Friday, August 14, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 59-1



Inside the vast ship named Hades which held the dimension of a huge moon, it held many areas build then but not inhabited. Most of these areas were automated machines that operate the whole of Hades. Over some time, some of these machines have stopped due to decay or obsolescence. These were left there and alternative units took over the process. There were maintenance crews then under the supervision of the so-called ‘Wardens’ but they have been banished or replaced by the new ones by the Devil. The original Wardens went into seclusion or hiding and did not share all their knowledge. Soon the open areas in there became the sanctuary of the escapees of Hades. One of it was where Lance had stood alone on the extended platform looking at the vast numbers that camped there. There were thousands of them there and that was only one of few the huge chambers occupied.

“Ragtag doomed army.” Lucifer had called them. “But they are mine.”

Lance was not concern about the army. He was keen to know of Lambert. “Not your cup of tea huh?” Lance turned to look at the one who spoke. It was his brother, Lambert. He had just met his brother after a long absence. His brother was dressed in the white tunic and dark pants tucked into the high boots. He was armed with a long sword on his waist belt and a dagger tucked into the rear. He had the coiled whip placed around his neck.

“I had seen death here many times.” Lambert smiled. The brothers had hardly spoken since when they first met at Hades. Lambert told Lance of his capture and brought it to Hades.

“The demons that captured me did not think that my life was worth taking as a whole. They had their turns on me with every vile method.” Lambert had explained. “I was tortured to the edge of death and then brought back. They had me killed in my body and then my soul.”

“Is that why you joined Lucifer?”

“I share no bonds with Lucifer but the war has to be fought with him. His demons arranged my escape and brought me here to await the return of their leader.” Lambert defended his ally. “I wish …. my Tonto had seen it like you.”

“Tonto…. Oh, yours. I met him before he died. Or rather my Tonto did. If you had seen them together, you will notice that they are not the same. Mine is a Shaman and yet he was with the Book. He does not believe in this war to fight for Lucifer. To him, all who are in Hades are the damned.”

“Lance, it’s that the damned label that all that belonged to Hades is evil. You have seen now this is not the Hades we were told.” Lambert conferred with Lance and yet he disputed it all. “You have seen the place. We are not in any dimension but in some metallic construct like the train we rode on. Nothing was what we knew.”

“Like the tricks that are said to be played to our mind by the demons.” Lance smiled. “Perhaps we are all in a dream.”

“A dream perhaps to you. As you may know, we do not need to die to go to Hades. Our souls are released upon death and we flowed to here. Here we have judged once again.” Lambert continued. “Some of us get redeemed but some will wait longer.”

“No, it’s not what I …” Lance hit back. “Last few weeks it was all madness.”

“It may be madness to you but not to me or them.” Lambert smiled. “It was to me then. I thought the death will have seen me to Heaven or Hell but been among them, I learned we were all wrong. All that we knew were misconceptions. All living souls are sent here upon their release. The deserving ones will be sent onwards but with the disappearance of Lucifer, not many were sent back. The new leader is retaining them for his army or terminates those who won’t fight for him. He intends to wage a war here but against whom I am not sure.”

“This war must not be allowed,” Lance added in.

“Allowed? I may allow it one it may have served the purpose of my reclaiming the throne.” It was the voice of Lucifer who had spoken from the rear. “Pardon me for I could not resist hearing your words.”

Both Lambert and Lance looked to the figure that will lead them to war. Lucifer stood before them and smiled.

“I was an Angel before. I held inside me some of the empathy.” Lucifer placed his right hand over his heart. “The moment for empathy has to be hidden inside for now. I have a huge army to fight the fake leader. Behold the great army that I have mass.”

From beyond the platform and across the hall, and on the far walls several holograms appeared. There were ten such holograms there. It showed the army there. Every one of the halls there held the thousands. Like the army in the current hall, they were not well armed nor were the weapons they wield effective against the one held by the other demons. Lance had seen the earlier fights when the army of Lucifer raided to release their followers.

“We have to wage the war to end the carnage here. And restore their faith in me.” Lucifer looked at Lance. “For now, I require your help. I brought your weapon.” Lucifer handed over to Lance. It was the Colt Army Model 44. There were two guns in the holster.

“Your design fire six projectiles and the reload packs are on the belts. There are twenty packs there and more in the holding containers. Each projectile contained a potent amount of pure silver…..”

“I know,” Lance replied reluctantly. The war was inevitable.

“I have another gift for you.” It was a two-wheeler codenamed the Chief; the metal two-wheeler sentient minus the sidecar. “It won’t ride like Silver but here it will do. Your goggles are here. Ride carefully.”

Lance leaned down to touch the metal two-wheelers. It still held the two wheels with the metal rims, the iron frame that held it, and spring-loaded leather seats with a set of handlebars on the front. On the iron frame near to the handlebars was the name ‘Chief’

“You will get the chance to ride it like your own horse.” Lambert was given anther similar contraption. Within a short distance of time with the bruises and pains, both the Bernard had it tamed.

“I have a task for Lambert. Do you want to go along?” Soon, Lance was riding it on the first task with Lambert on a similar machine. They were five others on similar contraptions. The seven of them on similar metal wheelers they named it as their ‘rides.’

“We are to hit the holding pens.” They were headed to the prisoners holding pens on the lower levels. On their route, they took to the corridors and passed some of the guards.

The guards were blocking the corridor. There were ten of them and were armed with those multi firing rifles.  They were behind a metal barricade formed across the corridor. Lance did not stop then and charged at them. The ‘Chief” with its high horsepower roared out and then leaped over the barricade. With his instinct drawn from his horse-riding skills, Lance drew his guns and fired at them. He shot them before they could use the rifles. He brought down four of them when the bike touched the corridor. It skidded but Lance twisted his body to shoot at the others. He bright down three more before he kicked himself from the Chief wheeler. He crouched up and shot at the remaining three.

“Your reputation is well earned.” One of the five riders complimented Lance when they pulled up at the barricade. “But we don’t ride that way. It is not a horse and it sure won’t get up on its own.”

Lance looked over to his fallen ‘Chief’ with the engine still throbbing. Lambert laughed when he walked over to right the machine. It was still working but there were some dents on the side. He climbed onto it and roared the engine. Meanwhile, the others have cleared the barricade and grabbed the fallen rifles. Lance declined the weapon when offered to him.

“I got mine here.”

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