leaving then the Research Centre V was not unnoticed. The chimpanzee looked at
the departing cruiser and then climbed down from the high chair to approach the
doctor who was peeking into the micro-telephoto unit studying the intricate
chip. The chimpanzee was ignored by the owner and it stepped out into the
corridor outside. It was then the chimpanzee then saw the approaching gorilla
that led by its new owner.
Astrid. Meet my new servant, Mack.” The technician led the servant to pass
Astrid. The huge ape glared at Astrid when it went by but the later gave out a
sneer which was not well received by the ape. It stopped in its movement of the
four limbs and snarled at the chimpanzee. It also caused the technician to be
jerked on the leash it was holding.
The Technician felt the pull on the leash He turned back to look at the gorilla
and for a moment he was taken in by the image of it stomping his chest with the
huge paws.
I did…” The gorilla heard the owner’s call and proceeded on leaving the
chimpanzee behind it. Astrid then had ignored the newly arrived gorilla and
went on until it reached the door it was looking for. It pushed at the button
situated at its eye level and then strolled in when the door opened. It moved
faster to jump onto the nearby console where another chimpanzee was seated
there reviewing the screen.
Have you seen what you need? Albert, I am talking to
I am still working. The notes just arrived this morning.
Jesty had to find the spare console to send it. Lopez had it encrypted but
Jesty knew the codes.
servants have been studying their owners and some of the elder ones like Astrid
were able to understand the workings of their owners. It was not complete but
adequate for them to work on their skills. Jesty was assigned to work with one
of the doctors. The previously assigned chimpanzee was administered with some
toxins to be admitted for observation. As a result, Jesty was selected. Since
then Albert has been studying on the notes and other acquired notes that Jesty
had brought over.
Work faster. The new gorillas have arrived and they
are not of the column. We need to be careful.
The new gorillas are not my issue. You should have
saved Darko. He was a respected leader of the old.
Darko was wasted but we are almost there. I need
those notes done. Let me take care of the new arrivals. I will call for a meet.
Do that and also tell them to assist Jesty. She
reported that the owner is under scrutiny.
Owner? What is wrong with all of you. They are no
more of our owners. They are our enemies. On Jesty, I knew about that. I have
my other sources to tell me. I will vote on the Pack meeting to call for
action. No one can stop us. Not even the Colonel.
that, Astrid climbed down from the console and then left by the side door. It
stepped into was the personal chamber of Albert’s owner. It stepped over to the
console there; a smaller unit and then typed out the message to call for the
next meet. When that was done, it left by the main exit of the chamber back
into the corridor and to Lanceston lab.
Doctor was still pondering over the machine studying the results generated when
Astrid walked in.
I was looking for you. Don’t wander off without telling me. The authorities are
strict on that now.” The Doctor cautioned the servant. “Now, I need you to get
my notes from the vault. Can you please do that?”
chimpanzee took off on the task without a whimper. It was its duty.
calls can be exhaustive.
wondered why we always end up doing this?” That was the whimpering of one
figure huddled then in the vehicle within the sight on the home of one named
Doctor Miguel Lopez. The figure was dressed in a casual jacket and jeans then
pulled his thin body upright.
are trained officers with the skills to …”
up, Griff. We are trained professionals and this is not part of our work.” The
other figure snapped back. He was also dressed similarly and had hunched his
body to lean on the vehicle side.
Colonel told us to observe and we will do just that.”
was then they saw Doctor Lopez leave his block late morning then. The area there
was quiet with the morning rush over and the inhabitants inside their units to
avoid the bad air outside. The doctor walked from his home at that time to go
take the train like most others but on that day, he did not make it there.
he was walking than on the footpath, he saw an oncoming huge vehicle that was
there to collect the refuge. It was managed by the servant with the chimpanzee
as the driver and three gorillas in assistance. The vehicle stopped next to the
doctor and blocked the view of the other observers. The two Gorilla at the rear
grabbed hold of the doctor by the upper limbs. He was tossed into the truck
rear before he could call out. The third Gorilla ape in the vehicle rear
grabbed hold of the doctor by the head and crushed the face with both paws. It
then shoved the doctor into the refuge thereafter the vehicle moved on. More
collected rubbish was thrown on and then the three Gorillas climbed off at the
next turn to board another similar vehicle driven by their handler. The
gorillas were trained to do that dirty task.
Tony. Did you see the doctor turn off the path?” Griff leaned forward to see
the path that the doctor was to take. The other sat up and looked.
doctor was not there and saw the refuge vehicle turned the corner. He gunned up
the vehicle power and released the brakes. The vehicle lurched on its movement.
the…” Tony cursed and shut down the engine. He stepped out to the rear and saw some
ropes were on the rear tyres and it was secured to the nearby tree. Griff
joined him and cursed. They looked around and saw no one then on the area at
that hour.
are screwed.” Tony cursed. He then rushed out and hailed down a passing vehicle.
He commanded the vehicle and gave chase. He drove around the corner and saw the
column of refuge vehicles in the front. There was not one but three of it, and
then he saw one of them turned off to the right. He gave chase on that one and
stopped it. He stopped his commandeered vehicle to block it.
the vehicle,” Tony called out to the human operator at the wheel flashing the
authority badge. He then approached the three gorillas at the rear. They have
disembarked and were crouched on the street. He shuddered then at their sight
after recalling the riot that happened recently. He could make out one of them
was a silverback and maybe the leader.
down. I need to inspect the …vehicle.” Griff was next to Tony had flashed his
authority badge. “Back off a few feet.”
gorilla complied while Tony looked into the vehicle rear. He saw then was packages
of wastes. It was disgusting and the stench was overbearing. He was not keen to
climb in but he was not sure if that vehicle held the doctor.
I am not even sure he is missing. He could have slipped into the next block. We
are wasting time here.” Tony then walked back to the commandeered vehicle
followed by Griff. “There was a dead servant there. I saw the head.”
new owners do that. They will then report them missing.” Griff replied. “It’s
not our division and I am not keen to compile that report.”
only he knew, the doctor was in the refuge in a mangled form where the five-hundred-pound
pile Gorilla had stomped his body into the refuge before the ape covered it.
Across the city within the Enforcers fortress,
Officer Judd adjusted the new promotion stripes on her overall. She then looked
towards the other officer who was to partner with her.
Stella Juanico, are you ready for the task?” The officer then stood upright and
saluted the three-striped Senior Officer.
Senior Officer Judd. I am ready.”
smiled at her choice of selection. Officer Juanico was a slimmer version but
she had one skill that many of them don’t have. Officer Juanico was a parkour
expert and was the City champion. She could climb and jumped over the obstacles
in the city as if it was a stroll in the park. She also held a vicious streak
towards the servant.
like your attitude. Soon we will be closer than partners.”
Juanico was also a known bitch.
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