here to ride with you. I am with the mercenaries…. The Sarmatians. We will serve your Prime. I will fight with you.” Aubin replied. “But I am older now. I may not fight as good.”

“I…I will see to that later. For now, I have my duty to perform now.” Percival smiled. “We will drink and eat later. And thank you for the gift.”

Words of farewell were spoken and parties parted.

Lady Igraine turned her sight from the pool of water in the shallow bowl placed on the altar that she had constructed with the old oak tree’s trunk. She had placed scented candles and personal items on it. She reached for the bound skin cover hard spine book on the left of the table. She turned the cover which was covered with the human skin and the pages inside were old parchments handled down the generations. It was not a family heirloom but it had changed hands for several centuries but it served one purpose; witches need for spells.

“When would you stop?” It was her lover, Lord Pendragon. “We have been …”

“Leave me, Utter. I am not in the mood to discuss this.” Igraine dismissed the other. “Through it the moments when we need to like the consummation of our desire. I have my needs and once done, it’s placed aside. For now, I need to see my enemies. The ones who sought me at the village where I had remained hidden until then. The Augustus who had me placed on their leash like a dog. And….”

“Enough of your vengeance, my love. We have to ….” Lord Pendragon pleaded with his love. He reached for her to hold her while he kisses her left shoulder. She smelled well from the morning bath and her dress was one of his favorites. The green dress with the off-shoulder cut and the bodice that was laced with the silky laces to hold them bosom up.

“Leave me, Utter. I have much to work on.” Igraine ignored the other and continue with her peruse of the parchments. She soon found her spell and worked on it. It was a spell to call upon the floating spirits in the area. The wall had been the battlefield for years. Lord Pendragon disgusted with the scene had taken leave of her from the chamber.

“Show me you’re …” Lady Igraine was taken aback by the spirit that appeared before her. It was Gorlois, her previous Lord. He was still in his mail suit and held his sword on the right hand leveled at her. He did not look well, with the mail suit cut in places and there were the open wounds on his body but no blood was seen.

“My love Igraine. I am delighted to see you once more.” Lord Gorlois lowered the sword. “It’s nice of you to call upon my soul.”

“I…. I did not. I was ….” Lady Igraine replied with her hands trembling. “I…”

“And you will never know what you will find then.” The image of Gorlois faded and was replaced by another.

“Who are you?” Lady Igraine uttered in shock. “Where is ….”

“I am Lady Morgause. You may have known me as the sister of the Lakes or perhaps Morgan Le Fay.” The image was that of a lady who was young and beautiful in the silken white gown with her braided long hair reaching her lower spine and her feet were bare. “I am known by many names with whom I may have met.”

“Lady Morgan…. Le Fay….” Lady Igraine recalled the name. She was there at the functions held by Lord Gorlois where she was introduced to one named Morgan. She was an exquisite beauty and mingled well with the other nobles. “You ….”

“I am not Morgan but I had seen your post and seen your betrayal of your Lord. Such an adulterous move. What was it that Lord Pendragon held for you that Gorlois was not able to? Was it age? It does not matter much in the realm of consummation. The nobles do that for the strength of the alliance. You were bargained off by your father to the elderly Lord was one example. Yet, you found yourself …”

“Seduced! I was seduced by him. He came disguise…. like…”

“Yet you know and allowed it to prevail. Such a noble act. What did you do next? Had he killed in battle next so that you could move on? Truly the beauty of a lady can be bewitching.” Lady Morgause snapped back. “Look at me. Am I not a beauty? This body has enticed some men to my wishes. If only they have seen my real look, they will flee for the faraway land.”

Lady Morgause reached for her forehead and then peeled the skin there pulling it down to her chest and over her arms to her legs. What she revealed then was another figure; plain and yet beautiful in her looks. She had one a white short gown that reached just above her knees. She looked like a demure young lady standing there,

“This is me, Lady Igraine. I am not that …. appealing but to some I was. So, tell me, Lady Igraine, which are you? The noble lady that holds her Lord’s arm or the scheming vengeful seductress? When you invoke the spell to call on the floating spirits, you may be treading onto the unknown area. Are you ready for it?”

“I … I am.” Lady Igraine acknowledged it. “I am a …”

“A witch nevertheless. As we are the same, we can be friends. After all, I can help you.” Lady Morgause looked at the other. “Your desires may be the same as mine.”

With that, Lady Morgause approached the other lady.  She reached with her right arm to the laces on the bodice on Lady Igraine’s dress. She pulled at the laces and watched it untangled to reveal the cleavage that had enticed many men. Lady Igraine had reached up with her own hands to hold the other’s arm. Her hold was firm and yet it was not pushing the right hand away. She pulled the hand towards her exposed bosom to caress her in full.

“I…” Lady Morgause hushed the other in the lips with her left hand. The index finger of the lady caressed the lips of Lady Igraine.

“Speak no more. Let it be felt the real desire of yours.” Lady Morgause then leaned over and kissed the lady on the lips. “You want me, and so do I.”

The flooring before the altar was their bed for the amorous feels of each other. The scent of the candles accentuated their needs while the floating spirits invoked there; some stayed and some left but with each soul an empty feeling that they had wished they did when they were able to.


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